Andy's wife

2007-11-05 Thread now8tn
This is totally new to me and please forgive me if this question has been 
answered already. I just found that I was receiving the emails but they were 
going into my spam folder.  Anywaymy question is Did they ever address 
what happen to Andy's wife? My husband and I were wondering and I Google the 
Andy Griffin show and that's how I found your site.

Thanks for listening!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Leonard Blush

2007-11-05 Thread Mundy, Patricia L
I know someone here will know the answer to my questions.  When we hear Leonard 
Blush on the radio singing a song about Sylvia is this a real song 
(published)?  Which episode is that in?
Thanks, Pat Mundy 
WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-11-05 Thread jlj9675
Albert, are you in advertising?  You should be!  I thoroughly enjoyed your 
plug for Foley's and the cute jingle in there too!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Aunt Bee's Rude

2007-11-05 Thread Marie
I have heard, too, that it was Ron Howard and his children (or his son) 
who wanted to visit Ms. Bavier and she refused, saying it was not a 
good time.

Perhaps she was ill. Or perhaps she didn't want her neighbours thinking 
Opie was visiting Aunt Bee. Or maybe her house needed a good cleaning.

Either way I find the story of Frances Bavier not being too friendly as 
upsetting as that of Vivian Vance cheering when word came that Wm. 
Frawley had passed on. I like my television stars to all get along.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Bargain Episodes

2007-11-05 Thread Karen Southwell

someone gave me one of those bargain dvds a few years ago and my Mama bought 
another one at Wal-Mart. They are the public domain episodes. However the music 
is apparently not in the public domain because these dvds have different music 
on them. The one I have has NO original music. No Fishing Hole, no nothin'! It 
is very weird watching them without the right music. Since I got the Paramount 
dvds, I don't watch them at all. I also bought a Drag Net dvd and it did not 
have Tum-ta-tum-tum, Tum-ta-tum-tum-TAH! What a bummer.
Karen (sometimes known as Sharon)

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Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 8, Issue 311

2007-11-05 Thread Dan Johnson
 Message: 3 
 Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 18:35:59 -0500 
 From: Dan Goodwin 
 Subject: Alumni Sighting 
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii 
 Caught our Miss Ellie on Star Trek today. 
A good Dan is hard to find. Looks like we've got two of them here!

I saw the Trek episode you mentioned, Dan. It's a really good one, 
Metamorphosis. I've noticed quite a few other TAGS actors on Star Trek in the 
past. Off the top of my head, I can recall Susan Oliver (the beautiful lady 
prisoner who bewitched Andy and Barney) was in the original pilot for Trek, 
The Cage, with Jefferey Hunter. Clint Howard (Leon) played an alien in The 
Corbomite Manuever. Stanley Adams, Otis' brother, was in The Trouble With 
Tribbles (a personal favorite of mine). I can't recall his name offhand, but 
the actor  who played Ol' Fletch was in three Trek episodes, The Cage, 
Return of the Archons and For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the 
Sky. Plus, you can see the main street of Mayberry doing double duty as a 
street of 1930 New York in The City on the Edge of Forever.

Dan Johnson
WBMUTBB mailing list

Race relations

2007-11-05 Thread Hal G. Truitt
OK - I'm still a bit of a newcomer to the board here, so bear with me if this 
topic has been covered 1000 times.  I have often been curious about how few 
Black actors I have noticed on TAGS.  I am not the trained noticer that so many 
of y'all are, but I do consider myself an advaced amateur.  My guesses are:

1.  Early 60's, and it was just common across all prime-time television
2.  Fewer Black actors in general
3.  I'm not really familiar with the racial demographics of NC, or that part of 
the state in particular.  Were Blacks just a very small percentage of the local 

Regardless - I recently saw the episode when Earnest T. comes to town in search 
of a uniform, and I noticed 2 young Black gentlemen in the Army recruiting 
office.  Are there other episodes that include 2 or more Blacks?

Respectfully submitted,
WBMUTBB mailing list