Andy & Aunt Bee

2007-01-16 Thread Theresa Smith
-Original Message-

>> has anybody noticed in the color episodes that Andy treats Aunt Bee like
>> she is a child?

>> <> He would have supported her right to wear the wig, tho he knew it was 
>> wrong.>>

>> I have to disagreehe told her over and over to "Call the man."  
>> "Just call the man!"

I'll add my 2 cents in this discussion... I think it SEEMS like Andy is
chiding Aunt Bee more in the color episodes, but it's because she's trying
to exercise her independence more.  She learns to drive AND fly an airplane,
for heaven's sake!  Also, at that time, people didn't regard older people as
being able to do new things like they do now, particularly women.  I really
liked Aunt Bee's independent streak.  She had a lot of moxie!

Sue Grigsby
"And don't be late for supper!" (We knew who really ran the show in that

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2007-01-16 Thread keepsake68
Hi Mayberrians,

Last night,  my son and  I were watching the episode where Andy saves Gomer's 
life. Remember that episode where Barney was away on vacation and it was just 
Andy in the office? Anyway, just imagine if someone whose life you saved would 
never let you forget your great deed.  Imagine if they kept finding ways to do 
things for you and they never stopped praising your name.  

Yes, I would be okay that the person thanked me, but if they bothered me about 
it that much, I would probably go and hide from I am sure my son 
probably try to avoid them just to escape the embarrassment. 

Actually I think Andy played it best when he faked the  gas inhalation to make 
it seem like Gomer saved his life. 

Gomer, Gomer, Gomer...

Have a nice day,
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: What I noticed in the color episodes- (Marie/Allan)

2007-01-16 Thread Albert Acevedo
Sorta' the way I always looked at it w/Andy's vocal complaints involving 
Aunt Bee, was that he was anticipating the problems to be had if Aunt Bee 
went ahead and did the "things" she wanted to do. He could use more tact and 
diplomacy, but whining and "no-no'ing" Bee seems to be a natural thing that 
Andy would do. (afterall... Aunt Bee is headstrong at times, and entrenches 
herself into a way of thinking that's hard to dislodge her from)
Now on Keevy and the song:  It looked to me that Andy was bent about having 
Keevy over because he knew Bee and Clara would drag out an otherwise quiet 
evening by them "working on" Keevy to get him to record their song.  It also 
put Andy in an awkward position... him being the sheriff and his own 
relative was trying to "push" her song onto an established star. Andy 
probably figured that My Hometown, although good, was strictly small-town 
stuff and that all of Aunt Bee's / Clara's efforts would be for naught. Andy 
couldn't possibly envision the deluxe treatment that the song would be given 
as the final version.
A classic TAGS episode!
(I like the fast version better, but the sound quality and "flavor" on the 
slow one reigns supreme!!)

A. Acevedo  (MPk)

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Andy & Aunt Bee

2007-01-16 Thread Marie
I agree with you to a point. But he didn't want her and Ms. Edwards 
inviting Keevy over at all. The song WAS better Aunt Bee's way and even 
K H agreed at the end. I can not imagine what the music world would have 
lost had he not ever heard their song.

Yes, I'd temporarily forgotten "Call the Man" or maybe was thinking it a 
color episode. I like the color episodes, esp. the one with the Rose 
Contest where Clara gives up her firts prize to Bee b/c she realizes 
Bee's rose, ruined when Opie's football hit it, was more beautiful than 

Sorry of I broke a number rule. I didn't mean to. I know, for example, 
with Barney, he'd say "You shouldn't do that" or "You can't..." and 
Barney went ahead and did it. He was usually wrong, too.

Aunt Bee was wrong to wear the wig, but not wrong, IMO, to learn how to 
drive and to use her own money to buy herself a car. On the other hand, 
Aunt Bee never seemed to have a problem getting around Mayberry before 
that episode.


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Color Eps

2007-01-16 Thread m white
TAGS fans,

Having watched the color eps lately, have you noticed how many times in season 
8 Opie wears the same shirt!  Kind of an orange/green plaid thing.  It's not 
ugly, but on the other hand it's not pretty enough to be "every-single-day 

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2007-01-16 Thread Cheryl
that flashy 
carthose golf clubs. Why he can't be old enough to be a doctor!

I hate to, but I may just have to go to Nashville!

It's o.k. to go to Nashville to the doctor I guess, but DON'T go there for the 
dentist. He isn't any good and they'll start calling you "The Beaver!"

Marietta, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Respect for Aunt Bee

2007-01-16 Thread jlj9675
I feel that since Aunt Bee was an old maid and unworldly, even though older 
than Andy, she sought and needed Andy's approval before she took big steps. 
Deep down she was determined about what she truly desired and would argue 
heavily in her favor but if Andy put his foot down, I believe she would have 
acquiesed.  After all, he had somewhat assumed responsibility for her welfare 
once she became a member of his household.  As he said, "we're a family and 
what's good for one has got to be good for all" or something akin to that.  I 
don't think he ever intended any disrespect. Just my opinion and I certainly 
respect yours.
Aunt Bee of Orlando  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 8, Issue 16

2007-01-16 Thread BCunnin107
Can somone please re-post the address for the Russell Hiatt birthday cards  
and film fund?

Brad "Neil  Bentley" Cunningham
"My card, in case you ever need my  services"

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Great to be Back

2007-01-16 Thread Mike Peacock
Glad your back too paul!!   Now Gang, the next step is to figure out just 
where he's been (all in fun of course).
My guess:  Either cell number 1 or cell number 2.  The keys must have been 
in the drawer or he'd been back sooner.  Had to be cell 1 or otherwise Otis 
would have a fit :)

(Paul Jennings said)
"Sure is great to be back amongst the Mayberry faithful!  Been gone a
whileSiler City..Triplett..Banner Town?  Nopejust been
away from wbmutbb!  Well...ya'll take care.stay in touch!"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Polyschwampmania

2007-01-16 Thread jharrod

I too suffer from this terrible malady.  Last night, I couldn't sleep.  I 
decided to count sheep.  Soon the little critters were baa-ing and jumping 
fences just like they should.  But there was something odd about these sheep.  
I looked closer, and guess what?  That's right, all the "sheep" bore the image 
of the mysterious Mr. Schwamp.  I was up all night long counting Schwamps!!  

WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-01-16 Thread Mary Lease
I don't see Andy treating Aunt Bee that way.  Its his house and his money.  
He didn't want her wasting the money.  I hate when TV land rushes through 
the black and white shows just to get to the color ones.  I like the black 
and white ones better.  I think they were funnier.  They skipped several of 
the real funny ones.  I could even come close to listing the ones that were 
missed.  Mary Lease

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Andy Griffith Commentary on Gomer Pyle USMC

2007-01-16 Thread Joshua Johnson
I am currently watching season 1 of Gomer Pyle USMC.  I must say I am
enjoying it because I really never got into the show.  The sweet thing about
this set is we get commentary by Jim Nabors.  It also has the TAGS "Gomer
Pyle USMC" Pilot on disc one.  Jim gets us commentary through the whole
episode.  He mostly talks about TAGS in general rather than talking just
about that episode.  This is something I wish had been done with the TAGS

Joshua from Minnesota.
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