Re: [Vo]:Story of DoD and TE devices of leonardo corporation

2012-01-20 Thread Mary Yugo
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 8:51 AM, Alain Sepeda 
> someone have cited this dcument from us army corp of engineer
> it talsk about the experiments with Rossi'es TE devices.
> it is interesting because they don't talk about total fraud, but what look
> like
> optimism and amateurism...

The problem with Rossi's version of this story is, as near as I can find
out, that nobody credible ever saw, documented or wrote up for publication
the exact test they did on the initial batch of highly efficient, 100 W
devices.  This is exactly analogous to the experiment done by Levi in
February on an E-cat.  As everyone probably recalls, that experiment was
the *only* Rossi "demo" properly designed to measure enthalpy with a
straightforward and accurate method by obtaining the flow rate of coolant
and the delta T across the device, using an entirely liquid coolant.  The
problem with the experiment is that Levi wouldn't provide Krivit or anyone
else with documentation and equivocated about quality of the data when
asked why in an interview.  That's OK but what's not OK is that Levi and
Rossi never repeated the experiment with proper blanks, calibration and
controls even though it would be simple, cheap and safe for Rossi's
intellectual property to do so.  They've now had almost a year to do it.
Rossi gave a typical tangential and nonresponsive answer about this on his
blog when he was asked -- something completely absurd about how he would
prove the device through sales and not tests.   Well, in the last year, he
hasn't done that either.

Back to the TE devices.  It defied imagination to suppose that Rossi could
have made a sample batch by hand which tested at 100 W for an efficiency of
20% and then could not provide DOD with samples which tested better than 1
W or so with the same thermal input.  If his factory had been destroyed by
fire, if his subcontractor could not provide the devices, Rossi could have
proved them real by making a few more by hand and submitting them for
proper independent testing.  It is also unlikely that the university or
Rossi did not retain one of the original devices.   Rossi never provided
any more valid high efficiency tests -- a parallel with not submitting the
original E-cat for such testing.

I think Rossi never provided 100 W devices to anyone. I suspect it was only
a claim or if the test actually happened, it was another Rossi-engineered
mis-measurement.If such claimed devices were in fact tested at a
university, where are the data?  Who has the original devices?  And most
important, how were they tested?  Is it a credible method?  And why can't
those devices be found, retested and replicated or reverse engineered?  The
best answer is that it was indeed a scam and a deliberate one from the
start.  And DOD, as it often does, looked at the voluminous and highly
fanciful initial paperwork and approved a grant.  I bet they wasted
millions of dollars on Rossi's TE devices and the unnecessarily elaborate
and grandiose test equipment they developed which proved that they didn't

Here is the final report from 2004 by scientists at the Army Corps of
Engineer.  You can see the elaborate and expensive equipment DOD made up to
test the devices and the piddly insignificant efficiency of the devices
Rossi gave them.   One has to suppose Rossi did not final testing or
quality assurance on the final product or he would not have submitted them
at all because they simply did not work as he originally claimed.

I did browse it and read selected sections but I did not read every word so
if there is something which casts serious doubt on the above interpretation
of what happened, perhaps someone can point it out.

RE: [Vo]:Story of DoD and TE devices of leonardo corporation

2012-01-20 Thread Jones Beene
From: Alain Sepeda

someone has cited this document from us army corp. of engineer

it talks about the experiments with Rossi's TE devices.

it is interesting because they don't talk about total fraud, but what look
optimism and amateurism...

No, they don't talk about fraud, but how could they - without direct
evidence? Suspicions are not enough.

Importantly, they do not even mention the two fires at Rossi's lab that
destroyed any evidence of possible fraud. Convenient, no?
