Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

2010-06-02 Terurut Topik Irwan Kurniawan
Ya sudah berarti tindakan/sikap anda sudah jelas.. Hanya/minimal lebih
memposting yang menjelekan Islam/muslim.. tapi tidak yang dapat menimbulkan

simpati bagi Islam/muslim..

Bahkan berita soal kejahatan terhadap bantuan kemanusiaan saja (yang relatif

netral) tidak masuk dalam tugas anda.. :-)


Better team works could lead us to better results
fb/twitter/skype: irwank2k2

2010/6/1 sunny

 Kalau harap gampang dan sendiri tidak mau beusaha mendapat dan membagi
 infiormasi, memang mudah menuduh orang lain. Carilah sendiri dan kirimlah.
 Jangan harap gampang, negeri tidak akan maju!

 Tidakah Anda tahu bahwa kapal bernama Sofia yang turut flotila dibeli di
 Yunani oleh organisasi solidaritas Swedia? Organisasi solidaritas di Swedia
 terdiri dari puluhan organisasi tanpa ada warna agama atau etnik, bukan
 seperti di NKRI.

 - Original Message -
 From: Irwan Kurniawan
 Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 10:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas

 Akui saja kalau anda benci (minimal tidak suka) yang ada mengandung istilah
 'arab', palestina
 atau dunia islam.. Sehingga kalau kejahatan terhadap yang anda benci/tidak
 suka, anda tutup
 mata.. Jangan melebarkan bahasan agar yang lain harus menjadi loper koran
 seperti anda..


 Better team works could lead us to better results
 fb/twitter/skype: irwank2k2

 2010/6/1 sunny

  Anda hanya mau terima gampang harus tahu diri, tetapi kalau Anda mau
  menyumbang tenaga harus juga menyampaikan, bukankah begitu?
  Saya tidak berkewajiban!
  Jadi cari dan sampaikan, jangan hanya mengerutu..
  - Original Message -
  From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 10:38 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas
  karena saya bukan tukang koran seperti Oom...
  saya tidak pernah kirim2 berita...
  kalo tukang korannya main politik, ngirim atau gak tergantung kepentingan
  dan siapa yang dibela,
  dimana integritasnya sebagai tukang koran? apa pelanggan hanya mau
  sesuai keinginan tukang koran?
  kadang-kadang tukang koran juga harus introspeksi.
  jangan-jangan hanya teriak judulnya supaya laku, tapi gak pernah baca
  - Original Message -
  From: sunny
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas
  Tidak ada yang melarang Anda untuk turut mengirim.
  - Original Message -
  From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas
  Oom Ambon,
  mana berita penyerangan Israel ke konvoy bantuan kemanusiaan untuk Gaza?
  Turut berduka cita untuk seluruh korban.
  - Original Message -
  From: sunny
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:29 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas
  The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement
  June 1, 2010
  DAMASCUS: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage
  with Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly,
  its leader, Khaled Meshal, says.
  Mr Meshal praised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, for meeting him
  in Damascus and the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for hosting the
  discussion 10 days ago.
  He told Mr Medvedev that the US was also talking to him.
  ''I . told him the Americans contact us, but are not brave enough to do
  openly. I am confident that in the very near future, everyone will
  that they will have to deal with Hamas.''
  The claim that the US is engaging with a group it lists as a terrorist
  organisation will upset the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, whose
  forces have locked up and allegedly tortured Hamas members.
  But four years into Israel's blockade of Gaza, the revelation could be
  as a sign that cracks are opening in the western consensus that Hamas
  remain isolated.
  Russia is a member of the Middle East Quartet, which demands recognition
  Israel as a precondition to a seat at the negotiating table.
  Hamas says that recognising Israel was one of Fatah's biggest 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Tidak ada yang melarang Anda untuk turut mengirim.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas 

  Oom Ambon,
  mana berita penyerangan Israel ke konvoy bantuan kemanusiaan untuk Gaza?

  Turut berduka cita untuk seluruh korban.

  - Original Message - 
  From: sunny 
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:29 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

  The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement 
  June 1, 2010 
  DAMASCUS: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage with 
Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly, its 
leader, Khaled Meshal, says.

  Mr Meshal praised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, for meeting him in 
Damascus and the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for hosting the discussion 
10 days ago.

  He told Mr Medvedev that the US was also talking to him.

  ''I . told him the Americans contact us, but are not brave enough to do so 
openly. I am confident that in the very near future, everyone will realise that 
they will have to deal with Hamas.''

  The claim that the US is engaging with a group it lists as a terrorist 
organisation will upset the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, whose forces 
have locked up and allegedly tortured Hamas members.

  But four years into Israel's blockade of Gaza, the revelation could be seen 
as a sign that cracks are opening in the western consensus that Hamas should 
remain isolated.

  Russia is a member of the Middle East Quartet, which demands recognition of 
Israel as a precondition to a seat at the negotiating table.

  Hamas says that recognising Israel was one of Fatah's biggest mistakes and 
resulted in 17 years of fruitless negotiation.

  Mr Meshal said the tectonic plates in the Middle East were shifting. Iran, 
Turkey and Syria were emerging as regional powers and Egypt was in the throes 
of a battle for succession that would paralyse it as a regional player. As a 
result, Israel was losing its power to impose conditions on a weakened 
Palestinian leadership in Ramallah.

  As it felt its power ebbing, Israel needed a war but was crippled by 
self-doubt. Mr Meshal claimed the attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006 and 
against Hamas in Gaza in 2009 had strengthened both organisations.

  ''Israel is conducting exercises threatening Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria. It 
needs a war, but choosing the front to fight on will not be a picnic and this 
reflects the crisis in Israel. It does not want peace, but the option of war is 
not easy for it,'' he said.

  ''A war in Gaza might appear the easy option. But that would be an illusion, 
not because we have adequate weapons, but because Israel this time would be 
fighting against a people with nothing to lose. Gaza is small in size but it 
has become a large symbol for the rest of the world.''

  The US President, Barack Obama, had made a brave speech in Cairo but within 
months had retreated and his officials had vetoed efforts to seek agreement 
between Fatah and Hamas on a unity government.

  Citing Fatah sources, he claimed George Mitchell, the US negotiator, had told 
the Palestinian Authority and Egypt that the US would cut off aid to the 
authority if it formed a unity government with Hamas and other militant 
Palestinian factions.

  ''Mahmoud Abbas is better for America's purpose without [Palestinian] 
reconciliation, because he is weak and a deal with Hamas would strengthen the 
Palestinian position in the negotiation.

  ''America prefers a weak Palestinian negotiating party, because it believes 
this is the best chance for a deal with an intransigent [Israeli Prime 
Minister, Benjamin] Netanyahu.''

  Hamas claims that nine or 10 of the 22 members of the Arab League back its 
formula for a unity government, not least Saudi Arabia, a country still thought 
to be furious with Hamas about its takeover of Gaza in 2007, which tore up an 
agreement with Fatah.

  Mr Meshal said that before the last Arab League summit in Libya, the Saudi 
Foreign Minister, Saud al-Faisal, had taken a Hamas document to Egypt that 
called for the creation of a Palestinian leadership representative of all 
factions, a high security council to reform Gaza security forces and a 
committee to organise elections. Palestinians outside the occupied territories 
could also vote.

  The Egyptians came back with three additions: that the new government 
recognise a two-state solution, the borders of 1967 and the Arab Peace 
Initiative. Mr Meshal said these demands were tantamount to a recognition of 

  ''What Mahmoud Abbas is seeking is to restore his authority over 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Kenapa Anda seniri tidak mengirim?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dwi Soegardi 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 6:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas 

  kayaknya tidak dimuat di media-media yang sering dibaca om Ambon,
  smh, arabnews, youtube, aljazeera, 
  benar bukan? 

  atau tidak ada di frontpage 

  atau tidak menarik untuk om Ambon,

  atau apa lagi ya? EGP gitu kali ya 

  emang relevan gitu beritanya?
  Israel membunuhi relawan dari mancanegara, termasuk Eropa, Indonesia, Turki, 

  Kalau beritanya orang Arab atau muslim membunuh para relawan
  mungkin segera naik cetak dan disebar ke milis ini .

  From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto 
  Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 6:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas 

  Oom Ambon,
  mana berita penyerangan Israel ke konvoy bantuan kemanusiaan untuk Gaza?

  Turut berduka cita untuk seluruh korban.

  - Original Message - 
  From: sunny 
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:29 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

  The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement 
  June 1, 2010 
  DAMASCUS: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage with 
Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly, its 
leader, Khaled Meshal, says.

  Mr Meshal praised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, for meeting him in 
Damascus and the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for hosting the discussion 
10 days ago.

  He told Mr Medvedev that the US was also talking to him.

  ''I . told him the Americans contact us, but are not brave enough to do so 
openly. I am confident that in the very near future, everyone will realise that 
they will have to deal with Hamas.''

  The claim that the US is engaging with a group it lists as a terrorist 
organisation will upset the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, whose forces 
have locked up and allegedly tortured Hamas members.

  But four years into Israel's blockade of Gaza, the revelation could be seen 
as a sign that cracks are opening in the western consensus that Hamas should 
remain isolated.

  Russia is a member of the Middle East Quartet, which demands recognition of 
Israel as a precondition to a seat at the negotiating table.

  Hamas says that recognising Israel was one of Fatah's biggest mistakes and 
resulted in 17 years of fruitless negotiation.

  Mr Meshal said the tectonic plates in the Middle East were shifting. Iran, 
Turkey and Syria were emerging as regional powers and Egypt was in the throes 
of a battle for succession that would paralyse it as a regional player. As a 
result, Israel was losing its power to impose conditions on a weakened 
Palestinian leadership in Ramallah.

  As it felt its power ebbing, Israel needed a war but was crippled by 
self-doubt. Mr Meshal claimed the attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006 and 
against Hamas in Gaza in 2009 had strengthened both organisations.

  ''Israel is conducting exercises threatening Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria. It 
needs a war, but choosing the front to fight on will not be a picnic and this 
reflects the crisis in Israel. It does not want peace, but the option of war is 
not easy for it,'' he said.

  ''A war in Gaza might appear the easy option. But that would be an illusion, 
not because we have adequate weapons, but because Israel this time would be 
fighting against a people with nothing to lose. Gaza is small in size but it 
has become a large symbol for the rest of the world.''

  The US President, Barack Obama, had made a brave speech in Cairo but within 
months had retreated and his officials had vetoed efforts to seek agreement 
between Fatah and Hamas on a unity government.

  Citing Fatah sources, he claimed George Mitchell, the US negotiator, had told 
the Palestinian Authority and Egypt that the US would cut off aid to the 
authority if it formed a unity government with Hamas and other militant 
Palestinian factions.

  ''Mahmoud Abbas is better for America's purpose without [Palestinian] 
reconciliation, because he is weak and a deal with Hamas would strengthen the 
Palestinian position in the negotiation.

  ''America prefers a weak Palestinian negotiating party, because it believes 
this is the best chance for a deal with an intransigent [Israeli Prime 
Minister, Benjamin] Netanyahu.''

  Hamas claims that nine or 10 of the 22 members of the Arab League back its 
formula for a unity government, not least Saudi Arabia, a country still thought 
to be furious with Hamas about its takeover of Gaza in 2007, which tore up an 
agreement with Fatah.

  Mr Meshal said that before the last Arab 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
karena saya bukan tukang koran seperti Oom...
saya tidak pernah kirim2 berita...

kalo tukang korannya main politik, ngirim atau gak tergantung kepentingan dan 
siapa yang dibela,
dimana integritasnya sebagai tukang koran? apa pelanggan hanya mau digiring 
sesuai keinginan tukang koran?

kadang-kadang tukang koran juga harus introspeksi. 
jangan-jangan hanya teriak judulnya supaya laku, tapi gak pernah baca 

  - Original Message - 
  From: sunny 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas 

  Tidak ada yang melarang Anda untuk turut mengirim.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas 

  Oom Ambon,
  mana berita penyerangan Israel ke konvoy bantuan kemanusiaan untuk Gaza?

  Turut berduka cita untuk seluruh korban.

  - Original Message - 
  From: sunny 
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:29 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

  The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement 
  June 1, 2010 
  DAMASCUS: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage with 
Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly, its 
leader, Khaled Meshal, says.

  Mr Meshal praised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, for meeting him in 
Damascus and the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for hosting the discussion 
10 days ago.

  He told Mr Medvedev that the US was also talking to him.

  ''I . told him the Americans contact us, but are not brave enough to do so 
openly. I am confident that in the very near future, everyone will realise that 
they will have to deal with Hamas.''

  The claim that the US is engaging with a group it lists as a terrorist 
organisation will upset the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, whose forces 
have locked up and allegedly tortured Hamas members.

  But four years into Israel's blockade of Gaza, the revelation could be seen 
as a sign that cracks are opening in the western consensus that Hamas should 
remain isolated.

  Russia is a member of the Middle East Quartet, which demands recognition of 
Israel as a precondition to a seat at the negotiating table.

  Hamas says that recognising Israel was one of Fatah's biggest mistakes and 
resulted in 17 years of fruitless negotiation.

  Mr Meshal said the tectonic plates in the Middle East were shifting. Iran, 
Turkey and Syria were emerging as regional powers and Egypt was in the throes 
of a battle for succession that would paralyse it as a regional player. As a 
result, Israel was losing its power to impose conditions on a weakened 
Palestinian leadership in Ramallah.

  As it felt its power ebbing, Israel needed a war but was crippled by 
self-doubt. Mr Meshal claimed the attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006 and 
against Hamas in Gaza in 2009 had strengthened both organisations.

  ''Israel is conducting exercises threatening Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria. It 
needs a war, but choosing the front to fight on will not be a picnic and this 
reflects the crisis in Israel. It does not want peace, but the option of war is 
not easy for it,'' he said.

  ''A war in Gaza might appear the easy option. But that would be an illusion, 
not because we have adequate weapons, but because Israel this time would be 
fighting against a people with nothing to lose. Gaza is small in size but it 
has become a large symbol for the rest of the world.''

  The US President, Barack Obama, had made a brave speech in Cairo but within 
months had retreated and his officials had vetoed efforts to seek agreement 
between Fatah and Hamas on a unity government.

  Citing Fatah sources, he claimed George Mitchell, the US negotiator, had told 
the Palestinian Authority and Egypt that the US would cut off aid to the 
authority if it formed a unity government with Hamas and other militant 
Palestinian factions.

  ''Mahmoud Abbas is better for America's purpose without [Palestinian] 
reconciliation, because he is weak and a deal with Hamas would strengthen the 
Palestinian position in the negotiation.

  ''America prefers a weak Palestinian negotiating party, because it believes 
this is the best chance for a deal with an intransigent [Israeli Prime 
Minister, Benjamin] Netanyahu.''

  Hamas claims that nine or 10 of the 22 members of the Arab League back its 
formula for a unity government, not least Saudi Arabia, a country still thought 
to be furious with Hamas about its takeover of Gaza in 2007, which tore up an 
agreement with Fatah.

  Mr Meshal said that before the last Arab League summit 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Anda hanya mau terima gampang harus tahu diri, tetapi kalau Anda mau turut 
menyumbang tenaga harus juga menyampaikan,  bukankah begitu?

Saya tidak berkewajiban!

Jadi cari dan sampaikan, jangan hanya mengerutu.. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 10:38 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas 

  karena saya bukan tukang koran seperti Oom...
  saya tidak pernah kirim2 berita...

  kalo tukang korannya main politik, ngirim atau gak tergantung kepentingan dan 
siapa yang dibela,
  dimana integritasnya sebagai tukang koran? apa pelanggan hanya mau digiring 
sesuai keinginan tukang koran?

  kadang-kadang tukang koran juga harus introspeksi. 
  jangan-jangan hanya teriak judulnya supaya laku, tapi gak pernah baca 

  - Original Message - 
  From: sunny 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas 

  Tidak ada yang melarang Anda untuk turut mengirim.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas 

  Oom Ambon,
  mana berita penyerangan Israel ke konvoy bantuan kemanusiaan untuk Gaza?

  Turut berduka cita untuk seluruh korban.

  - Original Message - 
  From: sunny 
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:29 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

  The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement 
  June 1, 2010 
  DAMASCUS: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage with 
Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly, its 
leader, Khaled Meshal, says.

  Mr Meshal praised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, for meeting him in 
Damascus and the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for hosting the discussion 
10 days ago.

  He told Mr Medvedev that the US was also talking to him.

  ''I . told him the Americans contact us, but are not brave enough to do so 
openly. I am confident that in the very near future, everyone will realise that 
they will have to deal with Hamas.''

  The claim that the US is engaging with a group it lists as a terrorist 
organisation will upset the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, whose forces 
have locked up and allegedly tortured Hamas members.

  But four years into Israel's blockade of Gaza, the revelation could be seen 
as a sign that cracks are opening in the western consensus that Hamas should 
remain isolated.

  Russia is a member of the Middle East Quartet, which demands recognition of 
Israel as a precondition to a seat at the negotiating table.

  Hamas says that recognising Israel was one of Fatah's biggest mistakes and 
resulted in 17 years of fruitless negotiation.

  Mr Meshal said the tectonic plates in the Middle East were shifting. Iran, 
Turkey and Syria were emerging as regional powers and Egypt was in the throes 
of a battle for succession that would paralyse it as a regional player. As a 
result, Israel was losing its power to impose conditions on a weakened 
Palestinian leadership in Ramallah.

  As it felt its power ebbing, Israel needed a war but was crippled by 
self-doubt. Mr Meshal claimed the attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006 and 
against Hamas in Gaza in 2009 had strengthened both organisations.

  ''Israel is conducting exercises threatening Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria. It 
needs a war, but choosing the front to fight on will not be a picnic and this 
reflects the crisis in Israel. It does not want peace, but the option of war is 
not easy for it,'' he said.

  ''A war in Gaza might appear the easy option. But that would be an illusion, 
not because we have adequate weapons, but because Israel this time would be 
fighting against a people with nothing to lose. Gaza is small in size but it 
has become a large symbol for the rest of the world.''

  The US President, Barack Obama, had made a brave speech in Cairo but within 
months had retreated and his officials had vetoed efforts to seek agreement 
between Fatah and Hamas on a unity government.

  Citing Fatah sources, he claimed George Mitchell, the US negotiator, had told 
the Palestinian Authority and Egypt that the US would cut off aid to the 
authority if it formed a unity government with Hamas and other militant 
Palestinian factions.

  ''Mahmoud Abbas is better for America's purpose without [Palestinian] 
reconciliation, because he is weak and a deal with Hamas would strengthen the 
Palestinian position in the negotiation.

  ''America prefers a weak Palestinian 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik Irwan Kurniawan
Akui saja kalau anda benci (minimal tidak suka) yang ada mengandung istilah
'arab', palestina
atau dunia islam.. Sehingga kalau kejahatan terhadap yang anda benci/tidak
suka, anda tutup
mata.. Jangan melebarkan bahasan agar yang lain harus menjadi loper koran
seperti anda..


Better team works could lead us to better results
fb/twitter/skype: irwank2k2

2010/6/1 sunny

 Anda hanya mau terima gampang harus tahu diri, tetapi kalau Anda mau turut
 menyumbang tenaga harus juga menyampaikan, bukankah begitu?

 Saya tidak berkewajiban!

 Jadi cari dan sampaikan, jangan hanya mengerutu..

 - Original Message -
 From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
 Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 10:38 AM
 Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas

 karena saya bukan tukang koran seperti Oom...
 saya tidak pernah kirim2 berita...

 kalo tukang korannya main politik, ngirim atau gak tergantung kepentingan
 dan siapa yang dibela,
 dimana integritasnya sebagai tukang koran? apa pelanggan hanya mau digiring
 sesuai keinginan tukang koran?

 kadang-kadang tukang koran juga harus introspeksi.
 jangan-jangan hanya teriak judulnya supaya laku, tapi gak pernah baca

 - Original Message -
 From: sunny
 Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas

 Tidak ada yang melarang Anda untuk turut mengirim.

 - Original Message -
 From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
 Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas

 Oom Ambon,
 mana berita penyerangan Israel ke konvoy bantuan kemanusiaan untuk Gaza?

 Turut berduka cita untuk seluruh korban.

 - Original Message -
 From: sunny
 To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
 Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:29 AM
 Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas

 The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement
 June 1, 2010
 DAMASCUS: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage
 with Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly,
 its leader, Khaled Meshal, says.

 Mr Meshal praised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, for meeting him
 in Damascus and the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for hosting the
 discussion 10 days ago.

 He told Mr Medvedev that the US was also talking to him.

 ''I . told him the Americans contact us, but are not brave enough to do so
 openly. I am confident that in the very near future, everyone will realise
 that they will have to deal with Hamas.''

 The claim that the US is engaging with a group it lists as a terrorist
 organisation will upset the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, whose
 forces have locked up and allegedly tortured Hamas members.

 But four years into Israel's blockade of Gaza, the revelation could be seen
 as a sign that cracks are opening in the western consensus that Hamas should
 remain isolated.

 Russia is a member of the Middle East Quartet, which demands recognition of
 Israel as a precondition to a seat at the negotiating table.

 Hamas says that recognising Israel was one of Fatah's biggest mistakes and
 resulted in 17 years of fruitless negotiation.

 Mr Meshal said the tectonic plates in the Middle East were shifting. Iran,
 Turkey and Syria were emerging as regional powers and Egypt was in the
 throes of a battle for succession that would paralyse it as a regional
 player. As a result, Israel was losing its power to impose conditions on a
 weakened Palestinian leadership in Ramallah.

 As it felt its power ebbing, Israel needed a war but was crippled by
 self-doubt. Mr Meshal claimed the attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006
 and against Hamas in Gaza in 2009 had strengthened both organisations.

 ''Israel is conducting exercises threatening Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria. It
 needs a war, but choosing the front to fight on will not be a picnic and
 this reflects the crisis in Israel. It does not want peace, but the option
 of war is not easy for it,'' he said.

 ''A war in Gaza might appear the easy option. But that would be an
 illusion, not because we have adequate weapons, but because Israel this time
 would be fighting against a people with nothing to lose. Gaza is small in
 size but it has become a large symbol for the rest of the world.''

 The US President, Barack Obama, had made a brave speech in Cairo but within
 months had retreated and his officials had vetoed efforts to seek agreement
 between Fatah and Hamas on a unity government.

 Citing Fatah 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Kalau harap gampang dan sendiri tidak mau beusaha mendapat dan membagi 
infiormasi, memang mudah menuduh orang lain. Carilah sendiri dan kirimlah. 
Jangan harap gampang, negeri tidak akan maju! 

Tidakah Anda tahu bahwa kapal bernama Sofia yang turut flotila dibeli di Yunani 
oleh organisasi solidaritas Swedia? Organisasi solidaritas di Swedia terdiri 
dari puluhan organisasi tanpa ada warna agama atau etnik, bukan seperti di 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Irwan Kurniawan 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 10:58 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas 

  Akui saja kalau anda benci (minimal tidak suka) yang ada mengandung istilah
  'arab', palestina
  atau dunia islam.. Sehingga kalau kejahatan terhadap yang anda benci/tidak
  suka, anda tutup
  mata.. Jangan melebarkan bahasan agar yang lain harus menjadi loper koran
  seperti anda..


  Better team works could lead us to better results
  fb/twitter/skype: irwank2k2

  2010/6/1 sunny

   Anda hanya mau terima gampang harus tahu diri, tetapi kalau Anda mau turut
   menyumbang tenaga harus juga menyampaikan, bukankah begitu?
   Saya tidak berkewajiban!
   Jadi cari dan sampaikan, jangan hanya mengerutu..
   - Original Message -
   From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
   Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 10:38 AM
   Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas
   karena saya bukan tukang koran seperti Oom...
   saya tidak pernah kirim2 berita...
   kalo tukang korannya main politik, ngirim atau gak tergantung kepentingan
   dan siapa yang dibela,
   dimana integritasnya sebagai tukang koran? apa pelanggan hanya mau digiring
   sesuai keinginan tukang koran?
   kadang-kadang tukang koran juga harus introspeksi.
   jangan-jangan hanya teriak judulnya supaya laku, tapi gak pernah baca
   - Original Message -
   From: sunny
   Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:12 PM
   Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas
   Tidak ada yang melarang Anda untuk turut mengirim.
   - Original Message -
   From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
   Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:13 AM
   Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas
   Oom Ambon,
   mana berita penyerangan Israel ke konvoy bantuan kemanusiaan untuk Gaza?
   Turut berduka cita untuk seluruh korban.
   - Original Message -
   From: sunny
   To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
   Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:29 AM
   Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas

   The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement
   June 1, 2010
   DAMASCUS: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage
   with Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly,
   its leader, Khaled Meshal, says.
   Mr Meshal praised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, for meeting him
   in Damascus and the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for hosting the
   discussion 10 days ago.
   He told Mr Medvedev that the US was also talking to him.
   ''I . told him the Americans contact us, but are not brave enough to do so
   openly. I am confident that in the very near future, everyone will realise
   that they will have to deal with Hamas.''
   The claim that the US is engaging with a group it lists as a terrorist
   organisation will upset the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, whose
   forces have locked up and allegedly tortured Hamas members.
   But four years into Israel's blockade of Gaza, the revelation could be seen
   as a sign that cracks are opening in the western consensus that Hamas should
   remain isolated.
   Russia is a member of the Middle East Quartet, which demands recognition of
   Israel as a precondition to a seat at the negotiating table.
   Hamas says that recognising Israel was one of Fatah's biggest mistakes and
   resulted in 17 years of fruitless negotiation.
   Mr Meshal said the tectonic plates in the Middle East were shifting. Iran,
   Turkey and Syria were emerging as regional powers and Egypt was in the
   throes of a battle for succession that would paralyse it as a regional
   player. As a result, Israel was losing its power to impose conditions on a
   weakened Palestinian leadership in Ramallah.
   As it felt its power ebbing, Israel needed a war but was crippled by
   self-doubt. Mr Meshal claimed 

[wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

2010-05-31 Terurut Topik sunny

The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement 
June 1, 2010 
DAMASCUS: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage with 
Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly, its 
leader, Khaled Meshal, says.

Mr Meshal praised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, for meeting him in 
Damascus and the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for hosting the discussion 
10 days ago.

He told Mr Medvedev that the US was also talking to him.

''I . told him the Americans contact us, but are not brave enough to do so 
openly. I am confident that in the very near future, everyone will realise that 
they will have to deal with Hamas.''

The claim that the US is engaging with a group it lists as a terrorist 
organisation will upset the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, whose forces 
have locked up and allegedly tortured Hamas members.

But four years into Israel's blockade of Gaza, the revelation could be seen as 
a sign that cracks are opening in the western consensus that Hamas should 
remain isolated.

Russia is a member of the Middle East Quartet, which demands recognition of 
Israel as a precondition to a seat at the negotiating table.

Hamas says that recognising Israel was one of Fatah's biggest mistakes and 
resulted in 17 years of fruitless negotiation.

Mr Meshal said the tectonic plates in the Middle East were shifting. Iran, 
Turkey and Syria were emerging as regional powers and Egypt was in the throes 
of a battle for succession that would paralyse it as a regional player. As a 
result, Israel was losing its power to impose conditions on a weakened 
Palestinian leadership in Ramallah.

As it felt its power ebbing, Israel needed a war but was crippled by 
self-doubt. Mr Meshal claimed the attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006 and 
against Hamas in Gaza in 2009 had strengthened both organisations.

''Israel is conducting exercises threatening Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria. It 
needs a war, but choosing the front to fight on will not be a picnic and this 
reflects the crisis in Israel. It does not want peace, but the option of war is 
not easy for it,'' he said.

''A war in Gaza might appear the easy option. But that would be an illusion, 
not because we have adequate weapons, but because Israel this time would be 
fighting against a people with nothing to lose. Gaza is small in size but it 
has become a large symbol for the rest of the world.''

The US President, Barack Obama, had made a brave speech in Cairo but within 
months had retreated and his officials had vetoed efforts to seek agreement 
between Fatah and Hamas on a unity government.

Citing Fatah sources, he claimed George Mitchell, the US negotiator, had told 
the Palestinian Authority and Egypt that the US would cut off aid to the 
authority if it formed a unity government with Hamas and other militant 
Palestinian factions.

''Mahmoud Abbas is better for America's purpose without [Palestinian] 
reconciliation, because he is weak and a deal with Hamas would strengthen the 
Palestinian position in the negotiation.

''America prefers a weak Palestinian negotiating party, because it believes 
this is the best chance for a deal with an intransigent [Israeli Prime 
Minister, Benjamin] Netanyahu.''

Hamas claims that nine or 10 of the 22 members of the Arab League back its 
formula for a unity government, not least Saudi Arabia, a country still thought 
to be furious with Hamas about its takeover of Gaza in 2007, which tore up an 
agreement with Fatah.

Mr Meshal said that before the last Arab League summit in Libya, the Saudi 
Foreign Minister, Saud al-Faisal, had taken a Hamas document to Egypt that 
called for the creation of a Palestinian leadership representative of all 
factions, a high security council to reform Gaza security forces and a 
committee to organise elections. Palestinians outside the occupied territories 
could also vote.

The Egyptians came back with three additions: that the new government recognise 
a two-state solution, the borders of 1967 and the Arab Peace Initiative. Mr 
Meshal said these demands were tantamount to a recognition of Israel.

''What Mahmoud Abbas is seeking is to restore his authority over Gaza and to 
draw Hamas into an electoral process in conditions in which it would lose. 
Egypt's position is a real obstacle, too.''

Guardian News  Media

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

2010-05-31 Terurut Topik Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
Oom Ambon,
mana berita penyerangan Israel ke konvoy bantuan kemanusiaan untuk Gaza?

Turut berduka cita untuk seluruh korban.

  - Original Message - 
  From: sunny 
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:29 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

  The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement 
  June 1, 2010 
  DAMASCUS: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage with 
Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly, its 
leader, Khaled Meshal, says.

  Mr Meshal praised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, for meeting him in 
Damascus and the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for hosting the discussion 
10 days ago.

  He told Mr Medvedev that the US was also talking to him.

  ''I . told him the Americans contact us, but are not brave enough to do so 
openly. I am confident that in the very near future, everyone will realise that 
they will have to deal with Hamas.''

  The claim that the US is engaging with a group it lists as a terrorist 
organisation will upset the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, whose forces 
have locked up and allegedly tortured Hamas members.

  But four years into Israel's blockade of Gaza, the revelation could be seen 
as a sign that cracks are opening in the western consensus that Hamas should 
remain isolated.

  Russia is a member of the Middle East Quartet, which demands recognition of 
Israel as a precondition to a seat at the negotiating table.

  Hamas says that recognising Israel was one of Fatah's biggest mistakes and 
resulted in 17 years of fruitless negotiation.

  Mr Meshal said the tectonic plates in the Middle East were shifting. Iran, 
Turkey and Syria were emerging as regional powers and Egypt was in the throes 
of a battle for succession that would paralyse it as a regional player. As a 
result, Israel was losing its power to impose conditions on a weakened 
Palestinian leadership in Ramallah.

  As it felt its power ebbing, Israel needed a war but was crippled by 
self-doubt. Mr Meshal claimed the attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006 and 
against Hamas in Gaza in 2009 had strengthened both organisations.

  ''Israel is conducting exercises threatening Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria. It 
needs a war, but choosing the front to fight on will not be a picnic and this 
reflects the crisis in Israel. It does not want peace, but the option of war is 
not easy for it,'' he said.

  ''A war in Gaza might appear the easy option. But that would be an illusion, 
not because we have adequate weapons, but because Israel this time would be 
fighting against a people with nothing to lose. Gaza is small in size but it 
has become a large symbol for the rest of the world.''

  The US President, Barack Obama, had made a brave speech in Cairo but within 
months had retreated and his officials had vetoed efforts to seek agreement 
between Fatah and Hamas on a unity government.

  Citing Fatah sources, he claimed George Mitchell, the US negotiator, had told 
the Palestinian Authority and Egypt that the US would cut off aid to the 
authority if it formed a unity government with Hamas and other militant 
Palestinian factions.

  ''Mahmoud Abbas is better for America's purpose without [Palestinian] 
reconciliation, because he is weak and a deal with Hamas would strengthen the 
Palestinian position in the negotiation.

  ''America prefers a weak Palestinian negotiating party, because it believes 
this is the best chance for a deal with an intransigent [Israeli Prime 
Minister, Benjamin] Netanyahu.''

  Hamas claims that nine or 10 of the 22 members of the Arab League back its 
formula for a unity government, not least Saudi Arabia, a country still thought 
to be furious with Hamas about its takeover of Gaza in 2007, which tore up an 
agreement with Fatah.

  Mr Meshal said that before the last Arab League summit in Libya, the Saudi 
Foreign Minister, Saud al-Faisal, had taken a Hamas document to Egypt that 
called for the creation of a Palestinian leadership representative of all 
factions, a high security council to reform Gaza security forces and a 
committee to organise elections. Palestinians outside the occupied territories 
could also vote.

  The Egyptians came back with three additions: that the new government 
recognise a two-state solution, the borders of 1967 and the Arab Peace 
Initiative. Mr Meshal said these demands were tantamount to a recognition of 

  ''What Mahmoud Abbas is seeking is to restore his authority over Gaza and to 
draw Hamas into an electoral process in conditions in which it would lose. 
Egypt's position is a real obstacle, too.''

  Guardian News  Media

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

2010-05-31 Terurut Topik Dwi Soegardi
kayaknya tidak dimuat di media-media yang sering dibaca om Ambon,
smh, arabnews, youtube, aljazeera, 
benar bukan? 

atau tidak ada di frontpage 

atau tidak menarik untuk om Ambon,

atau apa lagi ya? EGP gitu kali ya 

emang relevan gitu beritanya?
Israel membunuhi relawan dari mancanegara, termasuk Eropa, Indonesia, Turki, 

Kalau beritanya orang Arab atau muslim membunuh para relawan
mungkin segera naik cetak dan disebar ke milis ini .

From: Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto 
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas 

Oom Ambon,
mana berita penyerangan Israel ke konvoy bantuan kemanusiaan untuk Gaza?

Turut berduka cita untuk seluruh korban.

- Original Message - 
From: sunny 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:29 AM
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement

The US talks to us, claims leader of Hamas movement 
June 1, 2010 
DAMASCUS: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage with 
Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly, its 
leader, Khaled Meshal, says.

Mr Meshal praised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, for meeting him in 
Damascus and the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for hosting the discussion 
10 days ago.

He told Mr Medvedev that the US was also talking to him.

''I . told him the Americans contact us, but are not brave enough to do so 
openly. I am confident that in the very near future, everyone will realise that 
they will have to deal with Hamas.''

The claim that the US is engaging with a group it lists as a terrorist 
organisation will upset the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, whose forces 
have locked up and allegedly tortured Hamas members.

But four years into Israel's blockade of Gaza, the revelation could be seen as 
a sign that cracks are opening in the western consensus that Hamas should 
remain isolated.

Russia is a member of the Middle East Quartet, which demands recognition of 
Israel as a precondition to a seat at the negotiating table.

Hamas says that recognising Israel was one of Fatah's biggest mistakes and 
resulted in 17 years of fruitless negotiation.

Mr Meshal said the tectonic plates in the Middle East were shifting. Iran, 
Turkey and Syria were emerging as regional powers and Egypt was in the throes 
of a battle for succession that would paralyse it as a regional player. As a 
result, Israel was losing its power to impose conditions on a weakened 
Palestinian leadership in Ramallah.

As it felt its power ebbing, Israel needed a war but was crippled by 
self-doubt. Mr Meshal claimed the attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006 and 
against Hamas in Gaza in 2009 had strengthened both organisations.

''Israel is conducting exercises threatening Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria. It 
needs a war, but choosing the front to fight on will not be a picnic and this 
reflects the crisis in Israel. It does not want peace, but the option of war is 
not easy for it,'' he said.

''A war in Gaza might appear the easy option. But that would be an illusion, 
not because we have adequate weapons, but because Israel this time would be 
fighting against a people with nothing to lose. Gaza is small in size but it 
has become a large symbol for the rest of the world.''

The US President, Barack Obama, had made a brave speech in Cairo but within 
months had retreated and his officials had vetoed efforts to seek agreement 
between Fatah and Hamas on a unity government.

Citing Fatah sources, he claimed George Mitchell, the US negotiator, had told 
the Palestinian Authority and Egypt that the US would cut off aid to the 
authority if it formed a unity government with Hamas and other militant 
Palestinian factions.

''Mahmoud Abbas is better for America's purpose without [Palestinian] 
reconciliation, because he is weak and a deal with Hamas would strengthen the 
Palestinian position in the negotiation.

''America prefers a weak Palestinian negotiating party, because it believes 
this is the best chance for a deal with an intransigent [Israeli Prime 
Minister, Benjamin] Netanyahu.''

Hamas claims that nine or 10 of the 22 members of the Arab League back its 
formula for a unity government, not least Saudi Arabia, a country still thought 
to be furious with Hamas about its takeover of Gaza in 2007, which tore up an 
agreement with Fatah.

Mr Meshal said that before the last Arab League summit in Libya, the Saudi 
Foreign Minister, Saud al-Faisal, had taken a Hamas document to Egypt that 
called for the creation of a Palestinian leadership representative of all 
factions, a high security council to reform Gaza security forces and a 
committee to organise elections. Palestinians outside the occupied territories 