On Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 10:47:22 AM UTC-8, Kiran Darekar wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using telerik reporting tool. I tried to locate various elements 
> but telerik is encrypting element's attributes & it is different every time 
> when we load the reports.
> Can somebody help me to create sample script using below demo.
> http://demos.telerik.com/reporting/dashboard 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdemos.telerik.com%2Freporting%2Fdashboard&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFPR48MQP-Iaieb48E5g3PQBeedGA>

 Since we will no doubt be talking code fragments, Stack Overflow might be 
a better venue (since it has tools for embedding code blocks in questions 
and answers, better than email anyway) 

But to start with, perhaps you can show us a sample of what you have tried, 
and where it is failing.

You will likely need to identify elements based on what the user can see 
(since if they start randomizing that, it's not usable by humans) instead 
of ID or Name attributes.  You may need to select based on both the class 
and text content..   for example (sorry, not tested, so might include a 
typo) to click and view year 2002 results, the following code ought to work

    browser.div(:class => 'listviewitem', :text => '2002').click

beyond that, to have meaningful discussion, let us know the code you tried, 
 a sample of the HTML, and what error you are seeing. 

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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