Dear Axil, as matter of Pinocchio's syndrome, how not to mention that,
despite what he declared to FL buereau inspector -
he recently stated this:

   -  Andrea Rossi
    May 19th, 2012 at 5:10

   Dear Franco:
   We are working with good stability at 600 Celsius degrees. This, if
   confirmed by the next tests, clearly opens all the possible doors.
   Warm Regards,
   p.s. Today, Saturday May 19th,right now, 6.10 p.m. in *Miami*, I am
   working at *600 Celsius* with the new E-Cat

The only explanation is that Florida Bureau is not aware of the existance
of  the Journal of Nuclear Physics.

H'is really a luky man having his personal Blue Fairy ever-ready to send a
flock of nose resizing  birds.


2012/7/10 Axil Axil <>

> Conspiracy theory
> We have all been studying Rossi like a bug under a microscope since that
> cold dark mid-January winter’s day when he first announced his first public
> demo in 2011.
> We came to recognize his genius, but he had his limits, he had limitations
> on coming up with the physical theory that underlies his reactor.
> He was very smart but his reactor had flaws that he just could not find a
> way to fix.
> To refresh recent history, then came the big test under the knowing eye of
> Fioravanti “the colonel”, a mystery man. It appears that no one has found
> any signs of Domenico Fioravanti existing prior to his appearance at
> Rossi's October 28th show.
> Usually a distinguished engineer and military man would leave some trace
> of his existence behind:  professional organizations, newspaper clippings
> of promotions, something.  Out of the legions that looked, no one has found
> one shred of evidence that this man exists.
> Customer's spokesman, Domenico Fioravanti, retired colonel of the Genio*,
> doesn't tell anything that would be revealing of its identity, but it is
> Rossi himself who gives Focus to something more: «We are building a 130 MW
> thermal plant, made of 13 plants such as the one you saw on October 28th:
> but it's a military research and I can't reveal any further detail, not the
> name, nor the place, nor the nationality of the customer».
> Then all when dark in Rossi world for a long while as the military
> research when on.  But this slipped out…Rossi can’t keep his moth shut.
> Dear Italo R.
> Yes, it is the same: we are still working on it with National Instruments
> and with the Customer. It will take another month before it will be ready.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> Then came the announcement of some astonishing things…unbelievable things,
> the seemingly insolvable stability problems that had plagued Rossi for
> years were now solved; now the Rossi reactor does not even need coolant
> anymore and maintains a rock steady temperature in the air.
> It seemed like Rossi had found some extraterrestrial intelligent, a super
> race had made themselves known to solve his problems and inform this
> theories. Or maybe a gang of time travelers from the next millennium who
> came to visit our reality to give Rossi the answers he desperately needed.
> The progress he made was unnatural; the 1 MW reactor that needed a
> shipping container to package has been downsized from the size it had been
> in the October test to something smaller. No need for a shipping container
> anymore.
> Rossi would not do this miniaturization on his own hook; the downsizing
> had to have come as a strict requirement from the military customer.
> The multiple cores are no more. The one MW reactor is now the size of a
> suitcase containing 100 10 KW cores cigarette pack sized 10KW single
> cores.
> It uses solid state direct heat to electric conversion.
> The core is now solid state like a computer chip and no mention of the
> secret sauce.
> There is now a hydride source of hydrogen.
> Yes Rossi is smart, but now his intellect is expanded beyond all limits if
> he has done all these wonders alone in only ½ year.
> Or he could have had help…lots of help…selfless help. But who could have
> given him all that help and ask for nothing in return except to be kept in
> the deep background away from public view? The mystery builds. Who
> could these selfless benefactors be…
> * *In Mesopotamian mythology , are associated with the divine realm, but
> cannot be considered gods, but primarily, guardians or tutelary spirits of
> places where men should not have access.  It is thought that their
> representation would be worth apotropaic.
> In the most ancient traditions, the jinn were spirits of vanished peoples,
> who acted as night and hid at daybreak.  Other traditions say that they are
> beings of fire.  In all cases these beings with characteristics of elves
> and other mythical beings basic nature, which may, depending on your mood,
> attacking or helping humans.*
> Cheers:   Axil

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