Re: EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED with .mac charging

2002-07-18 Thread Warren Jones

On Thursday, July 18, 2002, at 06:46 , Peter Sealy wrote:

To Warren and anyone else interested.
I don't know where you sent that letter [I agree with every word] but 
everyone of like views make sure you send feedback on this issue. Apple 
is specifically asking for your views on it.

There is even an online petition already started protesting the charge.

Peter Sealy
Thurgoona, AUSTRALIA

[EMAIL PROTECTED] I believe is THE Steve.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] just bounced. I'd heard previously that it used to 

Yes, tried the feedback form on that page late last night but it wasn't 
working due to some fault. If its working now I'll use that too.

There is a general feedback form available at which was working.

Initial reaction I saw on the net last night and this morning shows that 
many loyal users have been put off with this short-sighted decision. 
Most suggested either saying goodye to their accounts or a tiered 
pricing structure based on services used.

If it affects you, you should let apple know. The only way they're going 
to change this, is if they get overwhelmed by complaints. Your feedback 
works - it's worked before.


Warren Jones
Parkwood, Western Australia

Re: EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED with .mac charging

2002-07-18 Thread Peter Sealy

On Thursday, July 18, 2002, at 02:11 AM, Warren Jones wrote:

Dear Steve and Co.

I've never written to you before.

The keynote is just over and I am very happy with most of the

Except for the new charges for .mac. I've just read the online FAQ about


To Warren and anyone else interested.
Everyone of like views make sure you send feedback on this issue. Apple is 
specifically asking for your views on it.

There is even an online petition already started protesting the charge.

Peter Sealy
Thurgoona, AUSTRALIA

A child's sob in the darkness cries louder than the shouts of the
angry man. Elizabeth Barrett Browning


2002-07-17 Thread Warren Jones

Dear Steve and Co.

I've never written to you before.

The keynote is just over and I am very happy with most of the 

Except for the new charges for .mac. I've just read the online FAQ about 

When you introduced iTools, you encouraged its use and promoted it as a 
free, value-added service to Mac users.
Many loyal (some also very long-time) Mac users happily accepted your 
invitation to use this service, assuming that it would be around a long 
time and remain free for at least the basic services as introduced.

Many have created web sites that have been in place for a while, indexed 
by various search engines and referenced by many other sites.

Many have made their main email address and have subscribed to 
numerous mailing lists.

Now you say it's costing too much money to run. Well I can understand 
that things in life are often not free but wasn't the running cost to be 
included in the cost of a Mac?

This US$100=A$200 per year is WAY over the top for the average user who 
just mostly wants a basic email service and maybe a few MB of web space.

By all means charge for the extra services and storage capacity for 
those that need them but please leave the existing basic services alone.

If I knew you would be charging anywhere near this amount I never would 
have signed up.

I've also encouraged someone else to get a address for himself 
and his wife which went part way to convincing a long-time PC user to by 
a new iMac G4 recently. I strongly doubt they'll be subscribing to .mac.

But I guess it appears that's exactly what you want - to get rid of the 
trouble-makers costing you money.

Anyone in Apple's management should have been able to see this would be 
an extremely unpopular decision and would get loyal mac users off side.

Yours in astonishment

Warren Jones
Parkwood, Western Australia