Barney's pronunciation

2010-01-01 Thread Janet Anderson
Barney was describing a new car that a dish towel salesman drove.The car was 
described as a coupe.Barney pronounced it as a coopay.

As a former French teacher, that's how I say it, too.  And in this case, Barney 
is actually correct in how he pronounces a word!  The word coupe used to 
describe a type of car originates from the past participle of the French verb 
couper, which means to cut.  The word can also be pronounced like coop, 
and I think this is more common because it is the Anglicized version of the 
original French.

Although I was already familiar with the word, long having been an admirer of 
old cars, I wasn't sure what this designation meant, so I looked it up and 
discovered that a coupe is a two-door closed car that is shorter than a sedan 
of the same model.

Thelma Lou

And yes, my education was worth every penny!

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salt-rising bread

2010-01-01 Thread jlj9675
For salt-rising bread,  just google it and you'll find many recipes plus you 
can buy it from the Cuba Cheese Shoppe online too.  I've never had it but 
I'm getting motivated to try to make some soon!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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Floyd's barber

2010-01-01 Thread RBlanke1
He probably cuts his own hair.   After all, he use to practice on  cats in 
the neighborhood.  They had the baldest cats in town.   
Them Timers are Tricky Chapter
If it  ain't Bluegrass, it ain't  music.

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The Church Organ

2010-01-01 Thread Paul Mulik
Have you ever watched an episode and wished it had turned out differently? 
Every time I see The Church Organ, I can't help but think the ending could have 
been better. Remember, Mr. Robinson was selling his organ to raise money for a 
new barn. So instead of the conflict being resolved by having Clara making 
goo-goo eyes at him like a silly schoolgirl, wouldn't it have been much more 
satisfactory if the men of the church all got together and BUILT the new barn?
Paul Mulik
P.S. Lots of people pronounce the word coupe as coo-pay.  Paul Harvey, for 
one, always pronounced it that way.
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Mayberry Everywhere

2010-01-01 Thread Larry Gillum
Several years ago a French-speaking boy from Belgium lived with us while 
attending a local university.   We became his home and family, and he is still 
fondly considered to be one of our sons. Many of our family customs and 
characteristics were new and unfamiliar to this lad from a faraway land.   
Geoffrey adapted quickly and came to love some of the things that were 
important for us.   In his recent Christmas letter, he was reminiscing about 
all the warm and wonderful things he remembered from his days with us.   I 
thought you'd appreciate two of Geoffrey's sentences, reprinted below:(Did 
I teach him right?)

  And of course, I remember The Andy Griffith
show and Barney Fife -- what a character!  What good memories! 

Geoffrey was a very quiet, passive kid with little expression, but I'm here to 
tell you -- Barney Fife had Geoffrey rolling on the floor with laughter!   As 
you can see, he never forgot his first exposure to Mayberry in the U.S. of A.   

Speaking of French, when Barney pronounces coupé, he's trying to impress us 
that he really knows this exotic language and coo-pay is actually the way 
it's said in French.   Once he reminded us, You're not talkin' to a jerk, ya 
know.Bon jour!   

Larry in CO
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Re: Almost Andy

2010-01-01 Thread King of Mayberry
That was a great story about Art Fettig, the 'Almost Andy' impersonator of Andy 
Griffith. I met him at Mayberry Days 2009 both in the parade and backstage at 
Col. Tim's Talent Time. He does look amazingly like Andy Griffith (more like 
Matlock than Andy Taylor). He was a very nice man to talk with and I thoroughly 
enjoyed getting my picture made with him. He's probably as close as I'll ever 
get to meeting the big guy himself. I hope he
comes back to Mayberry Days this year also.

Mr. Schwamp

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2010-01-01 Thread Ken Anderson
Just got my computer back from the shop and all my previous emails got 
deleted so not sure if this was mentioned.  My favorite mispronouciation by 
Barney was when he pronounces apathy as

a - path - ee.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701 

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