
2013-12-16 Thread Mark Snoswell

Re: [Vo]:unsubscribe

2013-12-16 Thread Terry Blanton
Send it to

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 3:51 AM, Mark Snoswell wrote:

> unsubscribe

Re: [Vo]:possible explanation with illustrations

2013-12-16 Thread Nigel Dyer
I'm intrigued by the 'fusion observed in the vicinity of transformers' 
comment.   I've had a quick scan on your blog, and a search through the 
vortex-l archive, and a search in the web and cant find anything 
obvious.   Would it be possible to provide a link?

On 15/12/2013 23:30, Eric Walker wrote:


I just discovered a free vector graphic illustration program that runs 
on a Mac and have taken the opportunity to create some illustrations 
that describe what I think might be happening with LENR:


The different threads we've talked about over the last few years are 
starting to come together in a satisfying way:  spark discharges 
(think DGT), fusion observed in the vicinity of transformers and 
within lightning discharges, the lack of gamma photon emissions, etc.


RE: [Vo]:possible explanation with illustrations

2013-12-16 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Nigel Dyer 

I'm intrigued by the 'fusion observed in the vicinity of transformers' 
comment.   I've had a quick scan on your blog, and a search through the 
vortex-l archive, and a search in the web and cant find anything 
obvious.   Would it be possible to provide a link?


This could be a reference to nuclear transmutation associated with high voltage 
power lines. Very long and careful study done by Professor Hammack, but I 
checked the URL just now and the link is dead. He seems to have moved to a new 

Possibly the papers are available on Wayback. Executive summary: lots of 
nuclear transmutation found under HV power lines.





Re: [Vo]:possible explanation with illustrations

2013-12-16 Thread ChemE Stewart
After studying the atmosphere for a year or so I am getting this WEIRD
feeling that whenever we add energy of any kind to the atmosphere above our
heads, which I believe contains a vacuum component, some of it comes back
down through us as an increase in entropy(vacuum) flowing to the Earth's
core, which results in an increase in weakly ionizing radiation below to
the Earth and all biology

That is possibly one of the reasons why all developed countries have an
increase in the rates of some cancers, autism, algae blooms,  etc.  I have
plotted 2 years of fish kills due to hypoxia/algae blooms in Florida along
with 5 years of sinkhole data and they appear to lineup.  They also are
clustered around the major Doppler towers.


I predict if you live in those clustered areas you will AGE FASTER due to
increased ionization.

Just my weird thought for the day.


On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:01 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: Nigel Dyer
> I'm intrigued by the 'fusion observed in the vicinity of transformers'
> comment.   I've had a quick scan on your blog, and a search through the
> vortex-l archive, and a search in the web and cant find anything
> obvious.   Would it be possible to provide a link?
> Nigel
> This could be a reference to nuclear transmutation associated with high
> voltage power lines. Very long and careful study done by Professor Hammack,
> but I checked the URL just now and the link is dead. He seems to have moved
> to a new University.
> Possibly the papers are available on Wayback. Executive summary: lots of
> nuclear transmutation found under HV power lines.
> http://staff.jccc.net/rhammack/section01.html
> thru
> http://staff.jccc.net/rhammack/section04.html

Re: [Vo]:possible explanation with illustrations

2013-12-16 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:28 AM, ChemE Stewart  wrote:

> After studying the atmosphere for a year or so I am getting this WEIRD
> feeling that whenever we add energy of any kind to the atmosphere above our
> heads, which I believe contains a vacuum component, some of it comes back
> down through us as an increase in entropy(vacuum) flowing to the Earth's
> core, which results in an increase in weakly ionizing radiation below to
> the Earth and all biology

Ah, hah!  You have discovered Tesla's theory of global resonance!  He
believed that he could establish a resonating field much as you have
described and tap a source of energy yet to be discovered (except by NT

Re: [Vo]:possible explanation with illustrations

2013-12-16 Thread ChemE Stewart

Yes.  The global resonance is created by decaying strings of quantum
dark/vacuum energy decaying in our jet streams and into the Earth.  They
decay thru quantum decoherence within the Earth and atmosphere.  They are a
result of our quantum gravity field with the Sun and INFLATION.  While
these "Cosmic Strings" oscillate and decay, they gradually ionize and
condense space in their surroundings (including you and I).  IT PROVES M
the clouds, and hurricanes are oscillating, entangled "cosmic" strings of
vacuum.  They create microseisms/earthquakes along their path as well as
sinkholes in the Earth.

the pretty baryonic decay window dressing.

My research is just an extension to prove M Theory and develop a theory of
quantum gravity.  I have identified lots of "strings" in our atmosphere.


All of us humans are caught within the collapsing wavefunctions of
dark/vacuum energy from the Sun and we experience it as storms, our own
decay and seismic activity.



On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:28 AM, ChemE Stewart  wrote:
>> After studying the atmosphere for a year or so I am getting this WEIRD
>> feeling that whenever we add energy of any kind to the atmosphere above our
>> heads, which I believe contains a vacuum component, some of it comes back
>> down through us as an increase in entropy(vacuum) flowing to the Earth's
>> core, which results in an increase in weakly ionizing radiation below to
>> the Earth and all biology
> Ah, hah!  You have discovered Tesla's theory of global resonance!  He
> believed that he could establish a resonating field much as you have
> described and tap a source of energy yet to be discovered (except by NT
> himself).

[Vo]:Everyone should write one line of code

2013-12-16 Thread fznidarsic

I made this blog from code.  The password is Turners.


The top part, a form, sends data to a Perl program by the post method.  The 
bottom script part of the HTML page displays an xml file.  You can view the 
HTML code by selecting view source.

The Perl program receives the string of data from the form. The data from the 
form is separated by & and = signs.  It is separated and feed into variables.  
From there it is popped pops it into an array and stored it in a file linked 


The Perl program then goes on print this xml file.  This is the file that the 
HTML program reads.


If you have web page host that allows cgi Perl scripts you can do the same.
Angelfire allows me post scripts and web pages for $5 month.  I will send you a 
copy of the
Perl program upon request.  This was a challenge for me but I did it.  I cut 
and pasted it below.
It may be cut off if it is too long.

Frank Znidarsic


#this program reads a string sent by the post method 
#and makes an xml file from it.  This xml file that is
#displayed in HTML as a blog.
print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";

#dummey input test string
$input="reset input variable";

#count test variable

#read input string sent by get method
$input =$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};

#get rid of hex packing and other chars
$input =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/eg;
$input =~ tr|;|.|;
$input =~ tr|'| |;
$input =~ tr|"| |;

#security replace all control characters with a underbar commed out takes out 
my split stuff
#$input =~ tr/\000-\047/_/;

#split the incoming string string 
($name,$password, $comment, $select) = split(/&/,$input);

#split it again at equal sign relationship
($dummey,$name) = split(/=/,$name);
#replace a + with a space
$name =~ tr|+| |;
{$name ="no_data";}

#split it again at equal sign relationship
($dummey,$comment) = split(/=/,$comment);
#replace a + with a space
$comment =~ tr|+| |;
{$comment ="no_data";}

#split it again at equal sign relationship
($dummey,$password) = split(/=/,$password);
#replace a + with a space
$name =~ tr|+| |;
{$passowrd ="no_data";}

#split it again at equal sign relationship
($dummey,$select) = split(/=/,$select);
#replace a + with a space
$select =~ tr|+| |;
{$select ="no_data";}

# check to see if password entered 
if($password ne "Turners")
{$name ="Blocked!";
$comment ="Comment blocked, Wrong Password!";
$select ="Blocked!";}
{$name ="no_data";}

# open the relational data file for input 
open(RELDATA, ";
flock(RELDATA, 8);
close (RELDATA);

($count, $xname, $xcomment, $date, $xselect)=split(/;/,$array[0]);

#count data test and reset
if($count eq "")
{$count ="0";}
{$count = $count+1;}
if($count > 1000)
{$count ="0";}

# compose a period delimited date variable
 ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =


#convert hour to eastern standard time
if($hour <= 5)

$date = "Month-"."$mon"." Day-"."$mday"." Hour-"."$hour";

# compose a period delimited composite variable
$data = "$count".";"."$name".";"."$comment".";"."$date".";"."$select";

#Limit the length of the array 
$alength = @array;
if($alength >= $LengthOfArray)

#unshift relational data file into array
unshift(@array,  $data);

#output the relational data

if($count >= 0 && $count < 10)
open(RESULT, ">BlogRelData.txt");
flock(RESULT, 2);

foreach $array(@array)
$array =~ s/\n//g;
print RESULT $array;
print RESULT "\n";

flock(RESULT, 8);
close (RESULT);

#xml document code

#open the xml file for 
open(XML, ">BlogData.xml");
flock(XML, 2);

print XML "\n";
print XML "\n";

# xml output sequence...

for( $i=0; $i < $alength; $i=$i+1 )

$packet =  $array[$i];

($count, $xname, $xcomment, $xdate, $xselect)=split(/;/, $packet);

if($xpages eq "")
{$xpages ="no data";}

#security replace all control characters with an underbar
$xname =~ s/<(([^>]|\n)*)>/_/g;
$xcomment =~ s/<(([^>]|\n)*)>/_/g;
$xdate =~ s/<(([^>]|\n)*)>/_/g;
$xselect =~ s/<(([^>]|\n)*)>/_/g;

# xml output sequence...

print XML "\n";
print XML "";
print XML  $count;
print XML "\n";
print XML "";
print XML "$xdate";
print XML "\n";
print XML "";
print XML "$xname";
print XML "\n";
print XML "";
print XML   "$xcomment";
print XML "\n";
print XML "";
print XML  "$xselect";
print XML "\n";
print XML "\n";

print XML "";
flock(XML, 8);

[Vo]:line of code opps wrong xml link

2013-12-16 Thread fznidarsic

The link to the xml file is below


[Vo]:Blue moon

2013-12-16 Thread Jones Beene


Europa is a cold moon of Jupiter, very cold (50 K or below where oxygen
liquefies) ... but Europa vents "water" ... according to these reports ...
well the moon vents something at its south pole under tidal stress,  which
then emits UV in the known Lyman spectrum of hydrogen, and a related lines
of oxygen. This is consistent with water vapor being ionized in the vacuum
of space by some force, and then emitting UV radiation in the well-known
Lyman-a spectrum... or is it?

The radiation appears as instantly ionized and there is no indication of the
183 GHz water line, but maybe they did not have the proper diagnostics for
that on Hubble. Suspicious? 

Why they would not measure for this water line is the problem. It is
curious, since that signal should be thousands of times stronger than the UV
signal but perhaps there is nothing sinister here. But inquiring minds want
to know why the instant ionization of water vapor coming from a frozen
planet? And why the South pole asymmetry. Something does not sound right.
More on the asymmetry later.

The fact that the line which is seen has a wavelength of 122 nm indicates an
effective temperature of the hydrogen of about 100,000 degrees K. Wow. Talk
about "Fire from Ice".

Hmm... evidence of cold fusion on Europa ??

You heard it first on vortex ... :-)


Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC How to survive a robot uprising

2013-12-16 Thread Terry Blanton
Google has purchased Boston Dynamics the maker of all these strange robots.
 No longer will google be known for their virtual bots only.


Odd thinking of Google as a military contractor.  Combined with Amazon's
drones, I could see Skynet's early origins.

Re: [Vo]:line of code opps wrong xml link

2013-12-16 Thread fznidarsic
Here is a better commented version of the Perl service program.  The old 
comments were just for me.


#this program reads a string sent by the post method 
#and makes an xml file from it.  This xml file is
#displayed in HTML as a blog.


print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";

#read input string sent by post method
$input =$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};

#get rid of hex packing and other chars

$input =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/eg;
$input =~ tr|;|.|;
$input =~ tr|'| |;
$input =~ tr|"| |;

#split the incoming string string 
($name,$password, $comment, $select) = split(/&/,$input);

#split data again at equal sign relationship
($dummey,$name) = split(/=/,$name);
#replace a + with a space
$name =~ tr|+| |;
{$name ="no_data";}
#security replace all control characters with a underbar 
$name =~ tr/\000-\047/_/;

#split data again at equal sign relationship
($dummey,$comment) = split(/=/,$comment);
#replace a + with a space
$comment =~ tr|+| |;
{$comment ="no_data";}
#security replace all control characters with a space 
$comment =~ tr/\000-\047/ /;

#split data again at equal sign relationship
($dummey,$password) = split(/=/,$password);
#replace a + with a space
$name =~ tr|+| |;
{$passowrd ="no_data";}
#security replace all control characters with a underbar 
$password =~ tr/\000-\047/_/;

#split data again at equal sign relationship
($dummey,$select) = split(/=/,$select);
#replace a + with a space
$select =~ tr|+| |;
{$select ="no_data";}
#security replace all control characters with a underbar 
$select =~ tr/\000-\047/_/;

# check to see if password entered 
if($password ne "Turners")
{$name ="Blocked!";
$comment ="Comment blocked, Wrong Password!";
$select ="Blocked!";}

# open the relational.txt file for input 
open(RELDATA, ";
flock(RELDATA, 8);
close (RELDATA);

($count, $xname, $xcomment, $date, $xselect)=split(/;/,$array[0]);

#count test and reset
if($count eq "")
{$count ="0";}
{$count = $count+1;}
if($count > 1000)
{$count ="0";}

# get the server time
 ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =

#convert hour and month to eastern standard time
if($hour <= 5)

#compost the date variable
$date = "Month-"."$mon"." Day-"."$mday"." Hour-"."$hour";

# compose a period delimited composite variable 
$data = "$count".";"."$name".";"."$comment".";"."$date".";"."$select";

#determine the array length
$alength = @array;

#limit the length of the array
if($alength >= $LengthOfArray)

#unshift new comosite array value into array
unshift(@array,  $data);

#output the array to a text file-

if($count >= 0 && $count < 10)
open(RESULT, ">BlogRelData.txt");
flock(RESULT, 2);

foreach $array(@array)
$array =~ s/\n//g;
print RESULT $array;
print RESULT "\n";

flock(RESULT, 8);
close (RESULT);

#print array to an XML file

#open the xml file for 
open(XML, ">BlogData.xml");
flock(XML, 2);

print XML "\n";
print XML "\n";

# xml output sequence...

for( $i=0; $i < $alength; $i=$i+1 )

$packet =  $array[$i];

($count, $xname, $xcomment, $xdate, $xselect)=split(/;/, $packet);

if($xpages eq "")
{$xpages ="no data";}

#security replace all control characters with an underbar
$xname =~ s/<(([^>]|\n)*)>/_/g;
$xcomment =~ s/<(([^>]|\n)*)>/_/g;
$xdate =~ s/<(([^>]|\n)*)>/_/g;
$xselect =~ s/<(([^>]|\n)*)>/_/g;

# xml output sequence...

print XML "\n";
print XML "";
print XML  $count;
print XML "\n";
print XML "";
print XML "$xdate";
print XML "\n";
print XML "";
print XML "$xname";
print XML "\n";
print XML "";
print XML   "$xcomment";
print XML "\n";
print XML "";
print XML  "$xselect";
print XML "\n";
print XML "\n";

print XML "";
flock(XML, 8);
close (XML);

#sleep for seconds


print "\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "";


Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC How to survive a robot uprising

2013-12-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Google has purchased Boston Dynamics the maker of all these strange
> robots.  No longer will google be known for their virtual bots only.
> http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ec7ee5f2-65ad-11e3-8451-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2nePFyrIz
> Odd thinking of Google as a military contractor.  Combined with Amazon's
> drones, I could see Skynet's early origins.

Don't be evil.

- Jed

[Vo]:Ultrafast (sub-picosec) heating of water

2013-12-16 Thread pagnucco
Ultrafast heating of water: This pot boils faster than you can watch it

"Scientists from the Hamburg Center for Free-Electron Laser Science have
devised a novel way to boil water in less than a trillionth of a second.
The theoretical concept, which has not yet been demonstrated in practice,
could heat a small amount of water by as much as 600 degrees Celsius in
just half a picosecond (a trillionth of a second). That is much less than
the proverbial blink of an eye: one picosecond is to a second what one
second is to almost 32 millennia. This would make the technique the
fastest water-heating method on Earth..."


Ultrafast energy transfer to liquid water by sub-picosecond high-intensity
terahertz pulses: An ab initio molecular dynamics study

Liquid water is the most common environment for chemical and biological
processes. Most of them occur as a consequence of thermal random
fluctuations of the environment, which every once in a while create the
conditions for a chemical reaction to occur. Therefore, bringing a large
amount of energy to liquid water in a as short as possible time can open
new avenues for the controlled exploration of thermally activated chemical
reactions in liquids.

 In this work we address the sub-picosecond response of liquid water to an
intense and ultrashort THz pulse as those that can be generated at X-FELs
and on state-of-the-art table top setups. The main questions that we try
to answer are: how does energy get
 transferred from the THz pulse to different vibrational modes of liquid
water? How does the structure of water evolve as a function of time under
the effect of the pulse?

 We address these questions through ab-initio molecular dynamics
simulations of liquid water interacting with a one-cycle THz pulse of
intensity 10^10 W/cm2, 100 cm-1 (~3 THz) photon energy and a pulse
duration of about 250 fs.

 We find that after a very rapid disruption of the hydrogen bonding
structure of the liquid, the water molecules start to violently move
against each other. In a time-scale of about 500 fs, the temperature jump
from 300 to about 900 K is completed and about 25
 THz photons per water molecule have been absorbed. The energy flows from
inter- to intra-molecular modes and a quasi-equilibrium state is reached
within 1 ps. Dramatic structural changes can be seen in the modification
of the O-O and O-H radial distribution
 functions. A substantial modification of the time resolved X-ray
diffraction (TR-XRD) pattern from double to single peaked during the THz
pulse is a consequence of such ultrafast rearrangements (See Figure).

 The properties as a matrix for chemical processes of the transiently hot
and structureless phase of water at the density of the liquid will be the
subject of future explorations.


Re: [Vo]:Even-Even fission means photo fission.

2013-12-16 Thread mixent
In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Sun, 15 Dec 2013 17:37:20 -0500:

Photofission only happens in very heavy nuclei, and requires very energetic
photons  (order 10 MeV) IOW gamma rays.
These are clearly not present in CF.
Furthermore, the fission reaction needs to be exothermic, which is only true of
elements (usually much) heavier that Fe/Ni.

The only other known way of obtaining the amount of trigger energy required is
by adding at least one nucleon to the nucleus, as is done in conventional
fission. This usually adds something like 5-10 MeV per added nucleon.

>When a nuclear reaction occurs in only even-even nuclei, the nuclear
>reaction is a result of photo fission.
>Remember, Rossi states at his reaction is centered on the Ni62 and Ni64
>nickel isotopes.
>DGT states that all even isotopes of nickel react but Ni61 does not. This
>is a possible indication that a low spin nuclear reaction based on photo
>fission is occurring.
>“The absorption of a photon by a heavy, even-even causes an excitation to
>an unstable, low-spin state. The states will subsequently undergo a nuclear
>reaction or decay to reach a more stable configuration. One likely reaction
>available to heavy nuclei is fission, the splitting of the original nucleus
>into two distinct nuclei, also known as fragments. Fission occurs when the
>nuclear shape deforms to the point when the Coulomb repulsion overcomes the
>nuclear surface tension; the nucleus is then unbound and splits into two
>nuclei, referred to as fragments.”

Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:Even-Even fission means photo fission.

2013-12-16 Thread Axil Axil
Nickel-62 is an isotope of nickel having 28 protons and 34 neutrons.

It is a stable isotope, with the highest binding energy per nucleon of any
known nuclide (8.7945 MeV).

 It is often stated that 56Fe is the "most stable nucleus", but actually
56Fe has the lowest mass per nucleon (not binding energy per nucleon) of
all nuclides.

The second and third most tightly bound nuclei are those of 58Fe and 56Fe,
with binding energies per nucleon of 8.7922 MeV and 8.7903 MeV,

As noted above, the isotope 56Fe has the lowest mass per nucleon of any
nuclide, 930.412 MeV/c2, followed by 62Ni with 930.417 MeV/c2 and 60Ni with
930.420 MeV/c2. This is not a contradiction because 62Ni has a greater
proportion of neutrons which are more massive than protons.

If one looks only at the nuclei proper, without including the electron
cloud, 56Fe has again the lowest mass per nucleon (930.175 MeV/c2),
followed by 60Ni (930.181 MeV/c2) and 62Ni (930.187 MeV/c2).

For example, the ash produce of Rossi’s reaction was 10% iron. When nickel
is fashioned into iron and helium, binding energy is released. Helium has
relatively far less binding energy than nickel.

Since nickel 62 is at the top of the heap relative to binding energy, any
transmutation of nickel will be energetically positive be it from fission
or fusion.

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 4:31 PM,  wrote:

> In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Sun, 15 Dec 2013 17:37:20 -0500:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> Photofission only happens in very heavy nuclei, and requires very energetic
> photons  (order 10 MeV) IOW gamma rays.
> These are clearly not present in CF.
> Furthermore, the fission reaction needs to be exothermic, which is only
> true of
> elements (usually much) heavier that Fe/Ni.
> The only other known way of obtaining the amount of trigger energy
> required is
> by adding at least one nucleon to the nucleus, as is done in conventional
> fission. This usually adds something like 5-10 MeV per added nucleon.
> >When a nuclear reaction occurs in only even-even nuclei, the nuclear
> >reaction is a result of photo fission.
> >
> >Remember, Rossi states at his reaction is centered on the Ni62 and Ni64
> >nickel isotopes.
> >
> >DGT states that all even isotopes of nickel react but Ni61 does not. This
> >is a possible indication that a low spin nuclear reaction based on photo
> >fission is occurring.
> >
> >
> https://user.physics.unc.edu/research/nuclear/photonuclear_phys/photofission.php
> >
> >
> >
> >“The absorption of a photon by a heavy, even-even causes an excitation to
> >an unstable, low-spin state. The states will subsequently undergo a
> nuclear
> >reaction or decay to reach a more stable configuration. One likely
> reaction
> >available to heavy nuclei is fission, the splitting of the original
> nucleus
> >into two distinct nuclei, also known as fragments. Fission occurs when the
> >nuclear shape deforms to the point when the Coulomb repulsion overcomes
> the
> >nuclear surface tension; the nucleus is then unbound and splits into two
> >nuclei, referred to as fragments.”
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk
> http://rvanspaa.freehostia.com/project.html

Re: [Vo]:possible explanation with illustrations

2013-12-16 Thread Eric Walker
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 6:01 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

-Original Message-
> From: Nigel Dyer
> I'm intrigued by the 'fusion observed in the vicinity of transformers'
> comment. ...
> Nigel
> This could be a reference to nuclear transmutation associated with high
> voltage power lines. ...

Yes, that sounds right -- thanks Jones.  I didn't remember that detail very
accurately.  In my head the concepts "high voltage power line" and
"transmutation" became "transformer" and "fusion."   I would not have made
a very good journalist.


[Vo]: RAR energia update

2013-12-16 Thread a.ashfield

RAR continues to post new photos at their site http://rarenergia.com.br/

I also see they claim to have posted five newspaper adverts in the 
Gilman IL area saying:

The generator is driven by a mechanical system that is fed exclusively 
from the Earth's gravity.

It will be the first equipment with this technology in the world.

This mechanical system was conceptualized and created to capture ans use 
energy contained in the earth's gravity.  This system will work 
anywhere, anytime without pollution or heat.

The mechanical movement is continuous and eternal...

I can't believe that perpetual motion is possible nor can I believe 
anyone would build a second machine like this without knowing it 
worked It's a real puzzle.

Re: [Vo]: RAR energia update

2013-12-16 Thread Foks0904 .
Just the sheer imagination and brazenness that went into this design brings
a smile to my face. Truly bizarre, and I could care less as to its
usefulness. It is an inspiring piece of art regardless of its technological
utility. Brings a smile to my face.

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:56 PM, a.ashfield  wrote:

> RAR continues to post new photos at their site http://rarenergia.com.br/
> I also see they claim to have posted five newspaper adverts in the Gilman
> IL area saying:
> The generator is driven by a mechanical system that is fed exclusively
> from the Earth's gravity.
> It will be the first equipment with this technology in the world.
> This mechanical system was conceptualized and created to capture ans use
> energy contained in the earth's gravity.  This system will work anywhere,
> anytime without pollution or heat.
> The mechanical movement is continuous and eternal...
> I can't believe that perpetual motion is possible nor can I believe anyone
> would build a second machine like this without knowing it worked It's a
> real puzzle.

Re: [Vo]: RAR energia update

2013-12-16 Thread James Bowery
Well, actually, if they are demonstrating an energy technology as radically
different as they claim, I'd think twice about comparing its value as "art".

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:05 PM, Foks0904 .  wrote:

> Just the sheer imagination and brazenness that went into this design
> brings a smile to my face. Truly bizarre, and I could care less as to its
> usefulness. It is an inspiring piece of art regardless of its technological
> utility. Brings a smile to my face.
> On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:56 PM, a.ashfield wrote:
>> RAR continues to post new photos at their site http://rarenergia.com.br/
>> I also see they claim to have posted five newspaper adverts in the Gilman
>> IL area saying:
>> The generator is driven by a mechanical system that is fed exclusively
>> from the Earth's gravity.
>> It will be the first equipment with this technology in the world.
>> This mechanical system was conceptualized and created to capture ans use
>> energy contained in the earth's gravity.  This system will work anywhere,
>> anytime without pollution or heat.
>> The mechanical movement is continuous and eternal...
>> I can't believe that perpetual motion is possible nor can I believe
>> anyone would build a second machine like this without knowing it worked
>> It's a real puzzle.

Re: [Vo]: RAR energia update

2013-12-16 Thread Foks0904 .
Yes. "If". And by "Art" I don't necessarily mean lacking in utility. I mean
its a damn fine piece of craftsmanship whatever the hell it can or cannot

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 10:32 PM, James Bowery  wrote:

> Well, actually, if they are demonstrating an energy technology as
> radically different as they claim, I'd think twice about comparing its
> value as "art".
> On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:05 PM, Foks0904 .  wrote:
>> Just the sheer imagination and brazenness that went into this design
>> brings a smile to my face. Truly bizarre, and I could care less as to its
>> usefulness. It is an inspiring piece of art regardless of its technological
>> utility. Brings a smile to my face.
>> On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:56 PM, a.ashfield wrote:
>>> RAR continues to post new photos at their site http://rarenergia.com.br/
>>> I also see they claim to have posted five newspaper adverts in the
>>> Gilman IL area saying:
>>> The generator is driven by a mechanical system that is fed exclusively
>>> from the Earth's gravity.
>>> It will be the first equipment with this technology in the world.
>>> This mechanical system was conceptualized and created to capture ans use
>>> energy contained in the earth's gravity.  This system will work anywhere,
>>> anytime without pollution or heat.
>>> The mechanical movement is continuous and eternal...
>>> I can't believe that perpetual motion is possible nor can I believe
>>> anyone would build a second machine like this without knowing it worked
>>> It's a real puzzle.

Re: [Vo]: RAR energia update

2013-12-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Foks0904 .  wrote:

Yes. "If". And by "Art" I don't necessarily mean lacking in utility. I mean
> its a damn fine piece of craftsmanship whatever the hell it can or cannot
> do.

I agree. It does look wonderful. Retro and steampunk, too.

Many experimental machines and scientific instruments have also been
wonderful well crafted, such as Tycho's astronomical instruments, Benz's
tricycle automobile, and the Wright brothers bicycles and airplanes.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]: RAR energia update

2013-12-16 Thread Foks0904 .
And the P-F cell perhaps?

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

> Foks0904 .  wrote:
> Yes. "If". And by "Art" I don't necessarily mean lacking in utility. I
>> mean its a damn fine piece of craftsmanship whatever the hell it can or
>> cannot do.
> I agree. It does look wonderful. Retro and steampunk, too.
> Many experimental machines and scientific instruments have also been
> wonderful well crafted, such as Tycho's astronomical instruments, Benz's
> tricycle automobile, and the Wright brothers bicycles and airplanes.
> - Jed

RE: [Vo]: RAR Energia update

2013-12-16 Thread Jones Beene
Like this 4 cylinder Stirling which I was hoping that Santa would deliver




Running on Nickel-hydrogen of course .




From: Foks0904 


And the P-F cell perhaps?


Jed Rothwell wrote:


Yes. "If". And by "Art" I don't necessarily mean lacking in utility. I mean
its a damn fine piece of craftsmanship whatever the hell it can or cannot


I agree. It does look wonderful. Retro and steampunk, too.


Many experimental machines and scientific instruments have also been
wonderful well crafted, such as Tycho's astronomical instruments, Benz's
tricycle automobile, and the Wright brothers bicycles and airplanes.


- Jed



Re: [Vo]:Will aneutronic fusion preempt LENR?

2013-12-16 Thread pagnucco

(Audio Interview) Eric Lerner on 'TheSpaceShow.com' on 12-15-2013
Lerner discusses aneutronic fusion at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics.


> A new item -
> December 13, 2013
> Senior Fusion researchers give major endorsement to Lawrenceville Plasma
> Physics Dense Plasma Focus Fusion Work and say they expect feasibility
> will be shown within two years with adequate funding.
> In a major endorsement of the fusion energy research and development
> program of start-up Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LPP), a committee of
> senior fusion researchers, led by a former head of the US fusion program,
> has concluded that the innovative effort deserves “a much higher level of
> investment … based on their considerable progress to date.” The report
> concludes that “In the committee’s view [LPP’s] approach to fusion power …
> is worthy of a considerable expansion of effort.”
> Lawrenceville Plasma Physics has been developing an extremely low-cost
> approach to fusion power based on a device called the dense plasma focus
> (DPF). In contrast to the giant tokamak machines that have been the
> recipients of most fusion funding, a DPF can fit in a small room. LPP’s
> final feasibility experiments and planned commercial generators will use
> hydrogen-boron fuel, which produces no radioactive waste and promises
> extremely economical clean energy.
> http://nextbigfuture.com/2013/12/senior-fusion-researchers-give-major.html
> Lawrenceville Plasma Physics
> - Homepage:   http://lawrencevilleplasmaphysics.com/

Re: [Vo]:Will aneutronic fusion preempt LENR?

2013-12-16 Thread Axil Axil
To optimize spark performance, I recommend a spark rise time of under 50
nanoseconds with a very short duration to produce the most powerful
plasmoid discharge and a proportional forceful compression of the gas.

It is not the energy that the spark carries in joules. It is how fast this
energy is delivered to the gas.

This is analogous to how explosives perform.

Low explosives are compounds where the rate of decomposition proceeds
through the material at less than the speed of sound. The decomposition is
propagated by a flame front (deflagration) which travels much more slowly
through the explosive material than a shock wave of a high explosive.

High explosives are explosive materials that detonate, meaning that the
explosive shock front passes through the material at a supersonic speed.

To get a better shockwave, we are interested in Pulsed power.

Pulse power is the science and technology of accumulating energy over a
relatively long period of time and releasing it very quickly, thus
increasing the instantaneous power.

Instantaneous power is what is important.

Steady accumulation of energy followed by its rapid release can result in
the delivery of a larger amount of instantaneous power over a shorter
period of time (although the total energy is the same).

For example, if one joule of energy is stored within a capacitor and then
evenly released to a load over one second, the peak power delivered to the
load would only be 1 watt.

However, if all of the stored energy were released within one microsecond,
the peak power would be one megawatt, a million times greater.

The release of all the power stored in the focus fusion capacitors should
be released in 10 nanoseconds.

The higher the voltage rating of the discharge capacitors, the faster is
the speed of the spark discharge and the larger is the instantaneous power

The capacitors that focus fusion should use should be rated at 3 million
volts, the capacity in amps a not that important. Currently, the FF
capacitors are only rated at 45,000 volts.

The speed of the spark will kept the electrode material close to the
electrode eliminated contamination of the plasma. By the way, the high
voltage strategy (a few nanoseconds) is what Brillouin Energy is using to
kept there wire from melting.

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 11:50 PM,  wrote:

> (Audio Interview) Eric Lerner on 'TheSpaceShow.com' on 12-15-2013
> Lerner discusses aneutronic fusion at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics.
> http://www.portaltotheuniverse.org/podcasts/eps/view/298553/
> > A new item -
> >
> > December 13, 2013
> >
> > Senior Fusion researchers give major endorsement to Lawrenceville Plasma
> > Physics Dense Plasma Focus Fusion Work and say they expect feasibility
> > will be shown within two years with adequate funding.
> >
> > In a major endorsement of the fusion energy research and development
> > program of start-up Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LPP), a committee of
> > senior fusion researchers, led by a former head of the US fusion program,
> > has concluded that the innovative effort deserves “a much higher level of
> > investment … based on their considerable progress to date.” The report
> > concludes that “In the committee’s view [LPP’s] approach to fusion power
> …
> > is worthy of a considerable expansion of effort.”
> >
> > Lawrenceville Plasma Physics has been developing an extremely low-cost
> > approach to fusion power based on a device called the dense plasma focus
> > (DPF). In contrast to the giant tokamak machines that have been the
> > recipients of most fusion funding, a DPF can fit in a small room. LPP’s
> > final feasibility experiments and planned commercial generators will use
> > hydrogen-boron fuel, which produces no radioactive waste and promises
> > extremely economical clean energy.
> >
> >
> http://nextbigfuture.com/2013/12/senior-fusion-researchers-give-major.html
> >
> > Lawrenceville Plasma Physics
> > - Homepage:   http://lawrencevilleplasmaphysics.com/
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

[Vo]:Official policy of Nature/Science/SciAm on cold fusion publishing

2013-12-16 Thread Alain Sepeda
Hi all, and especially Jed,

In the past (Foks noticed it) I quickly denounced the "official" policy of
Science/Nature not to publish on Cold Fusion.

There is no serious doubt it is an internal policy (given Oriani's story,
Report 41 De Ninno and recently as reported by Pamela Mosier Boss).

However I'm afraid to have overstated that point, and that this policy is
hidden behind a foggy nightly curtain.

Is anyone here aware of any more or less official claims, of cocktail
discussions reported, of leaks ?

beside that, are there more case of clear
"illogical"/"unethical"/"unscientific" behaviors of Nature, Science, SciAm
, unless you assume they have an internal policy to ignore LENR papers
upfront, beside the Oriani/DeNinno/Mosier-Boss stories.