Hi All,

The local micro-ISV (you know who I'm talking about if you came to the WWDC Roadshow talk :-) ) is thinking of releasing a new product for Tiger, round about the date of Tiger release. I need about 3-5 people who are willing to be beta testers, any volunteers?

1. You must have official access to a Tiger seed. (Or if I'm late with my release, be ready with a Tiger system on April 29 or thereabouts.) That means at least you have to quote me your ADC membership #. 2. You should have a Paypal account, and be able to make small purchases. 3. Some knowledge of the UNIX command line. Don't need to be guru-level or a scripting fiend, just have used it enough to know your way around.
4.      Some time in the next 1-2 week's to do testing.

What's in it for you:
Get to try out new software. Might change the world. Might sink like a stone. Who knows?

If it works, you get it for free.

And I'm always open to suggestions, so your input will make into the final product.

Apologies for the mild secrecy -- email me privately if you are seriously interested, and I'll tell you what it is.

Cheers, Glen Low

pixelglow software | simply brilliant stuff
aim: pixglen