[Vo]:STEORN: When do measurement errors cease to be measurement errors

2008-01-17 Thread OrionWorks
Regarding recent STEORN forum PMM discussions:

The recent spate of alleged independent PMM replications by garage
inventors got me to wondering why we haven't heard didley squat from
any of the independent laboratories who signed on to test STEORN's
claims. I would have thought that by now that we would have at least
heard something from one of these labs.

But we haven't, and perhaps that's a good thing. The following is
complete unsupported speculation on my part, but I have found myself
thinking that it might be possible that most of the independent labs
have by now recorded a phenomenon that seems to suggest OverUnity.
However, being the conservative laboratory testers that they are
(Remember, their professional reputations are at stake here), the
predominant thoughts that have most likely passed through their
justifiably skeptical minds is that their measurements can't be
correct. Better test the contraption again, and again. ...Try to
figure out where they messed up.

Will they succeed in uncovering the mistake? I bet they are ALL
hoping they can. In the meantime, would YOU want to be the first to
announce shocking findings of this caliber to the world? If you know
other independent laboratories are also working on the same project,
where all it would take is just ONE of them announcing to the world
the teeny-tiny mistake in measurement that every other independent
laboratory was too dumb to notice, well, it's probably perceived under
the circumstances to see who else is brave enough to stick their neck
out first.

No, please! YOU FIRST!

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:STEORN: When do measurement errors cease to be measurement errors

2008-01-17 Thread OrionWorks
Pardon my mangling of your name, Jed.

I still remember the flack I got here when I accidentally misspelled
Puthoff's name as Putoff. Everyone, and I mean *everyone* thought I
was being intentionally derisive towards Puthoff.

Dyslexia strikes again.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:STEORN: When do measurement errors cease to be measurement errors

2008-01-17 Thread OrionWorks
Jet sez:


 It is puzzling that they have not come out with negative reports yet.
 As Martin Fleischmann remarked, the easiest thing in the world is to
 convince yourself you are wrong. Any scientist worth his salt can
 come up with a non-existent error to dismiss a result. See, for
 example, Reviewer #7's handwaving here:


 - Jed

IMO, being open minded does not necessarily translate into possessing
sufficient confidence in one's findings, especially if the evidence
suggests centuries of how magnetism was thought to work is in danger
of being flipped upside down.

Better let someone else stick their neck out first.

I believe this was the complaint STEORN brought up when they had their
findings initially tested in an independent laboratory. The lab
declined to publish their findings. At least that's what STEORN claims
happened - which subsequently precipitated their audacious
announcement in The Guardian in an attempt to force the issue to the
fore front.

The fact that, as you say, none of these independent labs have yet to
come out with a negative report causes me to speculate that they may
be repeating the experiment over and over in an attempt to discover
where they screwed up! Don't come back until you get it right!!!

Alas, speculation of this sort is a dangerous sport. Guilty as charged.

Screwing up royally last Summer at Kinetica Museum destroyed a
considerable amount confidence and good will in STEORN's claims.

I have to ask myself: Right at this moment... The Evidence as
presented so far in the public domain - what are the odds...

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:STEORN: When do measurement errors cease to be measurement errors

2008-01-17 Thread Jed Rothwell

OrionWorks wrote:

. . . it might be possible that most of the independent labs have by 
now recorded a phenomenon that seems to suggest OverUnity. However, 
being the conservative laboratory testers that they are (Remember, 
their professional reputations are at stake here), the predominant 
thoughts that have most likely passed through their justifiably 
skeptical minds is that their measurements can't be correct.

That's plausible, but on the other hand they would not have taken the 
assignment in the first place if they were not somewhat open minded. 
A pathological skeptic will refuse to look. He will not even read a paper.

It is puzzling that they have not come out with negative reports yet. 
As Martin Fleischmann remarked, the easiest thing in the world is to 
convince yourself you are wrong. Any scientist worth his salt can 
come up with a non-existent error to dismiss a result. See, for 
example, Reviewer #7's handwaving here:


- Jed

Re: [Vo]:STEORN: When do measurement errors cease to be measurement errors

2008-01-17 Thread Terry Blanton
Could be worse.  You could also be an agnostic isomniac and stay up
all night wordering if there really is a Dog.


On Jan 17, 2008 2:17 PM, OrionWorks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pardon my mangling of your name, Jed.

 I still remember the flack I got here when I accidentally misspelled
 Puthoff's name as Putoff. Everyone, and I mean *everyone* thought I
 was being intentionally derisive towards Puthoff.

 Dyslexia strikes again.

 Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:STEORN: When do measurement errors cease to be measurement errors

2008-01-17 Thread OrionWorks
 Could be worse.  You could also be an agnostic isomniac
 and stay up all night wordering if there really is a Dog.


It's probably advisable that you don't express such concerns to the
cat of the house. We're in enuf trubel already.

Steven Vincent Johnson