Re: Full-motion zero-copy screen capture in Weston

2024-06-01 Thread Andri Yngvason
Hi Matt,

fös., 31. maí 2024 kl. 15:34 skrifaði Hoosier, Matt :
> Thanks, understood. I would expect that I need to take some care in 
> allocating a buffer that my DRM driver accepts for writeback, in this usage.
> Do I interpret right that the wlroots screencopy extension wants the client 
> to create a fresh zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 for each successive frame? I 
> wonder then:
> * Whether this might lead to the possibility of dropped frames, if the client 
> doesn’t manage to send back the requests to start capture for frame N+1 soon 
> enough after the delivery of the copied buffer for frame N; and

If you send a frame request as soon as you receive an update, frames
will not be dropped.

> * Will the explicit request for each frame via zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1:: 
> copy(), result in artificial redraws to satisfy the request? Ideally I would 
> just like to receive a passive copy of each frame that naturally got drawn by 
> the compositor. Perhaps with one artificial redraw at the very beginning of 
> the screencopy stream just to have a defined starting point.

For wlr-screencopy-v1, you can use the the "copy_with_damage" request
to avoid "artificial redraws". See:

For ext-screencopy-v1, when you create a session, a redraw may be
required for the first frame. After that, only damaged frames are
copied for that session. See:


Re: Full-motion zero-copy screen capture in Weston

2024-05-31 Thread Andri Yngvason
Hi Matt,

fös., 31. maí 2024 kl. 13:26 skrifaði Hoosier, Matt :
> Hi,
> Yeah. I agree that although I can prototype something quick and dirty here as 
> a change to weston_output_capture_v1, it's probably not a good fit there.
> Drew or Simon, does either of 
>  or 
>  strike you as a good fit for the use-case of getting a streamed copy of an 
> output? They seem very similar – not sure what differentiates them from each 
> other.

I'd say ext-screencopy-v1 is pretty close to being complete. It is
designed for both single shot capture and screen casting. It has 2
acks and it has been implemented in wlroots, cosmic and wayvnc.

I would not recommend wlr-export-dmabuf for anything as it suffers
from synchronisation issues. There are no guarantees for life-times of
the dmabufs. wlr-screencopy works well enough, but ext-screencopy-v1
is better.


> My goal is to implement this screen capture with a guarantee that the copy 
> comes from a KMS writeback connector. I know this sounds like an odd thing to 
> insist on. Let's say that in my industry, the system is rarely only running 
> Linux directly on the bare metal. Using the writeback hardware on the display 
> controller allows to get a copy of content from all the virtual machines in 
> the system.

Although the protocol is called "screencopy", it does not need to be
implemented via copying. I don't think anything precludes drm
write-back or rendering directly to the client-submitted buffers.


[ANNOUNCE] wayvnc v0.5.0

2022-07-09 Thread Andri Yngvason
Hi all,

I've just released wayvnc v0.5.0.

The most significant addition for this release is H.264 encoding via the
Open H.264 RFB protocol extension. Clients that have implemented Open H.264
at this time are TigerVNC and wlvncc, of which only the latter uses hardware
accelerated decoding.

H.264 encoding is hardware accelerated and requires the `--gpu` command line
flag to be enabled. It isn't particularly useful without hardware acceleration,
so it's better to stick with "Tight" encoding if you don't have GPU rendering.

More details can be found on the release page:
and the accompanied neatvnc release here:

Best regards,

Re: xkbcommon: Converting keysym to keycode

2021-12-01 Thread Andri Yngvason
Hi adlo

mið., 1. des. 2021 kl. 14:31 skrifaði adlo :
> Hi
> Does xkbcommon have a function to convert a keysym to a keycode?

It does not, last time I checked, but
"xkb_keymap_key_get_mods_for_level" does help a lot.

Wayvnc does this sort of reverse key mapping. Maybe this helps? See:


[ANNOUNCE] wayvnc 0.3.1

2020-09-28 Thread Andri Yngvason
New features since v0.2.0:

 * Copy & paste, thanks to Scott Moreau.
 * wayvnc now has a man page.
 * wayvnc now exits if authentication is enabled but fails.

Git commit history since v0.2.0:

Alexander Graul (1):
  Add openSUSE Tumbleweed installation instruction

Andri Yngvason (15):
  buffer: Fix buffer attribute comparison
  README: Use "yay" in archlinux installation instructions
  Exit if enabling auth fails
  Clean up config on exit
  Clean up aml on nvnc init failure
  data-control: Make offer handling asynchronous
  data-control: Don't free data-control-manager twice
  data-control: Clean up whole receive context in aml_free_fn
  data-control: Destroy data device on exit
  Don't init data_control if it's not supported by compositor
  Write a man page
  Generate and install a man page
  man-page: Fix wording
  FAQ: Remove outdated Q
  Release v3.0.0
  Fix man page path

Jan Beich (1):
  shm: guard fallback on FreeBSD < 13 as well

Jony (1):
  add Void Linux install command to

Scott Moreau (1):
  Add basic clipboard support
md5 40fa40caf3052256626a4e345a50ccb4  wayvnc-v0.3.1.tar.gz
sha1 ee0103dab69b5d39690ded4f5058b400c81c9b04  wayvnc-v0.3.1.tar.gz
sha256 7b68af5bfa5e19352aaa5140e6c2418f90bfe6a949775bd236b06796c56e27f5
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