--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Mengapa hal ini tidak diceritakan di dalam buku
> James Yee itu? Siapa yang bisa membuktikan bahwa
"the > other side" itu bukanlah sekedar fitnah atau
> usaha untuk merendahkan isi dari buku James Yee itu?
> Termasuk pengakuan affair dari Karryn Wallace,
apakah > hal itu terbukti atau pengakuan palsu
> saja? Amerika memang mempunyai 1001 macam cara untuk
> menutupi keburukan mereka.

"The other side of the story" yang saya tunjukkan link
dan kutipannya sudah ada beberapa tahun sebelum Kapten
James Yee menulis bukunya, jadi barangkali sebelum
anda tahu ada rohaniawan Islam bernama James Lee di
kemiliteran Amerika, atau bahwa ternyata di
kemiliteran AS juga ada rohaniawan Islam.

Dan kelihatannya anda penasaran sekali ingin
mengetahui lebih banyak mengenai hubungan seks
konsensual di luar nikah antara Kapten Yee dan Letnan
Laut Karyn Wallace. Ini berdasarkan kesaksian Letnan
Karyn Wallace sendiri di pengadilan. Silahkan anda
periksa di buku yang ditulis Yee apakah dia menyebut
soal ini dan apakah dia membela diri dengan mengatakan
Karyn telah berbohong memfitnah-nya dengan memberi
pengakuan palsu. Saya sendiri belum membaca bukunya
itu. Ini dari The New York Times, silahkan anda baca:

Case Against Ex-Chaplain Opens Focusing on Affair

Published: December 9, 2003

FORT BENNING, Ga., Dec. 8 — The military opened its
case on Monday against Capt. James J. Yee, who was
once billed by Pentagon officials as part of a major
espionage plot, not with evidence of any significant
security breaches but with detailed testimony about a
two-month extramarital affair he had with a female
officer this year.
In a spare and harshly lighted military courtroom at
the base here, prosecutors led off their case against
Captain Yee, the former Muslim chaplain at Guantánamo
Bay, Cuba, by calling Karyn Wallace, a Navy lieutenant
who said she had met him at Guantánamo's bachelor
quarters. Under precise questioning from a prosecutor
and the military judge, Lieutenant Wallace recounted
how she and Captain Yee had gone from being close
friends to having an intimate relationship in the
summer, both at Guantánamo and in Orlando, Fla.,
where they took leave together.

Captain Yee's wife, Huda, their 4-year-old daughter in
her arms, loudly and emotionally confronted Lieutenant
Wallace outside the courtroom after the testimony.
Captain Yee, along with his elderly parents, who were
in the courtroom, seemed stunned and drained by the

Captain Yee was arrested on Sept. 10 at the Naval Air
Station in Jacksonville, Fla., on suspicion of
espionage after customs inspectors found papers in his
luggage that they said were suspicious and might have
contained classified information. He was charged with
an offense far less serious than espionage,
transporting classified information without a required
secure container, at the time and confined in solitary
in a naval brig for nearly three months while the
military completed its investigation.

When the investigation was finished last month and he
was released, the military's new charges involved
keeping pornography on his government computer and
having an extramarital affair, both violations of the
Military Code of Justice.

The military does not contend that either of those
offenses is related to any security breaches but that
they were violations discovered in the course of the
investigation. But Captain Yee's civilian defense
lawyer, Eugene R. Fidell, has said the charges were
added vindictively as part of an effort to cover up
the military's mistake and overreaction.

"I think it is quite disgraceful that this officer's
reputation was tarnished in a way that can never be
repaired," Mr. Fidell said on Monday. He said he hoped
the presiding judge would recommend dismissal of the
charges, which he called "trivial and

However inconsequential the charges might be, the
testimony of Lieutenant Wallace produced great anguish
for Captain Yee and his family and probably for the
lieutenant as well. Under questioning by a prosecutor
and the judge, Lieutenant Wallace identified a series
of photographs of her and Captain Yee embracing.
Lieutenant Wallace, who testified under a grant of
immunity from prosecutors for her own behavior, said
the relationship was social and romantic. "Was it
sexual?" asked Col. Dan Trimble, the presiding

"Yes, sir," she replied.

"What does it mean to have a sexual relationship?"
Colonel Trimble asked.

"We had sex together," she said, estimating having
done so about 20 times at his quarters and hers. She
said she knew he was married because he told her.

Mrs. Yee, a Palestinian from Syria who wore a Muslim
head covering, left the courtroom and began sobbing on
a bench. When she saw Lieutenant Wallace walk out, she
went after her with her daughter, Sarah, in her arms.
"You happy now," Mrs. Yee shouted, inches from the
lieutenant. "Destroying a family?"

As Mrs. Yee turned away, Lieutenant Wallace stepped
toward her and lightly touched her arm, and said: "You
know what? You need to speak with him."

Mrs. Yee drew herself free and as she walked back into
the courtroom, shouting at Lieutenant Wallace.

During her testimony, Lieutenant Wallace was
alternately cheerful and somber. She and Captain Yee
did not exchange glances. She said that as far as she
knew, no one else knew of their relationship. But when
she was interviewed during the security investigation
as a friend of Captain Yee's, the interrogator asked
her if they had been intimate and she answered

Army officials said there had been about 60 cases of
adultery prosecuted in the last two years, always as
part of some larger set of criminal charges, like
rape. The military, in guidelines to commanders,
suggests that adultery is principally a problem when
it affects discipline and order as in cases where it
involves people who are in a subordinate-commander

The court also heard testimony from law enforcement
officials at Jacksonville who detained Captain Yee on
Sept. 10. One, Sean Rafferty, a customs inspector,
testified by telephone hookup that he had been told in
advance to scrutinize Captain Yee when he got off the
flight from Jacksonville because he might be carrying
classified information. Mr. Fidell, Mr. Yee's lawyer,
said such testimony showed that the discovery of any
suspicious papers was not a result of a random search.
Captain Yee's friends have suggested that the
authorities at Guantánamo resented him because of the
way he ministered to and looked out for the interests
of the mostly Muslim prison population there.

As the Muslim chaplain at the facility, used to detain
some 660 inmates, most of whom were captured in the
Afghan war, Captain Yee was responsible for seeing to
their religious needs. He arranged for the Muslim call
to prayer to be played over the camp's sound system
five times a day and for meals to be served outside
the fasting hours of Ramadan.

Captain Yee graduated from West Point in 1990 and
converted to Islam after he left the Army, returning
later as a chaplain.

At the end of the hearing, Colonel Trimble is to make
a recommendation from a list of options that range
from a general court-martial to an acquittal. Captain
Yee faces up to 13 years in prison if tried and
convicted on all six counts.

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