[WAMUG] AGM - Your committee and other things.

2022-03-12 Thread topsmith

Hello fellow WAMUGgers, 

On 1 March this year, we held our Annual General Meeting. 

As I previously mentioned in an email (We're Back 30/01/22), the
current five committee members were willing to give it for another 12
months. We had hoped for some 'fresh blood'  to bring new ideas and
energy, but it was not to be.  

As there were no other nominees, the five were elected unopposed.  

PRESIDENT  - Peter Hinchliffe 

TREASURER - Bernard BarnwellL 

SECRETARY - Maureen Smith 

COMMITTEE MEMBERS  - Peter Smith & Daniel Kerr. 

(The Presidents report is included below my salutation.) 


The Committee has been struggling with the issue of raising the
profile of the Members' Meetings. We have considered the option of
terminating these meetings in the form they currently exist.  After
the formal part of the AGM, a discussion took place on this issue, and
two ideas emerged. 


1  We look into inviting the Committee of Apple Q, the Queensland
equivalent of WAMG, to attend our meetings.  

2  We have some meetings that focus on topics broader than just Apple
software and hardware. Besides opening these meetings to our list
members, we could also invite others interested in that particular

As a result of this discussion our next Member's Meeting on 5 April
will look at the software “musescore”, a cross-platform,
open-source, professional music notation software that does so much
more. So, if you have friends and family who sing, compose or play
music, invite them to join us. Further information can be found at
https://musescore.com [1] 

The secretary (Oops, that's me) will post further details after this
Tuesday's committee meeting.  

Until you hear from me again, stay safe.  

Maureen Smith


Presidents Report 

WAMUG  AGM  01-03-2022

Welcome to the West Australian Mac User group Annual General Meeting
for 2022. It is actually nine months since our last AGM and the first
time in three years we have been able to keep to a March date.

Throughout this time, the committee has been able to 'get our feet
back onto the ground.' With less uncertainty during this period, we
have had the opportunities for regular Committee and regular Member's
Meetings, the latter via Zoom. We have also had the chance to reflect
and consider where WAMUG will be in the future. 

It is that reflection I want to speak about this evening. A
consistent focus of our Committee meetings has been "How do we raise
the profile of the Members' Meetings among our cohort?" We realised
that we continue to face the same challenges each year. Before I
mention these challenges, please be aware that I am not listing a set
of criticisms but rather observations.

* WAMUG has become predominantly a 'list focussed' group. 

* Attendance at the Members' General Meetings has dropped over the
years. This seems to be due to falling membership,  and members
spread out over the state and sometimes the continent. Travelling at
night is also a concern for some members. The use of Zoom for Members'
Meetings has not increased attendance.

* There appears to be less need for Q&A sessions in the meetings,
mainly because we can find solutions to most Apple problems on the web
or via the list.

* Our Committee has not changed for several years, except for the
retirement of our previous treasurer in 2020. Of the five who
currently stand, four are still working full-time, which reduces the
time they can devote to WAMUG activities.

* Calls for new committee members, when posted on the list, have had
some responses in the past, but generally, there is has been silence.

These factors have necessitated the consideration of the possible
termination of the Members' Meetings, certainly in their current form.
Throughout the rest of 2022, we will observe what is happening and ask
members their opinions and thoughts on this topic. We may find a
different format better suits the group. 

The committee will put information on the list, and we welcome
members' suggestions and are happy to trial them.

The committee's decision to reduce membership fees from $35-$20 with
appreciated and has seen an increase in membership. I thank Bernard
Barnwell for this suggestion, and it is a rare and valued Treasurer
who reduces fees.

Although willing to be a committee member in 2022, I am standing down
from the role of President. I have enjoyed my time but need to step
aside for a while and recharge my batteries.

As I normally do, I want to thank the members of the WAMUG committee,
Peter Hinchcliffe, Peter Smith, Bernard Barnwell, and Daniel Kerr, for
their contributions throughout the past year. They have always had
WAMUG's best interests as their priority. Thank yo

Re: [WAMUG] Video Software?

2022-03-12 Thread Stephen Chape
Hi Rod

I have tried a few and always finish back with iMovie.

It is just intuitive and user friendly.

> On 12 Mar 2022, at 2:28 pm, Rod Blitvich  wrote:
> Hi Folks
> Movie editing software - not too expensive, easy to learn, features etc
> What are people using?
> iMovie?
> Anything else? eg Powerdirector?, Lumafusion?, Davici Resolve?
> Your advice appreciated
> cheers
> Blitto
> Rod Blitvich  - Amy & Sam’s Dad
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
>   rb...@iinet.net.au  
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Stephen Chape

Mac by choice
Windows because my employer knew no better

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