RE: Dan's theories/Miracle Salve.

2007-11-18 Thread decca58

What won't Miracle Salve cure?! A 1001 uses and Dan just made it 1002!! Nothing 
takes care of a theory like Miracle Salve. 
Mange, burns, scraped knees, theories  Miracle Salve IS the cure all for 
you all. Also makes an ideal belt dressing for those squeaky fan and V-belts 
under the hood. Says Parnell Rigsby, "Burned my hand once tending to the logs 
in the fireplace and that wonder salve patched me up right quick. Used it on my 
mailbox to take the squeak outta' the door and the flag, too. Now Talbot don't 
grouse to me no more about mailbox maintenance."
Miracle Salve - make it part of your life today!
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Annual Anniversary Message

2007-11-18 Thread Bob Bravetti
Hi Everyone:  When Allan & I got his board going 17 years ago, who knew it
would last this long?  This month marks another anniversary of WBMUTBB.  We
got official verification in November of 1992.  What a blast it has been.
I'll keep my words short his year, but I'm including two actual posts from
the Prodigy Network bulletin board from 1992.  The first was an anniversary
message from me to Allan.  The second is a two year anniversary message from
Allan Newsome.  Remember, this board doesn't exist without the ongoing and
dedicated work of Allan.  It's time to "give thanks".  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!




11/08/92  6 :35 PM





Hey Allan, I'm poppin' open some champagne right now! I

think the board will be bigger and better in the next year

cause I expect more participation through members of the

Rerun Watchers Club . The only thing that I don't like about

this board is to see some of our regulars leave us . Whether

they just leave the Prodigy system or our board, I feel bad

because of all the good input we've gotten from them . My

two years here have been great for the exact same reason

that you stated . Good talk with good people . This is the

kind of group that would put together that bandstand,

assemble the town band and get those uniforms in top shape.

While it would be nice to say that we're all gonna meet for

a big Mayberry picnic in the Ozarks next summer, we know the

logistics of such an idea are tough .

So anyway, after I moved to a new state a few months ago and

not knowing anyone here, this board gave me much pleasure

because of the conversations and the friendships. For all

the people new here, we'll hope you'll stick around awhile .

And for the old timers, hang in with us . This is one of the

nicest boards on the system .

And to you Allan, thank you for getting us started and

nurturing this board in a way that has kept it a fun place

to visit .

"Hail to thee, Miss Mayberry"

Your friend,





PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service

11/08 5:23 PM





Hey Everybody,

Well, it's that time again folks . The State of the TAGS

Board Address is once again upon us .

This month marks the TWO YEAR anniversary of our subject

line here on Prodigy.

Two years. . . wow

A friend of all of us, one of our own, wrote to me saying

that he was asked, "How can you stay on one subject for two


His reply was that it was the "good people" that

kept him comi :' back . I have to agree.

When I started this board, the conflict in the Gulf was

just about to happen . Things in the outside world were kind

of tense .

I wanted to have a place where folks could come and

forget the troubles they had to face everyday . So, I made

the subject "Andy Griffith Show" and I got two replies . One

from Bob and the other from Pam . Then a magical thing

started happening. Folks from all over the country started

writing in to talk to us about our favorite little town .

Mayberry was reborn here on Prodigy. The folks who

wandered into town were always the kind of people that you

want to stop and talk to about how things were goin . People

began to become friends and the board grew, and grew .

Over the past two years I've become friends with most of

the folks in our little town and, given time, I'll be with

everybody . I talk about folks on this board like they lived

next door to me . I know a lot about most of ya' ; where ya'

work, how many kids ya' have,etc . . . . .

You've all become my friends . Thank you for that . It

let's us know that there are people all over this big

country of ours that are "good people" . Folks you could

depend on to help you start your car in the rain, check on

you if you weren't around for a while . That kind of folks .

"Good people" . How could it be said better . It seems to

me that folks that love TAGS like we do, just tend to be

"good people" .

Our board is different . Over the past two years, we've

had a few "Ben Weaver's" come to town . Not many, mind you,

but a few . We made it through it all because we just didn't

let folks like that get our goat .

You've all been to other boards where everybody's mean

mouthing each other . It's not like that here, never was,

never will be . Thank you all for that .

I've tried to tell y'all what this board means to

me . . . . It means, friends.

I don't get all mushy too often

and this year has been one that has seen me slip on my

activity with y'all . Through it all, from the start there's

been Bob. He's been here the whole time, active . Thank you

Bob, for all you've done to keep this board movin' in the

right direction.

Here's what I'd like to see from all you folks . Write

you're own version of the State of the Board address as a

reply to this post . Tell us all what the board has ment to

you . Oh, you don't have t

Re: Miscommunication

2007-11-18 Thread Royce Thrower
> Another thing, if Andy Griffith and the entire cast
> were so close and loving, how could there have been
> the mixup with Andy quitting the show after 5 years
> so that Don Knotts made his movie deal, when in
> fact, Andy stayed on.  Major miscommunication that
> you wouldn't expect from people supposedly so close.
>  I just wish we'd had 3 more years of Barn.
> --

The way I have always heard this story is that Andy
INTENDED on leaving and announced that intention
repeatedly during the filming of year 5.  Apparently
Don double checked with him before signing the movie
deal and was told (truthfully at the time) that Andy
was indeed still planning on moving on.  It was AFTER
Don signed his deal that Andy changed his mind about
coming back.  Alas it was too late for our dear ol'
Barn to stay.  Thank goodness we had the guest spots!



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Women of Mayberry

2007-11-18 Thread Marie
saw this at Ebay: 

My Aunt Emma isn't pictured, nor are Nurse Peggy, Lydia Crosswaite, 
Ernest T's Sweet Romeena, Laura Lee Hobbs, Mrs. Emmitt Fix-It-Man, or 
Mrs. Sprague. The Fun Girls aren't there because they're from Mt. Pilot, 
I reckon. At least I finally get to see Sarah at her job.

WBMUTBB mailing list

I apologize

2007-11-18 Thread Marie
If my post yesterday offended anyone I am truly sorry. I let my emotions 
get the better of me & I just posted my outrage when I should have typed 
it up and deleted the email unsent.

I am more thankful than he can know to Allan for fixing it at Wikipedia. 
I just didn't go to the trouble of registering and fixing it myself & 
that was not Mayberry-like. The Mayberry thing--okay, the Andy thing--to 
do would be to quietly go in and fix the problem without calling 
attention to it in the firts place so that few, if any, know. How many 
times did Andge fix Barney's problems and nobody ever knew he'd messed up?

So mea culpa to me


WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-11-18 Thread Janet Nelson
Hey, I was wondering, who was the man who announced the stars names and name of 
the show at the beginning of TAGS? You dont reckon it was Mr.Shwamp.HA,HA!
  Randy Nelson
  "Nip It"

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Philosophical meanderings

2007-11-18 Thread Carol Stonemetz
I went to the Wikipedia link and did not see this offensive entry so maybe it 
has blessedly been removed.  Apparently the poster of this discussion thread is 
one of those obsessed with sex and assumes the rest of us are too. A lady who 
was offended by vulgar language like "running with" would not be compromising 
her reputation nor the sanctity of her body by engaging in premarital sex.  
Andy would not be expecting this either.  Contrary to what is unfortunately 
depicted in and promoted by the mainstream media, sex is not the be-all and 
end-all of life. PTL for sensible folks like those here
in our Mayberry corner!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

Aunt Bee, you are very wise and wonderful woman.  You excellently expressed 
what I have often thought.  
We are quite a mixed bunch here in this part of Mayberry.  We represent all the 
personality types depicted on TAGS.  We have wise people, very funny and 
talented contributors, trained noticers, superstitious (that's caution!) folks, 
impetuous people and sensitive, pardon me, I meant spirited people also.  I 
don't represent any of the finer traits, but am glad there are those of you who 
do.  I'm the type who would get my skinny little veins a poppin' over a minor 
A while back there was a quiz we could take which would tell who we most 
resembled of TAGS characters.  Somehow I scored as an Andy when actually I feel 
I'm more like a Mary Grace with a bit of Newton Monroe and Barney thrown in.  
I'm nice, real nice (most of the time), but I am inept in lots of areas.

Kind behind the eyes
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