Restoration question

2008-06-14 Thread Rod Sadler
  I have a beautiful drawing that I did of Don Knotts, and he signed it back in 
1996.  Little did I know at the time that the signature would fade if exposed 
to certain kinds of light over time.  While it's still visible, it is very 
faint.  Does anyone know of a way to restore that signature?  I'm thinking 
there isn't a way, but thought I would check.
  Rod Sadler
  Mayberry Michigan Chapter, TAGSRWC

WBMUTBB mailing list

Restoring autograph

2008-06-14 Thread Janet Anderson
I have a beautiful drawing that I did of Don Knotts, and he signed it back 
in 1996.  Little did I know at the time that the signature would fade if 
exposed to certain kinds of light over time.  While it's still visible, it 
is very faint.  Does anyone know of a way to restore that signature?  I'm 
thinking there isn't a way, but thought I would check.

Rod, I think maybe Don slipped one over on you.  He probably used that 
disappearing ink trick that Andy used on the Darlings when they wanted to 
betroth Andelina to Opie!

Seriously, though, I don't know of any way you could restore the original 
signature itself.  The only solution I can think of is to make a good quality 
(high resolution) scan and do some work on it in Photoshop or a similar 
computer program.  By selecting the signature only and then darkening it, you 
could probably bring it back to its original appearance.  Of course, it would 
only be a copy of the actual autograph.  Still, this method would at least give 
you something to display without the worry of further fading.  If you don't 
have the hardware/software and skill to do this yourself, a family member or 
friend might have.  Otherwise, you might try taking it to a lab that does photo 
restoration work.

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Cast Sighting

2008-06-14 Thread Danny Taylor
Saw Bert Mustin tonight on an episode of Alfred Hitchcock. He was playing
the owner of a hardware store. The sheriff was played by Fess Parker. It
took me a while to figure out who Fess was, I knew the voice was familiar
but he sure didn't look like Daniel Boone. LOL

Dapper Dan 
I don't want to make a big moulage out of this. 

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