2011-10-27 Thread Jorn Erik Ommang

A lot have been written the last 2 days (on E-Cat blogs & web sites) about
the running cost of the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant that has only focused on the
cost of the nickel & hydrogen fuel used.

One should not forget that the I MW E-Cat Power Plant will not run in
self-sustained mode due to safety issues.
There will be a general minimum 1 to 6 gain in energy from the plant.
I.e. the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant will require a maximum of 167 kWh to run
during the 6 months.
So in addition to the fuel cost of 10 kg modified Nickel micro powder and 18
kg hydrogen gas one need to add the cost of purchasing 167 kWh for each hour
the plant is running during the 6 months. This el-power running cost is much
larger than the cost of the Nickel / Hydrogen fuel used.
Se today's recent Andrea Rossi answer to my questions re. running cost of
the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant:
Jorn Erik Ommang
October 26th, 2011 at 3:50 PM
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Congratulation from Norway, Spain & UK!
1.0 Is it correct that Your 1 MW E-Cat Container will require a maximum of
167 kW in el-power to run and generate the 1 MW of heath (a minimum 1 to 6
energy gain) (1 to 6 energy gain = 167 kW el-power in and 1 MW heat out)?
2.0 Will the cost of this el-power (maximum 167 kWh for 6 months) come in
addition to the cost for fuel (10 kg nickel & 18 kg hydrogen pr. 6 months)?
I have been working as consultant in New Energy (since 1994) for management
of Oil and Energy Companies in Norway (including Europe¹s largest renewable
energy company) as well as work the Government. The Consultant work has
included training top management in what will come in the clean new energy
field and have followed Your great work for a long time. Have also long time
experience as Project Manager in the Norwegian Oil & Gas Industry and as
technical auditor for Shell & Statoil.
3.0 I am interested in linking Norwegian, Spanish and UK Oil, Gas and Energy
Companies to Your products to prepare for when Your revolutionary products
come on the marked. Please advice how best to contact You for my contacts
within these areas for purchasing MW-units and licenses.
4.0 Have You chosen the date of 28.09.2011 for Your demo for a special
reason (i.e. are You aware that this date is one of the major dates for
positive changes in alternative thinking)?
All the best with Fridays major demonstration, verification & testing
Jorn-Erik Ommang, Engineer
New Energy Specialist
Spain / Norway / UK

Andrea Rossi answered:
October 27th, 2011 at 3:47 AM
Dear Jorn Erik Ommang:
1- yes
2- yes
3- OK
4- Just a case
Warm Regards,


2011-10-28 Thread Jorn Erik Ommang
Dr. Peter Gluck,

Further to Your comment.

The need for semi-continuous electrical heating of the many E-Cats in the I
MW “Container-Cat” is, at the moment, the largest running cost in addition
to the low-cost fuel (6 month running period) represented by the 10 kg
modified nickel micro powder and the 18 kg of hydrogen gas and some small
power for the frequency modulator.

In the lowest heath generating modus (the 1 to 6 energy gain) the maximum
el-power heating requirement is around 167 kWh which over 6 month running
time represent 180 x 24 = 4320 hours. At 167 kWh this adds up to 721440 kWh.
In Italy this amount of el-power for an industrial consumer will cost:
721440 kWh x Euro 0,1331 = 96023 Euro.

Even though Mr. Andrea Rossi informed me that the 167 kWh for resistor
heating was necessary to run the I MW E-Cat Container, today's major test in
Bologna will show how this in real life is functioning. He might start
groups of 6 E-Cats units at the time for each of the two 500 kW E-cat groups
that makes up the I MW E-Cat Container.

It is now, based on the 10 former E-Cat tests performed earlier, certain
that Rossi's E-Cat technology generates excess heat from the “low nuclear
energy reactions (LNER)” (a process that very well, in the near future, will
show it self to be more of a Quantum / ZPE / Rydberg type process then a
general “cold fusion” reaction). The sceptics that still state the the E-Cat
do not generate excess heat are just not well enough informed or do not
simply accept facts that does not fit with their “believe system”.

To get the 1 MW “Container Cat” prototype to run commercially it is
necessary to run it on a much higher energy ratio than a present 1 to 6 (due
to that it is el-power in and just heat out). Earlier tests have indicated
that much higher energy ratios are highly possible and have been shown, as
has running in self contained mode without el-power heating of resistors for
long periods of time been demonstrated.

We should also not forget that there are a number of other developers /
companies (in addition to Andrea Rossi / Leonardo Corp.) that are stating
real results & great energy generation possibilities with much similar
energy generating processes.

We will see from today's major 1 MW E-Cat test in Bologna what the present
ratio between el-power in and heat out will be.

For the calculation the following present el-power prices in Italy have bee

End-user energy prices for industrial consumers.
Italy € 0.1331
Ref: http://www.energy.eu/#Industrial-Elec

Retail (end-user) energy prices for households.
Italy € 0.2568
Ref: http://www.energy.eu/#Domestic-Elec


Jorn-Erik Ommang, engineer
New Energy Specialist to major oil, gas & energy companies

On 27/10/2011 20:56, "Peter Gluck"  wrote:

> Can you please give some price limits for 
> 167 kWh electric energy and
> 1000 kWh thermal energy, say carried by steam 115 deg Celsius?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Jorn Erik Ommang  wrote:
>> A lot have been written the last 2 days (on E-Cat blogs & web sites) about
>> the running cost of the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant that has only focused on the
>> cost of the nickel & hydrogen fuel used.
>> One should not forget that the I MW E-Cat Power Plant will not run in
>> self-sustained mode due to safety issues.
>> There will be a general minimum 1 to 6 gain in energy from the plant.
>> I.e. the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant will require a maximum of 167 kWh to run
>> during the 6 months.
>> So in addition to the fuel cost of 10 kg modified Nickel micro powder and 18
>> kg hydrogen gas one need to add the cost of purchasing 167 kWh for each hour
>> the plant is running during the 6 months. This el-power running cost is much
>> larger than the cost of the Nickel / Hydrogen fuel used.
>> Se today's recent Andrea Rossi answer to my questions re. running cost of the
>> 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant:
>> Jorn Erik Ommang
>> October 26th, 2011 at 3:50 PM
>> Dear Andrea Rossi,
>> Congratulation from Norway, Spain & UK!
>> 1.0 Is it correct that Your 1 MW E-Cat Container will require a maximum of
>> 167 kW in el-power to run and generate the 1 MW of heath (a minimum 1 to 6
>> energy gain) (1 to 6 energy gain = 167 kW el-power in and 1 MW heat out)?
>> 2.0 Will the cost of this el-power (maximum 167 kWh for 6 months) come in
>> addition to the cost for fuel (10 kg nickel & 18 kg hydrogen pr. 6 months)?
>> I have been working as consultant in New Energy (since 1994) for management
>> of Oil and Energy Companies in Norway (including Europe’s largest renewable
>> energ


2011-10-28 Thread Jorn Erik Ommang
Dr. Peter Gluck,

Further to Your question:

The 1 MW “Container Energy Catalyser” (ContainerCat) Power Plant in its
present form generate heath in the form of steam / hot water. As a thermal
power plant it can be made to generate space & water heating for factories
and buildings. 

However, to put this revolutionary New Energy power plant into the present
energy-marked perspective it is best to compare it with a CHP (combined heat
& power) plant when it (in the near future) is combined with a steam to
el-power converting system in addition to delivering heat for usable heating
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combined_heat_and_power

On cost comparison it is best to compare the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant to CHP
generated by natural gas. The most economic future E-Cat 1 MW Container
Power Plant will be a Cogeneration (combined heat and power, CHP) that
simultaneously generate both electricity and useful heat.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_power

Some of Your question can be answer as:
The energy efficiency of a conventional thermal power station, considered as
saleable energy as a percent of the heating value of the fuel consumed, is
typically 33% to 48%.

And, yes the EU site is a good source for most anything on energy statistics
in EU, including real facts on the ridiculous low efficiency factor for the
expensive & highly subsidised Offshore Wind Farms now being constructed in
the UK (Wind Farms is like energy living on social security, “they can not
stay on their own one feet”.


Jorn-Erik Ommang, engineer
New Energy Specialist to major oil, gas & energy companies

On 28/10/2011 14:41, "Peter Gluck"  wrote:

> Thank you very much for your detailed and welll docunented answer.
> Let's waith the global results of the Demo for the most relevant calculation.
> In your experience and  not on;y for Italy what are the price ratios electric
> energy/thermal energy?
> Peter
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Jorn Erik Ommang  wrote:
>> Dr. Peter Gluck,
>> Further to Your comment.
>> The need for semi-continuous electrical heating of the many E-Cats in the I
>> MW “Container-Cat” is, at the moment, the largest running cost in addition to
>> the low-cost fuel (6 month running period) represented by the 10 kg modified
>> nickel micro powder and the 18 kg of hydrogen gas and some small power for
>> the frequency modulator.
>> In the lowest heath generating modus (the 1 to 6 energy gain) the maximum
>> el-power heating requirement is around 167 kWh which over 6 month running
>> time represent 180 x 24 = 4320 hours. At 167 kWh this adds up to 721440 kWh.
>> In Italy this amount of el-power for an industrial consumer will cost: 721440
>> kWh x Euro 0,1331 = 96023 Euro.
>> Even though Mr. Andrea Rossi informed me that the 167 kWh for resistor
>> heating was necessary to run the I MW E-Cat Container, today's major test in
>> Bologna will show how this in real life is functioning. He might start groups
>> of 6 E-Cats units at the time for each of the two 500 kW E-cat groups that
>> makes up the I MW E-Cat Container.
>> It is now, based on the 10 former E-Cat tests performed earlier, certain that
>> Rossi's E-Cat technology generates excess heat from the “low nuclear energy
>> reactions (LNER)” (a process that very well, in the near future, will show it
>> self to be more of a Quantum / ZPE / Rydberg type process then a general
>> “cold fusion” reaction). The sceptics that still state the the E-Cat do not
>> generate excess heat are just not well enough informed or do not simply
>> accept facts that does not fit with their “believe system”.    
>> To get the 1 MW “Container Cat” prototype to run commercially it is necessary
>> to run it on a much higher energy ratio than a present 1 to 6 (due to that it
>> is el-power in and just heat out). Earlier tests have indicated that much
>> higher energy ratios are highly possible and have been shown, as has running
>> in self contained mode without el-power heating of resistors for long periods
>> of time been demonstrated.
>> We should also not forget that there are a number of other developers /
>> companies (in addition to Andrea Rossi / Leonardo Corp.) that are stating
>> real results & great energy generation possibilities with much similar energy
>> generating processes.
>> We will see from today's major 1 MW E-Cat test in Bologna what the present
>> ratio between el-power in and heat out will be.
>> For the calculation the following present el-power prices in Italy have bee
>> used:
>> End-user energy prices for 

Re: [Vo]:How to download all files from a web site

2011-11-09 Thread Jorn Erik Ommang
Jed Rothwell,

First say that I have always appreciated Your postings here on vortex that
often include interesting historical information on different related

I have been following vortex-L since 1997 at the time when I worked together
with a Norwegian inventor on a ³Low Temperature Accelerator²
Were the energy source was "gravitational fields² and that achieved
exceptional results (between 130% and 200% efficiency) in the form of excess

What Papers on Cold Fusion / LENR do you see as being the best we have in
the field. The Papers that best stand up against any traditional critic,
especially those that now are very critical to Rossi's work & results on
excess heat generation?

Thank You.

- Jorn-Erik

On 09/11/2011 21:15, "Jed Rothwell"  wrote:

> Someone asked me how to download all files from LENR-CANR.org including the
> HTML screens. I recommend:
> http://www.webreaper.net/
> Do not open more than three or four channels at a time or you may prevent
> others from accessing the site.
> This works well with any website that allows direct access to folders.
> You can also access folders directly such as:
> http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/
> http://lenr-canr.org/RossiData/
> - Jed