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from the cause: *Support decriminalisation of Homosexuality at UN!* Go to
 Posted By: Maurizio Cecconi   To: Members in Support decriminalisation of
Homosexuality at UN!   Australia is first to recognise "non-specified"

Australia may have made gender history this week, as the New South Wales
government lays claim to being the first in the world to recognise an
individual’s sex as officially “not specified”.

This milestone in the evolution of gender queer came about with the issuing
of a ‘Sex Not Specified’ Recognised Details Certificate in place of a birth
certificate to Norrie (also known as norrie mAy-Welby) a resident of Sydney.

Zie (a gender-specific pronoun) is now legally recognised by the Australian
government as neither male nor female, the Scavenger reports.

It is the end of a long journey for Norrie, aged 48, who was born in
Scotland and registered male at birth.

When zie was 23, zie commenced the process of gender re-assignment through
hormone treatment and surgery. Zie was later issued with a gender
recognition certificate as female in Australia.

However, Norrie did not feel comfortable living solely as a female.

Hir philosophy, developed through hir art and through hir work with Sex and
Gender Education, a lobby group campaigning for the rights of all sex and
gender diverse people, draws heavily on Eastern concepts of one-ness: of yin
and yang being just two halves of a greater whole.

On hir site, zie writes: "The theorists who inform transsexual and
intersexual medical intervention presume that everyone has one real gender
identity at the core of their being, whether or not this is congruent with
their anatomy. Even children biologically hermaphrodite are supposed to be
'really' of one gender, with the surgically discarded sex declared the
'false' one.

“Unsurprisingly, many intersexual children are traumatised by the
obliteration of their sexual duality. Many as adults seek transsexual
procedures to restore their discarded sex, but at the expense of the
surviving sex. This is just one tragic result of our society's belief in
mutually exclusive genders.

“Not all human societies see the genders as mutually exclusive. Transgender
people are seen in India as "half half" , in the Philippines as "lady-boys"
, and in indigenous American cultures as "two-spirited." People seen by our
society as having a gender opposite to the one sex they were born with are
seen by other societies as simply having two genders. Bi-gendered. In this
light, the permanent removal of the characteristics of one sex to allow the
expression of the other seems a total waste."

Zie goes on: “I wonder if we in Western culture would have more options for
happiness if we too had permission not simply to be of one gender or the
other, but also to be of both genders, if such was our nature."

Norrie ceased lifelong hormone treatment and took up a neuter identity –
neither male nor female – resisting any further female or male

In January 2010 doctors declared that they were unable to determine hir as
either male or female as zie has no gonads, the hormonal system was not
typically male or female, and Norrie’s psychological identity was neuter.

The rest is now history.

The irony of this landmark decision will not be lost on other trans
Australians, who discovered just three years ago that the Australian foreign
minister, Alexander Downer, had secretly and without consultation reversed a
policy whereby trans people could obtain a passport stating their “intended

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