Re: [Vo]:Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against Joshua Cude ?

2011-07-01 Thread Rich Murray
Hello Abd,

I wanted to offer more re the most important part of your post here yesterday:

I just finished the Landmark Education Advanced Course, and one of
the Landmark distinctions is Life is empty and meaningless and it
is empty and meaningless that life is empty and meaningless. Yet
what happened is real, it is only our *interpretations* of what
happened that leave behind reality. When they say that life is empty
and meaningless, they are not claiming that this is true, but that
it is useful as a distinction that allows us to leave behind the
traps of belief in assumed or created meaning.

This is not mere philosophy in Landmark, it's demonstrated and
observed and learned as a functional distinction that is liberating.

Landmark is considered by some to be a cult. It's been fascinating
for me to explore this, I can easily understand why some would think

Rich, someone we both know very well has long been involved with
Landmark. Were you ever invited to check it out? If so, what

It sounds like you have been quickly guided into direct experience
within ordinary identity awareness into the enlightment level of
emptiness as aware presence -- the pearl of great price, waiting to
be found within the empty field, as Jesus of Nazarus put it.

The first daily lesson of A Course In Miracles, dictated by Jesus,
starting in October, 1965, Nothing I see (perceive, feel, sense,
recall, think, imagine) means anything.
free info on all aspects of this level of exploration of experience

What is, surely, is ising, so I sing

Each of us is already always all ways single entire unified creative
fractal hyperinfinity

So, to each and all, I sing

I accept all of your power
I let you all the way in
to share spontaneously at every level and aspect
for fun and the best service of all
open to inspiration and guidance
forgiving and leaving behind all previous notions...

The fundamental practice of Buddhism is to cultivate awareness that
experience is
1. always changing, with no fundamental causality (codependent coorigination)
2. unable to satisfy
3. unable to confirm the actual existence of any individual self
within person, place, process, anything

Miracles magically saturate both ordinary and scientific processes

In mutual service,  Rich

Re: [Vo]:Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against Joshua Cude ?

2011-07-01 Thread Rich Murray

for free access to entire manuscript and adroit commentaries
Course In Miracles Society

[Vo]:Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against Joshua Cude ?

2011-06-30 Thread Rich Murray
Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against
Joshua Cude ?

Jed said to Joshua:

So you will stick to the Krivit demo and ignore the others. You look
at one piece of data at a time while ignoring other pieces. That is a
common technique used by people who are determined to deny reality.

Rich: This is denigrating Joshua.

On June 23 -- I believe Jed later admitted to getting too heated:

You can nitpick Rossi. Anyone can. But you cannot find an error in
any mainstream scientific paper. You never have, you never will. You
are a faker. A pseudo-skeptic true believer! You think the laws of
thermodynamics are wrong, but you have no reason. You think you can
compare a Loch Ness photo to SRI calorimetry and that's a valid
argument. You don't get a free pass. Anyone can see you have zero

I am sick of your puerile nonsense. I will not respond to you again.
If you ever have the guts to write a real paper, let us know.

Abd, June 22,  talking about Joshua, actually is pretty skeptical
about the Rossi claims:

The Krivit video does not show the steam production rate, that's the
problem. It shows what's left after the steam runs through three
meters of rubber hose. We know that steam will condense in this hose,
and some estimates have been made of how much. It's quite enough to
explain that weak showing. All this means is that the demo is a piece
of crap. It would only convince someone who is inclined to believe.

It is not in any way proof that the E-Cat is *not* producing excess
power. That conclusion would only come from someone who is inclined to

My sense, from the weak steam coming out of the end, is that what
seems to be marginal at the end is an indication that more power is
being generated than the input electrical power, but I'd not want to
claim that this demo shows that, it's way too shaky.

The sad thing about this is that a convincing demo -- absent true and
serious fraud -- could be easily done. I've pointed out many times
that there is no way, with a demo controlled by the inventor or close
allies of the inventor, to rule out a sophisticated fraud. But the
demo Krivit video'd, that isn't a sophisticated fraud, it's an
obviously deficient demo! If Rossi were interested in fooling people,
he could manage much better than this!

Look, Rossi, attacking Krivit, looks like a complete nut case. Jed
excuses this as an idiosyncracy of an inventor. Maybe. I'm skeptical.
I suspect that Rossi is smarter than that, that he knows how he looks
and is deliberately creating the impressions that he's creating. I can
think of a number of reasons for this, both psychological and
practical or economic.

And, of course, none of this helps us to actually know how much power
this kitten is producing. Kullander and Essen did see a more
convincing demo, and apparently did see (directly) the quality of the
steam, at least at one point. Unfortunately, their report doesn't
allow us to rule out that significant water may have been flowing out
the outlet tube, consider the possibility that their inspection of
this tube was controlled precisely how Rossi controlled it with
Krivit. Measuring steam quality with their meter, even if it actually
worked for that purpose, would not rule out this water flow problem.

I love it, in a way. The situation causes many observers to reveal
their biases, by how they respond. However, I'll caution myself that
Rothwell, for example, does claim to have private information that he
trusts, and private information can create an appearance of bias.

Still, Jed's attachment to the expert testimony here is not a good
sign, I urge him to quickly climb down from that! The sooner the

It's fascinating to me that the Levi paper included detailed
information about the calibration of the fundamentally irrelevant
radiation measurements, and nothing, in fact, on the steam quality
measurements. The results of those measurements was not even reported,
it was merely *implied* that the issue was addressed.

And then everone is falling all over themselves over whether the
non-reported measurements were based on mass or volume! It would be
like arguing over the result of zero divided by zero. Hey! my result
checks correctly and perfectly, therefore your different result is

Rich: So I couldn't manage to find any quotes by Abd that were Ad
Psdudonym against Joshua, so I retract that claim and regret my error
and remind myself how very easy it is to shift into criticizing and
judging our fellows... I like his humorous, wry appreciation of how we
all get tangled up in the Rossi web.

In mutual service, Rich

Re: [Vo]:Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against Joshua Cude ?

2011-06-30 Thread Joshua Cude
On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 1:40 AM, Rich Murray wrote:

 Rich: So I couldn't manage to find any quotes by Abd that were Ad
 Psdudonym against Joshua, so I retract that claim and regret my error
 and remind myself how very easy it is to shift into criticizing and
 judging our fellows... I like his humorous, wry appreciation of how we
 all get tangled up in the Rossi web.

Lomax hasn't called me anything worse than a liar and a pseudo-skeptic, and
I think he'd argue those were supportable labels. Water off a duck...

I've called him a CF advocate, and a pathological believer, and probably
dishonest too, and I'd argue they are supportable too.

No harm either way, as far as I can see. It adds a little color to some
pretty dull gibberish.

Re: [Vo]:Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against Joshua Cude ?

2011-06-30 Thread Rich Murray
I was concerned there might be a group think dynamic of applying
dismissive labels to Joshua Cude to establish a group social norm of
just dismissing an extremely capable person who brings unusual clarity
and celerity of thought to our table...

[Vo]:Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against Joshua Cude ?

2011-06-30 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 02:40 AM 6/30/2011, Rich Murray wrote:

Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against
Joshua Cude ?

Rich: So I couldn't manage to find any quotes by Abd that were Ad
Psdudonym against Joshua, so I retract that claim and regret my error
and remind myself how very easy it is to shift into criticizing and
judging our fellows... I like his humorous, wry appreciation of how we
all get tangled up in the Rossi web.

Thanks, Rich. My operating position has become that the public 
information does not allow us to come to clear conclusions about the 
Rossi claims. If I'm correct, then those who do, in fact, make claims 
of clear conclusion, either way, are merely displaying bias. It 
shouldn't be suprising, bias is normal for human beings. We tend to 
see what we want to see, and it's a constant effort for anyone 
interested in science to overcome this, and we fail, often.

I've come to a hypothesis regarding how the Rossi excess heat results 
-- in the public demos -- could be *very* incorrect, but that 
hypothesis has not been tested, even though it would be easy to test, 
should Rossi care to clear this up.

Jed is aware that there are problems with the demos, and that Rossi 
has effectively refused to address them. Krivit's latest report seems 
sober to me (somewhat to my surprise), what I see is that Krivit 
reported what has been called gossip, without fixing or claiming 
some conclusion from that. The gossip addresses reasons to suspect 
Rossi, on character grounds. That human interest is actually 
important, for much depends, here, on our judgment of the character 
of the claimant and his associates.

In the end, though, Rossi is correct in that if he succeeds with the 
Defkalion demo, it's all moot. I've mentioned that there may be both 
psychological and economic reasons for Rossi's apparent con game 
character here.

Consider this: Rossi was heavily attacked, prosecuted, and even 
jailed for alleged fraud or illegal activity. It would be a device to 
recover from that, to create an impression of a repeat, to make his 
behavior seem really, really fishy, and then pull the sheet off the 
hidden proof, vindicating himself. If he's playing that game, he 
loves it when he's attacked, because he believes that all these 
attacks will look like idiocy, later. Of course, this is unfair, 
because he's creating the appearance that attracts those attacks. 
But people are perfectly capable of thinking and acting like this. In 
a sense, he's attempting to vindicate himself, because if it is 
revealed that his appearance of fraud now was an illusion, it will 
carry with it, by association, his past. Perhaps his intentions were 
good then, too. Perhaps the old allegations were also false. Perhaps 
his factory fire was truly an accident. Etc.

Joshua has played a useful role in the discussions on the Vortex 
list. I'm hoping that there will be further cooperation, in exploring 
what is behind the overall cold fusion controversy. I have, in the 
past, excoriated Joshua for pseudoskepticism combined with anonymity. 
I'm not going to belabor whether or not that was justified, but I'd 
urge him to abandon the anonymity, if possible. There is nothing 
shameful about real skepticism.

I am aware, though, of a certain risk to him if he does so. I've had 
correspondence with some skeptics who are afraid of retaliation from 
*other skeptics,* for even giving cold fusion the time of day. It was 
something like if it became known that I debated cold fusion, my 
career would be over. Which I find fascinating as a window into the 
oppressive character of orthodoxy. If that kind of pressure exists, 
much is explained.

I've encountered a taste of this, myself, where a long-time colleague 
went ballistic over my mention that cold fusion might be real. The 
man had no knowledge or understanding of the research work that has 
led me to that possibility, all he knew was theory. (He's a 
mathematician, who has some substantial knowledge of quantum 
mechanics.) It seemed impossible to penetrate his firm conviction. He 
believed I'd been conned. When I mentioned that I'd put thousands of 
dollars into cold fusion kits, he assumed that I'd bought kits from 
some fraudster, he clearly believes that anyone involved with cold 
fusion is either massively deluded or a con artist. When I explained 
that, no, I was making kits for sale, to replicate a published 
experiment, he advised me, firmly, to get my money back, as much as 
possible, by selling the materials and equipment, since there could 
be no possible value to actually experimenting with this. A mutual 
friend, a close associate of the mathematician, who became privy to 
the correspondence, could see what was going on and tried to mediate, 
to no avail. I was consigned, by this long-time friend, to the outer 
darkness, and there were consequences within the organization where 
we had cooperated.

His kind of science is cargo cult science, where belief 

Re: [Vo]:Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against Joshua Cude ?

2011-06-30 Thread Jouni Valkonen
Abd wrote: My operating position has become that the public information
does not allow us to come to clear conclusions about the Rossi claims. If
I'm correct, then those who do, in fact, make claims of clear conclusion,
either way, are merely displaying bias. It shouldn't be suprising, bias is
normal for human beings. We tend to see what we want to see, and it's a
constant effort for anyone interested in science to overcome this, and we
fail, often.

This is the very point of whole discussion. Besides Levi's private 18 hour
test, there is absolutely not even a single one valid test made. Therefore
we can only trust or distrust Rossi as a person. It is just plain
foolishness to suggest that Rossi is incompetent to make appropriate
measurements that can be done with high school chemistry skills. If Rossi is
malicious as a person, there are better and easier ways to fake results,
e.g. cleverly placed heating element near thermometer sensor renders all
calculations meaningless.


Re: [Vo]:Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against Joshua Cude ?

2011-06-30 Thread Rich Murray
!!! Abd,

I enjoyed the clarity, flow, eloquence, dignity, and reasonableness of
your sharing.

You cast a net that readily includes me and Joshua Cude.

Again, I submit that the many setups that report transmutations and
isotopic shifts are the easiest and swiftest routes to repeatable runs
that generate samples that can be precisely examined in the micro to
nano region by competent labs forever -- hopefully, many samples have
been archived since 1989 and from previous anomaly reports.

One barrier is cost.  But in our world hundreds of thousands of people
are showing interest this year in LENR -- couldn't a wiki group be
evolved to sell stock as a reasonable profit public service
corporation to specifically finance accurate testing of samples with
complete open to the public real-time access to all aspects of daily
operations, including a searchable archive of all public comments? I
have a brilliant friend who already owns a scanning electron
microscope and has his own supercomputer, made of 23 wirelessly
networked computers. Probably, certain venture capitalists would be
willing to help launch this.

Within a month, samples from a few setups can be tested -- Rossi,
Dash, SPAWAR, your DPd electrolysis runs, milk tree corrosion in
high density polyethylene high voltage runs -- verified anomalies
would generate specific data for theorizing, and galvanize science
exponentially.  Sell books, videos, and feature length films to expand

How can ownership and patent rights be protected for the world public good?

I think his friends should explain to Rossi that he has to immediately
verify dry steam output in one of his cells.  Whether or not the
excess heat claim fails, the possibility of transmutations can be
quickly explored -- after all, what time and cost does it take to run
a few expert micro and nano measures?

I went to a few Landmark events with our wonderful friend in early
1995, and thought they were a typical cult group think process, like
Mormon Church, early Christian Science, Arica Training, Da Free John,
TM, Andrew Cohen, Scientology, blue green algae, Atkins Diet, Gary
Renard, Endeavor Academy in Wisconsin, early Naropa Institute,
Rajneesh,  Muktananda, Babaji, Dahn Yoga -- as unpredictably dangerous
and beneficial as anything else in actual life -- no way I would
devote my limited funds -- my experience is that such groups always
expel me fairly quickly -- so for decades I just visit and run -- EST
evolved into The Forum evolved into Landmark -- exponential multilevel
schemes are a fatal symptom -- if not democratic without secrets, I
would never join -- I am keenly interested in how you apply it.

In mutual service, Rich

Re: [Vo]:Re: Ad Hominem against Joshua Cude, or is that Ad Pseudonym against Joshua Cude ?

2011-06-30 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 03:44 AM 6/30/2011, Joshua Cude wrote:

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 1:40 AM, Rich Murray wrote:

Rich: So I couldn't manage to find any quotes by Abd that were Ad
Psdudonym against Joshua, so I retract that claim and regret my error
and remind myself how very easy it is to shift into criticizing and
judging our fellows... I like his humorous, wry appreciation of how we
all get tangled up in the Rossi web.

Lomax hasn't called me anything worse than a liar and a 
pseudo-skeptic, and I think he'd argue those were supportable 
labels. Water off a duck...

I've called him a CF advocate, and a pathological believer, and 
probably dishonest too, and I'd argue they are supportable too.

No harm either way, as far as I can see. It adds a little color to 
some pretty dull gibberish.

Thanks, Joshua. I agree completely, though dull is not an objective 
evaluation, whether it's true or false depends on the individuals involved.

Your account is not complete, though. I recently said I'd be willing 
to drop pseudo from skeptic, based on some things you said, and 
liar was referring to old stuff, and I'm not interested in going 
back to check out the basis, so I'm *not* arguing that those labels 
were supportable. Maybe they were at the time, and maybe not, and so what?

If you were upset, or someone else was upset, I'd be willing to look 
back. You don't sound very upset.

You've here asserted, de novo, CF advocate, pathological believer, 
and probably dishonest to boot, but if you want to believe these 
stories, so what? Believing your own stories would be your problem, 
not mine. Good luck with it.