rays photo shot

2007-07-22 Thread wade c
I'm not sure Ray about it being scissors in his pocket, it looks like a pair of 
reading glasses to me because they seem like small lenses and one ear piece is 
sticking out at a curved angle unlike a pair of scissors would be. the lense 
portion is right beside his button for his pocket so it blurs things some, i'm 
not sure what that is next to the glasses though on the right in the picture 
,kinda looks like a spoon?
  I love the use of making the still shots Ray, this makes trivia alot more 
interesting, thanks for the good work.
  One wet dog in ohio.

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Great epilog

2007-07-22 Thread Paul Jennings
Watched a dvd todayTV or Not TV  About the movie crew that came to
town after seeing the article Sherrif Without a Gun in the law
enforcement magazine.

The epilog is hilarious!  Barney descirbes a screenplay he is working
on.  He leaves Andy outbecause he got a virus cold.  When Andy
mentions that it looks like he is NOT getting any screen time in Barney's
play.Barney replies...Have you ever seen a virus scene played right?

Ya'll take care..and rememberIt's ya shocks..ya shocks!
Ain't you got a jack?

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question marks

2007-07-22 Thread ROBERT PHILLIPS

   To those of you who are having the question mark problem, you 
know, question marks
showing up where they are not suppose to. Well, I wonder; Did you buy your 
key boards at a questionable market place?

Bob Phillips
Glendale, Az


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