[wtr-general] how to double click on Element

2009-08-26 Thread jane.liu

I am a new watir user,
now I am writing a function,double click a element in the table,it
will jump detail page

how I can to deal with double click on Element in watir?
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[wtr-general] Re: undefined method `{ENTER}' for #Watir::IE:0x3ee7b9c

2009-08-16 Thread jane.liu

I think that there are some different for watir version

if the srcipt of above is same  not work

you can try:

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[wtr-general] Re: clicking ok on popups

2009-08-16 Thread jane.liu

may be you can use Enter key instead of clicking button


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[wtr-general] Re: undefined method `{ENTER}' for #Watir::IE:0x3ee7b9c

2009-08-15 Thread jane.liu

hi Marlon:

you can try method follow for it

add two require in header:
require 'win32ole'
require 'watir/WindowHelper'

and use send_keys:

may be it will work
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[wtr-general] issue with combobox for watir

2009-06-14 Thread jane.liu

I am a new watir leaner.
I have some issue with combobox for watir

code file is:

 select xtype=combo ext_errIcoOffset=0 ext_height=18px
ext_selectOnFocus=true ext_forceSelection=true ext_mode=local
ext_displayField=Text ext_valueField=Value ext_maxHeight=300
ext_listWidth=-1 name=ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderBody
$ComboBoxStoreName onchange=javascript:setTimeout('__doPostBack
(\'ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderBody$ComboBoxStoreName\',\'\')', 0)
id=ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ComboBoxStoreName style=height:
option value=-1--Please choose--/option
option value=120changsha one/option
option selected=selected value=131Alberta/option


i wirite ruby for :
(changsha one)
but it prompt me:
undefined method `select_vaule' for #Watir::SelectList:0x302576c

i hope someone can help me,thanks

best regard!


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[wtr-general] Re: issue with combobox for watir

2009-06-14 Thread jane.liu

thank for you help,

but It is also fail for your methods

it prompt :
d:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:1928:in `assert_exists':
Unable to locate object, using id and
from d:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:2940:in
from d:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:2932:in `select_value'
from search1.rb:31

looking forward to your reply
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[wtr-general] Re: issue with combobox for watir

2009-06-14 Thread jane.liu

it remain prompt me:
new_appriasal.rb:27: undefined method `set' for #Watir::SelectList:
0x2e39c14 (NoMethodError)

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