Why do you need to run it with administrator? I have also seen that problem 
in the past and its not how Watir work, but for some strange reason Windows 
won't list all IE instances when using WIN32OLE.

Jarmo Pertman
IT does really matter - http://itreallymatters.net

On Thursday, November 15, 2012 12:15:29 AM UTC+2, user2085 wrote:
> 1 down vote 
> favorite<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13386356/watir-automation-on-windows-7-with-ie8#>
> I am trying to run watir scripts on Wndows 7 on IE8 as administrator. 
> Here is problem description: Problem was with below statement(popup 
> windows) popup = Watir::IE.attach(:url, /ContactDetails/) and Error message 
> was ‘ Unable to locate the url(ContactDetails)
> The issue seems to be that when there already exists an instance of IE8 
> that was opened with administrative privs, Watir won't see any other IE8 
> windows that are being run as admin, including ones it opens itself.
> Fix that i have been doing: Turn off User Account Control (set to the 
> lowest setting). Go to Control Panel->System and Security->Action 
> Center->Change User Account Control settings, and drop the slider to the 
> lowest setting.
> But this is not a permanent fix, i have to change the windows 7 settings 
> every day to run my automation script.
> Can anyone help me finding out the permanent solution ?

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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