[no subject]

2008-10-24 Thread Marcia Ott
My name is Mikey Ott, I'm in Oroville, Ca. 60 years young, husband, dog, cat.
 I've been a AG nut for years, I love to quote from the show as much as I can. 
In response to Mayberry romance don't forget Ted Wheems real dreamy stuff!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Confirmation of Schwamp sighting

2008-10-24 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>I had an offline conversation with Tom KesselSO at his request, I
sent him the Youtube.com  link of Christmas in Connecticut (#9 of 11).
Do you know what he noticed in that little clip a little over 3 minutes
in?  The way he (Mr. Schwamp or not) folded  his hands in his lap.  He
said.  That is him!  I can tell by the hands!<<<

Wow!  That is REAL trained noticing on Tom Kessel's part!  I never observed 
that myself, although I did exercise my womanly prerogative to change my mind 
last year and decided that it probably was Mr. Schwamp in "Christmas in 
Connecticut" during that square dance scene.  I based my conclusion on his 
general appearance, especially the hair.  But I agree with Joe -- I think Tom's 
clue clinches it.  I will enjoy watching "CIC" all the more this year knowing 
that it is our beloved Schwamp in that scene.

Thanks, Tom!

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

To see the Andy and Opie again

2008-10-24 Thread Tom Lawrence

Want to read Hotmail messages in Outlook? The Wordsmiths show you how.
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The Taylor/Fife administration

2008-10-24 Thread Tom Lawrence

Vote Taylor-Fife in 2008!
Floyd for Attorney General to cut down on clip joints.
Howard for Secretary of State.
Goober for, well, parking the cars.
You live life beyond your PC. So now Windows goes beyond your PC.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Vote Taylor/Fife in 08

2008-10-24 Thread Tom Lawrence

Good to see Andy and Opie still spending time together. Smart folks.
And that nice Cunningham kid and his hoodlum friend, too. Ayyy!
As far as politics, I say vote Taylor/Fife in 08!
And I still back Floyd as the next debate moderator. He asks the hard questions 
and Goober is a solid citizen unafraid of the truth: "Ain't you got a jack?"
Want to read Hotmail messages in Outlook? The Wordsmiths show you how.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 9, Issue 293

2008-10-24 Thread Ron McLendon
As for the 40 Acres in "Star Trek", the set was actually used in three Star 
Trek episodes, among other series and movies.  You can get the lowdown here: 

**Barn (Ron McLendon) 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Ron Howard's political ad

2008-10-24 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>Andy Griffith and Ron Howard have teamed up and shot a commercial  
supporting Obama. They are in character as Andy and Opie, as well as  
a segment featuring Richie and Fonzie from Happy Days. It surprises  
me that they would use those characters to promote a political party.<<<

Yes, my husband found the link for that and showed it to me.  Irrespective of 
who I'm supporting in the election, I am very disappointed that Ron and Andy 
would politicize the TAGS characters.  I wouldn't want them to do that for 
*either* candidate.  I think it was an unwise decision on their part.

It was interesting to note, however, that Ron, Andy, and Henry Winkler gave us 
no actual reasons for voting for their man other than the nebulous mantra of 
"change."  The whole message seemed to hinge on its entertainment value.

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Kissy Face, Kissy Face

2008-10-24 Thread Debbie DuBose

Dear Friends,
I have so enjoyed reading the Digests and all your comments especially in 
regards to Mayberry's funniest romantic moments.
The ones I like, that I don't think have been mentioned so far, are the ones 
where Barney's face is covered with Thelma Lou's
lipstick after a "kissy" session and he tries to act all normal.  (And if these 
have been mentioned, please forgive my mental fog.)
Like the time Barney  keeps his head stuck in  that filing cabinet hidden from 
Opie only to jerk up and scare the
child to death ("Pa, Pa, Barney's
bleeding."); to Barney sitting on Thel's couch with his legs crossed, trying to 
look all innocent, just
 holding that cup of coffee, telling Andy that he and Thelma
Lou had just been sitting there "talking the situation over"'  all the time his 
face covered with kissy lips; and then there's the time Andy calls out to 
Barney to help him sing "The Fox," we hear a slap, and then we see a sheepish 
Thelma Lou come out of Andy's house followed by Barney with the lipstick stained
face, both of them hoping so badly no one notices a thing out of the ordinary.
Now if that don't get you, you can't be got.
We talk about that at the Dime Store all the time.  If we did more selling than 
we did talking, maybe the economy wouldn't be as bad as
it is, but then neither me nor Lydia have any education in business.  Gossip we 
got our PhD in; business, no.  
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Gal Extraordinaire
"There he'll come, dragging that albatross behind him."
You live life beyond your PC. So now Windows goes beyond your PC.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-10-24 Thread Robert Fink
Please,  I don't care who you vote for, but lets keep politics out of 
our TAGS site.

Purlear, NC

WBMUTBB mailing list

Politics....please avoid or a least be kind

2008-10-24 Thread Allan Newsome


Be kind to one another and consider others feeling when you say anything 
having to do with politics or religion, PLEASE.

I know the real world bleeds into our little corner of Mayberry from 
time to time and elections such as this one cause that even more. But 
please realize that all of us have opinions about the two subjects I 
mentioned above. While we all have those opinions, this is not the place 
to voice them. 

Andy Griffith is for certain a Democrat.  "Andy Taylor" ran non-partisan 
races so lets keep them separate in our minds.  Same with Ron and Opie, etc.

We have to all remember that our little corner of Mayberry IS REAL but 
the one we watch and wish we could live in is something we dream of. Our 
nirvana (a place or state characterized by freedom from or oblivion to 
pain, worry, and the external world).  I want to keep our corner of 
Mayberry as much a place without worries from the external (real) world 
as possible so pleasehelp me.

So far as that video of Ron, Andy and Henry Winkler goesI enjoyed 
seeing "Opie" and "Richie" as well as Fonz and "Andy"...if you can't 
divorce yourself from the politics they speak ofturn off the sound 
and enjoy seeing the people we love.

--Allan Newsome
  "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster

WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-10-24 Thread Kim Heiden
My favorite romantic moment is when Gomer brings Mary Grace the cor-sage, it
twangs my heartstrings every time.   I also like it when at the dance Barney
hollers out to Thelma Lou, "you're the only girl I ever loved".   And in the
first Darling episode when Charlene tells Dud, "you're the sweetest boy what
ever growed".  Now those sentiments ought to be written on greeting cards.

I couldn't help but notice The Untrained Voice mentioned several romantic
encounters that fall into the "Love Hurts" category.  I'll be ol Sig Frood
could really do a good study on that.

Kim - Wylie, TX
WBMUTBB mailing list

Romance is in the air

2008-10-24 Thread castone59
How about the biggest romance of all time on TAGS?  All the men and women of
Mayberry making up after Andy finally endorses Ellie for the first female on
the town council.  Otis patted his wife's arm.  Hilda Mae and Barney smiled
at each other.  The whole crowd was romancing and the sheriff himself was
kissed by a council woman.

Kind behind the eyes

PS  Please don't let politics ruin Mayberry.  It's bad enough we're getting
that new bypass on account of Mayor Stoner's brother.
WBMUTBB mailing list

What Would Mayberry Do?

2008-10-24 Thread dudleygl

I know this digest isn't for endorsing candidates or anything like that, so I 
will not cross that boundary. (If anyone has any doubt as to which candidate 
for President?is dangerous for this country, feel free to e-mail me privately 
and I will be glad to enlighten you).

However, please consider this simple question as it relates to the upcoming 

Who would the majority of the people in our favorite hometown of Mayberry vote 
for? And I'm not talking about the real actors/actresses who are endorsing 
candidates. My question is?who would the God-fearing, church-going, 
hard-working people of Mayberry who cherish traditions, love this country,?and 
respect?veterans vote for?

Please put on your thinkin' buckets and take a think.

Thank You!

Gary in N.C.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and Opie video

2008-10-24 Thread Sandy St. Onge

I saw the videos on Show Biz Tonight.  All I can say is   "Surprise!  Surprise! 
 Surprise!"  as far as I'm concerned.  It 'is' election time and they have 
elections on TAGS.  

Fun Girl-Skippy
WBMUTBB mailing list

Election tension

2008-10-24 Thread blueridgebiker

Please Keep this page non-partison.
No dem plugs and no rep plugs.
I am a Christian and Vote with the party and candidate that has Christian 
morals and values and I will leave it at that.

Motorcycle riding Barn heading to check point chiki.
Give them 35 and they will take 40. 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-10-24 Thread hyperauntjan1
Let me get this straight Tom - we're not supposed to return to the days of 
pro-GOP comments, but you feel fine in making pro- Democrat comments? You don't 
have to put a bucket on your head to realize that neither sentiments have a 
place here in Mayberry.

" How I vote, Brother, is my business!"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Romantic Moments

2008-10-24 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)
This is a great discussion of the Romantic Moments!
How about when the very dejected Barn, learning of Thel's marriage to a 
wrecking crew foreman, meets Nettie Albright ("it's just go, go, go!").  "I see 
you're a blonde now..."

WBMUTBB mailing list

Romantic Moments

2008-10-24 Thread bcunnin107

re: Romantic Moments

Perhaps one of the best of all time, to my knowledge as not been mentioned:

It's when Andy sees Sharon DeSpain (sp?) again at the high school reunion. 
Barney says "It's one of the greatest natural romances of all time and it's 
still going..." Then they dance, chat outside, remember what broke them up and 
"go back inside for the last dance"

Brad "Neil Bentley" Cunningham
"My card, in case you ever need my services"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Ron Howard election video

2008-10-24 Thread Brad Keim

Here's Ron Howard talking about the elections, as well as the videos:


Sorry for getting off the TAGS base.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Something BIG from Opie, Andy & The Fonz!!!

2008-10-24 Thread Samantha
Well every one has been wondering who Andy is voting for well this video tells 
you... along with Opie & The Fonz. This video is so great!!! Well at least the 
beginning is... you must watch this! and enjoy.. follow this link: 


WBMUTBB mailing list

77 Documented Cases....

2008-10-24 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)
Well, after hearing about "that new commercial," I wonder if Barn now carries 
"77 documented cases of malfeasance"?

Over and Under,
Clyde "Barn"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and Opie commercial for Obama

2008-10-24 Thread Brad Keim
Andy Griffith and Ron Howard have teamed up and shot a commercial  
supporting Obama. They are in character as Andy and Opie, as well as  
a segment featuring Richie and Fonzie from Happy Days. It surprises  
me that they would use those characters to promote a political party.  
Check it out at the link below.


Douglasville, GA
WBMUTBB mailing list