
We recently networked our two eMacs, one (eMac2) running 10.3 and the other (eMac1) running 10.2. Both are set to the correct time zone, both have the International settings set for Australia, and both have the same date/time formats.

eMac2 (10.3) looks absolutely fine when we are using it - the files have correct date/time details. However, if we mount its disk from eMac1 (10.2) the files all have dates in the 1960's - 1970 if it was created recently. The date/times shown are consistently incorrect. Going back the other way (mounting the eMac1 disks from eMac2) has no similar problem.

We added our old 5500 to the network and mounted eMac2's disks to see if they showed incorrect date/times; not so - the 5500 sees correct date/times on the same files.

We also tried writing to eMac2's from eMac1. Files written to the disks over the network show correct date/times on all machines.

Has anyone else had this sort of problem, or does anyone have suggestions as to what is going on? Any help would be appreciated. We do move files between these machines, and currently either live with files showing impossibly old dates or have to "touch" each of the moved files and accept today's date.

Cheers Kaye
Kaye Stott and Geoff Prince
Web: http://www.omninet.net.au/~kg/