Hello all,
Following is my scenario:
I have a list of images and below that image contains Edit link.
Now i want to click on that Edit so that i can Edit the Title and

Following is the html code:

<div style="width: 150px; height: 150px;"><input id="attachment[218]" type="
checkbox" value="1" name="attachment[218]"/>
<img title="Photogallerysanity" src="
" alt="Photogallerysanity"/>
<a class="underline" href="

>From the above script my image title is Photogallerysanity.And below is Edit
Now i can click on that Edit link using ":href" method but it will contain
the link "/Nikes/photo_gallery/attachments/218/edit?media=print"
Now the above link uses a no. to recognize.But i want to  recognize this
Edit link using the  image title.
Is it possible to do?
Please help...!

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