Re: ZPE, and UFOs-do we realy need to say OT

2005-12-20 Thread OrionWorks
Grimer sez:


> When he came back to his barrack he found a very different 
> atmosphere. He never found out exactly what happened but 
> what ever it was had scared these tough British Marines, on 
> the eve of leaving to fight in Afghanistan, absolutely 
> shitless. So much so that the squaddie in the next bunk 
> couldn't get to sleep and asked John if he could borrow his 
> rosary.
> Frank Grimer

Whoever was jerking their chains from the other side were probably laughing 
their heads off too.

I don't think the art of practical jokes die when we die.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: ZPE, and UFOs-do we realy need to say OT

2005-12-20 Thread Grimer
At 12:55 pm 20/12/2005 +1100, Wesley Bruce wrote:
>>>Now what?
>>"Now" we have "fallen angels masquerading as aliens" as Jeff says.
>>If you "accept the existence of diabolical possession", 
>>then you have accepted the existence of fallen angels
>>who not only can possess people but can also appear in both
>>human and animal form. I can't see your problem, Harry.  8-) 

> It should also be noted that demon possession is not as 
> debilitating or as spectacular as the depiction in the 
> Movie "Exorcist." Most possessed people today are making 
> good money in businesses and on the new age fair circuit.

Perhaps the following account of meddling with demons will 
interest Vortexians.

One of my grandsons's, John Vianney Grimer, joined the Royal 
Marines. Now the Marines are, with the exception of the SAS, 
the toughest outfit in the British Forces - not that the rest 
are wimps. As my BRS colleague, Dr.Majumdar once remarked - 
One thing the British are superbly good at is fighting. 
That's how they managed to dominate the biggest empire ever 
seen with only handfuls of men.

Well, after the troop had their passing out parade and
received their coveted green berets, some of his mates 
decided it would be fun to have a ouija board session 
for a bit of a lark. John told them not to be so stupid. 
He said they had no idea what they were letting themselves 
in for. Of course being full of their own toughness and 
fighting spirit, they laughed him to scorn. 

John refused to take any part in the proceeding and left 
for the canteen.

When he came back to his barrack he found a very different 
atmosphere. He never found out exactly what happened but 
what ever it was had scared these tough British Marines, on 
the eve of leaving to fight in Afghanistan, absolutely 
shitless. So much so that the squaddie in the next bunk 
couldn't get to sleep and asked John if he could borrow his 

Frank Grimer

Re: ZPE, and UFOs-do we realy need to say OT

2005-12-19 Thread OrionWorks
> From: Wesley Bruce


> We should also point out that Christian theology teaches that
> the demons are limited hugely by God. They rebelled and their
> powered are limited as a penalty. As Gary Bates notes in his
> book evangelical Christians seem Immune from alien abduction. 
> We also teach that God protects us from demonic tampering in
> science but not para science. If as some atheists teach we 
> Christians are just gullible or suggestible then we should be
> just as vulnerable to "abduction" as any other. Atheists by 
> the same argument should be immune. They aren't. I don't 
> blame every thing on demons, that is true superstition, but in 
> any careful analysis it is wise to consider and ask if there
> are forces or processes, even beings beyond the material; 
> have I considered them and controlled for them? Can I control
> for them? Whether you believe in demons, angles, powerful
> aliens, or the possibility of self delusion your need to ask
> 'is this real'.

Consider the possibility that there may exist some form of non-interference 
standard in place. As such, it may be considered ethically inappropriate to 
reveal their existence to individuals whose religion firmly dictates a paradigm 
where revealing their existence can only be interpreted as Fallen Angels or 
Demons. The shock alone of revealing themselves would be highly disruptive to 
the individual.

There's also evidence to support the premise that Christians, just like any 
group of individuals encounter these beings with the same level of randomnes. 
Believing that one is protected by God may be a moot point. I can point you to 
a book:

"UFO... contact from RETICULUM"
ISBN: 0-937850-06-3
By Lt. Col. Wendelle C. Stevens (Ret.)

Here's part of the blurb on the back flap:

* * * * * * *

William J. Herman was born in August of 1952 in Newport, Rhode Island, and came 
to Charleston with his Navy father in 1959. He attended Air Force ROTC upon his 
graduation from High School and later married his ROTC friend's sister.

Bill did not believe in UFOs before his own experiences began in 1977 because 
he thought the Air Force had satisfactorily explained the phenomena. He would 
have scoffed at anyone who professed any serious belief in the ridiculous 
subject. He thought the conclusions of the Condon Committee answered all the 
questions, and he gave the subject no more thought, until 1977.

His world and all of his beliefs were severely shaken by the events that 
unfolded around him from then to now. He still doesn't know how to deal with 
the new truths. He is concerned about the apathy given to subject and the fact 
that nobody knows and nobody wants to know what is really going on. He feels 
duty bound to make someone in authority understand.

* * * * * * *

The book is probably difficult to locate these days, though a good book 
researcher or store specializing in UFOlogy might be of some assistance.

> It should also be noted that demon possession is not as
> debilitating or as spectacular as the depiction in the Movie
> "Exorcist." Most possessed people today are making good
> money in businesses and on the new age fair circuit.

Personally, I find this to be an unfortunate and sad conclusion to make as it 
goes about painting its broad and vague condemnation of an extremely diverse 

It's not very smart either.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: ZPE, and UFOs-do we realy need to say OT

2005-12-19 Thread Wesley Bruce

Now what?


"Now" we have "fallen angels masquerading as aliens" as Jeff says.

If you "accept the existence of diabolical possession", 
then you have accepted the existence of fallen angels

who not only can possess people but can also appear in both
human and animal form. I can't see your problem, Harry.  8-) 



We should also point out that Christian theology teaches that the demons 
are limited hugely by God. They rebelled and their powered are limited 
as a penalty. As Gary Bates notes in his book evangelical Christians 
seem Immune from alien abduction. We also teach that God protects us 
from demonic tampering in science but not para science.
If as some atheists teach we Christians are just gullible or suggestible 
then we should be just as vulnerable to "abduction" as any other. 
Atheists by the same argument should be immune. They aren't. 
I don't blame every thing on demons, that is true superstition, but in 
any careful analysis it is wise to consider and ask if there are forces 
or processes, even beings beyond the material; have I considered them 
and controlled for them? Can I control for them? Whether you believe in 
demons, angles, powerful aliens, or the possibility of self delusion 
your need to ask 'is this real'.

It should also be noted that demon possession is not as debilitating or 
as spectacular as the depiction in the Movie "Exorcist." Most possessed 
people today are making good money in businesses and on the new age fair 

Re: ZPE, and UFOs

2005-12-19 Thread Wesley Bruce

revtec wrote:

I think it highly unlikely that we have in this world aliens coexisting with
angels.  We either have aliens masquerading as angels, or fallen angels
masquerading as aliens.  I personally suspect the latter.

Then, there is also option three for those who prefer it, that both angels
and aliens are imaginary.  It seems that one of these three choices must be
true.  Is there somebody out there able to pull enough facts together to
prove the truth in this matter?


I think Gary Bates has put it together quite nicely. There is an obvious 
lack of good data. This implies that if their
aliens or angles they don't like us to know the full truth. That in 
itself implies that they are not friendly.

The greatest challenge in any field of science or pseudoscience is to 
know what all the assumptions are and be able to
discern their validity. We all attempt this in vortex. We're so diverse 
because we see the differences in our assumptions. 
Many out there in academia or the established Paradigm fail to do so and 
lock themselves into a framework of untested assumptions and false 
Many of them either can't articulate their own assumptions or assume 
that all share their world view.

A Heart seeking the truth asks first if it is ready to ask the question.

Note: There is an explanation for some UFO sightings that is still to be 
explored. Scientists studying bats in north America recently discovered 
that the eat
tons of moths per night. Radar confirmed that there were swarms of moths 
estimated in the kilotons. If these huge swarms are slightly 
bioluminescent or
reflective then they would appear as balls of light that move, dissolve 
and divide in ways that a material craft can't. Insects pixles in a 
three dimentional dance.
They could also appear to move abnormally fast if a diffuse swam over a 
large area converged on a fast moving stimuli like a light change or 
aircrafts sonic boom. The swarm would converge and then diverge but 
adjacent sections might lag creating the illusion of a fast moving 
object in the air.
Both bioluminescents and glint are weak light sources but with a million 
insects in a small relative volume the brightness can become 
significant. No one that I know of  has explored this theory. The 
related idea that UFO's are just an unknown species of fauna, 
electrostatic aerial plankton, is also a more radical possiblity.