
/*Minggu, 18 Desember, 2005*/


/Apa sebab nama-nama yang tidak asing lagi seperti : - - - Wertheim, 
Joesoef Isak dan Goenawan Mohamad - - - , dideretkan begitu ? Memang 
tiga nama itulah yang sering disebut dalam pertemuan pada hari Jum át 
sore anggal 16 Desember di KBRI Den Haag. /

/Pasalnya: "Wertheim Foundation" tahun 2005 ini memutuskan untuk 
memberikan Wertheim Award kepada Joesoef Isak, Pemimpin Penerbit HASTA 
MITRA, dan kepada Goenawan Mohamad, budayawan, dan senior Editor 
Mingguan TEMPO, berhubung dengan keterlibatan, peranan dan sumbangan 
mereka terhadap perjuangan EMANSIPASI BANGSA INDONESIA. Kongkritnya di 
bidang perjuangan untuk demokrasi, untuk bebebasan menyatakan pendapat, 
kebebasn pers dan HAM./

/Sore hari Jum át kemarin itu, usai sembahyang Jum át, ruangan NUSANTARA 
KBRI penuh sesak dengan para sahabat dan relasi orang-orang Belanda 
maupun dari kalangan masyarakat Indonesia, serta kalangan pers. 
Kira-kira duaratus orang sih ada. Mereka menghadiri berlangsungnya 
penyerahan WERTHEIM AWARD 2005, kepada Joesoef Isak dan Goenawan Mohamad. /

/Mengapa diadakakan di KBRI Den Haag? Banyak orang menganggapnya sebagai 
"surprise". Sebagai suatu 'kejutan'. Kejutan yang positif, yang 
menggembirakan dan yang disambut hangat. Pertama-tama hal ini 
mencerminkan perubahan besar Reformasi yang telah berlangsung di 
Indonesia. Meskipun, perlu ditandaskan dengan terus terang, bahawa pada 
saat ini gerakan Reformasi dalam poisisi jalan di tempat. Tokh perlu 
dinyatakan bahwa peristiwa berlangsungnya penyerahan Wertheim Award 
untuk Joesoef Isak dan Goenawan Mohamad di KBRI Den Haag, adalah berkat 
telah terjadinya Reformasi di Indonesia. Tidak salah untuk mengatakan 
bahwa situasi ini mencerminkan bahwa Reformasi di Indonesia --- 
betapapun ada hasilnya, meskipun belum seperti apa yang diharapkan oleh 
kaum Demokrat dan Reformator. /

/Kedua, --- ini disebabkan oleh kebijaksanaan kepala perwakilan, dalam 
hal ini kepala perwakilan di Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Den 
Haag. Sejak gerakan Reformasi, pada periode pemerintahan Presiden 
Abdurrahman Wahid, ketika dubesnya adalah Abdul Irsan, di KBRI Den Haag 
telah berlangsung peluncuran buku Prof. Bob Hering, --- Sukarno, Father 
of the Nation. Ketika berlangsung peringatan Seabad Bung Karno, KBRI dan 
Dubes Irsan langsung terlibat dalam kegiatan itu bersama masyarakat 
Indonesia di Belanda. /

/Faktor Ketiga, ialah telah terjalinnya hubungan baik dan wajar antara 
KBRI Den Haag dengan masyarakat Indonesia. Dimulai ketika Abdul Irsan 
menjabat sebagai Dubes, dan kemudian selanjutnya oleh Dubes Mohamad 
Jusuf, yang dilanjutkan oleh Kuasa Usaha <Minister Charge d'Affaires> 
Jauhari Oratmangun dan Minister Councellor, Wirana Mulya beserta Staf 
KBRI lainnya. /

/Demikianlah, karena adanya tiga faktor ini maka penyampaian Wertheim 
Award kepda Joesoef Isak dan Goenawan Mohamad bisa berlangsung di KBRI 
Den Haag./

/Semoga dengan ini Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia Den Haag, mantap 
langkah-lngkah selanjutnya menuju KBRI sebagai WISMA INDONESIA yang 

/Untuk memperoleh gambaran lebih lanjut tentang situasi pada penyerahan 
Wertheim Award tsb, mari ikuti pidato Prof. Dr Frans Hüsken, salah 
seorang anggota pengurus Wertheim Foundation, yang sore hari itu, 
membacakan pidato 'keynote speechnya', seperti di bawah ini:/

/*Opening speech Wertheim awards 2005 (Den Haag, KBRI, 16 Dec. 2005)*/

/*Willem Frederik Wertheim: Convictions, Commitments and Concerns*/

/*Prof. Dr. Frans Hüsken*/

/Today is a remarkable occasion as it is for the first time that the 
Wertheim awards are being handed over during an official ceremony on 
Indonesian territory. I am pretty sure that during his life Wertheim 
never set foot on these premises of the Indonesian Embassy at Tobias 
Asserlaan: during his life, he was never invited and even if the Embassy 
would have invited him, as a strong critic of the Orde Baru government 
Wertheim would as a matter of principle have rejected the invitation./

/Things have changed over the years: Indonesia has embarked on the 
trajectory of Reformasi and even if this is still a bumpy road, I am 
convinced that now he would gladly have come here. Wertheim still lived 
to see the fall of the Soeharto regime and had high hopes for the future 
of a more democratic Indonesia./

/But who was Willem Frederik Wertheim, better known in Indonesia as 
Paman Wim? I will try to briefly sketch his life and his achievements to 
explain why there is something like the Wertheim Award that will be 
handed over to two prominent Indonesian citizens. I am sure that most of 
you know very well who he was and what he has done and that gives me the 
opportunity to limit myself to the painting Wertheim with short 
brushstrokes for those of you who are less familiar with him./

/First of all, his life spans almost the whole of the 20^th century: 
Born in 1907 at St Petersburg in czarist Russia, he moved to Holland in 
1918 after the Soviet Revolution, and twelve years later, in 1930, to 
Indonesia, from where he returned in 1946 to the Netherlands. He died 7 
years ago at the age of nearly 91 in Wageningen./

/These biographic data say something about the many transitions in his 
life but they tell, of course, little about the man himself. So to 
answer the question “who was Wertheim” we have to look more closely to 
what he did./

/That is not easy because there he has done so much – but as I promised 
I will only mention a few of his achievements. In many ways, Wertheim 
was what we may call in a Renaissance fashion, a universal man: /

/First of all, he was an internationally prominent scholar:/

/He was trained in law at Leiden University where he defended his PhD 
thesis in 1930; he then practiced as a member of the district court in 
South Sumatra and later in the Department of Justice in colonial 
Batavia; in 1936, when he was only 29, he was appointed as professor of 
law at the Law College (Rechtshogeschool)./

/But his scholarly interests developed over time as he moved from law to 
sociology and anthropology – and since 1946 he took up the chair of 
sociology and modern history of Southeast Asia at the University of 

/He published widely on Indonesia and Southeast Asia in general. His 
book on “Indonesian Society in Transition” was for a long time the major 
textbook on modern Indonesia, and his subsequent publication on 
“East-West Parallels” beautifully presented his comparative interests in 
European and Asia developments. He taught and supervised a great number 
of students. Among his Indonesian students, we find well-known scholars 
like Go Gien Tjwan, Han Resink, Sajogyo, Sediono Tjondronegoro, Bachtiar 
Rifai, Basuki Gunawan, Sartono Kartodirdjo, Harsja Bachtiar and 
Soeksmono – to name but a few./

/Later his theoretical interests brought him to write his studies on 
“Evolution and Revolution”, and on “The Long March of Emancipation” as 
well as numerous other books and articles on Asia in general and on 
social movements./

/But he didn’t confine himself to the discipline of his chair: with his 
wife, Hetty Gijse Weenink, he published an impressive series of articles 
and books on the Dutch 18^th and 19^th century pointing to the role of 
rebels and revolutionaries in Dutch history to whom they both felt 
politically very close./

/Even so: he was not only a scholar. /

/He was a very well-trained pianist for whom music was an essential part 
of his life, and although he never became a professional, he regularly 
participated in concerts, often accompanying his wife who was also a 
trained singer, or one of his daughters who is a professional violinist./

/Another sideline in his life, but with Wertheim nothing was just a 
sideline, was his prominent role as a chess player – being a member of 
the Dutch national team in 1928 and several years later in Jakarta 
defeating the then world champion Aljechin/

/But primarily, as a person, he was a committed defender of justice and 
a great believer in progress and emancipation, combining scholarship 
with social and political concern./

/In his years in colonial Indonesia and particularly since he was 
appointed professor in Batavia, he became responsive of the demands of 
young Indonesian nationalists, although it was only during his 
internment in Japanese camps that he turned into a staunch supporter of 
the idea of Indonesian independence. And upon his return to the 
Netherlands, he became chairman of the Dutch support movement for the 
Indonesian Revolution./

/His personal commitment was with the fate of the oppressed. If there 
has been one leitmotiv in Wertheim’s life, it was “those who live in the 
dark and are not seen” as he called the poor and the underdogs using 
Berthold Brecht’s famous quotation. Seeing how the powers-that-be hardly 
notice the hardships of the poor, seeing how the established forces 
suppress opposition if that becomes a threat to their privileges, he 
would take sides with those who suffered under the present conditions. 
Where possible he would publicly denounce what he considered to be 
injustice whether it was the Dutch military repression of Indonesian 
independence, the Indonesian New Order regime, the American role in the 
Vietnam War, or in general the hypocrisy of Western governments 
vis-à-vis the Third World. /

/This attitude also made Wertheim looking hopefully towards those 
countries that tried to radically change their societies through 
socialist revolutions. Although never an uncritical supporter of China 
or Vietnam, he was inclined to point to their achievements in improving 
the lives of the poor, rather than to their authoritarian political 
format. That made him particularly in the 1970s and 1980s a politically 
contested person: strongly supported by political activists and the new 
left, but also strongly attacked by those who saw him as a fellow 
traveller or crypto-communist. /

/Toward the end of his life, he saw the hope of a better future through 
socialism dwindle rapidly, but he remained confident that new 
emancipation movements will enter the stage and take the world into new 
directions but he added: “hopefully, before it is too late”./

/How then to assess Wertheim’s social and academic role? Whatever 
political commitment he had during his life, he basically followed Max 
Weber’s advice of separating scholarship from politics, not because 
these were completely independent domains – which they are not – but 
because they follow different rules. I have always been surprised by his 
aptitude to be a scholar and an activist but hardly ever at the same 
time. During the years of the Vietnam war, he would lecture about 
Vietnamese history in a truly academic fashion, but only a few hours 
later he could be issuing political statements at the rallies and 
teach-ins that were organized by the Vietnam Committee: at that time it 
looked as if he had two different personalities, be it that commitment 
was the underlying trait in both of them./

/But what in my view remains his lasting contribution, is that he was a 
teacher who on the one hand convinced his students that scientists have 
a social and political responsibility, and on the other hand that one 
should has to be a sincere and professional scholar with an open eye for 
major threads in world history – including particularly emancipation. If 
that message sounds pre-postmodern, so be it./

/I now like to give the floor back to the chairman of the Wertheim 
Foundation. /

/(Bersambung -- ***)/

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