Testing on windows 7 should be about the same as on Vista, if that's what
you're on. If you're on XP now, the major change is with process integrity,
introduced in Vista. Basically, if you have to navigate to local files
you'll have to either disable some security enhancements in IE (by
unchecking "Enable Protected Mode" in IE options), or run ruby as
This is based on very limited testing I have done in 7, so there may be more
issues that I haven't run into.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 19:46, George <george.sand...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm not sure if this has been posted before...with the advent of
> Windows 7, has anyone tried using their Watir scripts against this
> OS?  Our company is gearing up to do this and just wanted to be ready
> for whatever comes up.
> Thanks,
> George
> >

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