Re: FW: [Vo]:Hydrino represents Lorentz contraction in the opposite direction from event horizon

2009-07-24 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence
Thanks for the extensive response -- it has taken me a while to go
through it, and I'm sure I didn't do it all justice!

Frank wrote:
 The hydrino radius
 between the nucleus and orbital has a temporal rise and spatial run
 Let's stop right there.  The present, for any observer, has zero
 thickness along that observer's time axis.  What does it mean for the
 radius of the orbit to have an increased extent along the time axis?
 The observer is a theoretical construct but matter exists in a 4
 dimensional world. You can not prove the present has zero thickness

In fact, I'm not really sure it does -- I have serious doubts that human
consciousness could exist if the present had no thickness!

But in the standard models of physics, as well as in our common
assumptions about the everyday real world, it has no thickness;
witness the phrase What time is it? and note that it's singular.

All experiments which measure the elapsed time between two events
implicitly assume that there is *one* time at which an event takes
place, rather than a *range* of times, which is what the present having
nonzero thickness would seem to imply.

 although it may be both negligible and average to a constant local
 width this changes at the extremes.  I must admit that I can not
 prove my theory either but the width of the present is not defined
 to my knowledge.

Nobody can prove any theory, of course.  All you can do is make
predictions from the theory and then test them.  If the predictions are
born out, the theory is supported but still not proved in that the
very next prediction made from the theory may be wrong.  Reality fully
conforms to no theory invented by humans (so far, at least).

A single incorrect prediction proves a theory wrong in some global
sense, but depending on how many predictions the theory can make
*correctly*, it may still be a useful theory.  Newtonian mechanics and
gravity theory is wrong in the sense that it predicts incorrect values
for the orbit of Mercury and predicts all kinds of wrong stuff at very
high energies, but none the less it's still a very useful theory for an
awful lot of situations.

 I contend temporal width varies microscopically with each element in
 the periodic chart relative to its' permittivity to vacuum
 fluctuations but it averages out at larger scales to form local
 constants allowing us to ignore it and use non relativistic equations
 for most everyday comparisons.

Now I don't think I'm following this.  Relativity also assumes zero
thickness for the present, and zero temporal width for objects we
perceive, so I don't see the connection with relativistic equations
here.  Notably, every event has four coordinates, three space and one
time, and they're all simple numbers.

How would you measure the temporal width of an element?  Is it possible,
in principle?

And a question about a definition:  What do you mean by permittivity to
vacuum fluctuations?

 The known time dilation approaching an event horizon and the known 
 change (up conversion) of vacuum fluctuations in a Casimir cavity 
 form opposite ends of a spectrum. I don't think it is a coincidence
 that the conductive pores in skeletal catalysts are of Casimir
 geometry and posit that Casimir force is the engine for all catalytic
 action whether it be from pores, spacing between nano particles or
 even the atomic geometry of the elements themselves forming adjacent
 outcroppings - if it forms parallel conductive plates on any scale it
 will have Casimir force and therefore the catalytic property of
 accelerating reactions may be a far more accurate term then
 presently presumed. This then is where my speculation regarding a
 spectrum from Casimir cavity to speed of light was born.

OK I must ask once again:  What is dt/dtau, where tau is time in the
Casimir cavity and t is time for an external observer?  (Qualitatively,
is it larger or smaller than 1?)

I'll explain the question, in case you're not following me:  An observer
outside the cavity watches a clock, watching 't' go by.  An observer
inside the cavity (who is very small), who also has a clock (measuring
time tau), sends messages to the observer outside the cavity.  The
inside observer sends a message once every tau second.  So, the
observer outside the cavity, by observing the messages from down inside,
can also observe 'tau' go by.  The rate at which 't' goes by, relative
to the rate at which 'tau' goes by, is 'dt/dtau'.

Qualitatively, is time inside the cavity passing FASTER or SLOWER than
time outside?

 When I first heard Black light was confirmed by Rowan to produce
 excess heat last October I immediately looked up the pore size of
 Rayney nickel and for all of a week thought I was the only one to
 figure it out it was a Casimir cavity before discovering Haisch and
 Moddell had already patented a similar cavity scheme based on Casimir
 cavities back in May 08. Then I got busy trying to reverse engineer

Re: FW: [Vo]:Hydrino represents Lorentz contraction in the opposite direction from event horizon

2009-07-24 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence
Frank:  Please keep in mind that the rotation in the Lorentz transform
is hyperbolic, not circular.

A circular rotation has the form

 |   cos(theta)   sin(theta) |
 |  -sin(theta)   cos(theta) |

and it maps circles centered on the origin into other circles centered
on the origin.  It appears to me that when you talk about a molecule or
orbital being twisted on the time axis, you may be thinking of a
*circular* rotation carrying one end of the object forward and the
other end backward.

A hyperbolic rotation is rather different.  It has the form

 |  cosh(u)   sinh(u) |
 |  sinh(u)   cosh(u) |

It maps hyperbolas centered on the origin to other hyperbolas, but it
generally makes dogfood out of circles.  In particular ordinary lengths
of the form x^2 + y^2 are not preserved; instead, the interval x^2 - y^2
is preserved.

For very small rotations, on the other hand, both circular and
hyperbolic rotations will push one end of a rod forward and the other
backward if we rotate the rod by a tiny amount, and perhaps that's all
you need.  But if the rotations are more than tiny, the actions are
quite different.