Thelma Lou

2007-01-20 Thread BEN CURRIN
I was in Mt Airy today (just went up to spend the day  do some shopping)  the 
Mt Airy newspaper was the hottest item in town. Betty Lynn (Thelma Lou) has 
moved,  is now living in Mt Airy!!!  You'd better believe in was front page 
story with lots of pictures!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: More Big News in Mayberry

2007-01-20 Thread Jim Hady
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 13:34:15 -0500 (EST)

 Hey to all. We heard on WPAQ radio Friday morning that Ms. Betty
Lynn Thelma Lou is now an official resident of Mount Airy, NC!
There will be an article in the Saturday Mount Airy News 1-20-07.
If you want to check it out! There will be a link on our website.
Or you can visit Just keeping all the Maybery
fans posted! 
The Miles'

That's great news.along the lines of NEW residents of Mt.
Airy.last summer when we saw The Dillards, Rodney said he was
looking for some property in or near Mt. Airydoes anybody know if
Rodney and his family moved?




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WBMUTBB mailing list

I've got another ailment

2007-01-20 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
While I enjoyed the cases of ployschwamp-maina stories, I held off for a
few days reporting my ailment, not to confuse folks.  I don't have that
one.  I need to report though, that I've got it.  No, I'm not a big
bundle of singing talent (remember I'm the Untrained Voice).  It has
nothing to do with the uvula, or the patella oblingata.  Is nothing that
a hanging sling, or breathin' in a fan will help.  Its not low
sugar-blood content or a weak pulse, nor nothing that Indian Elixir
would solve.

Its not the Beasleys, the German Beasleys, or the Versitis.  It is quite
simply the schwamps  (Andy Griffith version of the mumps).  You see I
have this obsession to watch episodes of our favorite show and look for
those obscure background characters like...well of course Mr. Schwamp,
Nice Dress Nellie, Horn-Rimmed Harry, Tom Jacobs, Joe Hamilton. Etc.
The ailment is named, of course, after  the most famous of these

This affliction, is something that I must attribute to the electronal
marvel of  the DVD Player.  Now that we have TAGS DVDs, its easy to
search, back up zoom in, etc.  It is that marvel that I give credit for
now identifying 22 Schwamp episodes and counting.  He is mentioned in
many of the books on The Andy Griffith Show, but most list only about
6-8 appearances.  This website of ours, is the only place, I believe,
you will find all 22 !!!

The last couple I found are so obscure, I'm a little embarrassed to
admit it.  In Don't Miss a Good Bet he can only be seen from the rear
and side of his face.  In The Statue, he is waaay in the background
with a hat on.  Go ahead, take a look.

After a little more viewing, I hope to work with Allan on pages on the
Gossip website for Nice Dress Nelly, and Tom Jacobs.  That's one thing
that is fun, 40 years after the show was made,  delving deeper into the
mysteries of all the characters...being a true Trained Noticer.

Don't get to close to me...or you might catch a case of   the Schwamp
(symptoms, bleary eyes, and twitchy remote control finger,
uncontrollable grinning and nodding...and possible hair loss)

The Untrained Voice, Sgt. At Arms
Schwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss Support Group

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner at Eight

2007-01-20 Thread BCunnin107
Nothing to drink at any of the dinners? Wow! Looks like they really mean  
Mayberry is a DRY county!!!
Brad Neil  Bentley Cunningham 
My card, in case you ever need my  services...
WBMUTBB mailing list

Aunt Bee vs Andy

2007-01-20 Thread Mark Wolf
If you think about it, there were lots of friction and one really nasty 
argument between the two.
  1-lets start off with the nastiest comment made by Andy Taylor:
  The episode is Aunt Bee the crusader-the scene:
  The taylor's front porch with Opie, Andy on the porch and Aunt Bee in the 
house. Aunt Bee has shown her dissaproval towards Andy's job of eviction. The 
words said towards the end of the argument:
  Aunt Bee: Tell your father if he supper is ready if he wants to eat, im 
eating in the kitchen
  Opie: Aunt Bee said...
  Andy: Interupts Opie and states I heard what she said, you can tell her 
to...and the rest is mummbled as he walks off. You can just imagine what the 
rest of the comment was.
  2-at the end of the baseball game that Andy was umpiring...Aunt Bee states: 
You said you would help.  Here Aunt Bee is angry because Andy made the call he 
thought was right.
  3- CALL THE MAN Aunt Bee just doesnt get it
  I have lots of books on TAGS and in all books many people have stated she can 
be difficult at times..being moody
  Her uncooperation to do any interviews since her days on the show
  he just seems that she had alot to be thankfull for. One would think that she 
can at least do one interview for the fans of the show. 
  There was nothing but praise for Andy . No matter who you asked, they all 
stated the same. He was a professional and very demanding and very accomadating
  I too saw a big change in andy towards the end.. i saw a very tired and very 
cold person. It seemed like he didnt want to get close to anyone. 
  A part of Andy died when Barney moved on...What are your thoughts.

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry sighting

2007-01-20 Thread Greg Boe
I was watching Gunsmoke on TV Land today, and I came across an episode with
a group of nuns who were traveling from Dodge City to the Black Hills of
Dakota Territory. I noticed that one of the nuns (a nun with a bit of
spunkshe was a little bit head-strong and sure of herself, she even
won an argument with Festus!) was the one and only Aneta Corsaut (our own
Helen Crump)!!


If that don't beat all!!!


You just never know where some of our TAGS alumni will show up!


Greg B

(one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans!)

WBMUTBB mailing list

A thousand appologies

2007-01-20 Thread Fgfrankling
Boy!  Did I say the wrong word?
Sorry Laura Lee if I didn't clearly state what I  meant. No harm meant. 
Gang, when I used the word brutal I wasn't  meaning to imply anyone said our 
favorite Dad was such. I meant to  say I didn't think him to be overly harsh, 
which is the word I  should have used. I didn't feel him to be acting 
unusually stern for a Dad and  head of the house. But, I do see where the 
writers were 
at times portraying  Andy's character a little more strongly than in most 
earlier episodes. You all  have apparently analyzed these episodes a little 
carefully than I.  After I read one or more of your opinions on a particular 
subject, I then see  things I have missed. 
Go out there and act like somebody!
Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Mount Airy News

2007-01-20 Thread sharon dickson
Just wondering,   I went to and could not get front page of 
a today's paperam I doing something wrong?   

As Always, 
All messages scanned by
  Internet Security Suite
WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-01-20 Thread MAYBERRY ON MAIN
It was brought to our attention that the Mount Airy Newspaper Link wont show 
the articles on Betty Lynn, or the Visitors Center, as soon as we get the 
article electronically, we will repost sorry for the delay but it is worth the 

You beat everything, Barney. You know that?!

Mayberry On Main
The Miles'

WBMUTBB mailing list

Chinese restaurant

2007-01-20 Thread Ted Kamprad
Saw the episode where Aunt Bee opens chinese restaurant with a
partner. Asian gentleman says his nephew goes to the University of
North Carolina. The way he said Carolina was VERY southern sounding,
like he was making fun of the accent. It was hilarious!!!  Anyone else
notice this? Ted in MD

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Wearing the same clothes

2007-01-20 Thread Mike Z.
Hello all it's me again,
  On the subject of wearing the same clothes. I always thought it was pretty 
neat that when Barney is being evicted from Mrs. Mendlbright's house, that as 
he is emptying the dresser (the one from Ft. Lauderdale) we see that checkered 
shirt and other clothes that he sometimes wore on other episodes. And when he 
opens up the closet there is the ol salt and pepper hanging up.
  My cousin might be ugly but he ain't stupid 

Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re:Otis' song Thanks to Paul M.

2007-01-20 Thread Mike Z.

Thanks go out to Mr. Mulik for that info. on Otis song  I'm sorry I broke your 
heart mother 
  I told the nice lady who overheard me singing that I would have to get back 
to her on how Mama's heart got broke. 
   I figured if anyone would know it would be good ol Paul or is that 
Pa?...Anywho thanks a bunch sir your a prince a real prince. 
  I suppose I will just have to continue singing the only part that I (and 
evidently Otis) know.

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WBMUTBB mailing list

An E For Effort

2007-01-20 Thread bcq145
 Dear Mayberry Fans,
On my last post, I spelled Danna's name with only one n  when it should have 
had two; I made at least one punctuation error; and I had a number
of subject/verb disagreements.  But if you noticed them, just give me a D plus, 
unless we are grading on
scale, and then I think I would deserve at least a C.  I mean, this was an 
English assignment, wasn't it? lol
But I could have been a little clearer on the Dinner at Eight episode.  See, 
my biggest concern with the Andy/Helen relationship is that Andy too often acts 
like he's afraid of Helen and no episode reflects that better than the Dinner 
at Eight one.  But it doesn't have to.  A simple flipping of the order in 
which the suppers were served would have changed the entire way the viewer 
looks at Andy.
For example,
 what if Goober had Andy
going to Helen's first (right after he had eaten Goober's supper)? You could 
have better understood why Andy would
have thought it might be best to suffer through one more spaghetti meal in 
silence without saying anything to his girlfriend, Helen, and her uncle.  I 
mean, most people can eat a little more to keep from hurting
someone's feelings.  So that would have made sense. It doesn't look like he's 
afraid of Helen.  He just doesn't
see any reason to complicate things for her when her uncle is visiting; and at 
that point, Andy is thinking 
this is the last supper he will have to eat.  He doesn't looked bossed by 
Helen.  Only that he is kind-hearted
and wants to protect her.  (You can argue this point for the third supper too.  
But by that time Andy is really
suffering and you wonder just how much pain this man will go through just to 
keep an inconvenient truth from Helen.)
In the new storyline,  Andy comes home and Goober tells him about the mix-up 
only this time he remembers it  with
the Spragues.  Well, Andy may be comfortable with calling up Howard and getting 
the Goober situation straightened out, but everyone is intimidated with that
Mrs. Sprague. So Andy--being the  nice guy that he is--bravely goes forth to 
face his third spaghetti
dinner.  Mrs. Sprague is a  decent person when someone like Andy shows up at 
her house as a guest
for a meal, realizes a misunderstanding has happened, and the Spragues proceed 
as usual to feed poor Andy
 his third (their second) spaghetti meal.  None are too happy.
So, the story is NOT changed, just the order in which the meals are served.  I 
feel like Andy showing up for his third dinner at his girlfriend's house
without even telling her how Goober messed things up (when everybody knows how 
Goober messes things up) is not too
realistic.  But I can understand Andy not telling Mrs. Sprague anything.  I 
would have avoided conforting her like the  pip.
And I ain't even too sure what the pip is.  (Mr. Schwump says it's something 
like the flu or maybe a lung
infection like TB.  He's not too sure himself; he just says we should avoid it. 
 And that man knows diseases.)
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and 
English Professor on the side
When I get back, I'm going to kill you.

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WBMUTBB mailing list

[no subject]

2007-01-20 Thread Cheryl Seppala
Kenneth Anderson, you are a Princea real Prince. I would love to sit in on 
those Mayberry Fun Afternoons with you. What a wonderful idea, and YOU are a 
wonderful man for doing it. You really are doing your part to keep Mayberry 
alive, aren't you?  Bless you!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Aunt Bee, I'm bringing someone over for dinner

2007-01-20 Thread Dixonhayes
In a message dated 1/19/07 12:06:50 PM Central Standard Time, 

 Another thing Andy often did that would raise some eyebrows (esp female 
 ones) was to invite people over for a meal or to stay without checking 
 with, or even telling, Aunt Bee.  Most of us with any sense wouldn't do 
 that nowdays, but the culture was more chauvinistic and paternalistic back 

Well, that would certainly raise some eyebrows now (and I can see Debra being 
none-too-happy-at-all if Ray ever did it on Everybody Loves Raymond).  But 
Aunt Bee always seemed to back Andy up on that and we never (or at least very 
rarely) saw Aunt Bee complain or even express being put out even in private, 
when she'd give Andy a piece of her mind if she felt like it.  (She may have 
fussed a little when Barney brought the summit meeting over, but she had to 
clean the entire house for that one.)  So I have to believe she and Andy had a 
mutual understanding that Andy could just about always invite anyone he wanted 
and she'd trust him.  In one episode he tells a guest you should see the fried 
chicken Aunt Bee has to throw out (implying she cooks a lot anyway, even for 
just the three of them) and when the Darlings came over, Bee acts like she's 
actually excited to get to cook for that big a group.  (No wonder Briscoe liked 
her so much.)

We should all have an Aunt Bee in our lives but not everyone's that lucky.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Wearing the same clothes

2007-01-20 Thread Marie
Greg Brady had this one shirt that was wide black and white stripes at 
the top and they got closer together at the bottom.
is a photo showing it. Her wore that several times in the 2-3 seasons.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Don't Put Words in my Mouth

2007-01-20 Thread bcq145
I grew up wishing Andy were my father.  More than anything, I wanted Andy for a 
dad.  He was always loving
to Opie and fair and proud of him, and was just about the exact opposite of the 
one I got, though I love my
father and know he did his best under hard circumstances.  
So, please, excuse me, Dana, but me and the girls at the Dime Store never once 
said (or even implied) that
Andy was brutal with Opie or anyone else in our last post. It is simply not in 
the nature of the man to be brutal with anyone. 
  What we meant was that when you compared the
Andy in the black and white episodes to the Andy in the colored episodes there 
is a clear change in his demeanor--much like during the first season Andy has 
more of a hillbilly-kind of talking character and then he changed that part of 
him.  He is Southern, just not so hillbilly, and frankly, I'm glad this change 
was made.
If you'll notice, when the colored season first starts, Andy is not nearly so 
laid back.  It may be because he's missing his friend Barney.  But for whatever 
reason, Andy does seem grumpy and this is more apparent with Opie, I think.   
When Opie  is taking care of Dolly the horse,  Andy shows a remarkable lack of 
tenderness  toward his child that I think the old Andy would have shown.   This 
is my opinion.  You are welcomed to disagree.

But I never said he was a bad parent or that he mistreated anyone.  I said he 
often tried to play the nice guy
to help those he loved, and his anger got shown to Opie more often than anyone 
else because Opie was the one who would take it.  I never said he mistreated 
Opie.  Big difference.  And I do think there are several shows where Andy is 
just clearly more annoyed with Opie than maybe he should be, but that's my 
But can anyone explain to me why Andy did not tell Helen about the mix-up on 
Dinner at Eight.  I think the
episode would have been better if Andy had gone to Helen's house  first, then 
to Howard's.  It would have been
easier to understand his eating the third dinner without any explanation at all 
to Howard and his scary mother.  For heaven sake's, Helen was his girlfriend!  
Just my feeling.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and the one thing 
everybody knows is that Andy
is a good father
But I do believe in Opie.

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WBMUTBB mailing list

wearing the same clothes

2007-01-20 Thread keepsake68
Hi Mayberrians!

Yes, I agree with the person who said that when Opie wore the same clothes over 
and over again, it really seemed like he was just a normal kid.  Even at my 
age,  I wear my clothes many times again (after they're warshed, of and it's just fine with me. 

I really love TAGS a lot.

Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Illogical events

2007-01-20 Thread Janet Anderson
But why didn't HE call the man?  He spent so much time in fussing with Aunt 
Bee, who refused to see reason and he knew she was this way,  he could have 
picked up the phone and talked to the man himself.  Problem solved.

Yes, Laura Lee, doesn't that seem like the logical answer?  I was thinking 
about this issue of illogical happenings last night while watching Otis the 
Deputy on DVD.  I enjoy this episode (especially when Howard accidentally 
splashes water in Andy's face!), but the writers used several illogical events 
to move the story along.

First, I can't imagine an experienced and wise lawman like Andy going out ALONE 
(and without giving a heads up to any other law enforcement) to a remote area 
to investigate two armed bank robbers!  Another thing that doesn't make sense 
is why Andy would confiscate Otis's bottle and put it in his desk drawer 
instead of emptying the contents and throwing the bottle away, especially 
knowing that he was leaving the court house with the full bottle still in the 
unlocked drawer and Otis out of his cell.  (And Andy didn't forget about the 
bottle, because I think he says something like, And leave the bottle alone! 
to Otis as he leaves.)  Then when Otis and Howard decide that something has 
happened to Andy and Howard starts to call someone (was it the state police?), 
Otis says that it would take too long for them to get there, so Howard doesn't 
place the call.  However, wouldn't it have only made sense to go ahead and 
phone for help, giving as much information as they could, even if they felt 
compelled to go up to the Carson shack themselves before anyone else could get 
there?  Lastly -- and this one is more trivial -- is when Andy and Howard are 
asking for cups of water so they can throw the water at Otis through the 
window.  I noticed that the robber unties Andy's RIGHT hand when he gives him a 
cup but unties Howard's LEFT hand when he gives him a drink.  Wouldn't he 
normally untie Howard's right hand if he untied Andy's right hand?

Of course, all these illogical events allow the story to move forward in the 
way it does.  Andy foolishly going to the Carson shack alone allows him to be 
caught by the bank robbers.  Howard not placing a call to notify authorities 
about Andy allows Howard and Otis to be Andy's only hope for rescue.  Andy 
leaving the bottle of whiskey in the drawer allows Otis to get drunk and 
complicate the attempted rescue.  The robber untying Howard's left hand allows 
him to splash Andy in the face.

The result is a very funny episode but one that is not completely satisfying to 
me because of the parts that just don't ring true.  I am reminded of a 
comment by Jess Oppenheimer, the head writer of I Love Lucy.  He said that, 
no matter how outrageous the situation that ultimately resulted in any given 
episode, he always insisted that there was a logical reason for everything that 
happened.  Otherwise, the audience wouldn't be able to suspend disbelief long 
enough to accept and enjoy Lucy's crazy antics.

I don't mean this to be negative about the show, because I do like it, but I 
also like to analyze these things.  Has anyone else noticed the illogic of this 

Thelma Lou

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