General theory of nuclear excitation by electron transitions

A. Ya. Dzyublik

Phys. Rev. C 88, 054616 – Published 25 November 2013


We described the nuclear excitation by electron transition (NEET) by using
strict collision theory combined with quantum electrodynamics. All stages
of the process are considered, which include ionization of the atom by an
x-ray photon with the formation of the hole in an inner electronic shell,
its decay accompanied by the excitation of the nucleus, and the subsequent
deexcitation of the nucleus. The cross sections for the NEET and
photoabsorption of x rays are calculated near the threshold. We also
analyzed the fine structure of the NEET curve analogous to the extended
x-ray-absorption fine structure, well known in x-ray optics. The results
agree with the findings of Kishimoto et al. [Phys. Rev. C 74, 031301(R)



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