Re: FW: [Vo]:ET - fly home?

2012-02-03 Thread LORENHEYER
Aside from all the speculation, ideas, notions, concepts and/or so-called 
technology being proposed, considered, persued, etc etc, I am convinced there 
is indeed ONE  true system that will enable the vastness of interstellar 
space to be traveled, and/or ETI's AC's to exist among the stars in a whole 
complete 'other'capacity.  
 THE system operates on a fairly 
simple principle, that will generate the very dynamic force that will enable a 
highly specified vehicle/craft to perform not only extrordinary maneuvers, 
but an altogether inconceivable speed as well. > While it is this thing we 
tend to strive for, due to the simplicity and/or complexity, it therefore 
will tend to be regarded as unlikely or impossible. 

   A athematical formulae can be used to determine 
the amount of force generated, and depending on variables in the dimensions, 
the amount will be significant. > Basically, an imbalance of 1-lb would be 
applied to an SRC (spinning rotor center), which would spin at a very fast 
rate of at least 60,000 rpm's (1,000 Rps).
This SRC would then be configured to spin very closely within a SHOE 
(stationary housing of electromagnetics (in-sections). > The 
are induced by the SHOE into the SRC, thus compensating the imbalance, as 
the SRC spins.  >  In doing-so will result in several tons of 
Centrifugal-force being generated.  
  This is feasible or achievable 
because electromagnetic-properties have the potential to attract/pull at least 
thousand X's their own weight (and altho that may be based-on direct-contact, 
a large percentage should be obtainable). <<<>>>  Description of the 
SRC/System  <>  In an hour-glass configuration (sideview only) configured 
within a 
dimension of (approx) the size of a larger-sized wheel/tire of an SUV. <> 
One part of the hour-glass would consist of a weight of 14-lbs w/ magnetic 
induced properties, and be referred to as the LW (live weight). <> The other 
part opposite the LW, would be the DW (dead weight), consisting of a weight 
of 15-lbs w/ 'no' properties.  

  The SHOE would consist of 12-ea equal-portion sections, with any 2-ea 
 side-by-side being equal in-size to the LW part of the SRC. >  To achieve 
propulsion, a significant amount of the TVW (total vehicle weight) would 
have to be generated, in-terms of the amount of C-force produced. > If 
powerfully efficient materials are utilized, and/or new ones R&D'd, this should 
achievable. >   Simply by regulating energy via an RTOS (rapid timing order 
sequence) to any of the 2 (side-by-side) sections of the  total   12- ea (so 
as to turn off & on rapidly) movement or propulsion will result. 

 < Example > A System would be situated to operate/spin 
in a vertical position, and  an RTOS regulated to the bottom 2-ea sections 
of the SHOE, resulting in movement or propulsion in the opposite or 'up' 
direction. > A powerful energy-source of course would be required (nuclear?) 
for the systems and vehicle they're used-in to operate in a powerfully 
efficient manner.   

could be directly-applied within each of the systems in-order for them to 
function efficiently, or peak performance. > An appartus of some such would 
serve as platform for a working 1/4 scale prototype, to observe and/or 
establish data in the behavior, inputs, & outputs. > In a operational 
vehicle, 4-ea systems would be required, and/or evenly distributed, to carry a 
percentage of the TVW (total vehicle weight).   

1-ea main larger system 
would be equal in-power to the 3-ea smaller systems. > All systems would 
operate in a parallel position, with the 1-ea larger in the center of the 
vehicle/craft, to carry the main load. > The 3-ea smaller would be located 
the outside at key-points of the main load or weight, which are used in the 
 All of the systems are instrumental in propulsion & maneuvers, 
but performance will ultimately depend on the use and/or development of  
'Powerfully Efficient Materi

Re: FW: [Vo]:ET - fly home?

2012-02-03 Thread LORENHEYER
Aside from all the speculation, ideas, notions, concepts and/or so-called 
technology being proposed, considered, persued, etc etc, I am convinced there 
is indeed ONE  true system that will enable the vastness of interstellar 
space to be traveled, and/or ETI's AC's to exist among the stars in a whole 
complete 'other'capacity.  
 THE system operates on a fairly 
simple principle, that will generate the very dynamic force that will enable a 
highly specified vehicle/craft to perform not only extrordinary maneuvers, 
but an altogether inconceivable speed as well. > While it is this thing we 
tend to strive for, due to the simplicity and/or complexity, it therefore 
will tend to be regarded as unlikely or impossible. 

   A athematical formulae can be used to determine 
the amount of force generated, and depending on variables in the dimensions, 
the amount will be significant. > Basically, an imbalance of 1-lb would be 
applied to an SRC (spinning rotor center), which would spin at a very fast 
rate of at least 60,000 rpm's (1,000 Rps).
This SRC would then be configured to spin very closely within a SHOE 
(stationary housing of electromagnetics (in-sections). > The 
are induced by the SHOE into the SRC, thus compensating the imbalance, as 
the SRC spins.  >  In doing-so will result in several tons of 
Centrifugal-force being generated.  
  This is feasible or achievable 
because electromagnetic-properties have the potential to attract/pull at least 
thousand X's their own weight (and altho that may be based-on direct-contact, 
a large percentage should be obtainable). <<<>>>  Description of the 
SRC/System  <>  In an hour-glass configuration (sideview only) configured 
within a 
dimension of (approx) the size of a larger-sized wheel/tire of an SUV. <> 
One part of the hour-glass would consist of a weight of 14-lbs w/ magnetic 
induced properties, and be referred to as the LW (live weight). <> The other 
part opposite the LW, would be the DW (dead weight), consisting of a weight 
of 15-lbs w/ 'no' properties.  

  The SHOE would consist of 12-ea equal-portion sections, with any 2-ea 
 side-by-side being equal in-size to the LW part of the SRC. >  To achieve 
propulsion, a significant amount of the TVW (total vehicle weight) would 
have to be generated, in-terms of the amount of C-force produced. > If 
powerfully efficient materials are utilized, and/or new ones R&D'd, this should 
achievable. >   Simply by regulating energy via an RTOS (rapid timing order 
sequence) to any of the 2 (side-by-side) sections of the  total   12- ea (so 
as to turn off & on rapidly) movement or propulsion will result. 

 < Example > A System would be situated to operate/spin 
in a vertical position, and  an RTOS regulated to the bottom 2-ea sections 
of the SHOE, resulting in movement or propulsion in the opposite or 'up' 
direction. > A powerful energy-source of course would be required (nuclear?) 
for the systems and vehicle they're used-in to operate in a powerfully 
efficient manner.   

could be directly-applied within each of the systems in-order for them to 
function efficiently, or peak performance. > An appartus of some such would 
serve as platform for a working 1/4 scale prototype, to observe and/or 
establish data in the behavior, inputs, & outputs. > In a operational 
vehicle, 4-ea systems would be required, and/or evenly distributed, to carry a 
percentage of the TVW (total vehicle weight).   

1-ea main larger system 
would be equal in-power to the 3-ea smaller systems. > All systems would 
operate in a parallel position, with the 1-ea larger in the center of the 
vehicle/craft, to carry the main load. > The 3-ea smaller would be located 
the outside at key-points of the main load or weight, which are used in the 
 All of the systems are instrumental in propulsion & maneuvers, 
but performance will ultimately depend on the use and/or development of  
'Powerfully Efficient Materi

Re: FW: [Vo]:ET - fly home?

2012-02-02 Thread mixent
In reply to  Mark Goldes's message of Thu, 2 Feb 2012 15:32:52 -0500:
>Einstein’s mechanics allows a Pion space drive to achieve speeds that will 
>approach the speed of light. In contrast, Carrollian, non-relativistic, 
>physics posits a superluminal Pion powered space drive may approach a speed of 
>20,000,000 times that of light.
[snip] that speed Alpha Centauri would only be 6 seconds away. We could go there
in less time than it takes to walk into the next room. ;)
(of course this doesn't take acceleration and deceleration into account).


Robin van Spaandonk

FW: [Vo]:ET - fly home?

2012-02-02 Thread Mark Goldes

Robotic spacecraft capable of visiting Goldilocks planets, as hard as it may be 
to believe, may prove possible.

Star Scientific Ltd. Claims to be perfecting a technique to economically and 
constantly produce huge quantities of pions. Their website states: “Muons are 
the decayed products of pions, and are the catalysts in the fusion of two 
hydrogen isotopes, a process which releases copious amounts of energy. The 
beauty of the muon is that it acts very much like an electron whose job it is 
to bond atoms together into molecules. Since a muon is 207 times heavier than 
an electron, it bumps the electron out of the way and replaces it. Because the 
orbit of the heavier muon is much closer, it causes the atoms in the molecule 
to draw closer until the natural repelling force is overcome and a strong 
nuclear force brings the atoms together – causing them to fuse. This process 
kicks the muon out to do it all over again some 300 times. This fusion gives us 
energetic neutrons.”

The late Dr. Robert Carroll, a mathematical physicist who worked with Aesop 
Institute for 12 years until his passing, filed a rejected patent application 
for Pion fusion in 1971.  Using Pion fusion, a Pion (Antimatter) Drive, might 
allow spacecraft to carry us far beyond the solar system at amazing speeds.

Einstein’s mechanics allows a Pion space drive to achieve speeds that will 
approach the speed of light. In contrast, Carrollian, non-relativistic, physics 
posits a superluminal Pion powered space drive may approach a speed of 
20,000,000 times that of light.

If he should be proven correct, Dr. Carroll’s lifetime pursuit of an 
alternative physics might open paths leading to technology for robotic 
exploration of Goldilocks planets.

Until there is independent laboratory verification of both the Star claim - and 
some evidence Carroll was correct concerning a pion drive, skepticism is 
certainly warranted.


From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 10:47 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:ET - Call home


The most basic reason that I think Sitchin and other proponents of "physical" 
visitation by aliens (the ancient astronaut bogosity) are misguided, at least 
on the issue of "tangibility" is this. Logic dictates that any advanced 
civilization, if they exist at all, will not be encumbered by our (humanity's) 
numerous faults, ego-based deficiencies and animalistic desires. Brutal 
"conquest" is out of the question (except in a good SciFi movie) and thus, if 
"they" can transmit information in an intangible but directed way, why waste 
the expense and risk of *physical* space travel?

There is nothing to be gained from a logical perspective by "being there" in 
person, as we may find out in our collective future, Newt notwithstanding. 
Especially not if you hold the less controversial view that so-called "remote 
viewing" is not only possible, but can be made robust using technology. Combine 
that with directed meme influence and this explains everything about UFOs and 
ETs. Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) is a hot topic these days, and I'm sure 
you know more about it than I do, but Puthoff could be correct on many issues 
we follow here, and this is yet another one.

The precise logical argument is: when you can direct the information necessary 
to produce the kind of change you desire at lightspeed, but can only get a 
large and costly space vehicle up to a small fraction of lightspeed - then the 
changes you wanted to influence (at the ultimate destination, including some 
benign form of 'conquest') would already be in place long before any vehicle 
could arrive - so why send one?

Even benign "conquest" is accomplished easier "from within" more so than from 
without. Isn't this kind of evolutionary displacement (in the sense of 
determining the next dominant species on Earth) exactly what computers and 
networks are doing to us anyway ? :) Hello, Matrix.

Finally, from the economist - which option wins in terms of net cost? CRV plus 
directed memes, or a manufactured space craft? That is a no-brainer in terms of 
cost. There is little doubt that when advanced populations reach a certain 
level - everything breaks down to cost. And yes a modicum of proof could be 
found soon - that civilizations "elsewhere" are transmitting "meme information" 
directly to us, possibly to influence such things as computer development and 
the WWW. The proof could be found a special kind of data processor designed for 
one thing - ostensibly - but which will document the nature of remote 
information transfer directly. In effect, it will allow ET to call on a 
dedicated line. This could be it, but if not, it's a good metaphor since it 
deals with probability:

And moreover "they" have arguably being doing this kind of non-physical 