[wanita-muslimah] How to Achieve a Lasting Peace

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik sunny

How to Achieve a Lasting Peace
Stop Focusing on the Settlements

Graffiti on a section of Israel's separation barrier last month. (By Bernat 
Armangue -- Associated Press) . 
By Ehud Olmert
Friday, July 17, 2009 

Israel's partnership with the United States is one of its greatest strategic 
assets. The United States provides Israel with crucial security and economic 
aid and invaluable political backing in the international arena. Amid the 
legitimate rapprochement President Obama has initiated with the Arab and Muslim 
world, it is important not to underestimate the multifaceted nature of U.S. 
relations with Israel, the only real Middle Eastern democracy whose founding 
principles are based on the Western values of liberty and freedom for all. 

During the tenure of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, and my administration after 
that, we, together with President George W. Bush, boosted Israeli-U.S. 
relations at all levels and on most issues. This progress was based on deep and 
candid understandings, both written and oral. 

Throughout the second intifada, America provided unprecedented support for 
Israel's struggle against Palestinian terrorism and Israel's construction of 
the security barrier. Together, we envisioned the two-state solution as the 
only way to end the conflict by adopting and implementing the road map and 
its sequencing. 

By vast majorities, Congress endorsed President Bush's 2004 letter elaborating 
Israel's right to defend itself, by itself, against any threat and recognizing 
new realities on the ground in which the Jewish population centers in the West 
Bank would be an inseparable part of the state of Israel in any future 
permanent-status agreement. America acknowledged that the future Palestinian 
state would represent the solution to the Palestinian refugees, resettling them 
there and not in Israel. 

In November 2007, Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the Bush administration 
convened in Annapolis with the unified goal of solving all outstanding issues. 
Annapolis provided the framework for direct negotiations between Israel and the 
Palestinians toward bringing an end to the conflict and to all claims. 

Yet today, instead of a political process, the issue of settlement construction 
commands the agenda between the United States and Israel. This is a mistake 
that serves neither the process with the Palestinians nor relations between 
Israel and the Arab world. Moreover, it has the potential to greatly shake 
U.S.-Israeli relations. 

The settlements are a known issue of contention between Israel and the United 
States; although America has not supported their construction, it has, on some 
occasions, recognized the realities that have developed over 40 years. 

Sharon reached understandings with the U.S. administration regarding the growth 
and building of settlements, as part of the road map. The understandings 
included that: 

-- No new settlements would be constructed. 

-- No new land would be allocated or confiscated for settlement construction. 

-- Any construction in the settlements would be within current building lines. 

-- There would be no provision of economic incentives promoting settlement 

-- The unauthorized outposts built after March 2001 would be dismantled (a 
commitment that Israel, regrettably, has not yet fulfilled). 

These understandings provided a working platform and, in my opinion, a proper 
balance to allow essential elements of stability and normality for Israelis 
living in settlements until their future would be determined in a 
permanent-status agreement. I adopted these understandings and followed them in 
close coordination with the Bush administration. 

Moreover, during the run-up to Annapolis and in meetings there, I elaborated to 
the U.S. administration and the Palestinian leadership that Israel would 
continue to build in the settlements in accordance with the above criteria. 

Let me be clear: Without those understandings, the Annapolis process would not 
have taken on any form. Therefore, the focus on settlement construction now is 
not useful. 

The insistence now on a complete freeze on settlement construction -- 
impossible to completely enforce -- will not promote Palestinian efforts to 
enhance security measures; the institution building that is so crucial for the 
development of a Palestinian state; better movement and access to the 
Palestinians; nor an improved economy in the West Bank. Nor will it weaken the 
Hamas government in Gaza. It will not bring greater security to Israel, help 
improve Israel's relations with the Arab world, strengthen a coalition of 
moderate Arab states or shift the strategic balance in the Middle East. 

Only a political process that demands courageous decisions from leaders on both 
sides will bring a solution to the issue of settlements. 

To this day, I 

[wanita-muslimah] SBY's Speech on the Jakarta Bombings: Full Text

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik sunny

July 17, 2009 

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono talks to Governor of Jakarta Fauzi Bowo at a 
hospital after visiting injured bombing victims on Friday. (Photo: Romeo Gacad, 

SBY's Speech on the Jakarta Bombings: Full Text

A full translation of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's speech to the nation 
on the Jakarta bomb attacks, delivered at the Presidential Palace on Friday 

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Greetings to everyone,

My fellow countrymen and women, to all Indonesians that I love, wherever you 
are. Today is a black dot in our history [as a nation]. Once again, there has 
been an attack or a bombing committed by terrorists in Jakarta. It is suspected 
to have been committed by a group of terrorists, although it may not 
necessarily be the same terrorism network that we have realized cause nothing 
but sufferings and troubles that all Indonesians have had to bear.

This barbaric act has brought about innocent casualties as well. Therefore, on 
this opportunity, on behalf of the country and the government, and as a person, 
I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to the families of the 
victims. To all the victims, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

My fellow countrymen and women, the inhuman and thoughtless bombing occurred 
just when our nation had held its presidential election and while the General 
Elections Commission (KPU) is still tallying the votes. It has greatly 
disrupted the security and peace of the country while people want a safe, 
peaceful and conducive situation. People want the conclusion of the 2009 
General Elections to be the starting point for us to unite and rebuild our 
country for the sake of all Indonesian people.

The bombing was committed when people were still concerned with political 
brouhaha at the elite level, also - as I have been noticing everyday - with 
provocative remarks that maintain heated and hostile circumstances, which is 
not the aspiration of the people who fulfilled their political duties a few 
weeks ago.

My fellow countrymen and women, I believe almost all of us feel sympathy and 
sadness, and cry inside, as I do now. Indeed, there are few people who are 
laughing and screaming in delight, satisfying their maddening anger. These few 
people, heartless and careless for the destruction of our country from 
terrorism, do not care about the vast implications of their brutality toward 
our economy, business climate, tourism, image in the world and many other 

Presently, my brothers and sisters, beside us, the government is performing 
emergency response measures to treat the victims of the bombing. An 
investigation is on the way as well. I have received a preliminary report of 
the ongoing investigation. After I read the report, I instructed the Chief of 
Police, the National Intelligence Agency and other related state institutions 
to conduct a proper and thorough investigation and to bring the perpetrators to 

I believe, as we have discovered before, that the perpetrators and the people 
who masterminded this terror will be apprehended and we will prosecute them 
under the law. I have instructed law enforcers to prosecute anyone involved. 
Whoever he or she is, from whatever political rank and background.

This morning, I have received many statements, or reminders, that made me 
theorize, or at least be concerned, that this terrorism is related to the 
result of the presidential election. I would respond like this - that we should 
not point our fingers, or blame someone without proof. All theories and 
speculations must be proven in court. Our country is a lawful country, as well 
as a democratic one. Therefore, the norms of law and democracy must be enacted 
properly. If someone is guilty under the law, then we could say that the person 
is guilty.

I must say for the first time to all Indonesians that during the series of 
legislative and presidential elections in 2009, there were several intelligence 
reports that were gathered by law enforcers. Once again, this information has 
never been made public. The report showed a group of terrorists had practiced 
shooting at my picture, SBY's picture, as a target. Let me show you.

This is a video recording of them practicing shooting. Two men are shooting 
with handguns. This is the target. And this is my picture, and they are aiming 
approximately at my face. This is the intelligence report, with video tape and 
pictures. It is not a slander, nor an issue. I received the report several 
moments ago. It is still related to the intelligence that acknowledged there is 
a plan to commit violence or actions against the law in relation to the 
election result.

There was also a plan to occupy the office of the General Elections Commission 
when the result is to announced. There was a statement that there would be a 
revolution if SBY wins. 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Ledakan di Jakarta?

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik jano ko
Ada berita :

btw, biar lebih jelas, yg gw maksud setan kuning = orba jilid satu,
setan biru = orba jilid sekarang, setan ijo = nurdin tob dan


Janoko :

Hm...engga habis pikir, didalam Orba itu juga banyak orang Islamnya yang jujur 
dan santun, koq bisa ya seseorang manusia yang mengaku Islam mengatakan 
saudaranya s..t  n. 
Kasihan sekali.


Note :
Janoko masih ndlongob ( mulut terbuka lebar ) membaca tulisan tersebut.


--- On Sat, 18/7/09, ritajkt rita...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: ritajkt rita...@yahoo.com
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Ledakan di Jakarta?
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, 18 July, 2009, 12:24 PM


  iya mbak, itu posting kemarin yg gw komentarin, mohon maaf 
for the (black) humor in this grieving period...

btw, biar lebih jelas, yg gw maksud setan kuning = orba jilid satu, setan biru 
= orba jilid sekarang, setan ijo = nurdin tob dan jaringannya.

ikut belasungkawa,


--- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, Mia al...@... wrote:

 Bom bunuh diri itu sudah confirm, kan? Artinya motifnya kekerasan atas nama 


 Pak DWS bukannya bilang nggak make sense bom bunuh diri itu karena politik 
 pilpres, atau yang lain bilang kasus freeport.  Saya menambahkan kalau bunuh 
 diri itu sudah confirm, motif lain gugur.


 Psikologisnya adalah, dalam human tragedy reaksi kita bisa macem2, justru 
 karena pelakunya kita sendiri terhadap sesama, kita jatuh pada black humor. 
 Saya kaget juga denger pidatonya pak SBY, tapi yah he is entitled to his own 
 opinion, (yang sekaligus menunjukkan kualitasnya ternyata sampe di situ saja).


 Atas kejadian ini kalo nggak salah baca, rasanya kemarin reaksi kita di dunia 
 nyata nggak seperti dulu, artinya tetep ada semacam keyakinan bahwa 
 everything will be alright.  Tapi yang mengagetkan bagi saya justru komentar 
 beberapa pejabat, termasuk SBY, yang kemudian mengundang reaksi lain.


 Kesimpulan saya sbb:

 - Ummat Islam masih dalam tahap denial, dan itu mengeras dan menyusup 
 kemana-mana. Ini memang masalahnya ummat Islam sedunia, dan kronis.

 - Militerism adalah masalah lokal Indonesia, dimana fraksi2 itu memainkan 
 kartu Islam untuk kepentingan mereka.  Ini termasuk masalah good governance, 
 masalah lokal Indonesia.


 Say no to violence!





 --- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, ritajkt ritajkt@ wrote:


  Indonesia unite, ayo yang twitteran, let's join #Indonesiaunite# against 

  (tapi gw jg belum ngeh sih gimana caranya :))


  Bener kata kawan-kawan semua, bener kata mas Ary, jangan jadi chaos dan 
  kemakan sama terornya si teroris. Kita kudu tetep tenang dan melanjutkan 
  aktivitas sambil terus waspada, kalo ada tetangga baru, harus cek asal 
  usulnya dsb.


  Tapi bener juga kok sinyalemen Pak Irwan, buktinya hari ini gak ada yg 
  sempet ngelanjutin nulis soal IFES dan KPU, padahal kemarin kan lagi 
  enak-enaknya menelanjangi IFES yang ternyata kantornya cuman segede kamar 
  gw (bayangkan, lembaga ini yg menguasai data Pemilu 170 juta rakyat 
  indonesia!), gak ada layar-layar besar memonitor jutaan angka, tapi hanya 
  ada dua laptop di ruang utamanya! Padahal pula, HARI INI, angka tabulasi 
  TIBA-TIBA naik 300%, Ajaib!


  Tapi yang paling bener ya mas DWS menurut gw, soale dr awal gw curiga ini 
  teroris pasti didukung kompetitornya setan merah yaitu setan biru,ijo, 
  kuning...ups :((


  with great pain and condolences,


  --- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, Dwi Soegardi soegardi@ wrote:


   Lihat di CNN, menurut Polri ada dua orang suicide bombers ...



   Lebih sedih lagi, kalo untuk mengacaukan pemilu saja pake bom bunuh

   diri. (Menurut teori konspirasi SBY dan IrwanK :(




   On 7/17/09, sunny ambon@ wrote:

Bom bunuh diri?


  - Original Message -

  From: donnie damana

  To: wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com

  Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 4:36 AM

  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Ledakan di Jakarta?



teori gensetnya masih diragukan tuh...


  On Jul 17, 2009, at 9:33 AM, Ari Condro wrote:


   genset meleduk di ritz carlton (bukan bom)


   On 7/17/09, Dwi Soegardi soegardi@ wrote:


http://www.nytimes. com/aponline/ 2009/07/16/ world/AP- AS-Indonesia- 
Explosions. html?_r=1 src=twttwt= nytimes

Police: Bombs at Jakarta Hotels Kill 4 Foreigners



http://megapolitan. kompas.com/ read/xml/ 2009/07/17/ 0901569/Tangis. 
Pilu.dan. Panik.Iringi. Ledakan.Marriott .dan.Ritz


Tangis Pilu dan Panik Iringi Ledakan Marriott dan Ritz


Semoga rekan-rekan WM di Jakarta selamat ..


Ada apa gerangan?









  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[wanita-muslimah] Jawa Pos: Tidak Sekadar Menyaksikan Binatang Purba yang Tersisa

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik noni marlini
Jawa Pos
Kamis, 16/07/2009

Ke Taman Nasional Komodo, Tidak Sekadar Menyaksikan Binatang Purba yang Tersisa 

Warga Yakin Ora sebagai Saudara Kembar

Sebagai tempat tujuan wisata, objek utama Taman Nasional Komodo (TNK) adalah 
komodo. Namun, sebenarnya banyak objek wisata lain yang bisa dinikmati. Salah 
satunya adalah Kampung Komodo. Warga nelayan di pantai timur Pulau Komodo itu 
bisa hidup berdampingan dengan reptil purba ganas tersebut.

RUKIN FIRDA, Labuan Bajo

Nama kampung dan binatang itu memang sama karena memiliki kisah yang berkaitan 
dan tidak terpisahkan. Lokasi kampung tersebut sekitar satu jam berjalan kaki 
menyusur pantai dari Loh (Teluk) Liang. Loh Liang adalah pintu masuk area Taman 
Nasional Komodo yang berada di Pulau Komodo. Speed boat dari dermaga Loh Liang 
bisa mencapai kampung tersebut dalam waktu 45 menit.

Kampung bernama resmi Desa Komodo itu masuk wilayah Kecamatan Komodo, Kabupaten 
Manggarai Barat (Manggar), Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Desa yang 
terdiri atas Dusun 01 dan Dusun 02 itu dihuni 374 KK (kepala keluarga) yang 
meliputi 1.368 jiwa. Laki-lakinya 681 orang, perempuannya 687, papar Kepala 
Desa Komodo Haji Adam yang baru sekitar setahun menjabat.

Warga setempat, terutama yang asli kelahiran kampung tersebut, yakin komodo 
adalah leluhur mereka. Sebelum manusia mendiami pulau itu, ceritanya, sudah ada 
binatang seperti itu dengan bentuk yang lebih menyeramkan dan ganas. Matanya 
liar, kulitnya kemerah-merahan, dan jari kakinya empat, tutur Adam.

Yang dikenal sebagai komodo saat ini berjari lima pada tiap kakinya. Menurut 
legenda masyarakat kampung tersebut, komodo adalah salah satu di antara anak 
kembar Ompu (ibu) Majo, leluhur warga Kampung Komodo. Kembaran lainnya adalah 
Epa yang berwujud manusia perempuan. Yang berbentuk binatang itu berkelamin 
laki-laki dan dipanggil sebai, tambah Adam.

Sebai dalam bahasa lokal berarti sebelah atau kembaran. Karena itu, warga 
Kampung Komodo lebih mengenal binatang itu dengan sebutan sebai atau ora. Nama 
ora diberikan oleh para pendatang yang ketika baru menginjakkan kaki di pulau 
tersebut disambut binatang itu dengan posisi mendongak. Dari kejauhan terlihat 
seperti orang yang sedang berdiri. 

Mereka lantas menyebutnya ora yang maksudnya seperti orang, kata Adam, yang 
pernah kuliah di sebuah perguruan tinggi di Kupang, NTT, itu. 

Nama Komodo berasal dari Modo, etnis yang pertama mendiami kampung tersebut. 
Modo adalah etnis yang suka berpindah-pindah karena tidak disukai warga etnis 
lain yang bertetangga dengan mereka.

Modo, menurut Adam, bermakna mudah. Kata itu menggambarkan karakteristik etnis 
tersebut yang terkesan seenaknya sendiri. Mereka, misalnya, dengan seenaknya 
sendiri mengambil milik orang lain. Mereka juga tidak bersahabat. Makanya, 
banyak yang tidak suka sehingga mereka harus berpindah-pindah, tambah Adam.

Setelah beberapa kali berpindah tempat terakhir di Sape, Bima, Nusa Tenggara 
Barat (NTB) mereka menetap di pulau tersebut. Lantas, pulau itu pun dikenal 
dengan nama Komodo. Ko berarti tempat. Jadi, Komodo bermakna tempat etnis Modo 
tinggal, katanya.

Keyakinan bahwa ora adalah saudara kembar warga Kampung Komodo juga disebabkan 
adanya kedekatan emosional di antara mereka. Warga Komodo sepertinya tidak bisa 
dipisahkan dari binatang tersebut. Ketika Pulau Komodo ditetapkan sebagai taman 
nasional pada 1980, muncul rencana untuk merelokasi warga Kampung Komodo ke 
Sape di Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Warga menolak rencana tersebut.

Mengapa harus pindah dari sini. Di sini tempat kami mencari ikan. Orang Sape, 
Labuan Bajo, bahkan Makassar juga mencari ikan di sini. Kalau dipindah, di mana 
kami mencari ikan? kata Rafiah, istri nelayan setempat.

Di tengah rencana dan penolakan itu, ora seperti menghilang. Tidak seekor pun 
terlihat muncul. Padahal, biasanya mereka berkeliaran di halaman rumah warga. 
Ora baru kembali terlihat setelah rencana relokasi itu dibatalkan dan warga 
Kampung Komodo tetap tinggal di desa mereka sampai sekarang.

Adalah hal biasa melihat ora berkeliaran di antara rumah-rumah di Kampung 
Komodo. Juga di halaman satu-satunya sekolah di kampung tersebut, ketika 
anak-anak sekolah bermain di waktu jam istirahat. Tidak ada ketakutan pada 
anak-anak kampung komodo terhadap binatang itu. Padahal, masing-masing sudah 
diingatkan orang tuanya agar tidak terlalu dekat dan berhati-hati terhadap 
binatang itu. Cukup kita halau lemparan batu kecil, kata Riswan, bocah kelas 
V SD Negeri Komodo, yang tahun ini naik ke kelas VI.

Meski pernah terjadi seorang anak diterkam komodo, warga setempat pun tetap 
berniat untuk tidak meninggalkan pulau itu. Anak tersebut diterkam saat buang 
air besar di pinggir hutan, menghadap pantai. Dia tidak melihat ketika ada 
komodo di belakangnya, tutur Adam.

Komodo tersebut diduga tergoda bau kotoran bocah itu yang bisa jadi mirip 
bangkai. Penciuman komodo memang peka terhadap darah dan bangkai.

Secara umum, warga Kampung Komodo jauh 

[wanita-muslimah] Bom di Jakarta

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik bedrilridh...@ymail.com
Saya heran dengan orang yang melakukan pengeboman ini, apa sih maunya. Kalau 
memang tidak suka dengan pemerintahan Indonesia kenapa hotel yang harus dibom. 
Kalau begini masyarakat yang tidak bersalah yang kena dan orang2 Indonesia 
sendiri yang jadi korbannya. Wahai para teroris, bertobatlah dan jangan berbuat 
kejahatan lagi. Semoga keluarga korban pengeboman ini tabah menerima cobaan 
ini. Dan saya berharap kawan2 yang ikut dalam milis ini bila memberi komentar 
hendaknya bertutur kata yang sopanlah. Milis ini kan islami dan islam itukan 
agama yang rahmatan lil alamin. Bagi yang tidak sependapat dengan isi milis ya 
berikanlah pendapat atau komentar yang baik, jangan mencaci maki. Semoga kita 
menjadi orang2 yang disayang Allah. Amn

[wanita-muslimah] Jakarta blasts: JI leader suspected

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Saturday, July 18, 2009 
19:16 Mecca time, 16:16 GMT

  Jakarta blasts: JI leader suspected 
  Noordin Top is wanted in connection with several
  bomb attacks in Indonesia [File, EPA] 
  A former leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, the armed Islamist group, is 
suspected by security officials of being behind the suicide bombings on two 
hotels in Indonesia that have left nine people dead.

  Yesterday's attacks on the Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotel were 100 per 
cent handled and controlled by Noordin Mohammed Top, Surya Dharma, the former 
head of Indonesia's anti-terror intelligence force, said on Saturday.

  Five foreign nationals - three Australians, a New Zealander and a 
Singaporean - were among the nine dead in Friday's bombings. More than 50 
people were injured.

  Speaking in an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, he said there was 
evidence pointing to Malaysian-born Top being behind the attacks.

  Dharma tracked Noordin for six years until his intelligence unit was 
dismantled by the Indonesian government.

  Civilians targeted

  Ansyaad Mbai, Indonesia's security ministry's anti-terror desk chief, 
also blamed Noordin, whose group broke-away from Jemaah Islamiyah after an 
alleged falling out with the group's leadership over the targeting of civilians.

In depth 

 Video: Witness to Jakarta bombing
 Video: Jakarta blast caught on tape
 Indonesia's war on Jemaah Islamiyah
 Survivors describe blast panic
 President vows to catch bombers
 Timeline: Indonesia bombings
  There are strong indications that Noordin Top's group is behind the 
attacks because the bombs were hand-made and the tactic was suicide bombings, 
Mbai said, adding they have been methods used by Top in the past.

  The suicide bombings at the hotels in the Indonesia capital are the 
fourth attacks allegedly masterminded by Noordin in the country.

  He is thought to have been behind the attacks on the Jakarta Marriott in 
2003, the Australian embassy in 2004 and on a series of restaurants in Bali in 
2005 in which more than 20 people were killed.

  Sidney Jones, of the International Crisis Group, told Al Jazeera that one 
of the prime suspects has to be Noordin Top.

  The police were actively looking for him just last week in a town in 
central Java where they found explosives similar to those used in the hotels 
[attacks], she said.

  Maximum devastation

  They have been close on the trail of some of these people in the past 
and I am sure we will see a wave of arrests in the aftermath of this bombing.

  The equipment found in the raid last week on an Islamic boarding school 
in Central Java, carried out as part of the hunt for Noordin, was said by 
police to be the same as those used in Friday's attack.

  The bombs are thought to have been brought fully assembled into the 
hotels, despite airport-style security measures and were packed with nails, 
ball-bearings, nuts and bolts to maximise the devastation.

  Police said the bombs were identical to ones previously used in Jemaah 
Islamiyah (JI) attacks, but the group has denied involvement in the recent 

  Foreigners killed

  Jibril, a long-time member of JI, told Al Jazeera that his organisation 
was not involved in the attacks.

  JI is an organisation with a very clear goal - we don't fight against an 
enemy who is not targeting Muslims, he told Al Jazeera.

  Indonesia is not a country attacking Muslims, so we don't commit attacks 

  Investigators are sifting through body parts and other forensic evidence, 
attempting to identify the bombers involved in the attacks.

  Police say there were three suicide bombers involved in the attack, and 
DNA evidence, including a severed head, are under examination.

  The bombers are said to have posed as guests at the hotels, checking in 
two days before the attacks.

  Security increased

  Security video from the hotel shows a man with a suitcase and backpack 
entering the hotel restaurant shortly before an explosion.

  Police have not confirmed whether the man is a suspect.

Over 50 people, many of them foreigners,
were wounded in the attack [AFP]
  Speaking to Al Jazeera, the head of security at the Marriott said: We 
had two security officers who saw this man ... carrying a big back pack on [his 

  [When questioned] he said I'm going to see my boss ... [but] couldn't 
come up with the name and he just kept walking.

  He moved forward five metres and the bomb detonated.

  General Bambang Hendarso Danuri, Indonesia's national police chief, 
called on hotels and shopping malls across 

[wanita-muslimah] Clear calls from the NAM

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik sunny

16 - 22 July 2009
Issue No. 956
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Clear calls from the NAM
The leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement called for guarantees of peace and 
security, the end of economic injustice and improved bilateral ties at their 
summit meeting held in Sharm El-Sheikh this week, reports Dina Ezzat 

   Click to view caption 
  Cuban President Raul Castro, Mubarak and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon 
at the NAM Summit 
The 15th summit meeting of the Non- Aligned Movement (NAM), held in the 
Egyptian Red Sea resort town of Sharm El-Sheikh this week, saw the leaders of 
the 118-member organisation meeting for two days of discussions during which 
issues of particular interest to this grouping of mostly developing countries 
were discussed, including threats to global peace and stability, an end to 
global economic injustice and improved bilateral ties.

The prime ministers of India and Pakistan, Manmohan Singh and Syed Yousuf Raza 
Gilani, are to meet today on the fringes of the meeting to discuss the tensions 
that have existed between the neighbouring countries since the Mumbai attacks 
last November, which were blamed by the Indian authorities on Pakistan.

However, this bilateral meeting is only one of many convening on the fringes of 
the NAM summit. Many member countries of the organisation are divided by 
significant political disagreements, and on the eve of this week's summit, 
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul-Gheit and his Iranian counterpart 
Menochaher Mutaki met briefly in what was being seen as a significant encounter 
in view of the sometimes barely masked hostility between Egypt and Iran. 

Egypt currently holds the rotating presidency of the NAM, taking over from the 
outgoing president, Cuba. In 2012, Egypt will pass on the presidency of the 
organisation to Iran, making it crucial that Egypt and Iran are able to 
cooperate on important issues. 

Yet, for many diplomats attending the summit, which opened yesterday and is 
scheduled to close today, there may be few gains from the two days of meetings 
of this organisation that is sometimes seen as a hangover from the decades 
immediately following World War II. 

However, if the NAM still has a function in today's world it may be that this 
is related to its ability to bring leaders who might otherwise be at 
loggerheads with each other together in an atmosphere of generally shared 

Coordinating positions among like-minded states within this body of nations is 
a key objective of the regular summit meetings, and, as President Hosni Mubarak 
noted in his opening speech at the meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh yesterday, it was 
important that the member states of the NAM coordinate their policies on 
serious challenges to peace and stability, including terrorism, the 
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the current financial crisis and 
climate change. 

It was only through such cooperation, Mubarak said, that developing countries 
could have a real say in global decision-making on issues including world trade 
and the global environment.

As Cuban leader Raoul Castro, also at the summit, noted, if the developing 
countries fail to take advantage of the umbrella provided by the NAM and other 
similar organisations, then they had better be prepared to pay the bill for 
global decisions tailored to fit the interests of developed countries. 

Despite the NAM's sometimes venerable aspect, the organisation remains relevant 
in today's world, though perhaps in a different way to its heyday in the 1950s 
and 60s. 

This explains why membership of the organisation has steadily increased from 
fewer than 39 member states in 1961 to over 100 today. Present members of the 
NAM include 53 African countries, 38 countries from Asia and 28 from Latin 
America. The secretary- general of the UN and the secretary-general of the Arab 
League both attended this week's NAM summit meeting. 

In a statement to the summit, UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-Moon appealed to 
members of the NAM to patch up any differences that may exist among member 
states, in order that they may be better equipped to deal with the present 
international financial crisis and the dangers of climate change.

In his speech to the summit, Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa called 
for greater cooperation among NAM member states to help remedy the kinds of 
global injustice that have often forced developing nations to pay a heavy bill 
for policies that serve the interests of developed countries.

The Palestinian cause was also a key issue in many of the statements made 
during the opening session of the summit. Mubarak, Castro and other speakers 
all stressed the need for a fair and comprehensive settlement of the 

[wanita-muslimah] An Unfinished Revolution

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik sunny
Nicaragua  An Unfinished Revolution 



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] A new NAM

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik sunny

16 - 22 July 2009
Issue No. 956

Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

A new NAM
Where is the Non-Aligned Movement going, asks Tarek El-Sheikh 

Two years ago to be exact, the storms and thunder of the neocons were engulfing 
the world and then US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice told India to forget 
about the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). She told the US-India Business Council 
that NAM, which India led, has lost its meaning and India should move beyond 
old ways of thinking and build on the future of Indo-US relations.

Rice said NAM might have made sense during the Cold War, but she asked what it 
meant when people of every race and culture were embracing political and 
economic liberty.

NAM is an international organisation of 118 states which consider themselves 
not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. India was a main 
founding member of the movement along with Egypt and the former Yugoslavia.

The Indian government reacted to Rice's comments equivocally. There is no 
apparent contradiction in expanding cooperation and democracy in the world and 
the Non-Aligned Movement, said then external affairs minister Pranab 

With the preparations underway for the 15th NAM Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh 11-16 
July, Indian VP Hamed Ansary stressed that the organisation was as vital as 
ever: The basic agenda remains the same. We need a more equitable relationship 
between the developed and developing countries, though he added, the issues 
we were talking about in the 1950s and 60s are not the issues we are talking 
about today.

Ministry of External Affairs Secretary N Ravi said: NAM member countries have 
had varied experiences and have the opportunity to use them to build a 
framework for closer cooperation on the level of South-South. Today's world is 
very intensely interconnected, travel has become extremely common.

Defence analyst Arvvind Gupta calls for NAM to be less confrontational and for 
it to help usher in a new world order addressing climate change, water and food 
security and justice.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Father Still Searching for Son After Blast

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik sunny

July 18, 2009 
Muninggar Sri Saraswati

Father Still Searching for Son After Blast

Victor Mokodompis, 65, could not hide his disappointment on Saturday when he 
still could not get any information about the whereabouts of his son, Evert 
Mokodompis, who was working at the JW Marriott Hotel on Friday when it was 
struck by a suicide bomber.

I've visited five hospitals to find him... or his body, he told reporters at 
Sukanto Police Hospital in East Jakarta.

Victor said that the hotel management said Evert, 33, was among the victims. 
Evert worked at the hotel's buffet in the restaurant where the bombing took 
place. But Victor still has no certainty about his son's fate.

I still have no information about him, he said.

Evert escaped a bomb attack at the same hotel in 2003 because he had a day off 
work when the blast took place.

Searching the hospital was the father's last hope, as some bodies are still 
being identified.

We can not determine when the identification process will finish. It depends 
on the conditions of the corpses and the body parts, said Brig. Gen. Edi SP, 
the head of the National Police medical and health unit.

Edi called on families, relatives and friends of the victims to help with 
identifying the corpses to speed up the process.

They usually know small details such as scars or tattoos, he said.

Brig. Gen. Aidi Rawas, the hospital director, said that the identification 
process could take up to three months.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Left is wrong on Iran

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik sunny

16 - 22 July 2009
Issue No. 956
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Left is wrong on Iran
Who are and who promoted these leftist intellectuals who question the social 
uprising of the people in Iran, asks Hamid Dabashi* 

When a political groundswell like the Iranian presidential election of June 
2009 and its aftermath happen, the excitement and drama of the moment expose 
not just our highest hopes but also our deepest fault lines, most troubling 
moral flaws, and the dangerous political precipice we face. 

Over the decades I have learned not to expect much from what passes for the 
left in North America and/or Western Europe when it comes to the politics of 
what their colonial ancestry has called the Middle East. But I do expect much 
more when it comes to our own progressive intellectuals -- Arabs, Muslims, 
South Asians, Africans and Latin Americans. This is not a racial bifurcation, 
but a regional typology along the colonial divide.

By and large this expectation is apt and more often than not met. The best case 
in point is the comparison between what Azmi Bishara has offered about the 
recent uprising in Iran and what Slavoj Zizek felt obligated to write. Whereas 
Bishara's piece (with aspects of which I have had reason to disagree) is 
predicated on a detailed awareness of the Iranian scene, accumulated over the 
last 30 years of the Islamic Republic and even before, Zizek's (the conclusion 
of which I completely disagree with) is entirely spontaneous and 
impressionistic, predicated on as much knowledge about Iran as I have about the 
mineral composition of the planet Jupiter. 

The examples can be multiplied by many, when we add to what Azmi Bishara has 
written pieces by Mustafa El-Labbad and Galal Nassar, for example, and compare 
them to the confounded blindness of Paul Craig Roberts, Anthony DiMaggio, 
Michael Veiluva, James Petras, Jeremy Hammond, Eric Margolis, and many others. 
While people closest to the Iranian scene write from a position of critical 
intimacy, and with a healthy dose of disagreement, those farthest from it write 
with an almost unanimous exposure of their constitutional ignorance, not having 
the foggiest idea what has happened in that country over the last 30 years, let 
alone the last 200 years, and then having the barefaced chutzpah to pontificate 
one thing or another -- or worse, to take more than 70 million human beings as 
stooges of the CIA and puppets of the Saudis.

Let me begin by stating categorically that in principle I share the fundamental 
political premise of the left, its weariness of US imperial machination, of 
major North American and Western European media (but by no means all of them) 
by and large missing the point on what is happening around the globe, or even 
worse seeing things from the vantage point of their governmental cues, which 
they scarcely question. It has been but a few months since we have come out of 
the nightmare of the Bush presidency, or the combined chicaneries of Dick 
Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and John Ashcroft, or of the continued 
calamities of the war on terror. Iran is still under the threat of a military 
strike by Israel, or at least more severe economic sanctions, similar to those 
that are responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis during 
the Clinton administration. Iraq and Afghanistan are burning, Gaza is in utter 
desolation, Northern Pakistan is in deep humanitarian crisis, and Israel is 
stealing more Palestinian lands every day. With all his promises and pomp and 
ceremonies, President Obama is yet to show in any significant and tangible way 
his change of course in the region from that of the previous administration. 

The US Congress, prompted by AIPAC (the American Israel Political Affairs 
Committee), pro-war vigilantes lurking in the halls of power in Washington DC, 
and Israeli warlords and their propaganda machinery in the US, are all excited 
about the events in Iran and are doing their damnedest to turn them to their 
advantage. The left, indeed, has reason to worry. But having principled 
positions on geopolitics is one thing, being blind and deaf to a massive social 
movement is something entirely different, as being impervious to the flagrant 
charlatanism of an upstart demagogue like Ahmadinejad. The sign and the task of 
a progressive and agile intelligence is to hold on to core principles and seek 
to incorporate mass social uprising into its modus operandi. My concern here is 
not with that retrograde strand in the North American or Western European left 
that is siding with Ahmadinejad and against the masses of millions of Iranians 
daring the draconian security apparatus of the Islamic Republic. They are a 
lost cause, and frankly no one could care less what they think of the world. 
What does concern me is when an 

[wanita-muslimah] Violence flares anew in Tehran

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Saturday 18 July 2009 (25 Rajab 1430)

  Violence flares anew in Tehran

  TEHRAN: In apparent defiance of Iran's supreme leader, former President 
Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani declared the Islamic Republic in crisis after a 
disputed election, and tens of thousands of protesters used Friday prayers to 
stage the biggest show of dissent for weeks.

  Clashes erupted in central Tehran between police and followers of 
opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who still contests official results that 
showed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been re-elected by a wide margin. 
Police fired tear gas and beat supporters of Mousavi in Keshavarz Boulevard, 
a witness said, adding that protesters were carrying hundreds of green banners 
- Mousavi's campaign color - and chanting Ahmadinejad, resign, resign.

  One witness said policemen smashed the windows of several cars whose 
drivers were sounding their horns, a tactic adopted by protesters.

  In his sermon broadcast live on radio nationwide, Rafsanjani said many 
Iranians had doubts about the official result of the June 12 vote. 

  I hope with this sermon we can pass through this period of hardships 
that can be called a crisis, said the influential politician, leading prayers 
for the first time since the poll.

  Rafsanjani did not go as far as Mousavi and reformist candidate Mehdi 
Karoubi in denouncing the conduct of the vote, but his remarks still posed a 
clear challenge to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has upheld the 
election result and accused foreign powers of fomenting the unrest.

  Some religious leaders also support Ahmadinejad, but others, including 
Grand Ayatollahs Yusof Saanei and Hossein Ali Montazeri, have criticized the 

  Rafsanjani, who heads the Assembly of Experts - a powerful body that can 
in theory dismiss the supreme leader - attacked the way authorities had handled 
the poll and its aftermath. When people are not in the scene and their votes 
are not there, that government is not Islamic, he said, referring to 
opposition charges of vote-rigging. Today is a bitter day.

  Rafsanjani also demanded the immediate release of people detained in the 
unrest and called for press curbs to be relaxed. Some of his own relatives, 
including his daughter Faezeh, were arrested briefly for joining pro-Mousavi 

  Karoubi came under attack from men in plainclothes on his way to the 
prayers, according to his son Hossein and Fars news agency.

  Among those arrested was leading lawyer and women's rights campaigner 
Shadi Sadr. Shadi called me from an unknown location and said she was arrested 
by plainclothes officials who forcefully got her into a car, Hossein Nilchian, 
her husband, said.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Ledakan di Jakarta?

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik ritajkt
kok ndak protes sama istilah red devils/setan merah? Emang emyu = tidak ada yg 
jujur dan santun? Kok ndak konsisten yah protesnya?
--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko ko_j...@... wrote:

 Ada berita :
 btw, biar lebih jelas, yg gw maksud setan kuning = orba jilid satu,
 setan biru = orba jilid sekarang, setan ijo = nurdin tob dan
 Janoko :
 Hm...engga habis pikir, didalam Orba itu juga banyak orang Islamnya yang 
 jujur dan santun, koq bisa ya seseorang manusia yang mengaku Islam mengatakan 
 saudaranya s..t  n. 
 Kasihan sekali.
 Note :
 Janoko masih ndlongob ( mulut terbuka lebar ) membaca tulisan tersebut.
 --- On Sat, 18/7/09, ritajkt rita...@... wrote:
 From: ritajkt rita...@...
 Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Ledakan di Jakarta?
 To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, 18 July, 2009, 12:24 PM
   iya mbak, itu posting kemarin yg gw komentarin, mohon maaf 
 for the (black) humor in this grieving period...
 btw, biar lebih jelas, yg gw maksud setan kuning = orba jilid satu, setan 
 biru = orba jilid sekarang, setan ijo = nurdin tob dan jaringannya.
 ikut belasungkawa,
 --- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, Mia aldiy@ wrote:
  Bom bunuh diri itu sudah confirm, kan? Artinya motifnya kekerasan atas nama 
  Pak DWS bukannya bilang nggak make sense bom bunuh diri itu karena politik 
  pilpres, atau yang lain bilang kasus freeport.  Saya menambahkan kalau 
  bunuh diri itu sudah confirm, motif lain gugur.
  Psikologisnya adalah, dalam human tragedy reaksi kita bisa macem2, justru 
  karena pelakunya kita sendiri terhadap sesama, kita jatuh pada black humor. 
  Saya kaget juga denger pidatonya pak SBY, tapi yah he is entitled to his 
  own opinion, (yang sekaligus menunjukkan kualitasnya ternyata sampe di situ 
  Atas kejadian ini kalo nggak salah baca, rasanya kemarin reaksi kita di 
  dunia nyata nggak seperti dulu, artinya tetep ada semacam keyakinan bahwa 
  everything will be alright.  Tapi yang mengagetkan bagi saya justru 
  komentar beberapa pejabat, termasuk SBY, yang kemudian mengundang reaksi 
  Kesimpulan saya sbb:
  - Ummat Islam masih dalam tahap denial, dan itu mengeras dan menyusup 
  kemana-mana. Ini memang masalahnya ummat Islam sedunia, dan kronis.
  - Militerism adalah masalah lokal Indonesia, dimana fraksi2 itu memainkan 
  kartu Islam untuk kepentingan mereka.  Ini termasuk masalah good 
  governance, masalah lokal Indonesia.
  Say no to violence!
  --- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, ritajkt ritajkt@ wrote:
   Indonesia unite, ayo yang twitteran, let's join #Indonesiaunite# against 
   (tapi gw jg belum ngeh sih gimana caranya :))
   Bener kata kawan-kawan semua, bener kata mas Ary, jangan jadi chaos dan 
   kemakan sama terornya si teroris. Kita kudu tetep tenang dan melanjutkan 
   aktivitas sambil terus waspada, kalo ada tetangga baru, harus cek asal 
   usulnya dsb.
   Tapi bener juga kok sinyalemen Pak Irwan, buktinya hari ini gak ada yg 
   sempet ngelanjutin nulis soal IFES dan KPU, padahal kemarin kan lagi 
   enak-enaknya menelanjangi IFES yang ternyata kantornya cuman segede kamar 
   gw (bayangkan, lembaga ini yg menguasai data Pemilu 170 juta rakyat 
   indonesia!), gak ada layar-layar besar memonitor jutaan angka, tapi hanya 
   ada dua laptop di ruang utamanya! Padahal pula, HARI INI, angka tabulasi 
   TIBA-TIBA naik 300%, Ajaib!
   Tapi yang paling bener ya mas DWS menurut gw, soale dr awal gw curiga ini 
   teroris pasti didukung kompetitornya setan merah yaitu setan biru,ijo, 
   kuning...ups :((
   with great pain and condolences,
   --- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, Dwi Soegardi soegardi@ wrote:
Lihat di CNN, menurut Polri ada dua orang suicide bombers ...

Lebih sedih lagi, kalo untuk mengacaukan pemilu saja pake bom bunuh
diri. (Menurut teori konspirasi SBY dan IrwanK :(



On 7/17/09, sunny ambon@ wrote:
 Bom bunuh diri?

   - Original Message -
   From: donnie damana
   To: wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com
   Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 4:36 AM
   Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Ledakan di Jakarta?


 teori gensetnya masih diragukan tuh...

   On Jul 17, 2009, at 9:33 AM, Ari Condro wrote:

genset meleduk di ritz carlton (bukan bom)
On 7/17/09, Dwi Soegardi soegardi@ wrote:

 http://www.nytimes. com/aponline/ 2009/07/16/ world/AP- AS-Indonesia- 
 Explosions. html?_r=1 src=twttwt= nytimes
 Police: Bombs at Jakarta Hotels Kill 4 Foreigners


 http://megapolitan. kompas.com/ 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Ledakan di Jakarta?

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik izzuddin al qassam
hanya feeling om...put melihat dari kacamata seorang anak kecil aja
BIN semakin digenjot setelah kasus Freeport (dan jelas itu bukan bom bunuh diri)
kasus JW marriot hanya pengalihan sesaat untuk melupakan masyarakat dunia 
tentang freeport dan reputasi-reputasi lain BIN kita.
I dont know its true or not. 
Menurut putri sih teroris tidak akan melakukan serangan di tempat yang sama 
apalagi jaraknya sangat berdekatan dan dalam waktu yang dekat
kelihatan sangat kanak-kanak menurut putri

seperti seorang anak yang kehilangan mainannya dan menyerang apa saja di 
jelas kasus ini politis banget.
ilfiil juga sih ingat perkataan bapak SBY di televisi, tapi put fikir ada 
isu...sekecil apapun itu kalau dalam keadaan genting bakal ditanggapi serius...

yeah...ini sekali lagi menurut putri
jelas ini bukan kerjaan JI, Al Qaidah atau siapa yang mereka anggap teroris 
selama ini


--- On Fri, 7/17/09, Wikan Danar Sunindyo wikan.da...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Wikan Danar Sunindyo wikan.da...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Ledakan di Jakarta?
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, July 17, 2009, 8:44 AM


  gak ada hubungannya

kenapa putri bisa berpikir seperti itu?




2009/7/17 izzuddin al qassam wanitaacehtangguh@ yahoo.com:

 nggak tau kenapa put berfikir ini ada hubungannya sama kasus penembakan di

 freeport yang masih diusut BIN

 menurut om-om disini gimana?





[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Ledakan di Jakarta?

2009-07-18 Terurut Topik jano ko
kok ndak protes sama istilah red devils/setan merah? Emang emyu = tidak ada yg 
jujur dan santun? Kok ndak konsisten yah protesnya?

Janoko :
Mulut janoko makin besar ndlongobnya dan kepala janoko makin mengeras.
Salam bingun.

--- On Sun, 19/7/09, ritajkt rita...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: ritajkt rita...@yahoo.com
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Ledakan di Jakarta?
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, 19 July, 2009, 8:59 AM


kok ndak protes sama istilah red devils/setan merah? Emang emyu = tidak ada yg 
jujur dan santun? Kok ndak konsisten yah protesnya?

--- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, jano ko ko_j...@...  wrote:

 Ada berita :
 btw, biar lebih jelas, yg gw maksud setan kuning = orba jilid satu,
 setan biru = orba jilid sekarang, setan ijo = nurdin tob dan
 Janoko :
 Hm...engga habis pikir, didalam Orba itu juga banyak orang Islamnya yang 
 jujur dan santun, koq bisa ya seseorang manusia yang mengaku Islam mengatakan 
 saudaranya s..t  n. 
 Kasihan sekali.
 Note :
 Janoko masih ndlongob ( mulut terbuka lebar ) membaca tulisan tersebut.
 --- On Sat, 18/7/09, ritajkt rita...@...  wrote:
 From: ritajkt rita...@... 
 Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Ledakan di Jakarta?
 To: wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com
 Date: Saturday, 18 July, 2009, 12:24 PM
 iya mbak, itu posting kemarin yg gw komentarin, mohon maaf for the (black) 
 humor in this grieving period...
 btw, biar lebih jelas, yg gw maksud setan kuning = orba jilid satu, setan 
 biru = orba jilid sekarang, setan ijo = nurdin tob dan jaringannya.
 ikut belasungkawa,
 --- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, Mia aldiy@ wrote:
  Bom bunuh diri itu sudah confirm, kan? Artinya motifnya kekerasan atas nama 
  Pak DWS bukannya bilang nggak make sense bom bunuh diri itu karena politik 
  pilpres, atau yang lain bilang kasus freeport. Saya menambahkan kalau bunuh 
  diri itu sudah confirm, motif lain gugur.
  Psikologisnya adalah, dalam human tragedy reaksi kita bisa macem2, justru 
  karena pelakunya kita sendiri terhadap sesama, kita jatuh pada black humor. 
  Saya kaget juga denger pidatonya pak SBY, tapi yah he is entitled to his 
  own opinion, (yang sekaligus menunjukkan kualitasnya ternyata sampe di situ 
  Atas kejadian ini kalo nggak salah baca, rasanya kemarin reaksi kita di 
  dunia nyata nggak seperti dulu, artinya tetep ada semacam keyakinan bahwa 
  everything will be alright. Tapi yang mengagetkan bagi saya justru komentar 
  beberapa pejabat, termasuk SBY, yang kemudian mengundang reaksi lain.
  Kesimpulan saya sbb:
  - Ummat Islam masih dalam tahap denial, dan itu mengeras dan menyusup 
  kemana-mana. Ini memang masalahnya ummat Islam sedunia, dan kronis.
  - Militerism adalah masalah lokal Indonesia, dimana fraksi2 itu memainkan 
  kartu Islam untuk kepentingan mereka. Ini termasuk masalah good governance, 
  masalah lokal Indonesia.
  Say no to violence!
  --- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, ritajkt ritajkt@ wrote:
   Indonesia unite, ayo yang twitteran, let's join #Indonesiaunite# against 
   (tapi gw jg belum ngeh sih gimana caranya :))
   Bener kata kawan-kawan semua, bener kata mas Ary, jangan jadi chaos dan 
   kemakan sama terornya si teroris. Kita kudu tetep tenang dan melanjutkan 
   aktivitas sambil terus waspada, kalo ada tetangga baru, harus cek asal 
   usulnya dsb.
   Tapi bener juga kok sinyalemen Pak Irwan, buktinya hari ini gak ada yg 
   sempet ngelanjutin nulis soal IFES dan KPU, padahal kemarin kan lagi 
   enak-enaknya menelanjangi IFES yang ternyata kantornya cuman segede kamar 
   gw (bayangkan, lembaga ini yg menguasai data Pemilu 170 juta rakyat 
   indonesia!), gak ada layar-layar besar memonitor jutaan angka, tapi hanya 
   ada dua laptop di ruang utamanya! Padahal pula, HARI INI, angka tabulasi 
   TIBA-TIBA naik 300%, Ajaib!
   Tapi yang paling bener ya mas DWS menurut gw, soale dr awal gw curiga ini 
   teroris pasti didukung kompetitornya setan merah yaitu setan biru,ijo, 
   kuning...ups :((
   with great pain and condolences,
   --- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, Dwi Soegardi soegardi@ wrote:
Lihat di CNN, menurut Polri ada dua orang suicide bombers ...

Lebih sedih lagi, kalo untuk mengacaukan pemilu saja pake bom bunuh
diri. (Menurut teori konspirasi SBY dan IrwanK :(



On 7/17/09, sunny ambon@ wrote:
 Bom bunuh diri?

 - Original Message -
 From: donnie damana
 To: wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com
 Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 4:36 AM
 Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Ledakan di Jakarta?


 teori gensetnya masih diragukan tuh...

 On Jul