[Vo]:Diary of a Mad Scientist

2012-04-05 Thread Terry Blanton
Actually it's a movie:


Just how mad is he?

"In another sexually charged example of performance art Davis sets out
to correct what he feels is a case of censorship in scientists’
efforts to communicate with extraterrestrials. He explains that
researchers have sent images of an anatomically correct man into outer
space but the image they sent of a woman lacked genitalia. To right
this wrong, Davis transmitted the sound of vaginal contractions of
ballet dancers to several nearby stars. The audio recording was beamed
from MIT’s Millstone Hill radar for several minutes before the United
States Air Force shut him down."


Then again, his recordings of sounds made of paramecium indicate that
you can distinguish individuals by their "vocalizations".

Maybe he is not so mad.

I just hope we don't encounter an alien race who communicates with the
language of the of ballet minge!


RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Jones Beene
This is hot, so to speak. Cough, cough ... that can be understood in a
slightly derogatory way. 

Well, it is a slick presentation, glossy and well-prepared - and very
convincing for LENR in a most superficial way. Cheerleaders for W-L, like
Steve Krivit will be quick to heap on the praise. Put on your waders.

However, there is little or no indication that this information has the
least bit of relevance for anything other than exploding wires and lightning
- where everyone has known for a long time that nuclear reactions do occur.
These are not LENR reactions, but are hot. Very hot.

Too bad, with all Larsen's funding, that he cannot muster a decent
experiment of his own with real data - but instead must depend on slick
side-shows and shills to promote a theory that is almost absurd for its
intended purpose.

Lou, your asked: "tried to reproduce"... what? Exploding wires? There is a
megaton of R&D on exploding wires - and no one doubts that it is good data,
but how does it relate to LENR? 

The exploding wire field kind of languished a decade ago, due to lack of a
way to go from wires, one at a time - to higher output. Almost every issue
of FT (Fusion Technology) in the 1990s had papers on this (before Miley
retired as editor). Too bad FT never went digital. There are a couple of
patents on ways to continuously feed wired into electrodes but none of them
got traction, as far as I know.


-Original Message-
From: pagnu...@htdconnect.com 

Lewis Larsen (Lattice Energy LLC) has posted a new presentation entitled -
"Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs)
New neutron data consistent with WLS mechanism in lightning" - at -

He presents evidence that electrons and protons in coherent/collective
motion on metal hydride surfaces, where e-m energy is highly focused, can
form low momentum neutrons which initiate LENR events.

Slides 18-20 ("Nucleosynthesis in exploding wires and lightning I-III")
review the very old (1922) controversy between Wendt and Rutherford on
whether large current pulses through tungsten wires could induce
transmutations. (See preprint: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.1222.pdf).

Wendt, using intense current pulses of strongly inductively coupled
electrons, saw transmutations, whereas Rutherford, using a sparse beam of
uncoupled high velocity electrons, saw none.  Rutherford's eminence
trumped Wendt's more modest reputation.

Now, this cannot be a difficult, nor expensive, experiment to reproduce -
using Wendt's procedure, not Rutherford's.

Has anyone tried to reproduce it?

Re: [Vo]:Yet another flying car

2012-04-05 Thread Jed Rothwell
Drowning Trout  wrote:

Evacuated Tube Transports would be way more beneficial than flying cars.

This is similar to the proposed SwissMetro project.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Yet another flying car

2012-04-05 Thread Robert Lynn
Flying cars can eliminate the need for cities, and many of the problems
that cities create:
-crime and other social problems arising from lack of community
-hugely expensive housing driven by high land prices
-wasted lives commuting
-environmental issues from high population densities
-expensive and bad environment for children, (cities are huge population
sinks where people cannot afford to have children, unlike rural areas)
-massive expense of transport infrastructure

Electric VTOL aircraft can be extremely efficient and cheap and not too
noisy if they are sized to carry one person (the majority of all needed
trips).  Here is a nice example that is being developed at the moment:
100miles in an hour point to point with <$3 in electricity and no roads
from an aircraft that would cost <$10k in mass production (with a concept
that really can work).  This form of transportation would be far cheaper
than cars, buses or trains, and would have better range for lower cost than
electric cars.  Automated aircraft control is a much easier problem to
solve than automated car driving owing to consistency of air and lack of

There are many other similar concepts.  High powered brushless motors and
batteries + GPS and cheap digital communications and computing have really
opened up tremendous opportunities in this area, I expect to see a
breakthrough product in next 10 years.

On 5 April 2012 03:32, Eric Walker  wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 6:24 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> The solution to the traffic problem is to stop going places. Reduce
>> commuting distances with full screen video telecommuting from home and from
>> satellite offices.
> Agreed.  Make cities beautiful and livable and compact enough for people
> to get around by foot and use mass transit.  This is the pattern of
> European cities.  Many American cities had the misfortune of expanding when
> the automobile was becoming common and people were infatuated with the
> freedom of movement they allow.  People don't appear to have appreciated
> how much strip malls, traffic, automobile pollution and urban sprawl would
> detract from their quality of life.
> It's possible to increase urban population density without getting rid of
> cars altogether.  They can be kept in compact garages near the outskirts of
> a city.  Flying cars would only add to the noise and clutter.
> Eric

Re: [Vo]:Yet another flying car

2012-04-05 Thread Xavier Luminous
On Thu, Apr 05, 2012 at 03:56:56PM +0100, Robert Lynn wrote:
> Flying cars can eliminate the need for cities, and many of the problems
> that cities create:
> -crime and other social problems arising from lack of community
> -hugely expensive housing driven by high land prices
> -wasted lives commuting
> -environmental issues from high population densities
> -expensive and bad environment for children, (cities are huge population
> sinks where people cannot afford to have children, unlike rural areas)
> -massive expense of transport infrastructure

As hinted at by Jed and Eric, the problems you are describing are very
US-centric, and I don't think flying cars are the way to address them.  In
Europe (for example) cities are designed to live in, rather than commute

I was born in the US, and you pretty much have to have a vehicle:  the
public transportation is poor or nonexistent, there are few bike lanes, and
important places (home, work, market, pub) are so geographically separated
that you have no other options.

Over here things are much better.  Every place I want to go is accessible
by foot.  There are dedicated bike paths to and from every city, and if you
don't have a bike there are trains and buses which run frequently around
the clock.  The social life certainly benefits from this.

Perhaps better planning would assuage some of these problems, but I'm not
so sure.  It's possible this urban sprawl/car culture runs too deep.


> Electric VTOL aircraft can be extremely efficient and cheap and not too
> noisy if they are sized to carry one person (the majority of all needed
> trips).  Here is a nice example that is being developed at the moment:
> http://www.jobyaviation.com/animation.php
> 100miles in an hour point to point with <$3 in electricity and no roads
> from an aircraft that would cost <$10k in mass production (with a concept
> that really can work).  This form of transportation would be far cheaper
> than cars, buses or trains, and would have better range for lower cost than
> electric cars.  Automated aircraft control is a much easier problem to
> solve than automated car driving owing to consistency of air and lack of
> obstacles.
> There are many other similar concepts.  High powered brushless motors and
> batteries + GPS and cheap digital communications and computing have really
> opened up tremendous opportunities in this area, I expect to see a
> breakthrough product in next 10 years.
> On 5 April 2012 03:32, Eric Walker  wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 6:24 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> >
> > The solution to the traffic problem is to stop going places. Reduce
> >> commuting distances with full screen video telecommuting from home and from
> >> satellite offices.
> >>
> >
> > Agreed.  Make cities beautiful and livable and compact enough for people
> > to get around by foot and use mass transit.  This is the pattern of
> > European cities.  Many American cities had the misfortune of expanding when
> > the automobile was becoming common and people were infatuated with the
> > freedom of movement they allow.  People don't appear to have appreciated
> > how much strip malls, traffic, automobile pollution and urban sprawl would
> > detract from their quality of life.
> >
> > It's possible to increase urban population density without getting rid of
> > cars altogether.  They can be kept in compact garages near the outskirts of
> > a city.  Flying cars would only add to the noise and clutter.
> >
> > Eric
> >
> >

RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 08:59 AM 4/5/2012, Jones Beene wrote:

This is hot, so to speak. Cough, cough ... that can be understood in a
slightly derogatory way.

Well, it is a slick presentation, glossy and well-prepared - and very
convincing for LENR in a most superficial way. Cheerleaders for W-L, like
Steve Krivit will be quick to heap on the praise. Put on your waders.

However, there is little or no indication that this information has the
least bit of relevance for anything other than exploding wires and lightning
- where everyone has known for a long time that nuclear reactions do occur.
These are not LENR reactions, but are hot. Very hot.

Too bad, with all Larsen's funding, that he cannot muster a decent
experiment of his own with real data - but instead must depend on slick
side-shows and shills to promote a theory that is almost absurd for its
intended purpose.

Yeah, I've been looking for evidence that W-L theory is more than a 
castle in the air, with no foundation. I've been looking in vain. 
It's all post-hoc analysis, with ad hoc explanations presented as if 
it were established fact.

I read with interest widom and Larsen's paper on "Absorption of 
Nuclear Gamma Radiation by Heavy Electrons
on Metallic Hydride Surfaces." That's the rabbit that they pull out 
of the hat to explain lack of gamma radiation from metal hydride 
LENR. This should actually be relatively easy to validate 
experimentally, and they know that it would have some value on its 
own, hence they have patented the idea of using these "heavy electron 
patches" to absorb gamma radiation. Fine. Demonstrate it. Once upon a 
time Larsen was asked by Garwin -- Krivit reported this conversation 
-- about experimental evidence for the gamma absorption. "That's 
proprietary information," Larsen replied.

Great. But now that it's patented?

The slide show is well produced, except it's all gee-whiz, 
*explanations* of stuff with no grounding.

And I still have seen no expanation, anywhere, of the basic problems 
with W-L theory.

W and L essentially notice what is fairly obvious: if neutrons can be 
formed, LENR will take place. But what kind of LENR?

So they make up a way that neutrons might be formed, then treat this 
as if it were established fact. Okay, that's part of how we form 
imaginative hypotheses. But then real science starts, in the effort 
to falsify this lovely construct. And I see very little of this.

W and L do address one obvious problem, the lack of observed gammas, 
though they understate it. They say that the expected copious gammas 
are not seen. They understate the problem drastically. If neutrons 
are formed on the surface of metal hydrides, they will produce 
predictable specific frequencies of gamma radiation, and, yes, 
copiously. In order to explain away the lack of observation of these 
gammas, they have to imagine a really prefect gamma-capture device. 
So they make one up. So we now have two rooms built in our castle in the air.

This is little or no improvement over open ignorance. At least "I 
don't know" is intellectually honest. "I can imagine" is great, as 
long as we don't believe what we imagine. Ever. Imagination is useful 
when it leads to real creation and real understanding, as 
demonstrated by an ability to predict what would otherwise be a 
mystery or miracle. Simply creating more "miracles" that aren't 
grounded is not what the field of LENR needs. We need far more basic 
science, far more real data, far more establishment of controlled 
experimental conditions. Theories? We have *way too many.* Storms is 
right about that.

So I'll be posting something here about a very specific piece of 
equipment that is needed to do some of this work. I hope that those 
with some hands-on experience with lasers will assist us. There is 
some very exciting stuff going on.

So, the third miracle that Widom and Larsen theory involves. 
Intermediate products vanish. We obviously have, with LENR, a process 
that results in a neutron only rarely. If copious neutrons were 
produced, reaction rates would be much higher. The only known ash 
that is found in substantial quantity, adequate to explain the heat, 
is helium. To get to helium requires, if neutrons are the agent, 
multiple reactions, and the intermediates must all be converted to 
the final product, helium. That requires a very high reaction rate 
for the second transmutation. Yet the second transmutation simply 
requires that another neutron encounter the intermediate product. If 
the probability of the first reaction is 1/N for any given initial 
target, the probability of the second reaction would be on the order 
of 1/N itself, so the final product would only appear as 1/N of the 
intermediate product. Yet the final product, helium, completely 
dominates, the intermediates aren't found (at all, as far as I know, 
but there might be traces).

Widom-Larsen theory completely fails to explain the actual 
experimental results of cold fusion experiments, particul

[Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

I've been looking at:

Letts, D. and P.L. Hagelstein. Stimulation of Optical Phonons in 
Deuterated Palladium. in ICCF-14 International

Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.


This work has not received adequate attention.

There is more at http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol3.pdf -- page 59 
et seq. (PDF page 65)


A cathode of palladium foil is prepared, according to a protocoal 
which Letts has found has high success at producing excess heat. The 
cathode is loaded to perhaps 85% (?), then an alternate anode of gold 
is energized, and gold is thus plated onto the cathode. Electrolysis 
power is maintained after the loading period and through the experiment.

The cathode is illuminated at a spot with two lasers, tuned to 
produce beat frequencies in the range of 3-22 THz.

Many experimental issues remain to be explored. However, aside from 
some unlikely possibilities, it appears that there is a strong 
response to stimulation, such that when there is, under the 
experimental conditions, no laser stimulation, or stimulation 
off-resonance, there is little or no XP. The response appears to be 
quantitatively predictable. Further, that there would be such a 
response was predicted from theory by Hagelstein. However, it is not 
my purpose here to go into the Hagelstein's theory and its 
implications, except to note that this work may be helping to 
elucidate conditions under which cold fusion takes place. It is the 
level of control that is important.

(One of the problems in the field is that there may be alternate 
conditions, there is not necessarily just one mechanism. We need to 
keep that in mind. For example, the Letts work generally involves 
using a strong magnetic field, whereas other work shows XP without a 
strong field. On the other hand, perhaps only a weak field is needed! 
Such as that of the earth. Field orinetation might matter! One of the 
avenues of approach here is to explore the effect across a range of 
magnetic field strengths and orientations. Obviously, as well, laser 
stimulation is not a necessary cause of XP under all conditions. The 
Letts cells may be, I can speculate, held at a loading level under 
that where the normal FPHE arises; but the THz stimulation shoves 
them into activity.)

In order to replicate this work, THz stimulation is required. To do 
it as Letts did it is expensive.

How can stimulation, perhaps at 14.8 THz or 21.78 THz, be arranged? 
It may be possible to obtain inexpensive laser diodes chosen in pairs 
to produce these frequencies, or close enough. (How close is 
necessary is a matter to be explored). The power need not be high, 
there are signs that the triggering threshold may be below 1 mW per 
laser. It may be possible to tune inexpensive diodes by controlling 
their temperature, over a limited range.

Filters in the THz region might also be obtained or fabricated.

For general interest, I'll add some results of prior discussion. The 
gold deposit appears to be necessary for laser stimulation to have an 
effect. It is that layer, perhaps, that mixes the two laser 
frequencies, producing the effective beat frequency.

Plans are underway to analyze cell atmosphere and used cathodes for 
helium, and, at least at first, this could be an important aspect of 
this work. There is speculation that the resonance above 20 THz is 
due to hydrogen, and so the product from that stimulation might not 
be helium! It is conceivable that the cathode design with a gold 
deposit traps helium, better than an open cathode would. If so, full 
analysis of the cathode might reveal a great deal of information 
about reaction site as well as, perhaps, better determination of 
reaction Q (heat/helium) than has previously been obtained.

Any brainstorming, especially informed, on how to generate the THz 
stimulation will be appreciated. My goal, generally, has been to 
lower the entry cost for doing important cold fusion experimental work.

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread fznidarsic
20 x 10 exp 12 hertz times 50 x 10 exp -9 = one megahertz meter

Someday even Jones and Stevek will believe me.

Frank Znidarsic

-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 
To: vortex-l ; vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Apr 5, 2012 12:38 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering   

I've been looking at:

Letts, D. and P.L. Hagelstein. Stimulation of Optical Phonons in 
Deuterated Palladium. in ICCF-14 International
Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.


This work has not received adequate attention.

There is more at http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol3.pdf -- page 59 
et seq. (PDF page 65)


A cathode of palladium foil is prepared, according to a protocoal 
which Letts has found has high success at producing excess heat. The 
cathode is loaded to perhaps 85% (?), then an alternate anode of gold 
is energized, and gold is thus plated onto the cathode. Electrolysis 
power is maintained after the loading period and through the experiment.

The cathode is illuminated at a spot with two lasers, tuned to 
produce beat frequencies in the range of 3-22 THz.

Many experimental issues remain to be explored. However, aside from 
some unlikely possibilities, it appears that there is a strong 
response to stimulation, such that when there is, under the 
experimental conditions, no laser stimulation, or stimulation 
off-resonance, there is little or no XP. The response appears to be 
quantitatively predictable. Further, that there would be such a 
response was predicted from theory by Hagelstein. However, it is not 
my purpose here to go into the Hagelstein's theory and its 
implications, except to note that this work may be helping to 
elucidate conditions under which cold fusion takes place. It is the 
level of control that is important.

(One of the problems in the field is that there may be alternate 
conditions, there is not necessarily just one mechanism. We need to 
keep that in mind. For example, the Letts work generally involves 
using a strong magnetic field, whereas other work shows XP without a 
strong field. On the other hand, perhaps only a weak field is needed! 
Such as that of the earth. Field orinetation might matter! One of the 
avenues of approach here is to explore the effect across a range of 
magnetic field strengths and orientations. Obviously, as well, laser 
stimulation is not a necessary cause of XP under all conditions. The 
Letts cells may be, I can speculate, held at a loading level under 
that where the normal FPHE arises; but the THz stimulation shoves 
them into activity.)

In order to replicate this work, THz stimulation is required. To do 
it as Letts did it is expensive.

How can stimulation, perhaps at 14.8 THz or 21.78 THz, be arranged? 
It may be possible to obtain inexpensive laser diodes chosen in pairs 
to produce these frequencies, or close enough. (How close is 
necessary is a matter to be explored). The power need not be high, 
there are signs that the triggering threshold may be below 1 mW per 
laser. It may be possible to tune inexpensive diodes by controlling 
their temperature, over a limited range.

Filters in the THz region might also be obtained or fabricated.

For general interest, I'll add some results of prior discussion. The 
gold deposit appears to be necessary for laser stimulation to have an 
effect. It is that layer, perhaps, that mixes the two laser 
frequencies, producing the effective beat frequency.

Plans are underway to analyze cell atmosphere and used cathodes for 
helium, and, at least at first, this could be an important aspect of 
this work. There is speculation that the resonance above 20 THz is 
due to hydrogen, and so the product from that stimulation might not 
be helium! It is conceivable that the cathode design with a gold 
deposit traps helium, better than an open cathode would. If so, full 
analysis of the cathode might reveal a great deal of information 
about reaction site as well as, perhaps, better determination of 
reaction Q (heat/helium) than has previously been obtained.

Any brainstorming, especially informed, on how to generate the THz 
stimulation will be appreciated. My goal, generally, has been to 
lower the entry cost for doing important cold fusion experimental work.


RE: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> Any brainstorming, especially informed, on how to generate the THz 
stimulation will be appreciated.

Contact:  Virginia Diodes Inc. (434) 297-3257
THz Mixers, Multipliers, Systems


Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Daniel Rocha
If you are not concerned with a narrow broad band, you could use a
blackbody emission. According to Wien's displacement law, 14.8THz to


gives 251K to 387K.

So, a resistive heater would give you the upper band and for the lower
band, you'd need a Terahertz source:


Like this one:


2012/4/5 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> I've been looking at:
> Letts, D. and P.L. Hagelstein. Stimulation of Optical Phonons in
> Deuterated Palladium. in ICCF-14 International
> Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.
> http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/**LettsDstimulatio.pdf
> This work has not received adequate attention.
> There is more at 
> http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/**JCMNS-Vol3.pdf--
>  page 59 et seq. (PDF page 65)
> Summary:
> A cathode of palladium foil is prepared, according to a protocoal which
> Letts has found has high success at producing excess heat. The cathode is
> loaded to perhaps 85% (?), then an alternate anode of gold is energized,
> and gold is thus plated onto the cathode. Electrolysis power is maintained
> after the loading period and through the experiment.
> The cathode is illuminated at a spot with two lasers, tuned to produce
> beat frequencies in the range of 3-22 THz.
> Many experimental issues remain to be explored. However, aside from some
> unlikely possibilities, it appears that there is a strong response to
> stimulation, such that when there is, under the experimental conditions, no
> laser stimulation, or stimulation off-resonance, there is little or no XP.
> The response appears to be quantitatively predictable. Further, that there
> would be such a response was predicted from theory by Hagelstein. However,
> it is not my purpose here to go into the Hagelstein's theory and its
> implications, except to note that this work may be helping to elucidate
> conditions under which cold fusion takes place. It is the level of control
> that is important.
> (One of the problems in the field is that there may be alternate
> conditions, there is not necessarily just one mechanism. We need to keep
> that in mind. For example, the Letts work generally involves using a strong
> magnetic field, whereas other work shows XP without a strong field. On the
> other hand, perhaps only a weak field is needed! Such as that of the earth.
> Field orinetation might matter! One of the avenues of approach here is to
> explore the effect across a range of magnetic field strengths and
> orientations. Obviously, as well, laser stimulation is not a necessary
> cause of XP under all conditions. The Letts cells may be, I can speculate,
> held at a loading level under that where the normal FPHE arises; but the
> THz stimulation shoves them into activity.)
> In order to replicate this work, THz stimulation is required. To do it as
> Letts did it is expensive.
> How can stimulation, perhaps at 14.8 THz or 21.78 THz, be arranged? It may
> be possible to obtain inexpensive laser diodes chosen in pairs to produce
> these frequencies, or close enough. (How close is necessary is a matter to
> be explored). The power need not be high, there are signs that the
> triggering threshold may be below 1 mW per laser. It may be possible to
> tune inexpensive diodes by controlling their temperature, over a limited
> range.
> Filters in the THz region might also be obtained or fabricated.
> For general interest, I'll add some results of prior discussion. The gold
> deposit appears to be necessary for laser stimulation to have an effect. It
> is that layer, perhaps, that mixes the two laser frequencies, producing the
> effective beat frequency.
> Plans are underway to analyze cell atmosphere and used cathodes for
> helium, and, at least at first, this could be an important aspect of this
> work. There is speculation that the resonance above 20 THz is due to
> hydrogen, and so the product from that stimulation might not be helium! It
> is conceivable that the cathode design with a gold deposit traps helium,
> better than an open cathode would. If so, full analysis of the cathode
> might reveal a great deal of information about reaction site as well as,
> perhaps, better determination of reaction Q (heat/helium) than has
> previously been obtained.
> Any brainstorming, especially informed, on how to generate the THz
> stimulation will be appreciated. My goal, generally, has been to lower the
> entry cost for doing important cold fusion experimental work.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Daniel Rocha
BTW, this resembles the stuff Rossi claims to use...

2012/4/5 Daniel Rocha 

> If you are not concerned with a narrow broad band, you could use a
> blackbody emission. According to Wien's displacement law, 14.8THz to
> 22.5THz,
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wien%27s_displacement_law#Frequency-dependent_formulation
> gives 251K to 387K.
> So, a resistive heater would give you the upper band and for the lower
> band, you'd need a Terahertz source:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terahertz_radiation
> Like this one:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backward_wave_oscillator
> 2012/4/5 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 
>> I've been looking at:
>> Letts, D. and P.L. Hagelstein. Stimulation of Optical Phonons in
>> Deuterated Palladium. in ICCF-14 International
>> Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.
>> http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/**LettsDstimulatio.pdf
>> This work has not received adequate attention.
>> There is more at 
>> http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/**JCMNS-Vol3.pdf--
>>  page 59 et seq. (PDF page 65)
>> Summary:
>> A cathode of palladium foil is prepared, according to a protocoal which
>> Letts has found has high success at producing excess heat. The cathode is
>> loaded to perhaps 85% (?), then an alternate anode of gold is energized,
>> and gold is thus plated onto the cathode. Electrolysis power is maintained
>> after the loading period and through the experiment.
>> The cathode is illuminated at a spot with two lasers, tuned to produce
>> beat frequencies in the range of 3-22 THz.
>> Many experimental issues remain to be explored. However, aside from some
>> unlikely possibilities, it appears that there is a strong response to
>> stimulation, such that when there is, under the experimental conditions, no
>> laser stimulation, or stimulation off-resonance, there is little or no XP.
>> The response appears to be quantitatively predictable. Further, that there
>> would be such a response was predicted from theory by Hagelstein. However,
>> it is not my purpose here to go into the Hagelstein's theory and its
>> implications, except to note that this work may be helping to elucidate
>> conditions under which cold fusion takes place. It is the level of control
>> that is important.
>> (One of the problems in the field is that there may be alternate
>> conditions, there is not necessarily just one mechanism. We need to keep
>> that in mind. For example, the Letts work generally involves using a strong
>> magnetic field, whereas other work shows XP without a strong field. On the
>> other hand, perhaps only a weak field is needed! Such as that of the earth.
>> Field orinetation might matter! One of the avenues of approach here is to
>> explore the effect across a range of magnetic field strengths and
>> orientations. Obviously, as well, laser stimulation is not a necessary
>> cause of XP under all conditions. The Letts cells may be, I can speculate,
>> held at a loading level under that where the normal FPHE arises; but the
>> THz stimulation shoves them into activity.)
>> In order to replicate this work, THz stimulation is required. To do it as
>> Letts did it is expensive.
>> How can stimulation, perhaps at 14.8 THz or 21.78 THz, be arranged? It
>> may be possible to obtain inexpensive laser diodes chosen in pairs to
>> produce these frequencies, or close enough. (How close is necessary is a
>> matter to be explored). The power need not be high, there are signs that
>> the triggering threshold may be below 1 mW per laser. It may be possible to
>> tune inexpensive diodes by controlling their temperature, over a limited
>> range.
>> Filters in the THz region might also be obtained or fabricated.
>> For general interest, I'll add some results of prior discussion. The gold
>> deposit appears to be necessary for laser stimulation to have an effect. It
>> is that layer, perhaps, that mixes the two laser frequencies, producing the
>> effective beat frequency.
>> Plans are underway to analyze cell atmosphere and used cathodes for
>> helium, and, at least at first, this could be an important aspect of this
>> work. There is speculation that the resonance above 20 THz is due to
>> hydrogen, and so the product from that stimulation might not be helium! It
>> is conceivable that the cathode design with a gold deposit traps helium,
>> better than an open cathode would. If so, full analysis of the cathode
>> might reveal a great deal of information about reaction site as well as,
>> perhaps, better determination of reaction Q (heat/helium) than has
>> previously been obtained.
>> Any brainstorming, especially informed, on how to generate the THz
>> stimulation will be appreciated. My goal, generally, has been to lower the
>> entry cost for doing important cold fusion experimental work.
> --
> Daniel Rocha - RJ
> danieldi...@gmail.com

Re: [Vo]:Yet another flying car

2012-04-05 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Xavier Luminous

> As hinted at by Jed and Eric, the problems you are describing are very
> US-centric, and I don't think flying cars are the way to address them.

Jed and I live in Atlanta.  The average one-way commute in Atlanta is
33 miles.  Mine is 25 miles.  Jed has chosen more wisely.


Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Well, it is a slick presentation, glossy and well-prepared - and very
> convincing for LENR in a most superficial way.

Consultant's motto:  "It always works in the PowerPoint presentation."


Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread integral.property.serv...@gmail.com

Great to see you all back from the future to reality.

See the following Chan links:
See Hideki 
See Tengzelius at: 
See  Lucky Saint at:
See Te Chung
at:  http://www.mail-archive.com/vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg64616.html

Question, take your best shot at designing a LERN apparatus that should
produce excess heat. One that you are capable of putting together by
yourself for under $500. Specify what and where ro buy materials.
Enought of the pipe dream boring BS. This is a challenge for you. Are
you all more than just passing wind?

Warm Regards,


pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:

  Lewis Larsen (Lattice Energy LLC) has posted a new presentation entitled -
"Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs)
New neutron data consistent with WLS mechanism in lightning" - at -

He presents evidence that electrons and protons in coherent/collective
motion on metal hydride surfaces, where e-m energy is highly focused, can
form low momentum neutrons which initiate LENR events.

Slides 18-20 ("Nucleosynthesis in exploding wires and lightning I-III")
review the very old (1922) controversy between Wendt and Rutherford on
whether large current pulses through tungsten wires could induce
transmutations. (See preprint: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.1222.pdf).

Wendt, using intense current pulses of strongly inductively coupled
electrons, saw transmutations, whereas Rutherford, using a sparse beam of
uncoupled high velocity electrons, saw none.  Rutherford's eminence
trumped Wendt's more modest reputation.

Now, this cannot be a difficult, nor expensive, experiment to reproduce -
using Wendt's procedure, not Rutherford's.

Has anyone tried to reproduce it?


Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Guenter Wildgruber

 Von: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 
An: vortex-l@eskimo.com; vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Gesendet: 18:34 Donnerstag, 5.April 2012
Betreff: RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

>And I still have seen no expanation, anywhere, of the basic problems with W-L 

Abd ul.
Do you know this:
"A short rebuttal to the proponents and protagonists of Widom Larson Theory"
by "goatguy"

He is generally very skeptic wrt LENR, but he is tough, witty and mostly up to 
the point.


Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Guenter Wildgruber

 Von: "integral.property.serv...@gmail.com" 

An: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Gesendet: 21:22 Donnerstag, 5.April 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

>Great to see you all back from the future to reality.
>This is a challenge for you. Are
you all more than just passing wind?
>Warm Regards,

This Chan guy is a real wizard.

...By using a generous molar excess of  MgH2 within the previously described 
reaction mixture with a 3% by 
weight of commercial gun powder (Thoroughly mixed and manipulated in a glove 
box) an explosive results which exceeds possible chemical 
reactions (many factors of 10). Place inside of the drilled cavity of a 32 
cartridge head, Carefully tamp and seal with epoxy. Fire at a 2\' 
diameter section of a tree trunk. Result is an incredibly massive explosion 
reducing the target to splinters. 

now the admin got a bit worried:
Update IV
I have decided to stop publicizing the Chan Method.  I have repeatedly 
asked him for pictures and some evidence but all I ever hear is that he 
is too busy and he now apparently has his own website.  I don\'t have a 
lot of time check the procedures of listed replicators but it would be 
irresponsible to lead people astray.
Regardless the Copper/RFG combination doesn\'t make sense, the use of 
mineral oil at that temperature doesn\'t make sense, the exploding 
comments don\'t make sense.  I would not recommend Chan\'s Method and by 
association Phen\'s method.  I have added Peter Roe\'s analysis so that this 
thread can come to an end.  Thanks to Peter.

The NSA probably is watching him closely. At least he gets THOSE guys busy.


RE: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Jones Beene
Hey Daniel - instead of straight wide spectrum low IR - why not add a
special filter to a tuned resistance heater electrode to get some kind of
pseudo coherence? Here is a pretty steep spike at 2 THz:




Low terahertz might work, no? Doubt if they go very high without massive


Anyway, mention of the BWO brings to mind another great "missed opportunity"
by Randell Mills and BLP. That would be his versions of the gyrotron - which
is similar to the BWO and was to be combined with direct conversion of EUV
from his hydrogen (hydrino) plasma. He called it the "reverse gyrotron".
Supposedly, prototypes were built.


Gyrotrons are extremely efficient - and small for their power. It is not
clear why Mills gave up on the concept, but Russia owns much of the IP - and
maybe he did not want to deal with the Russians.


Anyway, newer versions of the gyrotron will reach into low THz. And if HTSC
could be added to increase the field strength of the required magnet, who
knows? Wow pulses at 50 T. !




Darn, if I had only managed to guess the numbers on last week's big Lotto
prize . well . a new version of this would be on my to-do list. 


IOW developing this kind of device in the context of a direct converter for
Ni-H, similar to the way Mills tried to do with the hydrino - yeah - that
would probably eat up 100 million, easy.





From: Daniel Rocha 


Like this one:






RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread pagnucco

Regarding the absence of gammas -

Don't nanoscale currents store far more inductive momentum/energy than
macro currents do per conduction electron?  For example, see -
"Low Frequency Plasmons in Thin Wire Structures" - JB Pendry

The surface electrons behave as "a low density plasma of very heavy
charged particles."

Correct me if I am wrong, but I surmise that these high effective mass
electrons propagate with extremely high momentum - due to inductive
coupling to other neighboring conduction electrons.  I believe they appear
effectively far more massive in the current flow direction.

If so, is it reasonable to suppose that a high energy gamma would
experience many (anomalously high) dissipative Compton collisions before
escaping as a less energetic photon?  If this is plausible, could we
confirm it, by embedding a few radioactive gamma sources inside nanowires
and observing whether gammas are attenuated and/or directionally scattered
during current flow?

Lou Pagnucco

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
> At 08:59 AM 4/5/2012, Jones Beene wrote:
>>This is hot, so to speak. Cough, cough ... that can be understood in a
>>slightly derogatory way.
>>Well, it is a slick presentation, glossy and well-prepared - and very
>>convincing for LENR in a most superficial way. Cheerleaders for W-L, like
>>Steve Krivit will be quick to heap on the praise. Put on your waders.
>>However, there is little or no indication that this information has the
>>least bit of relevance for anything other than exploding wires and
>> lightning
>>- where everyone has known for a long time that nuclear reactions do
>> occur.
>>These are not LENR reactions, but are hot. Very hot.
>>Too bad, with all Larsen's funding, that he cannot muster a decent
>>experiment of his own with real data - but instead must depend on slick
>>side-shows and shills to promote a theory that is almost absurd for its
>>intended purpose.
> Yeah, I've been looking for evidence that W-L theory is more than a
> castle in the air, with no foundation. I've been looking in vain.
> It's all post-hoc analysis, with ad hoc explanations presented as if
> it were established fact.
> I read with interest widom and Larsen's paper on "Absorption of
> Nuclear Gamma Radiation by Heavy Electrons
> on Metallic Hydride Surfaces." That's the rabbit that they pull out
> of the hat to explain lack of gamma radiation from metal hydride
> LENR. This should actually be relatively easy to validate
> experimentally, and they know that it would have some value on its
> own, hence they have patented the idea of using these "heavy electron
> patches" to absorb gamma radiation. Fine. Demonstrate it. Once upon a
> time Larsen was asked by Garwin -- Krivit reported this conversation
> -- about experimental evidence for the gamma absorption. "That's
> proprietary information," Larsen replied.
> Great. But now that it's patented?
> The slide show is well produced, except it's all gee-whiz,
> *explanations* of stuff with no grounding.
> And I still have seen no expanation, anywhere, of the basic problems
> with W-L theory.
> W and L essentially notice what is fairly obvious: if neutrons can be
> formed, LENR will take place. But what kind of LENR?
> So they make up a way that neutrons might be formed, then treat this
> as if it were established fact. Okay, that's part of how we form
> imaginative hypotheses. But then real science starts, in the effort
> to falsify this lovely construct. And I see very little of this.
> W and L do address one obvious problem, the lack of observed gammas,
> though they understate it. They say that the expected copious gammas
> are not seen. They understate the problem drastically. If neutrons
> are formed on the surface of metal hydrides, they will produce
> predictable specific frequencies of gamma radiation, and, yes,
> copiously. In order to explain away the lack of observation of these
> gammas, they have to imagine a really prefect gamma-capture device.
> So they make one up. So we now have two rooms built in our castle in the
> air.
> This is little or no improvement over open ignorance. At least "I
> don't know" is intellectually honest. "I can imagine" is great, as
> long as we don't believe what we imagine. Ever. Imagination is useful
> when it leads to real creation and real understanding, as
> demonstrated by an ability to predict what would otherwise be a
> mystery or miracle. Simply creating more "miracles" that aren't
> grounded is not what the field of LENR needs. We need far more basic
> science, far more real data, far more establishment of controlled
> experimental conditions. Theories? We have *way too many.* Storms is
> right about that.
> So I'll be posting something here about a very specific piece of
> equipment that is needed to do some of this work. I hope that those
> with some hands-on experience with lasers will assist us. There is
> some 

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Daniel Rocha
The problem would be the output. The low energy tail would have also a very
low power. I think a specialized equipment for that band is required...

2012/4/5 Jones Beene 

>  Hey Daniel – instead of straight wide spectrum low IR - why not add a
> special filter to a tuned resistance heater electrode to get some kind of
> pseudo coherence? Here is a pretty steep spike at 2 THz:
> ** **
> http://www.insight-product.com/mesh3.htm
> ** **
> Low terahertz might work, no? Doubt if they go very high without massive
> losses.
> ** **
> Anyway, mention of the BWO brings to mind another great “missed
> opportunity” by Randell Mills and BLP. That would be his versions of the
> gyrotron – which is similar to the BWO and was to be combined with direct
> conversion of EUV from his hydrogen (hydrino) plasma. He called it the
> “reverse gyrotron”. Supposedly, prototypes were built.
> ** **
> Gyrotrons are extremely efficient - and small for their power. It is not
> clear why Mills gave up on the concept, but Russia owns much of the IP -
> and maybe he did not want to deal with the Russians.
> ** **
> Anyway, newer versions of the gyrotron will reach into low THz. And if
> HTSC could be added to increase the field strength of the required magnet,
> who knows? Wow pulses at 50 T. !
> ** **
> http://www.tstnetwork.org/December2009/tst-v2n4-150Powerful.pdf
> ** **
> Darn, if I had only managed to guess the numbers on last week’s big Lotto
> prize … well … a new version of this would be on my to-do list. 
> ** **
> IOW developing this kind of device in the context of a direct converter
> for Ni-H, similar to the way Mills tried to do with the hydrino – yeah –
> that would probably eat up 100 million, easy.
> ** **
> Jones
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Daniel Rocha 
> ** **
> Like this one:
> ** **
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backward_wave_oscillator 
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
I was referring to "explanations" by "proponents" or others, 
justifying W-L theory in the face of serious objections (not the 
pseudoskeptical "it's impossible" objections, but the real thing). 
Goatguy, there, does come up with some of what I've mentioned, plus 
other stuff. He's focusing on NiH, though which is a huge red herring 
for this entire field.

We have very little experimental evidence on NiH -- and practically 
nothing trustworthy on Rossi's work -- compared to PdD.

I'll reply to one of his objections (which is similar to one of mine).

Goatguy is pointing that full absorption implies isotropic emission 
of gammas,  amazing by itself, but this doesn't apply if the NAE is 
entirely contained (all directions). That seems terribly unlikely, 
however. Especially since the neutron generation effect is proposed 
as a surface effect.

My objection to the gamma absorption device is simply that there is 
no known experimental evidence that it exists. And it would be easy 
to demonstrate, as Goatguy points out.

Goatguy doesn't seem to address the rate problem, not in the same 
way, but he does point out that far more transmutation would be 
expected than is observed. In PdD cold fusion, the ash is helium, 
almost entirely. That's why Krivit is attacking the excess heat/He-4 
results. Those are, effectively, fatal to W-L theory, but Krivit does 
not seem to realize that all the alleged errors he finds could only 
push the Q a little bit, not do away with the findings. W-L theory 
would predict very little helium.

Look, these objections are *obvious*, yet they are unaddressed in the 
W-L promotional literature, which unfortunately includes Krivit's New 
Energy Times.

At 02:07 PM 4/5/2012, Guenter Wildgruber wrote:

Von: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 
An: vortex-l@eskimo.com; vortex-l@eskimo.com
Gesendet: 18:34 Donnerstag, 5.April 2012
Betreff: RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

>And I still have seen no expanation, anywhere, of the basic 
problems with W-L theory.

Abd ul.
Do you know this:
"A short rebuttal to the proponents and protagonists of Widom Larson Theory"
by "goatguy"

He is generally very skeptic wrt LENR, but he is tough, witty and 
mostly up to the point.


Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 02:22 PM 4/5/2012, integral.property.serv...@gmail.com wrote:

Great to see you all back from the future to reality.

See the following Chan links:
Hideki  at: 
See Tengzelius 
See Lucky Saint at: 
See Te Chung 

Question, take your best shot at designing a LERN apparatus that 
should produce excess heat. One that you are capable of putting 
together by yourself for under $500. Specify what and where ro buy 
materials. Enought of the pipe dream boring BS. This is a challenge 
for you. Are you all more than just passing wind?

It is crucial to distinguish between the explosion of speculation and 
gaseous emission based on Rossi (with some sideshows involving 
Defkalion and a few others), and the more than twenty years of 
peer-reviewed and other published research on PdD cold fusion (with 
only a little on NiH work, i.e., what Rossi is claiming).

Designing a LENR device (not LERN, though maybe 
integral.property.service is French, except then it wouldn't be "LE") 
that is reliable is the classic problem. It is possible to reproduce 
certain experiments for on the order of $100, but those aren't the 
most convincing ones, and there are many pitfalls, it is easy to come 
up empty. (I can supply everything you would need except for power 
supply and meters and hookup wire, to run an attempt to replicate the 
SPAWAR neutron findings -- but this has practically zero implications 
for power generation, and was not designed to make it easy to measure 
heat, it's been scaled down, and it only looks, in the simplest 
incarnation, for neutrons).

It's the wrong request, way premature. Take it back. Miles ran a 
series of cells in the early 1990s, and got 21 out of 33 cells to 
show excess heat. Is that "reliable"? Reliable enough for what? For 
energy generation, probably not! However, for exploring the science 
of this, which has been my interest, it could be quite enough.

Now, run that kind of series, using the state of the art, and measure 
helium in the generated gas.

Presto! A single replicable experiment. It's been run many times, and 
the famous negative replications confirm what everyone else has found.

The helium is correlated with the excess heat.

In 2004, one of the U.S. Department of Energy reviewers looked at the 
heat/helium evidence that was presented, and misinterpreted it, and 
based his report on this misinterpretation. Then the summarizing 
bureaucrat again misunderstood what the reviewer presented, further 
mangling the report, such that a clear correlation between anomalous 
heat and helium production was reported, through this comedy of 
errors, as an anti-correlation. No wonder they concluded that the 
evidence wasn't conclusive!

The primary evidence that the anomalous heat of the Fleischmann-Pons 
Heat Effect is not only real, not artifact of calorimetry error, and 
that it is nuclear in origin, was missed.

Why? I'm not sure. I found a strange lack of emphasis on heat/helium 
in my communications with LENR scientists as well. It would be 
mentioned here and there, but always with far more focus on 
calorimetry alone, or this or that theory of what's happening.

But there it is: determining heat/helium in the Fleischmann Pons Heat 
Effect, the single replicable experiment that everyone has been 
clamoring for, since 1989, and it's existed since about 1993. Storms 
reports a dozen groups confirming the correlation. There are none in 
the other direction.

That it is statistical in nature (if individual cells are 
unpredictably erratic in heat generation) is not something normally 
expected by physicists, that's all. It's just as convincing, once understood.

(Cold fusion is famous for replication failure, at the beginning. 
People who confirmed it were largely those who didn't give up at one 
or a few cells that show nothing, who kept at it. Miles' ultimate 
result of 21/33 was quite high for the time. Miles, of course, was 
one of the researchers whose initial negative report

RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread pagnucco

Sure, some of those experiments produce hot plasmas, but there are many 
experimental results which appear to produce transmutations with
temperatures too low to produce collisions energetic enough for fusion  -
unless the energy is focused and "hidden" in infinitesimal volumes.

My suggestion is that transmutations be the litmus test for LENR - not the
calorimetry results which never seem definitive enough for everyone.  If
the reported successful experiments were well conducted, then they will be

Jones Beene wrote:
> This is hot, so to speak. Cough, cough ... that can be understood in a
> slightly derogatory way.
> Well, it is a slick presentation, glossy and well-prepared - and very
> convincing for LENR in a most superficial way. Cheerleaders for W-L, like
> Steve Krivit will be quick to heap on the praise. Put on your waders.
> However, there is little or no indication that this information has the
> least bit of relevance for anything other than exploding wires and
> lightning
> - where everyone has known for a long time that nuclear reactions do
> occur.
> These are not LENR reactions, but are hot. Very hot.
> Too bad, with all Larsen's funding, that he cannot muster a decent
> experiment of his own with real data - but instead must depend on slick
> side-shows and shills to promote a theory that is almost absurd for its
> intended purpose.
> Lou, your asked: "tried to reproduce"... what? Exploding wires? There is a
> megaton of R&D on exploding wires - and no one doubts that it is good
> data,
> but how does it relate to LENR?
> The exploding wire field kind of languished a decade ago, due to lack of a
> way to go from wires, one at a time - to higher output. Almost every issue
> of FT (Fusion Technology) in the 1990s had papers on this (before Miley
> retired as editor). Too bad FT never went digital. There are a couple of
> patents on ways to continuously feed wired into electrodes but none of
> them
> got traction, as far as I know.
> Jones
> -Original Message-
> From: pagnu...@htdconnect.com
> Lewis Larsen (Lattice Energy LLC) has posted a new presentation entitled -
> "Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs)
> New neutron data consistent with WLS mechanism in lightning" - at -
> http://www.slideshare.net/lewisglarsen
> He presents evidence that electrons and protons in coherent/collective
> motion on metal hydride surfaces, where e-m energy is highly focused, can
> form low momentum neutrons which initiate LENR events.
> Slides 18-20 ("Nucleosynthesis in exploding wires and lightning I-III")
> review the very old (1922) controversy between Wendt and Rutherford on
> whether large current pulses through tungsten wires could induce
> transmutations. (See preprint: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.1222.pdf).
> Wendt, using intense current pulses of strongly inductively coupled
> electrons, saw transmutations, whereas Rutherford, using a sparse beam of
> uncoupled high velocity electrons, saw none.  Rutherford's eminence
> trumped Wendt's more modest reputation.
> Now, this cannot be a difficult, nor expensive, experiment to reproduce -
> using Wendt's procedure, not Rutherford's.
> Has anyone tried to reproduce it?

RE: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:22 PM 4/5/2012, Jones Beene wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

> Any brainstorming, especially informed, on how to generate the THz
stimulation will be appreciated.

Contact:  Virginia Diodes Inc. (434) 297-3257
THz Mixers, Multipliers, Systems

I don't see anything there above 3 THz. 

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:30 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
If you are not concerned with a narrow broad band, you could use a 
blackbody emission. According to Wien's displacement law, 14.8THz to 22.5THz,


gives 251K to 387K.

The frequencies of interest are far infrared, or sometimes called 
mid-infrared. Blackbody emissions certainly exist in the range, but 
are are at low levels and are not coherent.

I've been speculating, though, as an aside, that the erratic results 
of cold fusion might have to do with the presence or absence of 
environmental THz radiation. I don't know if anyone looked for this, 
and don't place a lot of weight on the idea

The beat frequency signal generated in the dual laser stimulation 
work will be coherent. It appears that the gold particles that form 
the gold plating may re-radiate the beat frequency, causing effects 
in the PdD below. (There is an objection that the excess heat effect 
might be happening directly in the gold layer, but I'm setting that 
aside for the time being, though it cannot yet be absolutely ruled out).

It is unknown whether or not the stimulation must be coherent.

So, a resistive heater would give you the upper band and for the 
lower band, you'd need a Terahertz source:


The frequencies of interest are approximately 8, 15, and 22 THz, 
which are above what the article calls "Terahertz radiation."

Like this one:


The frequencies involved are outside the band of interest. 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photomixing is more to the point. The 
theory is that the gold particles serve as the mixer.

It is unclear that an external source at the frequencies involved 
would work. The emitted infrared would have to penetrate the 
experimental cell wall and the intervening electrolyte. The visible 
light lasers do that, mixing, it's proposed, at the surface.

(no more new content below)

2012/4/5 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com>
I've been looking at:

Letts, D. and P.L. Hagelstein. Stimulation of Optical Phonons in 
Deuterated Palladium. in ICCF-14 International

Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.


This work has not received adequate attention.

There is more at 
-- page 59 et seq. (PDF page 65)


A cathode of palladium foil is prepared, according to a protocoal 
which Letts has found has high success at producing excess heat. The 
cathode is loaded to perhaps 85% (?), then an alternate anode of 
gold is energized, and gold is thus plated onto the cathode. 
Electrolysis power is maintained after the loading period and 
through the experiment.

The cathode is illuminated at a spot with two lasers, tuned to 
produce beat frequencies in the range of 3-22 THz.

Many experimental issues remain to be explored. However, aside from 
some unlikely possibilities, it appears that there is a strong 
response to stimulation, such that when there is, under the 
experimental conditions, no laser stimulation, or stimulation 
off-resonance, there is little or no XP. The response appears to be 
quantitatively predictable. Further, that there would be such a 
response was predicted from theory by Hagelstein. However, it is not 
my purpose here to go into the Hagelstein's theory and its 
implications, except to note that this work may be helping to 
elucidate conditions under which cold fusion takes place. It is the 
level of control that is important.

(One of the problems in the field is that there may be alternate 
conditions, there is not necessarily just one mechanism. We need to 
keep that in mind. For example, the Letts work generally involves 
using a strong magnetic field, whereas other work shows XP without a 
strong field. On the other hand, perhaps only a weak field is 
needed! Such as that of the earth. Field orinetation might matter! 
One of the avenues of approach here is to explore the effect across 
a range of magnetic field strengths and orientations. Obviously, as 
well, laser stimulation is not a necessary cause of XP under all 
conditions. The Letts cells may be, I can speculate, held at a 
loading level under that where the normal FPHE arises; but the THz 
stimulation shoves them into activity.)

In order to replicate this work, THz stimulation is required. To do 
it as Letts did it is expensive.

How can stimulation, perhaps at 14.8 THz or 21.78 THz, be arranged? 
It may be possible to obtain inexpe

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:31 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:

BTW, this resembles the stuff Rossi claims to use...

I don't think so. However, sure. Maybe the band heater that Rossi 
uses is actually an IR source.

However, I'm not willing to base anything on anything from Rossi, 
until and unless it is independently confirmed. Thanks for the idea, though.

2012/4/5 Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com>
If you are not concerned with a narrow broad band, you could use a 
blackbody emission. According to Wien's displacement law, 14.8THz to 22.5THz,


gives 251K to 387K.

So, a resistive heater would give you the upper band and for the 
lower band, you'd need a Terahertz source:


Like this one:


RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: pagnu...@htdconnect.com 

> "Jones, Sure, some of those experiments produce hot plasmas, but there are
experimental results which appear to produce transmutations with
temperatures too low to produce collisions energetic enough for fusion"...  

Lou - yes that is absolutely true. But there is a middle ground. This goes
back a few decades to Philo Farnsworth - the inventor of television. He was
obsessed with fusion at lower but not low energy. The Farnsworth Fusor is
the main case in point for the middle ground (and "exploding wires" is
next). This is a completely different regime than LENR. Indeed W-L may have
some relevance to warm fusion, but none to LENR.

Copious neutrons from both these devices (Fusor and exploding wire) are
documented at input energies of about 10 keV instead of the fusion threshold
of over 1 MeV for real fusion (100 times less). Thus, the name often applied
to these two reactions is "warm fusion." They are triggered with 100 times
more energy than LENR, but are 100 time colder than thermonuclear fusion.
Mas o menos.

The wild card which explains everything is the Oppenheimer-Phillips effect,
aka the "deuteron stripping" reaction, or "OP effect" which is the removal
of a neutron from deuterium. 

Wiki has an entry but it is probably the most flawed Wiki entry I have read.
There is better information in the Vortex archive.


RE: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 02:56 PM 4/5/2012, Jones Beene wrote:
Hey Daniel – instead of straight wide spectrum 
low IR - why not add a special filter to a tuned 
resistance heater electrode to get some kind of 
pseudo coherence? Here is a pretty steep spike at 2 THz:


Sweeping up from 3 THz or so, Letts found no 
effect until 8 THz. He got the most pronounced effects at 15 and 22 THz.

Low terahertz might work, no? Doubt if they go 
very high without massive losses.


3 THz appears useless.

It is possible that whatever we can come up with 
could be tested by Letts in his work. Trying to 
develop a cheap substitute for his expensive dual 
tunable lasers, while at the same time trying to 
replicate his work (which involves complexities 
in cathode preparation, etc.) would seem to be a 
Bad Idea, a formula for wasting vast amounts of time and money.)

I would not rule out using a thermal source with 
mesh filters, if it could be tested with ease. 

RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 03:29 PM 4/5/2012, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:


Regarding the absence of gammas -
... is it reasonable to suppose that a high energy gamma would
experience many (anomalously high) dissipative Compton collisions before
escaping as a less energetic photon?  If this is plausible, could we
confirm it, by embedding a few radioactive gamma sources inside nanowires
and observing whether gammas are attenuated and/or directionally scattered
during current flow?

Gamma sources could be placed so that gammas pass through the 
supposedly active heavy electron patches, and, if W-L theory is real, 
drastic attenuation should be seen. That attentuation should not be 
seen with controls. W-L theory requires 100% absorption of the gamma 
energies that would be generated from neutron absorption, so this 
should not be difficult to detect.

Since Larsen patented this, it's really on him to demonstrate it. I'm 
not about to try setting up some complex experiment just to prove a 
wild theory wrong.

Now, if I had a reason to believe W-L theory, if I were a proponent 
of it, then, sure, the experiment would be very much in order.

Widom and Larsen are raising a highly unlikely theory *without any 
experimental evidence specifically supporting it.*

If they published a gamma screen paper, with sufficient detail for 
replication, and showing their own results, *then* we'd see some 
movement on this. Until then, it's fancy pie in the sky.

That wouldn't prove W-L theory, but a successful prediction is golden 
for moving ahead with new science. 

RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread pagnucco

Good points.
I do not know the Oppenheimer-Phillips effect.  I will research it tonight.
There could be a number of confounding effects that coexist.

Our tendency to look for a relativistic collision behind every nuclear
event (except radioactivity) could be the problem.

Lou Pagnucco

Jones Beene wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: pagnu...@htdconnect.com
>> "Jones, Sure, some of those experiments produce hot plasmas, but there
>> are
> many
> experimental results which appear to produce transmutations with
> temperatures too low to produce collisions energetic enough for fusion"...
> Lou - yes that is absolutely true. But there is a middle ground. This goes
> back a few decades to Philo Farnsworth - the inventor of television. He
> was
> obsessed with fusion at lower but not low energy. The Farnsworth Fusor is
> the main case in point for the middle ground (and "exploding wires" is
> next). This is a completely different regime than LENR. Indeed W-L may
> have
> some relevance to warm fusion, but none to LENR.
> Copious neutrons from both these devices (Fusor and exploding wire) are
> documented at input energies of about 10 keV instead of the fusion
> threshold
> of over 1 MeV for real fusion (100 times less). Thus, the name often
> applied
> to these two reactions is "warm fusion." They are triggered with 100 times
> more energy than LENR, but are 100 time colder than thermonuclear fusion.
> Mas o menos.
> The wild card which explains everything is the Oppenheimer-Phillips
> effect,
> aka the "deuteron stripping" reaction, or "OP effect" which is the removal
> of a neutron from deuterium.
> Wiki has an entry but it is probably the most flawed Wiki entry I have
> read.
> There is better information in the Vortex archive.
> Jones

RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread pagnucco

I intend to do some more research on this - plasmonics is pretty dicey.

I'm not sure whether a nanowire has a cross-section large enough to
scatter gammas originating at any significant distance, thoug, unless they
are extremely collimated.

But, I am more optimistic than you are that W-L would pass this test.
According to the calculations in the paper I cited, the enormous effective
(not relativistic) mass of those electrons make each look like a subatomic
battering ram to any particle unfortunate enough to collide with one.

I will try to find a local college with appropriate lab resources.
There's a slim chance I can get it done.
Probably expensive. Too bad I lost the lottery.

Lou Pagnucco

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
> At 03:29 PM 4/5/2012, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:
>>Regarding the absence of gammas -
>>... is it reasonable to suppose that a high energy gamma would
>>experience many (anomalously high) dissipative Compton collisions before
>>escaping as a less energetic photon?  If this is plausible, could we
>>confirm it, by embedding a few radioactive gamma sources inside nanowires
>>and observing whether gammas are attenuated and/or directionally
>> scattered
>>during current flow?
> Gamma sources could be placed so that gammas pass through the
> supposedly active heavy electron patches, and, if W-L theory is real,
> drastic attenuation should be seen. That attentuation should not be
> seen with controls. W-L theory requires 100% absorption of the gamma
> energies that would be generated from neutron absorption, so this
> should not be difficult to detect.
> Since Larsen patented this, it's really on him to demonstrate it. I'm
> not about to try setting up some complex experiment just to prove a
> wild theory wrong.
> Now, if I had a reason to believe W-L theory, if I were a proponent
> of it, then, sure, the experiment would be very much in order.
> Widom and Larsen are raising a highly unlikely theory *without any
> experimental evidence specifically supporting it.*
> If they published a gamma screen paper, with sufficient detail for
> replication, and showing their own results, *then* we'd see some
> movement on this. Until then, it's fancy pie in the sky.
> That wouldn't prove W-L theory, but a successful prediction is golden
> for moving ahead with new science.

RE: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> Sweeping up from 3 THz or so, Letts found no effect until 8 THz. He got
the most pronounced effects at 15 and 22 THz.

OK, got it. That puts this into very difficult territory. This spectrum
15-22 THz is the upper end of the so-called "terahertz gap". At the low end
of the gap, high-speed transistors can operate; but semiconductors are
pushing from both ends - since at the infrared edge, photonic devices

So this is truly "no man's land" for present day technology - and that could
be a clue as to why it has not been previously exploited. But can we connect
the dots? 

If it were easily accessible, perhaps an anomaly would have been apparent
before now. IOW - potential exploitation of this gap has suffered from a
lack of bright sources of radiation (or any coherent sources). But of course
it is a logical error to assert that this indicates anything further. 

However, it is enticing to suggest that simple resistance heating, combined
with a filter (even an "inadvertent filter") which serves to induce
semi-coherence in no-man's-land could be Rossi's big breakthrough
(serendipitous breakthrough?). 

... and the kicker is that if true - AR could still be ignorant of that M.O

This begs the question: why would 15-22 THz, in theory, couple with Ni-H in
a gainful way when higher radiation (lasers light) or lower (microwaves)
would not do anywhere near as well?



Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:05 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
The problem would be the output. The low energy 
tail would have also a very low power. I think a 
specialized equipment for that band is required...

2012/4/5 Jones Beene 

Hey Daniel – instead of straight wide spectrum 
low IR - why not add a special filter to a tuned 
resistance heater electrode to get some kind of 
pseudo coherence? Here is a pretty steep spike at 2 THz:

Yeah, I think Daniel is right. This is why dual 
laser stimulation is being used. It's relatively 
cheap. It's also low yield, but probably not as 
low as relying on a thermal source with a filter. 
And it's coherent, which might be necessary.

I may suggest using a non-laser diode plus a 
tunable laser to generate the frequencies, to see 
if coherence is necessary Any ideas? 

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread fznidarsic
Why not use a carbon dioxide laser?

At 04:05 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
>The problem would be the output. The low energy 
>tail would have also a very low power. I think a 
>specialized equipment for that band is required...

-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 
To: vortex-l ; vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Apr 5, 2012 7:17 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering 

At 04:05 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
>The problem would be the output. The low energy 
>tail would have also a very low power. I think a 
>specialized equipment for that band is required...
>2012/4/5 Jones Beene 
>Hey Daniel – instead of straight wide spectrum 
>low IR - why not add a special filter to a tuned 
>resistance heater electrode to get some kind of 
>pseudo coherence? Here is a pretty steep spike at 2 THz:

Yeah, I think Daniel is right. This is why dual 
laser stimulation is being used. It's relatively 
cheap. It's also low yield, but probably not as 
low as relying on a thermal source with a filter. 
And it's coherent, which might be necessary.

I may suggest using a non-laser diode plus a 
tunable laser to generate the frequencies, to see 
if coherence is necessary Any ideas? 


RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:37 PM 4/5/2012, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:

My suggestion is that transmutations be the litmus test for LENR - not the
calorimetry results which never seem definitive enough for everyone.  If
the reported successful experiments were well conducted, then they will be

There are some highly questionable assumptions here.

First, it appears that the predominant reaction (by far) in the 
Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect does not involve transmutations *other 
than to helium.*

Helium has been found to be correlated with heat. Helium had been 
reported, early on, by Pons and Fleischmann and by others, but the 
results were not widely accepted and were not convincing.

Miles, however, ran a series of cells, finding excess heat in most, 
and collected gas samples from all the cells, submitting it for blind 
analysis. His results were clear: no excess heat, no helium. If there 
was excess heat, there was helium, in amounts well within an order of 
magnitude of what would be expected from fusion of deuterium to 
helium (by any mechanism; if the fuel is deuterium and the ash is 
helium, this value, 23.8 MeV/He-4, will result. The major difficulty 
is collecting all the helium for measurement; Storms figures that 
roughly half is trapped in the cathode.)

Secondly, individual cold fusion experiments, in PdD, continue to be 
highly erratic. Success rates, i.e., finding some excess heat, have 
increased over the years until nearly every cell shows such a result, 
but the quantity of heat varies greatly.

It is not a problem of how "well" the experiments are "conducted." 
Rather, the very method involves physical conditions which are quite 
difficult to control. It appears that the FPHE involves defects in 
the palladium, and the palladium itself changes during the process. A 
cathode which is showing no effect, later, under what would appear to 
be the *exact same conditions*, then shows the effect, and not 
marginally; rather, clearly, far above noise.

What is constant, though, whenever it has been tested, is the 
correlation of helium with the heat. There is no contrary 
experimental evidence; the early negative replications, the ones that 
tested for helium -- and some did -- actually confirm this. They 
found no helium and they found no heat. From what we know now, we can 
say for certain that they simply failed to set up the necessary 
conditions, and from other later work, it's quite clear what this 
likely involved. They ran at a loading of roughly 70%, whereas the 
FPHE required loading of something on the order of 90% or better. 
(Effects are not seen, at all, below 80%).

To get that high loading requires special palladium. Before the work 
of Pons and Fleischmann, it appears that 70% was considered about the 
best you could get!

And high loading, by itself, isn't necessarily adequate.

In any case, the calorimetry, in the hands of experts, is quite 
adequate. It alone won't convince those who are not confident about 
calorimetry, which is why helium is so important. The helium and 
calorimetry confirm each other. The only thing that connects them 
would be transmutation, i.e., the fusion of deuterium to helium.

There have been attempts to impeach the helium results, but every one 
of those attempts that I've seen simply ignores the experimental 
conditions. It's as if someone says, "Helium has been found in cold 
fusion cells" and the person, without looking at the data at all, 
says, "Must be leakage from ambient helium." End of topic.

That could make some sense when the helium levels are below ambient. 
It makes no sense when they rise above ambient, as they do on 
occasion, and it does not explain -- at all -- how the helium could 
be correlated with the heat, and not just at some random value, at 
roughly the fusion value. Once this was known and confirmed, by 
rights, the shoe should have been on the other foot. That happened 
long ago, and here we are, still flapping about.

With a preposterous theory gaining attention because, it's claimed, 
"It's not fusion!" Where are the experimental results to back it up? 
The confirmed predictions? 

RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 05:15 PM 4/5/2012, Jones Beene wrote:

-Original Message-
From: pagnu...@htdconnect.com

> "Jones, Sure, some of those experiments produce hot plasmas, but there are
experimental results which appear to produce transmutations with
temperatures too low to produce collisions energetic enough for fusion"...

Lou - yes that is absolutely true. But there is a middle ground. This goes
back a few decades to Philo Farnsworth - the inventor of television. He was
obsessed with fusion at lower but not low energy. The Farnsworth Fusor is
the main case in point for the middle ground (and "exploding wires" is
next). This is a completely different regime than LENR. Indeed W-L may have
some relevance to warm fusion, but none to LENR.

Copious neutrons from both these devices (Fusor and exploding wire) are
documented at input energies of about 10 keV instead of the fusion threshold
of over 1 MeV for real fusion (100 times less). Thus, the name often applied
to these two reactions is "warm fusion." They are triggered with 100 times
more energy than LENR, but are 100 time colder than thermonuclear fusion.
Mas o menos.

The Farnsworth Fusor runs classic hot fusion. Using deuterium, it 
produces neutrons from half the fusions. Fusion rates can be 
calculated down to much lower temperatures, the "Coulomb barrier" 
isn't an absolutely fixed thing, tunneling allows fusion below the 
theoretical temperature to "overcome" the barrier. 
http://www.rexresearch.com/farnsworth/fusor.htm#ligon talks about 
getting significant fusion at 13 KV. Which corresponds to about 150 
million degrees. One fusor is described which operated at about 150 KV.

The wild card which explains everything is the Oppenheimer-Phillips effect,
aka the "deuteron stripping" reaction, or "OP effect" which is the removal
of a neutron from deuterium.

The OP effect is interesting, and may have some peripheral 
relationship to cold fusion mechanisms, but it is a true form of 
"warm fusion," where a deuteron with incident energy inadequate to 
reach a nucleus nevertheless loses its neutron to the target nucleus. 
A key to understanding the OP effect can be to visualize the 
deuterons as little dumbells, with a neutron end and a proton end. 
The proton end is repelled from the target nucleus, but the neutron 
end can approach the nucleus. If the neutron end approaches closely 
enough, the nuclear forces take over, stripping the neutron, but the 
proton is still repelled, and will be ejected. It can be accelerated 
beyond the initial approach velocity, under some conditions.

Wiki has an entry but it is probably the most flawed Wiki entry I have read.
There is better information in the Vortex archive.

Hmmph! I ended up writing much of the page on the O-P process, 

It was originally mangled by one of the editors who was squatting on 
the Cold fusion article, and in the process of working on O-P 
process, he revealed his utter ignorance of all things scientific, at 
least in this area. I noticed that and rescued the article. He was 
resistant until ScienceApologist, a pseudoskeptic with regard to cold 
fusion, but who, at least, knew his physics (he was an astrophysics 
grad student), came along and worked with me for a bit.

In understanding what might happen during the collapse of two 
deuterium molecules to form a Bose-Einstein Condensate, which has 
been calculated by Takahashi to fuse within a femtosecond to Be-8, 
the Oppenheimer-Phillips Process can provide some clues. I think of 
the deuterons as backing up to each other, till their butts stick. 
Sort of like that Rough, but, whatever it takes Please, don't 
propose this as an accurate model! 

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Daniel Rocha
Maybe it is the case of cooling the experiment with liquid nitrogen, to
avoid self interference with the experiment. 8THz blackbody is a peak
around 140K, so 71K is far away from that peak.

2012/4/5 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> At 12:30 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
>> If you are not concerned with a narrow broad band, you could use a
>> blackbody emission. According to Wien's displacement law, 14.8THz to
>> 22.5THz,
>> > Frequency-dependent_**formulation
>> >http://en.**wikipedia.org/wiki/Wien%27s_**displacement_law#Frequency-**
>> dependent_formulation
>> gives 251K to 387K.
> The frequencies of interest are far infrared, or sometimes called
> mid-infrared. Blackbody emissions certainly exist in the range, but are are
> at low levels and are not coherent.
> I've been speculating, though, as an aside, that the erratic results of
> cold fusion might have to do with the presence or absence of environmental
> THz radiation. I don't know if anyone looked for this, and don't place a
> lot of weight on the idea

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Daniel Rocha
The idea was doing something cheap, right?


> Why not use a carbon dioxide laser?
> At 04:05 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
> >The problem would be the output. The low energy
> >tail would have also a very low power. I think a
> >specialized equipment for that band is required...
> >
> -Original Message-
> From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 
> To: vortex-l ; vortex-l 
> Sent: Thu, Apr 5, 2012 7:17 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative
> engineering needed
>  At 04:05 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
> >The problem would be the output. The low energy
> >tail would have also a very low power. I think a
> >specialized equipment for that band is required...
> >
> >2012/4/5 Jones Beene 
> >
> >Hey Daniel – instead of straight wide spectrum
> >low IR - why not add a special filter to a tuned
> >resistance heater electrode to get some kind of
> >pseudo coherence? Here is a pretty steep spike at 2 THz:
> Yeah, I think Daniel is right. This is why dual
> laser stimulation is being used. It's relatively
> cheap. It's also low yield, but probably not as
> low as relying on a thermal source with a filter.
> And it's coherent, which might be necessary.
> I may suggest using a non-laser diode plus a
> tunable laser to generate the frequencies, to see
> if coherence is necessary Any ideas?

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread Eric Walker
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Gamma sources could be placed so that gammas pass through the supposedly
> active heavy electron patches, and, if W-L theory is real, drastic
> attenuation should be seen. That attentuation should not be seen with
> controls. W-L theory requires 100% absorption of the gamma energies that
> would be generated from neutron absorption, so this should not be difficult
> to detect.

I was thinking about this for an experiment as well.  But how would you
establish a negative finding?  What if you got some variable such as the
frequency wrong, causing the hypothesized electron patches not to work?


RE: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread pagnucco

You are right - I did not intend to sound dogmatic.

I am beginning to wonder whether a couple of different phenomena, perhaps
sharing a common denominator, are occurring - depending on experimental
materials and procedures.  Nature may be getting a little perverse here.

The Wendt-Irion exploding wire experiment did appear to produce Helium.
Their original paper is -
- Amer. Chem. Soc. 44 (1922)

Would this provide some link between CF and LENR if reproduced?

Lou Pagnucco

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
> At 04:37 PM 4/5/2012, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:
>>My suggestion is that transmutations be the litmus test for LENR - not
>> the
>>calorimetry results which never seem definitive enough for everyone.  If
>>the reported successful experiments were well conducted, then they will
>> be
> There are some highly questionable assumptions here.
> First, it appears that the predominant reaction (by far) in the
> Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect does not involve transmutations *other
> than to helium.*
> Helium has been found to be correlated with heat. Helium had been
> reported, early on, by Pons and Fleischmann and by others, but the
> results were not widely accepted and were not convincing.
> Miles, however, ran a series of cells, finding excess heat in most,
> and collected gas samples from all the cells, submitting it for blind
> analysis. His results were clear: no excess heat, no helium. If there
> was excess heat, there was helium, in amounts well within an order of
> magnitude of what would be expected from fusion of deuterium to
> helium (by any mechanism; if the fuel is deuterium and the ash is
> helium, this value, 23.8 MeV/He-4, will result. The major difficulty
> is collecting all the helium for measurement; Storms figures that
> roughly half is trapped in the cathode.)
> Secondly, individual cold fusion experiments, in PdD, continue to be
> highly erratic. Success rates, i.e., finding some excess heat, have
> increased over the years until nearly every cell shows such a result,
> but the quantity of heat varies greatly.
> It is not a problem of how "well" the experiments are "conducted."
> Rather, the very method involves physical conditions which are quite
> difficult to control. It appears that the FPHE involves defects in
> the palladium, and the palladium itself changes during the process. A
> cathode which is showing no effect, later, under what would appear to
> be the *exact same conditions*, then shows the effect, and not
> marginally; rather, clearly, far above noise.
> What is constant, though, whenever it has been tested, is the
> correlation of helium with the heat. There is no contrary
> experimental evidence; the early negative replications, the ones that
> tested for helium -- and some did -- actually confirm this. They
> found no helium and they found no heat. From what we know now, we can
> say for certain that they simply failed to set up the necessary
> conditions, and from other later work, it's quite clear what this
> likely involved. They ran at a loading of roughly 70%, whereas the
> FPHE required loading of something on the order of 90% or better.
> (Effects are not seen, at all, below 80%).
> To get that high loading requires special palladium. Before the work
> of Pons and Fleischmann, it appears that 70% was considered about the
> best you could get!
> And high loading, by itself, isn't necessarily adequate.
> In any case, the calorimetry, in the hands of experts, is quite
> adequate. It alone won't convince those who are not confident about
> calorimetry, which is why helium is so important. The helium and
> calorimetry confirm each other. The only thing that connects them
> would be transmutation, i.e., the fusion of deuterium to helium.
> There have been attempts to impeach the helium results, but every one
> of those attempts that I've seen simply ignores the experimental
> conditions. It's as if someone says, "Helium has been found in cold
> fusion cells" and the person, without looking at the data at all,
> says, "Must be leakage from ambient helium." End of topic.
> That could make some sense when the helium levels are below ambient.
> It makes no sense when they rise above ambient, as they do on
> occasion, and it does not explain -- at all -- how the helium could
> be correlated with the heat, and not just at some random value, at
> roughly the fusion value. Once this was known and confirmed, by
> rights, the shoe should have been on the other foot. That happened
> long ago, and here we are, still flapping about.
> With a preposterous theory gaining attention because, it's claimed,
> "It's not fusion!" Where are the experimental results to back it up?
> The confirmed predictions?

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Daniel Rocha
That's the energy excitation corresponding Debye temperature in
palladium  275K.
That's odd.

2012/4/5 Jones Beene 

> This begs the question: why would 15-22 THz, in theory, couple with Ni-H in
> a gainful way when higher radiation (lasers light) or lower (microwaves)
> would not do anywhere near as well?
> Jones

Daniel Rocha - RJ

RE: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Jones Beene

From: Daniel Rocha 

That's the energy excitation corresponding Debye temperature
in palladium at 275K. That's odd.
Jones Beene wrote:
This begs the question: why would 15-22 THz, in theory,
couple with Ni-H in
a gainful way when higher radiation (lasers light) or lower
would not do anywhere near as well?
Both odd, cold, and possible "magnon-omous"
Side note on semantics - old, new, and collective.

Given that Ni-H is not a fusion reaction, but Pd-D probably is, and both
could involve phonon stimulation in a confined cavity at essentially "cold"
temperature levels (below ambient average phonon frequency)...
Given that there could be some relevance to ~15 THz photon stimulation and
LENR, and this frequency is the equivalent of ~250 degrees K or -23 C, -10 F
... in other words: "damn cold" ...
Isn't it somehow appropriate to consider that maybe we should be calling the
entire field: "cold confusion" ...


Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Daniel Rocha
Well, depending on the theory, CF can be much hotter than those of

2012/4/6 Jones Beene 

>From: Daniel Rocha
>That's the energy excitation corresponding Debye temperature
> in palladium at 275K. That's odd.
> Jones Beene wrote:
>This begs the question: why would 15-22 THz, in theory,
> couple with Ni-H in
>a gainful way when higher radiation (lasers light) or lower
> (microwaves)
>would not do anywhere near as well?
> Both odd, cold, and possible "magnon-omous"
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnon
> Side note on semantics - old, new, and collective.
> Given that Ni-H is not a fusion reaction, but Pd-D probably is, and both
> could involve phonon stimulation in a confined cavity at essentially "cold"
> temperature levels (below ambient average phonon frequency)...
> Given that there could be some relevance to ~15 THz photon stimulation and
> LENR, and this frequency is the equivalent of ~250 degrees K or -23 C, -10
> F
> ... in other words: "damn cold" ...
> Isn't it somehow appropriate to consider that maybe we should be calling
> the
> entire field: "cold confusion" ...
> :-)

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation

2012-04-05 Thread pagnucco

The plasmon conduction electrons in nanowires can be very "heavy" - i.e.,
they possess a huge "effective mass" when they impact a particle in the
direction of the current flow (- but not in orthogonal directions.)
Similar to a light metal plate that penetrates a strong barrier because it
is mechanically coupled to a battering ram.

I surmise that electron "effective mass" is only converted to real
relativistic mass as it climbs a potential barrier impeding its flow. As
it ascends, "E=mc^2" converts the exchange photons inductively coupling it
to neighboring conduction electrons into a cloud of its own photon
"dressing" possessing real, relativistic, omni-directional mass.
(Maybe this happens when it tries to climb a proton's effective
electroweak barrier when pressed forward by a constant Lorenz force.)

So, I expect that, if the conduction current on a nanowire surface is high
enough (and quasi-ballistic), gammas originating in the bulk of the wire
will be attenuated and scattered consistent with current flow.

This might be testable by including radioactive isotopes in wire's bulk.

If the gamma energy and directions were not altered, my guess is wrong.

In case you are interested in how magnetic fields can act as reservoirs
for delocalized momentum, you might want to read -
"Thoughts on the magnetic vector potential" Am.J.Phys. Nov-1996

Lou Pagnucco

Eric Walker wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
> wrote:
> Gamma sources could be placed so that gammas pass through the supposedly
>> active heavy electron patches, and, if W-L theory is real, drastic
>> attenuation should be seen. That attentuation should not be seen with
>> controls. W-L theory requires 100% absorption of the gamma energies that
>> would be generated from neutron absorption, so this should not be
>> difficult
>> to detect.
> I was thinking about this for an experiment as well.  But how would you
> establish a negative finding?  What if you got some variable such as the
> frequency wrong, causing the hypothesized electron patches not to work?
> Eric

Re: [Vo]:Yet another flying car

2012-04-05 Thread Jouni Valkonen

Average European commute is ca. 33 minutes. That is perhaps something like <8 
miles. I have less than 25 minutes if walking to the parking lot is accounted.

As Xavier pointed out this problem with cities is mostly American problem due 
to bad city design. Other problem is with the distribution of wealth in 
America, because middle class real incomes has not increased since 1970's. This 
causes all sorts of social problems and is greatly contributing to commuting 
distance. One factor is that middle class workers has no longer enough 
purchasing power to buy decent house from near the working place, hence longer 
and longer commute. However, when oil prices are rising, it will hurt 
disproportionally the middle class, yet again.

I do not think that flying cars are an option for the masses, because there is 
very high maintaining costs. This means that they are a toys for only those who 
will take the maintenance as a hobby. There is of course that unavoidable noise 
pollution so you cannot fly in the city with those. Also safety issues are too 
big in the cities. 


On 5 Apr 2012, at 21:06, Terry Blanton  wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Xavier Luminous
>  wrote:
>> As hinted at by Jed and Eric, the problems you are describing are very
>> US-centric, and I don't think flying cars are the way to address them.
> Jed and I live in Atlanta.  The average one-way commute in Atlanta is
> 33 miles.  Mine is 25 miles.  Jed has chosen more wisely.
> T

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Axil Axil
IF you can confine a few thousand electrons in a small enough volume, then
the coulomb barrier in that small volume would be reduced enough for fusion
tunneling to occur.

There are a number of ways to confine a group of electrons for the required
time interval.

One way is to use electron/phonon coupling.


*Quantum information motion control is now improved.*

*In strong electron-phonon coupling regimes, multi-phonon excitations can
thus enhance the electron transport.*

*As the electron-phonon coupling becomes even stronger, the phenomenon of
phonon scattering represses electron transport and confines the electrons.
The fluctuations of electron current could therefore be controlled by
tuning the electron-phonon coupling,*

Using a Q-pulse, what Brillouin Energy is doing is setting up a phonon wave
pattern to confine electrons in a standing phonon wave pattern when the
frequency of the phonon wave pattern is just right to confine a group of
electrons in a small volume.

If you remember in the Brillouin Energy theory video, as  Q-pulse frequency
is increased, the reaction would lessen and increase in a repeating pattern
as the frequency ascends higher and higher. This indicates a beat wave
phenomenon is in play.

Rossi is trying to do the same thing using his frequency generator.

Rydberg crystals will also concentrate charge in a small volume.

The beat waves of dual lasers will also stimulate a phonon wave pattern in
a lattice. If this beat wave pattern formed by the two lasers are fortunate
enough to confine a group of electrons in a standing wave form, fusion will

Confinement of enough electrons for enough time in a small enough volume is
what cold fusion is all about.

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

> I've been looking at:
> Letts, D. and P.L. Hagelstein. Stimulation of Optical Phonons in
> Deuterated Palladium. in ICCF-14 International
> Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.
> http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/**LettsDstimulatio.pdf
> This work has not received adequate attention.
> There is more at 
> http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/**JCMNS-Vol3.pdf--
>  page 59 et seq. (PDF page 65)
> Summary:
> A cathode of palladium foil is prepared, according to a protocoal which
> Letts has found has high success at producing excess heat. The cathode is
> loaded to perhaps 85% (?), then an alternate anode of gold is energized,
> and gold is thus plated onto the cathode. Electrolysis power is maintained
> after the loading period and through the experiment.
> The cathode is illuminated at a spot with two lasers, tuned to produce
> beat frequencies in the range of 3-22 THz.
> Many experimental issues remain to be explored. However, aside from some
> unlikely possibilities, it appears that there is a strong response to
> stimulation, such that when there is, under the experimental conditions, no
> laser stimulation, or stimulation off-resonance, there is little or no XP.
> The response appears to be quantitatively predictable. Further, that there
> would be such a response was predicted from theory by Hagelstein. However,
> it is not my purpose here to go into the Hagelstein's theory and its
> implications, except to note that this work may be helping to elucidate
> conditions under which cold fusion takes place. It is the level of control
> that is important.
> (One of the problems in the field is that there may be alternate
> conditions, there is not necessarily just one mechanism. We need to keep
> that in mind. For example, the Letts work generally involves using a strong
> magnetic field, whereas other work shows XP without a strong field. On the
> other hand, perhaps only a weak field is needed! Such as that of the earth.
> Field orinetation might matter! One of the avenues of approach here is to
> explore the effect across a range of magnetic field strengths and
> orientations. Obviously, as well, laser stimulation is not a necessary
> cause of XP under all conditions. The Letts cells may be, I can speculate,
> held at a loading level under that where the normal FPHE arises; but the
> THz stimulation shoves them into activity.)
> In order to replicate this work, THz stimulation is required. To do it as
> Letts did it is expensive.
> How can stimulation, perhaps at 14.8 THz or 21.78 THz, be arranged? It may
> be possible to obtain inexpensive laser diodes chosen in pairs to produce
> these frequencies, or close enough. (How close is necessary is a matter to
> be explored). The power need not be high, there are signs that the
> triggering threshold may be below 1 mW per laser. It may be possible to
> tune inexpensive diodes by controlling their temperature, over a limited
> range.
> Filters in the THz region might also be obtained or fabricated.
> For general inte

Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering needed

2012-04-05 Thread Guenter Wildgruber

 Von: Daniel Rocha 
An: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Gesendet: 4:13 Freitag, 6.April 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Stimulation of LENR using dual lasers, creative engineering 

> Maybe it is the case of cooling the experiment with liquid nitrogen, to avoid 
> self interference with the experiment. 
> 8THz blackbody is a peak around 140K, so 71K is far away from that peak.

This sounds like too low a temperature.
My two cents:
1) using a blackbody to generate the 15&22THz will produce a small 
power-density per area. My estimate is, that it will be in the 10 to 
100uW  range per mm2, depending on the bandwidth. Remember that this 
radiation cannot be focused. So the target power-density can be at most 
the source power-density.
2) another idea would be the coating of the (blackbody-source) with molecules, 
which resonate at the desired frequencies.
Something akin to this here: "Laser spectroscopy and mass spectrometry of doped 
3) If You think about (2) a bit, You get the impression, that it is more
 effective to heat the target (NiH-reactant) directly, and let the 
target do the sorting out of the frequencies via resonance. 22THz -> 
approx 15um wavelength. 
( Provided that the radiation need not be coherent or narrowband, ofcourse).
Which also gives an indication for the minimum/optimum-size 
of the particles/crystals.
Surprisingly large! Not nano!

My general impression is, that this dual-laser stimulation maybe results in a 
more pronounced effect, but is not necessary. Simple heating basically will do 
the job also. 
Plus maybe some RF-pulses (Godes/Brillouin, catalyst, secret sauce, whatever.)
Which would be consistent with the other LENR-experiments.

This is my common-sense-back of the napkin approach.
Laser-based stimulation in any case would be a costly solution.
Sufficient: maybe, necessary: not.


2012/4/5 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

At 12:30 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
>If you are not concerned with a narrow broad band, you could use a blackbody 
>emission. According to Wien's displacement law, 14.8THz to 22.5THz,
>>gives 251K to 387K.
>The frequencies of interest are far infrared, or sometimes called 
>mid-infrared. Blackbody emissions certainly exist in the range, but are are at 
>low levels and are not coherent.
>I've been speculating, though, as an aside, that the erratic results of cold 
>fusion might have to do with the presence or absence of environmental THz 
>radiation. I don't know if anyone looked for this, and don't place a lot of 
>weight on the idea