Hi all,

Before i upgraded the iPad2 to iOS 5 my Tivizen would 
work well which was very handy when travelling. 

After upgrading,  Tivizen has a problem connecting to the iPad.
The first thing I noticed after turning on Tivizen was the iPads
WiFi Network screen showed on the left side under Settings the 
correct WiFi network, namely Tivizen + No. but on the right side
under WiFi Networks it also showed the selected WiFi network
Tivizen etc. with the golf ball turning forever. Queried Elgato
about this behavior and received the following answer:
""Please note that iOS 5 no longer shows a check mark when you connect to 
tizi’s Wi-Fi network. Instead you’ll see the “spinning wheel” icon, even after 
you are connected. This is an iOS 5 quirk, but it doesn’t affect tizi 
performance. We’ve reached out to Apple to see if this can be addressed with a 
future iOS update, our FAQ has more details. We’re also already hard at work 
preparing the next update, so stay tuned."

However, when I connect the iPad to my home airport express it shows the network
name with the tick.

I wonder if anyone else out there has experienced this problem ?



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