Fw: Re: Coby CX1 TV Modification for (*e-) Electronium Search

2006-03-07 Thread Frederick Sparber

 Date: 3/7/2006 8:37:24 AM

 Fred - I had a little time between the cleaning chores
 to unsolder just the little red deflection
 lead from the card on the side of the tube.
 Eureka - now getting a beautiful horizontal line across
 center screen.  I had to turn the brightness control
 all the way down to keep the intensity at a safe level
 for the phosphor.  The line is really sharp and crisp!
 Much better than on a scope!
 The next chore will be to do some diagnostics on the
 vertical deflection coils - get their resistance, try to
 see if my DMM will measure the drive voltage across
 the circuit, etc.  Then, I can come up with a small
 battery supply to put a variable DC across the vertical
 deflection coils.
 May be a while before I get to do this...


Fw: Re: Coby CX1 TV Modification for (*e-) Electronium Search

2006-03-07 Thread Frederick Sparber
Roll the dice?

 3/7/2006 2:05:14 PM

 Fred, it looks like the vertical coils have,
 3.5 ohms DC resistance.
 I drove them with 1.42 volts DC which put the trace
 just off the top edge of the screen.
 Using the red lead post as positive gave the upward
 Using ohms law, I figure with a 5 watt, 27.3 ohm resistor
 in series with the coils 3.5 ohms, I can just hook it across
 my 12.5 volt car battery for a long run.
 Tonight when it gets dark I'll give it a try and see what
 I can see.  (Yes, I'll get my eyes dark adjusted first.)
 I'll try to pick a deflection that gives the least backglow
 so it will do minimum damage to our resolution.

 If you have the means you could do this:
 1. Snip the two vertical drive wires (red and white)
 about in the middle so you can resolder them later.
 2. If you have a battery box for a single 1.5 volt
 cell (bigger cell the better since it pulls almost 1/2 amp)
 you could just use a cell to get the trace just off the top
 of the screen.  Make the red lead positive as above.
 Be sure to back the brightness all the way down first!

 Using the car battery I can drive the necessary 0.4 or so
 amp for a long test time.  I have the power supply
 driving the TV set so I think this is the best way to do it.

FW: Re: Coby CX1 TV Modification for (*e-) Electronium Search

2006-03-07 Thread Frederick Sparber
So much for Phase 1

Suggestion box?

 Date: 3/7/2006 6:33:48 PM
 Subject: Re: A little more  progress

 Well, if the ~ 3-electron-mass particles exist, Fred, I'm seeing
 no sign of them in our experiment. 
 The experimental rig we designed is working just according to
 plan.  The modified vertical deflection gives a neat horizontal line
 which can be deflected near the upper edge of the screen by
 driving it with about 1.35 to 1.4+ VDC.  With the brightness
 turned all the way down, the trace is just about right.
 I was working with the trace about 3/8 inch from the top
 of the screen - I had covered it (as you suggested) with a strip
 of electrician's tape.  This masked the electron trace very
 well, but - as I feared - the backlight from the trace lighting
 the rear sides of the tube gave a very faint background glow
 to the screen.  You need not dark adapt your eyes for long
 before you realize that this unwanted glow will tend to limit
 the sensitivity.
 Still, I'll guess that I could have picked up a rogue trace even
 one thousandth the brightness of the main electron trace.
 No such trace could be detected (by me) after several minutes
 of screen watching.
 If I tried to boost the trace brightness, the result was just to
 increase the background light and it seems that this is a losing
 As I mentioned earlier, You could probably duplicate this
 setup by doing no more than snipping the vertical leads and
 substituting a single 1.5 volt battery for the vertical drive.
 Come to think about it - a lower voltage nicad cell might be
 even better and would require no additional series resistance.