Re: [Vo]:gravimagnetics

2007-07-18 Thread Jones Beene

Horace Heffner wrote:

Gravimagnetics continues to slowly evolve

OK this is the fifth iteration of this paper downloaded recently, so I 
had to come up with a new filing algorithm to keep from clogging up my 
HD with duplicates ;-) However, this one was worth it, if only for this 

Matter-antimatter pairs created from the vacuum carry the 
same gravitational charge.   Gravitational charge thus appears to not be 
conserved.  There is a convenient and highly unanticipated resolution to 
this problem.  When a matter-antimatter pair is created from the vacuum 
there is always simultaneously created a mirror matter-antimatter pair.  
Call such a foursome a *dual pair*. Further, having negative 
gravitational charge, the mirror matter-mirror antimatter pair 
represents negative energy.  Thus is provided a significant new 
interpretation of the Dirac equation negative energy.  Further, the net 
energy created from the vacuum double pair formation (initially anyway) 
is stunningly exactly zero.  ...

Correct or incorrect - it is too early to even opine, as this is one of 
those pregnant ideas which needs to gestate - it is most provacative.


I should add that the optimists in the free-energy world need not be 
totally disheartened with the stunningly exactly zero verdict, as this 
only underlines the necessity of finding, and building on, a basic 
asymmetry - which has always been the challenge.

Re: [Vo]:gravimagnetics

2007-07-18 Thread Jones Beene

Damn the thought police, full speed behind...

this underlines the necessity of finding, and building on, a basic 
asymmetry - which has always been the challenge.

Speaking of basic asymmetries: Are spin-waves at the nano level, one 
such potential asymmetry, which can be harnessed ? :

... and speaking of 'visualizing' -- how spin waves can be 'hidden' or 
'enfolded' in the creation of virtual-dual-pairs

Not sure if the following image will help - or will even be be available 
unless you are a member of Harti's forum. I found it intuitive.;topic=2764.0;attach=10571;image

This is ostensibly a spinor ... courtesy of M. Snoswell in an 
interesting thread of postings on an unrelated device (personally, I 
remain skeptical on that device itself, but join the forum if you find 
it worthwhile)

... and... yes, it is ostensibly unrelated to Horace's recent postulate 
of dual pairs. But, on the off-chance that it is helpful... and the 
police don't clam it up first...


Re: [Vo]:gravimagnetics

2007-07-18 Thread OrionWorks

On 7/18/07, Horace Heffner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jul 18, 2007, at 5:49 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 I should add that the optimists in the free-energy world need not
 be totally disheartened with the stunningly exactly zero verdict,
 as this only underlines the necessity of finding, and building on,
 a basic asymmetry - which has always been the challenge.

For sure. The stunning part is because the black holes get to have
the cake and eat it too.  Mass-energy is stored away in the
singularity exactly as fast as it is radiated away.  Now *that* is
free energy!  The practical problem is the need to be around one of
those all eating things to get the energy.  If one got lose into the
earth it would be bye-bye earth - assuming the theory is right of
course.  I worry about the Large Hadron Collider.  They assume the
black holes it creates will evaporate.  I'm not so sure about that.

Horace Heffner

The award winning author, David Brin, discusses the ramifications of
when one of these little critters accidentally escapes a research lab
and starts whizzing about inside the core of our energy starved
planet. Read about this frightening scenario in Brin's novel Earth.

There's a humorous chapter in this novel, set about 50 years into the
future, where a huge debate unfolds on what to do with all of Los
Angeles's accumulated 20th century garbage languishing away in a
massive landfills. Economics eventually wins out and a brand new gold
rush to California is born as various companies start bidding for the
rights to process the spoils of 20th century waste. The spoils were
considered far too valuable to remain locked up underground, to slowly
transform via metamorphosis over millions of years into strange new

Steven Vincent Johnson


2007-07-17 Thread Horace Heffner
Gravimagnetics continues to slowly evolve, as I dunder and blunder my  
way along, especially from page 28 to 33:

Some snippets of fairly new material follows.

There is a seeming problem regarding the conservation of  
gravitational charge. Matter-antimatter pairs created from the  
vacuum carry the same gravitational charge.   Gravitational charge  
thus appears to not be conserved.  There is a convenient and highly  
unanticipated resolution to this problem.  When a matter-antimatter  
pair is created from the vacuum there is always simultaneously  
created a mirror matter-antimatter pair.  Call such a foursome a  
*dual pair*. Further, having negative gravitational charge, the  
mirror matter-mirror antimatter pair represents negative energy.   
Thus is provided a significant new interpretation of the Dirac  
equation negative energy.  Further, the net energy created from the  
vacuum double pair formation (initially anyway) is stunningly exactly  
zero.  ...

In normal (weak field magnitude) circumstances, when it comes to the   
flat space Dirac equation, the interaction Hamiltonians, etc., the   
gravitational universe, consisting entirely of imaginary quantites,  
can be viewed as completely independent for  computational purposes,  
and then consolidated.  The exact same equations can be applied to   
the gravitational portion of the computation in order to derive the   
gravitational forces, energies, waveforms, etc.  The gravitational  
formulations are  completely independent of the electromagnetic  
formulations.  They are isomorphic, so the same equations  are used,  
though with the isomorphism substitutions as defined.  The  results,  
however, are not similar in handedness or magnitude, because, though  
the equations are all  formally identical, there are imaginary values  
coming into play, and  h_g = - h, G is used instead of the Coulomb  
constant, etc.  Because the gravitational charge and EM charge are   
bound together, the forces can be summed to  characterize a fermion,  
or to characterize a boson-fermion interaction as a whole.  The  
Hamiltonians exist independently and energy conservation results in  
both universes. ...

Note that any sized black hole with mass occupying a point has, for  
some  finite radius, a volume in which the field strength is  
sufficient for double  pair creation to take place.   As the mass of  
a black hole increases, the radius of this mass spawning sphere  
increases.  For this reason, essentially every black hole  spawns  
mass from the vacuum, and thus simultaneously builds its own mass.   
Also for this reason, spawning black holes, using the Large Hadron  
Collider, for example, may be far more dangerous than anyone  
expects. ...


Black holes consisting of mirror matter create dual pairs, as  
described above, and absorb the negative gravitational energy of the  
mirror pair.  The real pair is then ejected in one form or another,  
either as a matter pair, or as a pair of real photons.  Analogous  
effects occur from real (as opposed to mirror matter) black holes.   
The smaller the black hole, the greater the proportion of energy  
ejected that should be in the form of photons.  In any case, most of  
the mass-energy ejected should be in the form of photons due to the  
high probability of (like gravitationally charged) pair  
annihilation.  These gravitationally emitted photons will have energy  
levels that indicate the (positive) gravitational potential of the  
radius at which they were formed.  Further, the radiant mass-energy  
of a mirror black hole not feeding on other bodies provides a direct  
indicator of the rate of mass increase of that black hole due to dual  
pair creation, because the two mass-energy flow rates are equal. 
This radiant energy is *not* Hawking radiation.   Its origin is not  
the event horizon, but rather the interior of the black hole, and its  
spectrum provides information about conditions inside the black hole,  
including its mass and the dual pair formation flux at various radii  
r.   Negative gravitational matter is utterly unaffected by an event  
horizon.  Dual pair initiated radiation is comparatively invisible  
when coming from an ordinary matter black hole because the radiation  
is mostly mirror radiation.

Horace Heffner


2007-07-17 Thread Horace Heffner
My posts through google groups to sci.astro are suddenly not making  
it there any more, even though groups says they are.  Hmmm... should  
I be paranoid??

Well, if these things disappear along with me then you'll know I got  

Or maybe I never really existed at all...

Let's see, if nothing is wrong then being paranoid is whacko.  If  
something is out of kilter then I'm still whacko.  I'm obviously of  
the lunatic fringe, so there's nothing abnormal about being whacko.   
No matter how you cut it I end up whacko.   H lose... or lose...   
I prefer the option of one pizza ... or two pizza's.

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Gravimagnetics

2007-07-16 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jul 15, 2007, at 9:25 PM, thomas malloy wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 14, 2007, at 9:55 PM, thomas malloy wrote:

Last night I visited the Chukanov Energy site. I noticed that  
there  is an animation on gravity, the solar system, and the  
Pioneer craft.

Do you have the URL of the animatiom? , page about 1/4 of the way down. It takes a  
while for tha animation to load.

I don't think I want to leave my computer exposed while the infantile  
dialog stuff plays out letter by letter with the music.  If he had  
something worthwhile to say you'd think he would just say it in a  
professional manner.

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Gravimagnetics

2007-07-15 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jul 14, 2007, at 9:55 PM, thomas malloy wrote:

Last night I visited the Chukanov Energy site. I noticed that there  
is an animation on gravity, the solar system, and the Pioneer craft.

Do you have the URL of the animatiom?

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Gravimagnetics

2007-07-15 Thread thomas malloy

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 14, 2007, at 9:55 PM, thomas malloy wrote:

Last night I visited the Chukanov Energy site. I noticed that there  
is an animation on gravity, the solar system, and the Pioneer craft.

Do you have the URL of the animatiom? , page about 1/4 of the way down. It takes a 
while for tha animation to load.

--- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---


2007-07-14 Thread Horace Heffner
The Gravimagnetics continues to slowly evolve, now taking some of its  
first baby steps into general relativity, especially from page 30 on:

The pioneer anomaly stuff is now removed to a separate paper:

and some of the fun old stuff can still be found at:

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Gravimagnetics

2007-07-14 Thread thomas malloy

Horace Heffner wrote:

The pioneer anomaly stuff is now removed to a separate paper:

Last night I visited the Chukanov Energy site. I noticed that there is 
an animation on gravity, the solar system, and the Pioneer craft.

--- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---