Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-18 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Tue, 14 Mar 2006 04:05:24
Hi Horace,
>A LiBr in D2O solution might also work as a neutron moderator plus  
>energy extractor. With a molecular weight of 86.85 and solubility of  
>2540 g/l, that's about .2 g/cm^3 of lithium.

What was wrong with your original suggestion of LiOD?

Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-14 Thread Horace Heffner
A LiCl in D2O solution might also work as a neutron moderator plus  
energy extractor. With a molecular weight of 42.39 and solubility of  
1300 g/l, that's about .21 g/cm^3 of lithium.  The problem with LiCl  
is the 3x10^5 half life of 36Cl.  LiBr looks better.  LiI also has  
high solubility but some unfortunate byproducts.

Horace Heffner

Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-14 Thread Horace Heffner
A LiBr in D2O solution might also work as a neutron moderator plus  
energy extractor. With a molecular weight of 86.85 and solubility of  
2540 g/l, that's about .2 g/cm^3 of lithium.

Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-13 Thread Wesley Bruce

Steven Krivit wrote:

Who has ever seen a major science journal expose the flaws of hot 
fusion in such a straightforward and raw manner?

Is this as new as it appears to me?

If you are interested, I'll send you the article.


Send it to me. I've got an interest in that question.

Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-13 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sun, 12 Mar 2006 18:42:48
Hi Jones,
>Hi Robin,
>You said: According to
>the (n,2n) cross section for 14 MeV neutrons on D is 177 mb
>That sounds about right - but this is very low - and if memory 
>serves this is actually about the same as the capture 
>cross-section of oxygen for thermals - and you know how rare that 
>is - plus since you get many more collisions at thermal energy - 
>you will actually loose neutrons to the oxygen of heavy water 
>faster than you can make extra neutrons via (n,2n)

The thermal neutrons are not really the problem, because they get
grabbed by the Li long before anything else gets them.
However what I did neglect to take into account are the competing
reactions with Oxygen for the high energy neutrons. I.e.
(n,p) Cross Section

* at 14 MeV = 43.70 mb
* Fission spectrum avg. = 20.26 micro barn 

(n,d) Cross Section

* at 14 MeV = 15.40 mb
* Fission spectrum avg. = 3.888 micro barn 

(n,alpha) Cross Section

* at 14 MeV = 109.0 mb

There is also 
(n,na) Cross Section

* at 14 MeV = 36.61 mb

These add up to 204.7. mb. Still there are 2 deuterons for every
The elastic scattering cross section for O16 @ 14 MeV is ~ 900 mb.

So there's about a 19% chance that a fast neutron will be
destroyed by oxygen during a collision with oxygen. That cuts into
our supply of fast neutrons.

>> IOW we should get about 1.5 thermal neutrons out for every fast

>> neutron going in, and nearly all of the thermal neutrons are 
>> going
>> to produce T. This should still be a breeder.
>Taking the ratio of the two - as you did is just a ballpark calc - 
>and not the correct way to figure it -

Indeed, I miscalculated this anyway. Even using the same
assumptions, it should only have been about 39%, not 47%.
But that wasn't taking the oxygen reactions into account. The
margin keeps getting slimmer.

>but I will have to get the 
>experimental data out of some hard copy files tomorrow - suffice 
>it to say that the best TBR you can get with current technology 
>using beryllium and highly enriched 6Li is about 1.3 in real 
>tests - 

That sounds about right.

>and the actual neutron (n,2n) ratio for any reasonable 
>amount of heavy water is slightly underunity - for the reasons 
>mentioned above.

This sounds like it might be a figure for pure heavy water, not a
Li6 solution. IOW in pure heavy water, at least some of the
thermal neutrons will eventually be absorbed uselessly.

>Millibarn cross sections allow for much unpredictability, in 
>general, and it is tough to build a breeder on that kind of 
>rarity - you could actually get a full neutron decay before a 
>(n,2n) multiplication in "just" heavy water - with no lithium.

While technically true of course, I don't think this would make a
significant impact on statistics. Even at only thermal energies,
on average a neutron would undergo hundreds of trillions of
collisions before decaying (7E14). The chances of being swallowed
whole by anything at some point during those trillions of
collisions is so close to certainty, as to trivialize the
importance of decay.
With Li6 in the water, it is even more trivial.

>BTW - almost forgot - you CANNOT use dissolved lithium hydroxide 
>in the blanket at all - as the T will preferentially displace a D 
>in D2O and you will loose all of your precious tritium to 
>tritiated heavy water - and it becomes such a small percentage 
>that it is "effectively" lost.

This may be possible anyway, depending on the actual amount of
heavy water present. A very rough calculation yields a
concentration of about 1/1000 after a year of operation. It should
be possible to extract this, much as D is currently extracted from
normal water.
However I have no idea what percentage would be lost in the
process. Besides, about 5-10% of the T would also decay in that
year. (No one cares how much D is lost when producing heavy

Bottom line, I still think this may be marginally possible, but it
would require more detailed analysis to be sure, and of course
real experimental evidence already gained doesn't hurt. ;)

Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-12 Thread Jones Beene

Hi Robin,

You said: According to
the (n,2n) cross section for 14 MeV neutrons on D is 177 mb

That sounds about right - but this is very low - and if memory 
serves this is actually about the same as the capture 
cross-section of oxygen for thermals - and you know how rare that 
is - plus since you get many more collisions at thermal energy - 
you will actually loose neutrons to the oxygen of heavy water 
faster than you can make extra neutrons via (n,2n)

IOW we should get about 1.5 thermal neutrons out for every fast
neutron going in, and nearly all of the thermal neutrons are 

to produce T. This should still be a breeder.

Taking the ratio of the two - as you did is just a ballpark calc - 
and not the correct way to figure it - but I will have to get the 
experimental data out of some hard copy files tomorrow - suffice 
it to say that the best TBR you can get with current technology 
using beryllium and highly enriched 6Li is about 1.3 in real 
tests - and the actual neutron (n,2n) ratio for any reasonable 
amount of heavy water is slightly underunity - for the reasons 
mentioned above.

Millibarn cross sections allow for much unpredictability, in 
general, and it is tough to build a breeder on that kind of 
rarity - you could actually get a full neutron decay before a 
(n,2n) multiplication in "just" heavy water - with no lithium.

BTW - almost forgot - you CANNOT use dissolved lithium hydroxide 
in the blanket at all - as the T will preferentially displace a D 
in D2O and you will loose all of your precious tritium to 
tritiated heavy water - and it becomes such a small percentage 
that it is "effectively" lost.

You must capture the bred T as a gas - from a porous metal, 
preferably and cannot let it even get close to water of any kind - 
as it immediately displaces a lighter hydrogen and is effectively 


Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-12 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sun, 12 Mar 2006 16:17:22
Hi Jones,
>> Using only Li6 (in heavy water as Horace suggested), and running 
>> a
>> few numbers I get a neutron breeding ratio of about 2.7 (from 
>> the
>> deuterium), i.e. for every incident fast neutron about 1.7 extra
>> slow neutrons.
>Actually it is close to unity. The (n,2n) reaction is extremely 
>rare with most light elements - 7Li and Be - being the ONLY 
>exceptions. Fast neutrons simply do not breed many neutrons with 
>either heavy water or 6Li.
According to
the (n,2n) cross section for 14 MeV neutrons on D is 177 mb, while
the elastic scattering cross section for 14 MeV neutrons is only
624 mb. IOW at 14 MeV there is a 28% chance that a collision will
produce an extra neutron. What I did, as previously mentioned is
assume that this ratio (i.e. 28%) holds constant while the energy
remains above 2.2 MeV. That is not so.

Actually the 177 mb drops off while at the same time the elastic
scattering cross section increases. IOW the ratio drops back.
A more accurate calculation results in about 0.47 extra neutrons
for every initial fast neutron, not including secondaries.
(It takes about 4-5 worst case collisions for the fast neutron to
lose so much energy that it is no longer capable of fissioning a
IOW we should get about 1.5 thermal neutrons out for every fast
neutron going in, and nearly all of the thermal neutrons are going
to produce T. This should still be a breeder.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-12 Thread Jones Beene


Using only Li6 (in heavy water as Horace suggested), and running 
few numbers I get a neutron breeding ratio of about 2.7 (from 

deuterium), i.e. for every incident fast neutron about 1.7 extra
slow neutrons.

Actually it is close to unity. The (n,2n) reaction is extremely 
rare with most light elements - 7Li and Be - being the ONLY 
exceptions. Fast neutrons simply do not breed many neutrons with 
either heavy water or 6Li.

This is probably a bit off because it assumes that
the ratio of the fission and elastic scattering cross sections 

constant for any incident neutron energy above 2.2 MeV.

Yes It is way off. Fast neutrons are very funny - and you simply 
cannot base the situation on what thermal neturons do. Fast 
neutrons only react certain nuclei. This has all been worked out 
by careful experiment, and has been known for decades.

Nevertheless it takes no account of extra neutrons flowing from
secondary collisions, of energetic deuterium nuclei, which in 
result from elastic collisions with energetic neutrons. So it 

not be too far off.

There are always too few without a true multiplier - which is the 
(n,2n) reaction. It just doesn't happen with light lithium or 
heavy water. Sorry. You need to get hold of old issues of "Fusion 
Technology" for the confirmation of this, but I am pretty certain 
of the details

Since nearly all of these neutrons are going to react with Li6 

create T, this would appear to actually be a T breeder.

This is based on an incorrect assumtpion. Fast neutrons do not 
multiply with light lithium or heavy water, so there is always 
less than one thermal for every incident 14 MeV high energy one 
(since some few will go though a meter of heavy water without 
interacting - even the scattering cross section for fast neturons 
is low).

(The reaction cross section for the reaction n + Li6 -> He4 + T 
4.78 MeV is about 940 b for thermal neutrons, which totally 

the cross section for any other potential reaction).

Yes. Most thermal neutrons will react with the 6Li - the problem 
is that fewer are multiplied than the ones which escape, so the 
result is too little tritium to sustain.

Taking into account the fact that there are going to be about 

of these reactions for every fusion reaction,

That is not a fact. In fact it is a considerably large error, 
because you are assuming (n,2n) multiplication in a situation 
where there is none.


Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-12 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sun, 12 Mar 2006 08:26:54
>To restate the facts, no tritium occurs in nature since it has a 
>10 year half-life. The most promising source of in-situ tritium is 
>the breeding of tritium from lithium-6 by neutron bombardment of 
>thermal neutrons - except that Li-6 is only 7.5% of natural, and 
>the losses drop you way below what is needed to self-sustain. You 
Looking at the long term, I'm not really sure that this makes any
difference, for two reasons.

1) There's a huge reservoir of Li salts in the ocean, even though
these are extremely dilute.
2) Even the restricted quantity available on land is likely to
last long enough for us to develop reactors that no longer use the
D-T reaction, hence no longer rely on Li6 availability.

The huge cross section of the Li6 + n -> He4 + T reaction gives me
hope that the cross section of the Hy + Li7 -> 2 x He4 reaction
would be even greater. This despite the fact that the cross
section for p-Li7 is quite low. IOW I suspect that the long
confinement times and high densities made possible by hydrinos
will drastically alter the reaction cross section.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-12 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sun, 12 Mar 2006 08:26:54
>The BEST (by far) method of getting the needed tritium is to breed 
>most of it from a cheaper reactor thermal blanket, as Robin/Horace 
>suggest using heavy water and natural lithium hydroxide - this 
>gives you about 75% of the tritium you need to self-sustain. This 
>was what we were planning on doing in the 1960s, until it was 
>discovered that it came up short.
Using only Li6 (in heavy water as Horace suggested), and running a
few numbers I get a neutron breeding ratio of about 2.7 (from the
deuterium), i.e. for every incident fast neutron about 1.7 extra
slow neutrons. This is probably a bit off because it assumes that
the ratio of the fission and elastic scattering cross sections is
constant for any incident neutron energy above 2.2 MeV.
Nevertheless it takes no account of extra neutrons flowing from
secondary collisions, of energetic deuterium nuclei, which in turn
result from elastic collisions with energetic neutrons. So it may
not be too far off.

Since nearly all of these neutrons are going to react with Li6 to
create T, this would appear to actually be a T breeder.

(The reaction cross section for the reaction n + Li6 -> He4 + T +
4.78 MeV is about 940 b for thermal neutrons, which totally swamps
the cross section for any other potential reaction).

Taking into account the fact that there are going to be about 2.7
of these reactions for every fusion reaction, the net energy from
this reaction increases to 12.9 MeV / fusion reaction, which is
about 73% of the fusion energy. IOW the breeding step nearly
doubles the overall energy output. 

Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-12 Thread Frederick Sparber

Jones Beene asks:
> It there something going on, in the wider-population on 
> **Sundays** and in the methodology of a prevalent meme - which 
> tends to draw out the maximum "rant-potential" in even normally 
> introspective  observers...? 
Typical response to the Lunar Cycle, Jones.
Check the vortex archives date index against this moon phase calculator. :-)
Something to do with the potassium level in the Pineal Gland and
the  29 day Spike of TeraHz Radiation from the moon.
Something to do with Seratonin-Melatonin & "Hor Moans".
Johnny Carson read my note to him to the world on this back in May of 1981
it replayed on "Best of Carson" a couple of years later. My phone didn't
stop ringing for days after.  :-)
For Your "third eye"  :-)

Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-12 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

The blankets are neutron multipliers using tin/beryllium or lead to 

multiply neutrons.

Paul Brown's battery used beryllium/copper wires but a Sr90 beta 
source.  But that was a different thread.

It there something going on, in the wider-population on **Sundays** 
and in the methodology of a prevalent meme - which tends to draw out 
the maximum "rant-potential" in even normally introspective  

A 95% full, waxing gibbous moon, IMO.


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Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-12 Thread Horace Heffner
A good idea below from Robin.  Might also be possible to use LiOH  
solution with Li at 0.175 g/cm^3 in hot solution.  Maybe the O18  
generated would also find a use. 8^)

Horace Heffner

On Mar 11, 2006, at 6:32 PM, Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

... expensive
blanket/shielding can be replaced by a cheap 4 layer

1) Inner layer - thin vacuum wall.
2) Thick layer of (cheap;heavy?) water, acts as neutron moderator,
   and removes heat.
3) Thin metal layer that chemically separates water layer from the
   Lithium layer.
4) Thin (and hence cheaper) Lithium layer that absorbs neutrons,
   slowed by the water layer, and produces Tritium. This layer
   can now afford to be much thinner , because the neutrons have
   already been slowed in the moderator (water) layer.

Re: Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-11 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Steven Krivit's message of Sat, 11 Mar 2006 16:18:52

I quote:-

"This is a volume of 3400
m3, which, at an average density of about
3 g/cm3,would weigh 10,000 metric tons. A conservative
cost would be ~$180/kg, for a total
blanket-shield cost of $1.8 billion. This amounts
to $1800/kWe of rated capacity—more than
nuclear fission reactor plants cost today (8)."

What is wrong with this is that the fusion reaction in question
produces mono-energetic neutrons. This means that the expensive
blanket/shielding can be replaced by a cheap 4 layer

1) Inner layer - thin vacuum wall.
2) Thick layer of (cheap;heavy?) water, acts as neutron moderator,
   and removes heat.
3) Thin metal layer that chemically separates water layer from the
   Lithium layer.
4) Thin (and hence cheaper) Lithium layer that absorbs neutrons,
   slowed by the water layer, and produces Tritium. This layer
   can now afford to be much thinner , because the neutrons have
   already been slowed in the moderator (water) layer.

This sort of arrangement should work, because the neutrons are
mono-energetic, and hence the thickness of the water layer can be
pre-determined such that it removes most of the energy from the
neutrons, but allows e.g.  95% them to pass, leaving them free to
enter the Li layer and react at thermal energies, where the
reaction cross section is much higher, and hence the layer can be
much thinner.

Furthermore, this design has built in heat removal in the form of
the water layer, which means that the heat removal per square
meter of surface area can be much higher, and therefore the
overall size much smaller, resulting in a far cheaper design.

Furthermore, the heat created in the Li layer is also easily
conducted back to the water layer as well, such that the water
layer easily cools the entire reactor.

Some of the hydrogen in the water will absorb a neutron and
eventually convert to Tritium which can then be removed and
used in the reactor.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Science exposes Hot Fusion weaknesses: March 11, 2006

2006-03-11 Thread Steven Krivit
Who has ever seen a major science journal expose the flaws of hot fusion in 
such a straightforward and raw manner?

Is this as new as it appears to me?

If you are interested, I'll send you the article.
