Bard and Andy (oops)

2008-11-21 Thread Rod Sadler
Sorry, I hit the send button accidentally.
Anyway, as a procurer of useless trivia, I thought it was fascinating that the 
guitar that Andy used on the show was the same guitar that he had carried in A 
Face in the Crowd movie.  He mentions in the video with Brad that it was 
originally black, and that he very carefully sanded it down, then had it 
refinished and used it on TAGS.  He said it was never played in the movie.
Low and behold, when Brad visited Andy's house, he saw the guitar, and played a 
few sons on it too.
Rod Sadler
Mayberry Michigan Chapter, TAGSRWC

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Brad and Andy

2008-11-21 Thread Rod Sadler
As a procurer of 

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Unanswered Questions

2008-11-21 Thread bcunnin107

I think these two are answered:

09) What really happened in the old Remshaw House? 
08) Who was the nut that told Lee Drake the same story of Andy leaving town 
Goober did? 

09) What happened in the old Rimshaw house was alluded to in the episode. Otis 
and Black Jack (or whatever his name was) were running a still in the Old 
Rimshaw place. Apparently, they?concocted the haunting stories to keep people 

08) I think Lee Drake was referring to Goober ?when she said some nut told me 
you'd left Town. Goober had acted rather goofy in front of her..

Brad Neil Bentley Cunningham
My card, in case you ever need my services.
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RE: Lucky Penny

2008-11-21 Thread Good, Don
...In reference to trains 'A penny that has been run over by a
train, IS


If you get than done to a penny yourself, just make sure you take it out
of your pocket first.

Don Good
(And DON'T drink the stagnate water!)

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Howard's mother

2008-11-21 Thread Sandy St. Onge
I think Howard's mother got married.  We know that she could let go of Howard 
when she danced the night away on one episode.  It's ditto for me on Doug's 
number one thing of 'things he learned from the Andy Griffith Show'.  I sooo 
get lost in the show when it's on and of course I have to come back to reality 
when trying to find something worth while to watch at other times.  

Fun Girl- Skippy in IN
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2008-11-21 Thread Ctmidway57
Trains run over pennies every day, I am sure. I even tried it in my  Mayberry 
once. Not only a penny but a nickel as well. Never found either one!  That 
train must have knocked them a country mile when it hit them. I checked  around 
for about 50 feet in every direction and they were nowhere to be found.  Guess 
they stuck to the wheel!!
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re: #1

2008-11-21 Thread dudleygl
Mike as a grown woman I feel compelled to answer your # 1 question 01) Just
what can you do with a grown woman?

First you pick her up in your car (very important that it's clean).
Take her to the various shops and bazaars of Mayberry (carry the packages).
Then out to lunch (don't let the waitress squash her pie).? After which you
will give your opinion on the dress with the red dot or the green stripe (be
prepared to say they both look great).? Then to visit her mother.?? No doubt
about, it's a fun day.? Remember to avoid saying you have her in your hip

If you really want to impress her, take her out to Morrelli's. They've got one 
of those open kitchens so you can watch them pound the steak. If you feel like 
really puttin' on the dog, tip the gypsy violinist a quarter. Just be warned - 
they're kinda moody.

Barney Rubble
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's Guitar on TAGS

2008-11-21 Thread Jeff Koontz
He mentions in the video with Brad that it was originally black, and that
he very carefully sanded it down, then had it refinished and used it on
TAGS. He said it was never played in the movie.

One thing about Andy's refinished guitar, he did not have the pickguard put 
back. If you watch episodes, sometimes he plays a guitar with and one without 
(pickguard is put below the strings and sound hole to protect the wood face). 
The Martin D-18 Andy Griffith signature model has a pickguard, but it is clear 
plastic and gives the appearance of no pickguard - just like Andy's original 



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ten things

2008-11-21 Thread jlj9675

Amen, Doug, Amen!  Especially #1!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

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Dealing with women

2008-11-21 Thread jlj9675
Kim, you are so right!  I very much enjoyed your posting today.  You folks 
who can  incorporate several aspects or quotes and such into entertaining 
and clever passages sure do have my admiration.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

History in the making

2008-11-21 Thread Holland Shoaf

I wonder if the writers, producers, actors/es's knew they were making an 
American icon..history when they were producing TAGS? Like Geore Washington 
crossing the Potomac, first man on the moon, Orville flying that plane, Thomas 
Edison ...etc and then . THEN .. THEN there was the TAGS crew. Were 
they thinking  hmmm ; everything we write or think up will one day be written 
in a book, talked about on some  future internet bulletin , there will be 
parades, festivals, merchandise galore etc...
discussed to the point that even WE will be known by name ?
Golly gee wiz Wally, I sure love The Andy Griffith Show
reader of Mayberry 101  Behind the scenes of a TV classic

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