Re: [Vo]:John, William, meet Andrea

2014-09-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
The Rockefellers dumping oil. Oh, the irony!

Along similar lines, here is a 3 minute video of the actor Leonardo
DiCaprio's opening remarks at the 2014 United Nations Climate Summit in New
York City.

He is sincere, and I agree with what he says. He does not put on airs. He
says "I pretend for a living" -- a welcome bit of self depreciation you
seldom see in Hollywood.

The thing is, I feel like grabbing him by the lapels to say: "Things may
not be as bad as you think! There may be a solution! Buck up! Pay

Without cold fusion the situation is dire. With it, all of this angst is
misplaced. All the trillions of dollars to be spent on things like fission
reactors and solar PV are a waste of money. Not to mention the money spent
on oil, and wars over oil, and wars for fresh water. It's like fighting a
war over some trivial issue such as the assassination of an Archduke. (Of
course that wasn't the real reason, but still . . .)

In 1915 there was a grim joke in England. People said: "Have you seen the
headlines? 'Archduke found alive: War a mistake.'" The joke aside, the war
truly was a mistake. Spending trillions of dollars to replace our energy
systems with renewable sources is also a mistake. If people would only pay
attention to experimental evidence they would know that.

- Jed

[Vo]:John, William, meet Andrea

2014-09-25 Thread Terry Blanton
The Rockefellers are dumping oil.