Hello All,

I'm having a devil of a time executing this javascript button event,

I tried using ie.button(:id, "generate::0").fire_event('onmousedown'),
ie.button(:id, "generate::0").fire_event('onclick') and a couple other ways
to click this button, all to no avail.  Here's  the code snippit of the
control I'm trying to click

 <td><table align='' cellspacing='0' border='0' cellpadding='4'
summary='Table to hold button.'><tr><td class='whitebg'><input
onFocus="root.hover(this, 'win-btn-over')" onMouseOver="root.hover(this,
'win-btn-over')" onMouseOut="root.hover(this, 'win-btn')"
onClick='root.handleOnClick(document, this)' class='win-btn'
id='generate::0' name='generate::0' value='Add' onBlur="root.hover(this,
'win-btn')" type='BUTTON'></td></tr></table></td>

Many Thanks in Advance,

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