Re: [Vo]:Observational Evidence for Two Cosmological Predictions Made by Bit-String Physics

2013-02-04 Thread Rich Murray
bit string physics unifies cosmology and all particles since 1962, H.
Pierre Noyes, SLAC 16p full text 2001.03.21 -- actual retrocausality
in quantum reality -- unity of physics, math, infinite awareness: Rich
Murray 2013.02.04

[  A. F. Parker Rhodes published first scheme in January 1962. ]
full text 16 pages  born 1923

[ major player in inventing hydrogen bombs.. ]

Around this time (1972-3), he heard a report from Ted Bastin on his
combinatorial hierarchy work and met with Bastin and his
collaborators: J. C. Amson, C. W. Kilmister, and A. F. Parker Rhodes.
The research conducted during this interaction resulted in the
development of and many papers on finite and discrete physics and
cosmology called bit-string physics.[6]
This work became Noyes’ focus for much of the rest of the century.
His contributions to the new field include:[2]

He showed that show that, thanks to a 1952 paper by Freeman Dyson, the
integer value of ћc/e2 = 137 given by the first three levels of the
combinatorial hierarchy could be given physical interpretation as the
maximum number of electron-positron pairs which could be discussed
within a radius of ћ/2me, using renormalized quantum electrodynamics.

Further, the rest energy of this system (137 x (2mec2)) ≈ mπ could
then suggest that the breakdown of quantum electrodynamics found by
Dyson might be due to the strong interactions mediated by pions.

The same argument extended to the fourth level suggested that the
closure of the scheme at the fourth level, characterized by 2^127,
could be understood as the formation of a black hole with the Planck
mass by that number of baryons of protonic mass concentrated within

Noyes, however, remained profoundly skeptical of these results until a
decade later when David McGoveran showed that the scheme not only
allowed one to derive the Sommerfeld-Dirac formula for the fine
structure spectrum of hydrogen and then to correct the 137
approximation by correctly calculating the next four significant
figures in the inverse fine-structure constant in agreement with

but also to correct the value for Newton's gravitational constant

and compute several other elementary particle coupling constants and
mass ratios.

Work with Michael Manthey led to a cosmological model which predicted
long ago that there was not enough matter to close the universe and
that the ratio of dark matter to baryonic matter is 12.7.

 A consistent scheme developed by Ed Jones (Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratories) also predicted a positive cosmological constant
of the magnitude that was only observed in 2011.[citation needed]

He compiled Selected Papers on Bit-String Physics to serve as an
introduction to this new field.[citation needed]

"From an analysis based on quantum entropy, it is proposed that
quantum measurement is a unitary three-interaction, with no collapse,
no fundamental randomness, and no barrier to backward influence."

Causality, randomness, and related papers
(More BI papers: Theoretical, Experimental)

Understanding Retrocausality - Can a Message Be Sent To the Past?,
Richard Shoup, 2011 [slides-PDF, paper-PDF]

We examine why exactly it is that a message cannot be sent into the
past and received there using quantum physics, yet certain anomalous
correlations can make it appear just that way.

To accomplish this, we must first explore more deeply the usual
concepts of superposition, entanglement, measurement, locality, and

>From these reinterpreted concepts, and through analyses of the usual
forward EPR experimental arrangement and a time-symmetrical backward
version, we can better understand the fundamental inadequacy of the
idea of "causality" (both forward and backward).

We also discuss possible explanations for apparent retrocausal
anomalies such as those of the recent experiments by psychologist
Daryl Bem.

Presented at Quantum Retrocausation: Theory and Experiment, University
of San Diego, June 2011.
To be published in AIP Conference Proceedings for 92nd Meeting of AAAS
Pacific Division,
D. P. Sheehan editor.

Physics without Causality-Theory and Evidence,
Richard Shoup, 2006 [slides-PDF, paper-PDF]

The principle of cause and effect is deeply rooted in human
experience, so much so that it is routinely and tacitly assumed
throughout science, even by scientists working in areas where time
symmetry is theoretically ingrained, as it is in both classical and
quantum physics.

Experiments are said to cause their results, not the other way around.

In this informal paper, we argue that this assumption should be
replaced with a more general notion of mutual influence --
bi-directional relations or constraints on joint values of two or more

>From an analysis based on quantum entropy, it is proposed that quantum
measurement is a 

[Vo]:Observational Evidence for Two Cosmological Predictions Made by Bit-String Physics

2013-02-04 Thread James Bowery
Observational Evidence for Two Cosmological Predictions Made by Bit-String

H. Pierre Noyes
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309


A decade ago bit-string physics predicted that the baryon/photon ratio at
the time of nucleogenesis η = 1/256^4 and that the dark matter/baryonic
matter ratio ΩDM/ΩB = 12.7. Accepting that the normalized Hubble constant
is constrained observationally to lie in the range 0.6 < h0 < 0.8, this
translates into a prediction that 0.325 > ΩM > 0.183. This and a prediction
by E.D.Jones, using a modelindependent argument and ideas with which
bit-string physics is not inconsistent, that the cosmological constant ΩΛ =
0.6 ± 0.1 are in reasonable agreement with recent cosmological
observations, including the BOOMERANG data.