Now that those pesky, annoying trolls have been flushed. oh, better be
careful since my SO is of Scandanavian descent, and just loves the little
buggers.. We can get back to the fun stuff!

New class of electron interactions in quantum systems

and these two statements smacked me upside the head.

"Importantly, by applying a strong magnetic field, the researchers were able
to tune this effect to eliminate the spin-spin interactions while preserving
the orbital-orbital interactions.

"By tuning the effect in two different symmetries of the fundamental state
of the system.we have observed a symmetry crossover identical to those seen
in high-energy physics," says Tettamanzi.

This is kind of interesting as well. but note the wording 'apparent

"The idea here is to create a current flowing through a nanostructure
without applying a voltage between the leads, but by applying varying
potentials at one or more gates of the transistor, in an apparent violation
of Ohm's law."

More information: The paper will be published this week in Physical Review
Letters (online on January 26), but can be viewed online now at arXiv:


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