RE: Electron "Shotgun" Electrogravity Field?

2005-01-29 Thread Keith Nagel
Hey Fred.

Although it will surely be the case that you will generate
the E field in question ( at least the time changing part )
what I fail to see is why this should relate to gravity.
It's the weak point of Hoopers argument; he does nothing
other than assert the connection. Observing that ordinary
E field shielding techniques don't work neglects the nature
of the source of the field; that kind of evidence won't
even get you arrested much less convicted (grin).

You mentioned in an earlier post null results by Marc G. Millis from you
suggested experiment. Was the attempt to measure E field,
or just weight change? I'm a lot more interested in the
former than the latter.


-Original Message-
From: Frederick Sparber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 12:04 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: Electron "Shotgun" Electrogravity Field?

Fundamental Tenets of Physics:

1, A moving Bunch of Charges creates a Bunch of Magnetic Field/s.

2, A Time-Varying Bunch of Magnetic Field/s creates a Bunch of Electric 

Hence, a pulsed high current (6 to 27.2 volts DC) diode should create a Bunch 
of Electrons
with Drift Velocities of 1.45  to  3.1 million meters per second.

I wonder if the Tungar Charger had a weight change while in operation.  :-)

Note that you can get 12 or 24  Amperes worth of electrons that drift at a 
velocity from
1.5 million to possibly 3.0 million meters per second (in spurts) shotgun 
effect.   :-)
Produced for 6 volt batteries only?

G.E. Tungar Rectifier  ( I have one of these somewhere).
Westinghouse Rectigon   Rectifiers .


"Referring to Figure 43, it will be noticed that an alternating current will 
flow in the primary of the transformer when the line
switch is closed. A voltage will be generated in the secondary winding by 
transformer action. The secondary winding is tapped a few
turns from each end to provide a voltage for lighting the filaments of the 
Tungar bulbs. These filaments are lighted in the same
manner as an ordinary electric light except that it uses a very low voltage. 
(Two and one-half volts are used for lighting the
Tungar filament.) The purpose of lighting the filament is to cause it to emit a 
large number of electrons. The secondary of the
transformer is also tapped at its mid-point, and a connection is made from this 
tap to the positive side of the storage battery
being charged. The plates of the two Tungar bulbs are wired together, and are 
connected, through the ammeter, to the negative side
of the storage battery"

Re: Electron "Shotgun" Electrogravity Field?

2005-01-29 Thread Frederick Sparber

Fundamental Tenets of Physics:
1, A moving Bunch of Charges creates a Bunch of Magnetic Field/s.
2, A Time-Varying Bunch of Magnetic Field/s creates a Bunch of Electric Field/s..
Hence, a pulsed high current (6 to 27.2 volts DC) diode should create a Bunch of Electrons
with Drift Velocities of 1.45  to  3.1 million meters per second.
I wonder if the Tungar Charger had a weight change while in operation.  :-)

Note that you can get 12 or 24  Amperes worth of electrons that drift at a velocity from
1.5 million to possibly 3.0 million meters per second (in spurts) shotgun effect.   :-)
Produced for 6 volt batteries only?
G.E. Tungar Rectifier  ( I have one of these somewhere).
Westinghouse Rectigon   Rectifiers .
"Referring to Figure 43, it will be noticed that an alternating current will flow in the primary of the transformer when the line switch is closed. A voltage will be generated in the secondary winding by transformer action. The secondary winding is tapped a few turns from each end to provide a voltage for lighting the filaments of the Tungar bulbs. These filaments are lighted in the same manner as an ordinary electric light except that it uses a very low voltage. (Two and one-half volts are used for lighting the Tungar filament.) The purpose of lighting the filament is to cause it to emit a large number of electrons. The secondary of the transformer is also tapped at its mid-point, and a connection is made from this tap to the positive side of the storage battery being charged. The plates of the two Tungar bulbs are wired together, and are connected, through the ammeter, to the negative side of the storage battery"