In a different forum, Hellekin Wolf asked:

> The server issue mentioned above makes me think of the requirements for
> running a VOS world. Do I need hardware graphics or is it only for the
> client side? 

A server does not need any graphics hardware.  Many servers in fact are
just providing data so you don't even need a fast processor, though
things tend to run is many threads so the more processors the better.  The
current design does use a lot of memory if you have lots of objects, though 
changing that is a big priority for the next big version ("S5") -- a really 
good threading model is also of course planned as Pete has been telling us 

For reference, is an AMD 64 X2 dual core, 2GB RAM and it runs
with less than 1% load; we anticipate being able to run several (5-10) small 
on it as well as the website.  It replaced a 300 Mhz Pentium II with less than 
MB memory!! It ran pretty well, though memory was tight. I have a 1.5
GHz AMD at home and it also runs fine.

In the future we may have server modules that do dynamics and physics
simulation for everyone, that will require a fast processor, or possibly
a coprocessor.  Also, servers that need to do more computation will
obviously require faster processors. 

The client requires some kind of 3D graphics hardware to run well.
Crystal Space does have a software-only renderer though it is not very
actively maintained. Supporting that software-only renderer is something
that we'd like to do in Terangreal (the client) eventually.

Of course, it's also technically possible to create Vobjects within 
Terangreal (by modifying terangreal's code) that can be a "server" to 
other clients, due to the flexibility of VOS :) (You can also just
create objects in the mesh tool, this is a good way of experimenting
with stuff.)

The server framework is called omnivos.  If you look at (vos/apps/omnivos)
you'll see that it's like 15 lines of code :)  It mainly just loads
plugins.  Run it with one of the example configuration files like this:
"omnivos -c example.xod -nofork -o -".


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