Re: [Vo]:If Lomax can do half of this, kits will not be needed

2009-09-12 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 08:30 PM 9/11/2009, you wrote:

I guess it's better to wait until the coldfusionproject list's
membership builds up (in quantity I mean, it's quite good already in
terms of quality I see) before we shift the technical discussions

I intend to establish some structural stuff for the informal 
association. I will probably also pose some questions that we can 
start to address. But anyone is welcome to start threads there, as 
long as it is about engineering kits or related. I prefer to stay 
away from theory, there, unless it is closely related to kit design. 
What is essential is that the project list remain focused.

A couple points:

- the Galileo Project protocol seems a good basis, I say let's not
bother with a closed cell and associated risks.

I'd still rather keep it on the table. I haven't given all the 
reasons for semi-closed. I.e., routinely closed, but with pressure 
relief. For one thing, I don't want the experimenters to have to keep 
filling the cell with heavy water. On the other hand, I wouldn't rule 
out, either, kits using ordinary water, and I see no reason to seal 
light water cells unless we are using light water as a control or 
variable vs. heavy water, in which case the cells should be otherwise 

- what's the cathode's substrate wire material in the TGP, it's 
silver isn't it?

Yes. They used a platinum anode, which is the single most expensive 
component. Would silver work?

- what's the electrolyte volume in TGP, 25ml right? Why would you want
to make a smaller cell?

Well, the parts list says that 100 g of D2O will do for 2 or 3 cells. 
The protocol talks about adding up to 25 mil per cell of D20, but 
that is in addition to the 10 mg per cell, so it's about 35 mil max.

If we use standard CR-39 chips, as shown (they are clear at the 
beginning, as seen in the photos. They are milky, after electrolysis. 
It's not the solution itself that changes them, a no-electrolysis 
control seems to remain clear. This is good news; we may be able to 
package complete cells and they might have good shelf life. A cell 
with no electrolysis is a nice control for possible radioisotope 
contamination from the cathode or other materials. (However, 
contamination of the palladium in the palladium choloride would not 
show up in quantity until the palladium is plated onto the cathode; 
possibly another test would be some of the palladium choloride 
spooned onto a chip to sit for a time.)

- shouldn't we go for one of the impatient protocols? (producing
pits in days instead of weeks)

Perhaps, speed is desirable. However, reliability is more desirable. 
I certainly don't know anything like enough to decide yet, for myself.

Now that I'm reading the protocol in more detail, I appreciate the 
design and work that was done. The GP, provided as a kit ready to go, 
would be adequate. They say that experimenters should be prepared to 
spend about $700, excluding a power supply, giving enough material 
for two to three cells. Remember, this includes doing all one's own 
CR-39 etching, probably the most hazardous of the procedures. There 
would be value in a simple GP kit, and my guess is that it could be 
offered for less than that and still have room for profit.

Looking at the bill of materials provided with the protocol, I 
estimate $58 as a cell cost. The rest is setup and etching and the 
like. It also looks to me like the cells are about twice as big as 
necessary, unless the anode and cathode must be further apart than 
they would be if the cells were half the size. (i.e., the square 
becomes a 1:2 rectangle). This would use half as much deuterium. If 
we want the same total plating on the cathode, there is no savings on 
the palladium. The single biggest cost with the Galileo design is the 
platinum anode. In prototyping, both cell sizes could be tried, the 
difference would be the concentration of PdCl and LiCl in the 
solution; maybe it would be better to go for less palladium/lithium 
so that the initial concentrations are the same. These are small 
variations that might be significant, but which would easily be 
tested if the effects aren't known.

Re: [Vo]:If Lomax can do half of this, kits will not be needed

2009-09-12 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Looking at the SPAWAR presentation at the Duncan seminar recently, I 
see slides of effects visible from a piezoelectric detector, perhaps 
sound from the mini-explosions that create the melted palladium 
featuress. That is something that might be cheap to do; likewise 
there are the IR emissions, and if there is something in the visible 
or near-IR, I think we have a winner. Anyone know?

Perhaps the CR-39 is a window in the cell, with the cathode 
contacting it directly. Thus, until the CR-39 gets too fogged, if it 
does, we can see the cathode surface directly with little or no 
intervening electrolyte.

What happens if the anode is also silver?

What happens to a cell with modest palladium plating that is 
reversed, i.e., the cathode becomes the anode? If I'm correct, the 
palladium plating dissolves and is deposited on the new cathode. 
However, if the plating flakes off and falls to the bottom of the 
cell, it is lost, I think. Unless the cathode is at the bottom of the 
cell there is an argument for the cathode on the bottom configuration.

Other ideas with the CR-39 window: any cheap electronic radiation 
detectors? We'd be looking for bursts correlated with activity in the 
visible/IR and signals from the piezo detector.

RE: [Vo]:If Lomax can do half of this, kits will not be needed

2009-09-11 Thread Roarty, Francis X
I saw some posts indicating the type of PD and who you purchase it from is very 
important to success. Will the rigidity be maintained through co deposition? As 
to lowering the cost would co-deposition on a Pourous Stainless Steel tube 
still meet the criteria for rigidity? It would still provide the cathode but 
also allow variations for those wanting to disassociate the hydrogen through 
the tubes membrane like a little reactor using a tungsten filament inside. The 
best of Mills and Arata combined?

Re: [Vo]:If Lomax can do half of this, kits will not be needed

2009-09-11 Thread Jed Rothwell

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

I'm getting different reports. Some techniques are obviously 
extremely difficult. Codep doesn't appear to be, the Galileo project 
proved that it was within reach.

I do not know enough about the Galileo project or co-dep to judge, 
but I can see  that the project is not continuing and the number of 
people doing the experiment is not expanding, so by that metric it 
has not succeeded. I do not think the project was intended to give 
people the ability to do this without hands-on training. That was not 
a project goal.

Think of the Galileo project as the first step in an engineering 
journel. What's the next step, Jed?

I wouldn't know about this technique.

I will then call some of these venture capitalists who have been 
hounding me and we'll get you tons of money.

Maybe. Tons of money for what? To develop science fair kits?

No. They want reliable excess heat. They have no use for neutrons, 
kids, or science fairs.

Sure. It is roughly as difficult as building an automobile in 1908, 
just before the Model T went on sale.

I'm going to say, horseshit. I think that if I had the funding 
necessary to build an automobile (analogously to that time), I'd be 
set on these kits.

I suggest you read books about Henry Ford did what Charles E. Taylor 
did. I should get the title of the book I have at home about Taylor. 
It took considerable skill to make your automobile back then, 
especially when you started by making an engine. Of course those 
engines were primitive.

Jed, your account of how difficult it is to replicate cold fusion 
experiments would be true for Fleischmann-type cells, probably, 
though I do assume it is easier now than in 1985-1989! Or 1990, for 
that matter.

You have it backward. Charles Taylor's 1903 engine was easy to make; 
the ones he and the Wrights were making a few years later were much 
harder, but much better. The engines Ford began mass-producing in 
1908 were better still and far beyond the capabilities of a single 
mechanic at a workbench in a bicycle store.

It was easy to do cold fusion experiments in 1989 and it is much 
harder now. Nowadays people know how to do them and there is a long 
checklist of things you must accomplish and verify, so it is hard. In 
1989 it was a shot in the dark that wasn't hard to do, but it usually 
failed. As Ed Storms says it was like randomly selecting pieces of 
gravel from your driveway to look for the semiconductor effect. To 
take an actual similar example from the history of semiconductors:

Shockley was a theoretician, not an experimentalist. One day in 
1940, a scientist named Wooldridge found him fiddling around in the 
lab with a piece of oxidized copper, which 'had apparently been cut 
out of some very old copper back porch screen with very dull 
scissors.' Shockley was trying to position wires so they would barely 
touch the green oxide coating. He hoped to adjust the voltage applied 
to the mesh to control the current flow. In other words, he was 
trying to make a crude transistor. Wooldridge later wrote: 'so here 
he had the three elements of a transistor, these two wires and the 
copper screen. Of course, he was orders of magnitude away from 
anything that would work!'

It was easy to cut some old copper screen with scissors and do a 
rudimentary experiment. It was much harder to make an actual working 
semiconductor 8 years later.

But I'm leaning a bit on He Jing-Tang. He claims that some groups 
have been getting 100%. Okay. How did they do it?

By assembling millions of dollars of equipment and paying experts who 
have decades of experience.

Look, you are right. It's worth billions of dollars at 1W reliable 
output. But  why hasn't this been built, if it is worth so much?

Well I don't know anyone who can make one that works reliably, except 
perhaps Arata and that has not yet been demonstrated. The reason why 
people have not spent the money to make them reliable is because of 
political opposition from academic rivals. Read the Beaudette book. 
Also because it would probably cost $100 million, or maybe $300 
million depending on which expert you ask. IMRA (Toyota) spent tens 
of millions and made significant progress but the data is locked away 
somewhere at Johnson Matthey.

No, I have in mind a total shoestring project, self-funded, bootstrapping.

I do not believe such a thing is possible, because I have seen 
similar attempts fail, and because I do not believe that anyone is 
capable of reducing art to science at this stage of development. But good luck!

It may be that you can pull this off. I cannot judge. I have seen 
many people claim they can do this in the past. They have all 
failed, but that does not mean you will fail. Go ahead and try, and 
more power to you. I suggest you visit experiments.

I'm calling your bluff, Jed, if it's a bluff. Who tried it? What 
happened? Exactly what happened?

RE: [Vo]:If Lomax can do half of this, kits will not be needed

2009-09-11 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 09:29 AM 9/11/2009, you wrote:
I saw some posts indicating the type of PD and who you purchase it 
from is very important to success. Will the rigidity be maintained 
through co deposition? As to lowering the cost would co-deposition 
on a Pourous Stainless Steel tube still meet the criteria for 
rigidity? It would still provide the cathode but also allow 
variations for those wanting to disassociate the hydrogen through 
the tubes membrane like a little reactor using a tungsten filament 
inside. The best of Mills and Arata combined?


Someone correct me if I stick my keyboard in my mouth or my foot in 
my keyboard or something like that.

Palladium fabrication quality is critical for Fleischmann type cells. 
I don't know about purity; some impurities might enhance the effect, 
some might suppress it, I'm sure a lot of work has been done on that.

However, with codeposition, the palladium lattice is manufactured 
inside the cell. I imagine that deposition conditions may affect the 
quality, but codeposition seems to create a fractal surface, it's a 
very different approach.

Substrate for codeposition appears to matter very much. Gold seems to 
be the best? For kit cells we only need a little cathode, it may be a 
piece or coil of gold wire, or perhaps gold foil? Wires and foils can 
be very low weight, especially with gold. I'd been thinking we'd use 
platinum, but silver is also a possibility, I think.

Now, something is hinted at that has been rattling around my brain. 
If a cell is sealed, and we run electrolysis in it, it's dangerous,. 
But that isn't so true if the cell is small, because the whole 
apparatus could be contained inside a box that could contain the 
pieces safely if it blows. So ... what happens if we electrolyze 
heavy water in a closed cell? The pressure of deuterium gas and 
oxygen would build up. How much? What does oxygen do in this 
environment? If the oxygen could be scavenged out (how?), could the 
deuterium pressure go high enough to run an Arata cell? But this gets hairy.

How about a nice, simple codep cell, with materials known to work? To start.

I do have a serious question about sealed vs. open. If we aren't 
worried about calorimetry, we could recombine very simply to keep the 
pressure down. Sealed is nice for lots of reasons, including possible 
helium analysis later. Sealed is a factory cell, ready to go, just 
add current and see what happens.

All ideas are very welcome at this point. Later, those of us who want 
to go ahead and *actually make something* will have to make choices. 
Individuals and small groups may want to pursue various wild ideas, 
but the central project should be very solid. If possible, there 
should be some general agreement from those with experience that the 
cells will work as designed, before they are ever built, which means 
that variations from what is known to work shouldn't be ones expected 
to quash the effect. (I don't think that a cell being small should 
quench it, for example, just lower cost and be safer.) Once we have a 
solid experiment, then all kinds of variations become possible. 

Re: [Vo]:If Lomax can do half of this, kits will not be needed

2009-09-11 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax


At 06:25 PM 9/10/2009, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Why bother selling to people who can't afford it?!? That's nuts. 
Sell to people who are loaded with money and who really, really want 
your product. Every major industrial corporation in the U.S., Japan 
and Europe tunes into LENR-CANR from time to time. Within a few 
months they will download thousands of copies of the NSF/EPRI 
proceedings, for example. They control trillions of dollars in 
capital. If you can convince them this kit you are describing exists 
they will pay any amount of money for it.

Money is not the limiting factor. Credibility is. The resistance to 
new ideas, and the fear of making a fool of oneself is. 
Believability is, and that particular barrier was greatly reduced 
thanks to CBS 60 Minutes. With the kind of kit you describe, these 
barriers would be easily overcome.

It is as if you think you can make a machine that turns lead into 
gold, but you are fretting that people will not have enough money to buy it.

It may be that you can pull this off. I cannot judge. I have seen 
many people claim they can do this in the past. They have all 
failed, but that does not mean you will fail. Go ahead and try, and 
more power to you. I suggest you visit experiments.

Well, it's a chicken and egg problem. I agree with Jed in this sense. 
If we can do this it's all over.

(1) Make a kit that demonstrates low-energy nuclear reactions with 
reliability. Ideally, 100%. But still possible with lower percentages 
under some conditions.

(2) Convince those industrial buyers that it is worth testing.

The problem is that nobody has done the first, to my knowledge. 
Rather, experiments have been done, and an investor has been lured 
into the lab to see it working. And under those conditions, investors 
know, the mine can be salted, deliberately or otherwise. Investors, 
including governments, because of the huge potential returns, have, 
in the past, put in huge sums to develop scaled-up effects. And those 
efforts shut down, because results were not what we expected.

The critics interpret that as meaning there wasn't an effect, but 
that's not how I read it. I read it as a finding that the effect 
couldn't be scaled up for practical use, they realized that it was a 
very difficult problem. Now, it's all insane, because a highly 
speculative concept, from an engineering perspective, hot fusion, has 
received huge long-term investment, but we all know why that 
continues. Hint. It's spelled P O L I T I C S.

Some angel could fund the creation of the kits, and the one putting 
up the money gets to make choices, unless the angel is very unusual. 
Nothing wrong with it. Someone wants to make expensive kits, fine 
with me. Why hasn't it happened, Jed? I have my ideas, actually 
several possibilities, but you have the experience, you could 
probably come up with something more accurate.

But I see a market that, I believe, exists now, it is simply a 
different market. The science-interest market. It's a very small 
market, locally. We are not going to open Home Cold Fusion Depot. 
However, the world is big. One person in a million is a 300-customer 
market in the U.S. alone. That is big enough to support a modest 
company. Very modest, but doable. But, of course, as you note, if 
such a kit exists there would be no problem selling it, once the 
credibility exists, the buyers will exist, including buyers for whom 
price is practically no object.

Sorry, but if someone who is influential has a grandkid who runs one 
of these experiments, because their dad checked it out and it looked 
like fun, there is then a toe in the door, and maybe more than a toe. 
Whom do you trust more, an expert or your kids? You seem to think, 
the expert, but people aren't as stupid as you think. It just looks 
that way when you can't penetrate the noise filters. Those filters 
are necessary, and functional, they just sometimes get too tight, and 
ways around them are needed. Social networking. In fact, social engineering.

The kits may be studied by experts, professionals. I'm sure they will 
be. They are part of the market too. An angel may say, I want the 
experts to see this, and buy those fifty kits or hundreds of kits 
and send them out. But the kits have to exist first, most likely, 
unless there is an angel who is confident in the ability of some 
company to produce the kits. That means confidence in the *process* 
by which the kits will be designed and manufactured.

My sense is that, if cold fusion is real, if the literature isn't 
distorted toward belief, toward creating a false impression that 
these experiments are reproducible, it can be done, and it can be 
done fairly cheaply.

Sure, some experiments require phenomenally expensive equipment, and 
many are so complex that they require high art as well. I wouldn't 
suggest an Iwamura home elemental transmutation kit. But why hasn't 
Iwamura convinced the experts.? It's obvious, Jed. Replication is 

Re: [Vo]:If Lomax can do half of this, kits will not be needed

2009-09-11 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 11:06 AM 9/11/2009, you wrote:

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

I'm getting different reports. Some techniques are obviously 
extremely difficult. Codep doesn't appear to be, the Galileo 
project proved that it was within reach.

I do not know enough about the Galileo project or co-dep to judge, 
but I can see  that the project is not continuing and the number of 
people doing the experiment is not expanding, so by that metric it 
has not succeeded. I do not think the project was intended to give 
people the ability to do this without hands-on training. That was 
not a project goal.

The goal was limited, and Krivit did not continue the project. He ran 
into social obstacles, as has often happened in this field. He writes 
about it, and the experience of the Galileo project is very important to us.

Think of the Galileo project as the first step in an engineering 
journel. What's the next step, Jed?

I wouldn't know about this technique.


I will then call some of these venture capitalists who have been 
hounding me and we'll get you tons of money.

Maybe. Tons of money for what? To develop science fair kits?

No. They want reliable excess heat. They have no use for neutrons, 
kids, or science fairs.

Right. And they want more than a little excess heat. They want to be 
able to brew cups of tea, at least. How do we get there, Jed?

Sure. It is roughly as difficult as building an automobile in 
1908, just before the Model T went on sale.

I'm going to say, horseshit. I think that if I had the funding 
necessary to build an automobile (analogously to that time), I'd be 
set on these kits.

I suggest you read books about Henry Ford did what Charles E. Taylor 
did. I should get the title of the book I have at home about Taylor. 
It took considerable skill to make your automobile back then, 
especially when you started by making an engine. Of course those 
engines were primitive.

Very much. My point.

I'm trying to mass-produce one component for an automobile, one that 
has a value all of its own, satisfying an interest in *science*. Not 
free energy. I'm really still a kid, I have adult ADHD, a 
developmental disorder, it means, basically, that I never grew up.

I think it would be totally neat to run a nuclear reaction on my 
kitchen table. And I know that there are, in fact, millions of people 
like  me. Well, maybe not millions. Hundreds of thousands.

Jed, your account of how difficult it is to replicate cold fusion 
experiments would be true for Fleischmann-type cells, probably, 
though I do assume it is easier now than in 1985-1989! Or 1990, for 
that matter.

You have it backward. Charles Taylor's 1903 engine was easy to make; 
the ones he and the Wrights were making a few years later were much 
harder, but much better. The engines Ford began mass-producing in 
1908 were better still and far beyond the capabilities of a single 
mechanic at a workbench in a bicycle store.

None of these were easy to make. But, I'm sorry, a cold fusion cell, 
a basic codep cell, should be easy to make; if it is not, we've been 
snookered, and I don't think we have.

It was easy to do cold fusion experiments in 1989 and it is much harder now.

No, it is much easier, with codep. With bulk palladium, I'm not going 
to comment. Parts of it are certainly quite difficult.

 Nowadays people know how to do them and there is a long checklist 
of things you must accomplish and verify, so it is hard.

No, that means easy. Especially it means easy when manufacturing 
kits. You can do all those things, with people doing them over and 
over. Doing it the first time for anyone can be hard, quite hard, 
because it's easy to overlook or misinterpret one item that turns out 
to be critical.

 In 1989 it was a shot in the dark that wasn't hard to do, but it 
usually failed. As Ed Storms says it was like randomly selecting 
pieces of gravel from your driveway to look for the semiconductor 
effect. To take an actual similar example from the history of semiconductors:

Yes. Now, how does this apply to codeposition?

Shockley was a theoretician, not an experimentalist. One day in 
1940, a scientist named Wooldridge found him fiddling around in the 
lab with a piece of oxidized copper, which 'had apparently been cut 
out of some very old copper back porch screen with very dull 
scissors.' Shockley was trying to position wires so they would 
barely touch the green oxide coating. He hoped to adjust the voltage 
applied to the mesh to control the current flow. In other words, he 
was trying to make a crude transistor. Wooldridge later wrote: 'so 
here he had the three elements of a transistor, these two wires and 
the copper screen. Of course, he was orders of magnitude away from 
anything that would work!'

It was easy to cut some old copper screen with scissors and do a 
rudimentary experiment. It was much harder to make an actual working 

Re: [Vo]:If Lomax can do half of this, kits will not be needed

2009-09-11 Thread Jed Rothwell

The book about Taylor is:

H. R. DuFour, P. J. Unitt, Charles E. Taylor: 1868 - 1956 Prime Printing 1997

A detailed biography with many illustrations, blueprints facsimile 
copies of letters and so on. The author lectured at a Fernbank 
Science Center series on aviation sponsored by Lockheed Martin.

Appendix C, which is long, describes the author's replication of the 
1903 engine. Taylor himself built a half-scale model in 1937 for an 
exhibition, paid for by Henry Ford.

Taylor also worked for Cal Rogers, the first person to fly across the 
U.S. in one of the most extraordinary sagas of early aviation. He 
flew the Vin Fiz a Wright 1911 Model B now in the Smithsonian. It 
took 49 days. There were 75 stops including 10 or 20 that would now 
be considered crashes. Only a few pieces of the original machine 
reached California, and Rogers spent 3 weeks in the hospital. He was 
killed two months later in another air accident.

People nowadays cannot imagine how hazardous airplanes were in the 
early days. I knew a WWII Japanese pilot who was trained by first 
generation Japanese aviators. They had two different words for 
landing: chakuriku (the conventional word;  Chinese characters 
arriving + ground) and chakuboku (landing in a tree).

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:If Lomax can do half of this, kits will not be needed

2009-09-11 Thread Michel Jullian
2009/9/11 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 At 11:06 AM 9/11/2009, you [Jed] wrote:
 He hoped
 to adjust the voltage applied to the mesh to control the current flow. In
 other words, he was trying to make a crude transistor. Wooldridge later
 wrote: 'so here he had the three elements of a transistor, these two wires
 and the copper screen. Of course, he was orders of magnitude away from
 anything that would work!'

 It was easy to cut some old copper screen with scissors and do a
 rudimentary experiment. It was much harder to make an actual working
 semiconductor 8 years later.

 Sure. But easier to do rudimentary experiments, once it was known what to

You're right, same goes for a Volta pile, and same should go for a
rudimentary CF cell. Let's not give up Abd, we're on the right
(nuclear?) track I think. In any case it's worth trying, it would be
nice to elucidate the exact cause of those CR-39 pits.

I guess it's better to wait until the coldfusionproject list's
membership builds up (in quantity I mean, it's quite good already in
terms of quality I see) before we shift the technical discussions

A couple points:

- the Galileo Project protocol seems a good basis, I say let's not
bother with a closed cell and associated risks.

- what's the cathode's substrate wire material in the TGP, it's silver isn't it?

- what's the electrolyte volume in TGP, 25ml right? Why would you want
to make a smaller cell?

- shouldn't we go for one of the impatient protocols? (producing
pits in days instead of weeks)


Re: [Vo]:If Lomax can do half of this, kits will not be needed

2009-09-10 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 06:25 PM 9/10/2009, you wrote:

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Put it this way: If an amateur could do a cold fusion experiment 
in his spare time, and produce a meaningful or even persuasive 
result, that would be a remarkably easy experiment. . . .

Well, then, we know where we can sell the kit! Jed, I know it's 
difficult, I get it. But, I suspect, it isn't as difficult as you 
think, it is only difficult when you are one person with no 
experience and you try to set it up yourself.

Actually, I do have experience doing cold fusion experiments, albeit 
mainly ones that did not work. But I was reporting what the 
researchers say, not what I say. They say it is difficult and it 
does not work most of the time, for unknown reasons. There are some 
experiments that work very often, or all of the time, such as 
Iwamura's, but these are extremely demanding. That is why they work. 
The people doing them have established elaborate and time consuming 
procedures that must be followed. (You can see from their equipment 
that the experiment is not portable.)

I'm getting different reports. Some techniques are obviously 
extremely difficult. Codep doesn't appear to be, the Galileo project 
proved that it was within reach. Understand that codep hasn't had a 
lot of interest because it may not be scalable. But for our purposes 
it might be fine.

Have any of these people who had such a hard time had a kit to buy 
that had been designed *and tested* by people with the necessary experience?

I do now know anyone capable of designing or testing such a kit. The 
experiment you are thinking of making into a commodity (as it were) 
was taught to others in the Galileo project. The results were mixed.

Yes. And Krivit reported the problems, which were *social* problems, 
Jed. Mized results, I take as good news, you seem to take as bad.

Think of the Galileo project as the first step in an engineering 
journel. What's the next step, Jed?

 I do not know the details but I did not get a sense that it 
reached the point that you could put something in a box, ship it, 
and have the recipient do a meaningful experiment. As far as I 
know, the replications were done by people who got hands on 
training. Steve Krivit would know.

I've read the reports. Now, was the training documented in detail. If 
not, Jed, there is the problem in a nutshell. We are not talking 
something enormously complicated.

If you can accomplish this, and reduce the art to science, you 
should do a more practical experiment such as Arata. I will then 
call some of these venture capitalists who have been hounding me and 
we'll get you tons of money.

Maybe. Tons of money for what? To develop science fair kits? 
Remember, I'm not at all talking about energy generation; we'll be 
lucky, if I'm correct, to even measure much heat. But I don't know 
yet, it is way too early.

Do you really think that building a cold fusion demonstration, say 
a simple codep cell, is as difficult as building an automobile?

Sure. It is roughly as difficult as building an automobile in 1908, 
just before the Model T went on sale.

I'm going to say, horseshit. I think that if I had the funding 
necessary to build an automobile (analogously to that time), I'd be 
set on these kits. There are already people who know the technology, 
we may invent some engineering tricks, but not new science, serious 
new technology -- unless we get really lucky, and the project doesn't 
depend on that.

I'm just talking about taking a known technology -- say codeposition 
cells -- and scaling them down. That makes heat measurement more 
difficult, but it could make other things much easier.

 As I said, building an automobile was a do it yourself project, 
like building a microcomputer in 1975.

I did that. It was easy. Altair 8800. And I kludged a cassette 
interface and it was published in Byte magazine. Two parts: a diode 
and a capacitor, and the wires and a jack to go into the cassette recorder.

 Sears sold instruction books and you could get a lot of the parts 
off the shelf. Skilled mechanics and blacksmiths built their own 
engines, in a couple of months, but I think you could buy 
ready-made engines. Anyway, it took a great deal of skill. I have a 
book describing how Charley Taylor built the first airplane engine 
in 1903, written by a guy I met who replicated the engine using 
period tools, for a museum. It sounds about as difficult as doing a 
cold fusion experiment. The engine worked a lot better than most 
cold fusion experiments, so in that sense it was easier.

Jed, your account of how difficult it is to replicate cold fusion 
experiments would be true for Fleischmann-type cells, probably, 
though I do assume it is easier now than in 1985-1989! Or 1990, for 
that matter.

In the 1920s, Model-T Fords were shipped as unassembled kits, to 
dealers. That's the step you want to leapfrog to.

No. Those were full functioning automobiles, major masses of metal, 