Hi all,

Did you know?

The new iPhone operating system comes with three things that make tracking 
easier for advertisers and reduce the likelihood that you'll opt out.

        • iOS 6 comes in a default "tracking on" position. You have to 
affirmatively switch it off if you do not want advertisers to see what you're 
up to.

        • The tracking control in iPhone's settings is NOT contained where you 
might expect it, under the "Privacy" menu. Instead, it's found under "General," 
then "About," and then the "Advertising" section of the Settings menu.

        • The tracking control is titled "Limit Ad Tracking," and must be 
turned to ON, not OFF, in order to work. That's slightly confusing — "ON" means 
ads are off! — so a large number of people will likely get this wrong.

Those three factors combined mean that a huge proportion of iPhone users are 
unlikely to ever opt out of track

"It's a really pretty elegant, simple solution," says Mobile Theory CEO Scott 
Swanson. "The biggest thing we're excited about is that it's on by default, so 
we expect most people will leave it on."


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