Otis Campbell

2006-06-24 Thread Ken Anderson
I realize I post some rather length writings, and I apologize for doing one 
so soon after saying I wouldn't.  But I want to share something with you, my 
Mayberry family, that I have shared with few others.

The movie Return to Mayberry was a greatly anticipated movie for Mayberry 
fans everywhere.  When it was first released it was wonderful to see our 
friends in Mayberry albeit they had aged.  But I had aged along with them so 
it only seemed natural to see Andy's gray hair and a grown up Opie who was 
about to become a father. Everyone in Mayberry had changed and that is how 
life is meant to be.  Only when one fails to change do they fail to grow and 
experience all that life has to offer.

There was one person in Return to Mayberry who had perhaps changed the 
most. That was Otis Campbell. Yet his appearance in the movie was only for 
one brief scene. For many years we laughed at Otis as he staggered into the 
courthouse with a snootful and locked himself in his cell.  Everyone in 
Mayberry accepted Otis' weakness and his humorous antics brought us all 
years of enjoyment.

I was so pleased to see a sober and reformed Otis Campbell in Return to 
Mayberry.  Although Otis was a loveable happy person in Mayberry, his 
portrayal as the town drunk was not at all accurate.  While we enjoyed 
laughing at Otis riding a cow or talking to an invisible dog, we never saw 
the effects his drinking had on the other people in his life.  We never saw 
Mrs. Campbell sitting up late at night wondering if Otis was coming home or 
if he were lying injured in an alley somewhere. We did not see her 
embarrassment when she heard the people of Mayberry laughing at her husband's 
actions.  We never knew what Mrs. Campbell had to go without because Otis 
spent money on his spirits rather than on things needed by his family.

These things were always in the back of my mind when I watched Otis.  For 
you see, I came from a family with a father who was like Otis.  My father 
was a hard working man who never missed a day of work because of his 
drinking.  But he missed many nights at home with his family.  I remember 
the nights I lay awake wondering if and when he would be coming home.  I 
remember my embarrassment when my friends would tell me in school that they 
saw my father come staggering out of a bar the night before.  I remember the 
holidays that were not like my friends' because my father was out 
celebrating with his friends rather than being home with his family. But 
most of all I remember the pain and hurt that I saw in my mother's eyes as 
she wondered where the money was going to come from to buy food for her four 

Otis was a laughable character in Mayberry, but his problem was not 
laughable.  But back in the 60's that was how it was treated.  Our small 
town policeman would follow my father home from the bars to make sure he 
made it home.  He never once received a ticket or was arrested.  There were 
times when I wish he would have been.  Because so many people enabled him to 
continue drinking, he never had the incentive to stop. Maybe they could have 
made a difference, but no one bothered to try.

It took me a long time to understand that my father had an illness.  He was 
an alcoholic.  But when I was young, that word was never used. Then in 1960 
my father died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 54.  I was just 13 
at the time.  His life was cut short dramatically because of alcohol.  The 
anger that I once had is now long gone.  Yet I have to admit when I see a 
father come into church with children I still experience envy, for that was 
something I never experienced.  With my wife and me not being able to have 
children, I will never know the joy of a father and son sitting together 
worshipping God.

By the time Return to Mayberry debuted, attitudes towards alcohol abuse were 
changing.  It was no longer funny to see a grown man stagger and unable to 
speak clearly.  Thankfully the producers of Return to Mayberry realized Otis 
needed to change. I only wish they would have done it much sooner.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

The Snappy Lunch

2006-06-24 Thread Eric Lowry
I just returned from a quick trip to North Carolina.  On the way home I
stopped by the Snappy Lunch.  It was my first opportunity to visit since the
renovations were done.  I'm glad to report that the Snappy Lunch is as
wonderful as ever.  The atmosphere is still fantastic, Mr. Dowell and the
gals are charming and friendly, and the food is still out of this world.  I
know we all know about the famous pork chop sandwich, but I'm also
especially fond of the pork chop breakfast.  That's right, for those of
you who haven't had the grilled tenderloin, eggs, gravy and one of the best
biscuits to ever cross your lips, you've got to try the Snappy Lunch for


I also waved at Mr. Hiatt at Floyd's.  I was gonna get a haircut, getting' a
little shaggy in the back ya know.  But I had over 8 hours of traveling left
to get home, and you know how those little hairs will tickle your neck after
a haircut!


Indiana Goober

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Warren's Mayberry Relations trivia

2006-06-24 Thread Leesa Lee
I think  Dep. Warren was related to Miss Clara Edwards.  Not sure, but that
  rings a bell.

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Re: Barney's Middle Names

2006-06-24 Thread MarTim1219
HeyLet's see if I can help Jessica out. Barney's three middle names  were 
Milton, Oliver, and the initial P which I am not sure what it stood  for.  
Hope I am correct on this.
Liz ain't you got a jack Roberts!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Return to Mayberry DVD

2006-06-24 Thread Don Good

That's the wonderful thing abut WBMUTBB.  Everyone looks out for everyone.

Yeah, it's a good thing we're not giraffes.

Don Good
The quality of mercy is not strained You're not talking to a jerk, you 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie and Thelma Lou

2006-06-24 Thread Harriet Browder
Which episode had Thelma Lou making homemade peach ice cream and
brownies for Opie?  I would like the actual title of it.  It's prayin' on 
my mind.

The Rivals, Season 3, Disc 5, second episode. The best line in it is Pa, 
just what can you do with a grown woman?

Isn't it a wonderful thing that TV Land is back to black and white? Color 
episodes are good but nothing compares to the first five seasons.

Here's to you and yours!
Harriet, the chicken thief in Kelsey's Woods, USA

..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's
an old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: homemade peach ice cream

2006-06-24 Thread King of Mayberry
Thelma Lou made homemade peach ice cream and brownies in The Rivals episode 

Mayberry chapter
Knoxville, TN

Can you do this (handstand)?  --  Opie
Yes, but it's not very ladylike.  --  Karen

Which episode had Thelma Lou making homemade peach ice cream and brownies for 
Opie?  I would like the actual title of it.
It's prayin' on my mind.
Bee in New Concord, OH

WBMUTBB mailing list

peach ice cream

2006-06-24 Thread Martha
Which episode had Thelma Lou making homemade peach ice cream ...

I saw your title and was so hoping you'd found the perfect recipe in some 
Mayberry book.  Sigh.  :-)

Huntsville, AL
WBMUTBB mailing list

lots of green

2006-06-24 Thread Martha
In stage productions you avoid white because of lighting problems and use a 
light blue.  Maybe at the time TV lighting handled green well.  Just a thought.

Huntsville, AL 
WBMUTBB mailing list

more on the moving song

2006-06-24 Thread Martha
always thought Barn wrote the song, but guess not, since Cleaver did it. and
that show was in the early to mid 50's?

Wasn't it originally from a 30s or 40s movie with Jeannette McDonald and 
something Arnold?

Huntsville, AL

WBMUTBB mailing list

songs travel

2006-06-24 Thread Martha
The song Juanita has another TAGS link.  On Father Knows Best, Jim Anderson 
sang it.  Maybe when Betty Anderson became Ellie Walker, she brought the song 
with her?

And then when Betty Anderson moved to New York and became ??? (I never watched 
ODD COUPLE much but know she was on it), she took it there.

Huntsville, AL 

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