re: Hendricks' overalls

2010-06-29 Thread Albert

While watching TVLand yesterday, I noticed that they broadcast the episode 
that I appeared in. I noticed that in the barn scene I was wearing my best 
pair of overalls. It got me to thinking. Jeff Pruitt wore overalls. Mr. 
Frisby wore overalls. And a few of the townsmen wore overalls when they 
fixed up Frank Meyer's house. Can anyone recall anyone else wearing 


Ahhh, good question there Mister Butter and Egg man!  Off hand I'm thinking of 
those moonshiner boys that Andy locked up and Barney gave those various craft 
kits to. I do believe several of them were wearing overalls (but not as nice 
looking as the pair that Jeff Pruitt was wearing)


Eggs: Chicken, Buzzard, Hawk... thems all good. Golf eggs? Worse excuse for an 
egg there is. ~ Granny
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Making money as a kid

2010-06-29 Thread Janet Anderson
Now I would imagine many of you must have had some interesting and creative 
ways to make money as a kid.  It would be great reading all about them.

Unlike you and Opie, Ken, I did not live in town and, thus, many money-making 
opportunities were simply not available to me.  I identify more with Frankie 
Flint, having grown up out in the country on a farm.  Helping my mom in the 
house, working in the garden, or helping my dad with farm work was something 
that was expected of us kids, so there was no way to make money at home.  And 
the nearest town was several miles away--too far to walk or ride my bike.  At 
some point, having come up with no other way to acquire some cash, I asked my 
parents for an allowance.  Having been kids during the Great Depression, they 
were resistant to the idea.  They weren't mean and stingy, but they were 
certainly frugal, and money was not to be wasted.  They figured that if I 
needed something, they would provide it.  Finally, they relented and gave me a 
nickel a week.  Mind you, this was a few years after Opie was getting a QUARTER 
from Andy!  In a few years, I managed to get them to raise it to a dime.  
Needless to say, I didn't go on many buying sprees.  I managed a comic book 
from time to time, and when I was older it took me several weeks to save up 
enough to buy a 45 rpm record.  The only time I went to the movies as a kid was 
once (once!) when my parents took us to a drive-in to see a Disney double 

At the time, I was envious of other kids I knew who received a much more 
generous allowance or whose parents from time to time simply gave them extra 
money or something special they wanted.  Yes, I probably did think my folks 
were unreasonably tight-fisted.  However, when I got older, I discovered that 
the money they could have given us for frivolous things when we were young was 
being systematically put aside into savings for all three of us kids as college 
funds.  And we did all go to college.  My sister has a B.S., I have an M.A., 
and my brother has a Ph.D.

As for any real money-making opportunities, those didn't arrive until we were 
all old enough to drive and get jobs away from the farm.

Thelma Lou
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Forwarding digests - repercussions

2010-06-29 Thread Marsha Scheuermann
Folks, I don't post here very often but I'm a faithful reader.  I enjoy the
digest and love that Allan keeps us on the friendly side of the fence, and
offers a gentle reminder of the digest rules whenever it's necessary.   Now,
some of you know that one of our members had to be unsubscribed a few months
ago due to some unsavory emails and comments that this member was making.
Allan asked all of us not to forward the digest to this person because it
would be better for everyone involved if we closed the Golden Door To Good
Fellowship and maybe this person would understand that Mayberry is not the
place for negativity.
However, and I hope Allan will allow me to say this without feeling I'm
breaking the digest rules (because it truly is about trying to keep things
positive), someone has continued to forward the digest to Tom Kessel even
though Allan specifically asked the members to not do this.  I feel sure
that the person or persons who forward Tom the digest are not aware that Tom
has been emailing one of our members (Ken Anderson) with the nastiest,
hate-filled and foul language-laced messages, simply because Ken posts quite
often on the digest.  Now, Allan may choose to delete this part, and if he
does, I will understand, but I feel that the folks who mean well by sending
Tom the digest should see just a tiny bit of what Ken is dealing with these
days.  He has received three hateful emails in the past few days and I'm
sure I will get some now that I am posting this, but I've had many, many
threatening and extremely nasty emails from Tom in the past and I know what
to expect from him so I'm prepared.  I also know that Ken and I did nothing
wrong at any time, but Tom still felt the need to rant and rave at us about
the mere fact that we did not see things his way.  Please just hit 'delete'
if you do not want to see any of this, but if you are forwarding the digest,
I appeal to you to please, please stop sending it to Tom because this is
just a small taste of what he has been sending to Ken.  I know you are
innocently thinking you are helping someone by doing a good deed, but please
understand that Allan had a very good number of reasons to unsubscribe Tom
from the digest.  This is just a taste of what Ken, Allan and I have dealt
with for almost two years now (I AM ONLY POSTING THIS SO THAT YOU CAN SEE
ill aways hate your friend (Allan) fot what he did + knowing you make sure
you tell him I wrote you.  but I see you still 
submit almost every day more messages to post.  Ken you more than anyone
posts the most. two like today. why not give your chin a 
reest like goober once said of flloyd. you got this thing you think In your
(expletive deleted) head you can post 
 almst every day. I know you're a turncoat but heed my advise pal give
others who struggle to get on. you may have a lot of so called friends 
who love reading your long winded postings but ken like it or not not
everyone enjoys you hogging the website. for god sake even with your 
big ego can't you take a rest so I and others can enjoy hearing what others
are saying? try it. you must think you got a right to post the most my 
god I read this post every morning thru your friends who prefer to privately
hear my thoughts. so tel your buddy (Allan) I wrote. stir up more trouble.
but I advise you kee your (expletive deleted) jmouth shut. this is between
you + I. with your 
ego I'm sure you'll tell someone.  You prove my case.
Folks, this is just a TINY taste of the long and expletive-laced, hateful
emails Tom has been sending Ken SIMPLY BECAUSE KEN HAS BEEN POSTING ON THE
DIGEST FREQUENTLY!   PLEASE honor Allan's request to not send Tom Kessel any
more digests.  He is probably being very nice to those who are doing the
forwarding, and I'm happy if he is, because I would never ever want anyone
to experience the vile emails that Ken, Allan and myself have had to deal
with (there is another person who also has been the recipient of Tom's nasty
emails, but he's recovering from surgery so I am leaving his name out so
that he doesn't have to deal with any of this right now).  
You mean well, of course, but you don't realize what is going on behind the
scenes here.  Thanks for listening (reading).  I'm sure I will now get
several threatening emails from Mr. Kessel, and I'm prepared.  
 --Marsha Scheuermann  
When you have come to the edge 
Of all light that you know,
And are about to drop off
Into the darkness of the unknown,
Faith is knowing one of two things will happen:
There will be something solid to stand on, 
Or you will be taught to fly.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-06-29 Thread Victor Friskey
I was watching Gomer Pyle, U.S.M. C. a spinoff of TAGS and was wondering if 
this was the first spinoff...Jerome Graber

there were several spinoffs long before Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.  The first was The 
Adventures of Champion.. 1955-56 ..a spinoff from The Gene Autry Show...1950-56.
The first comedy show with a spin-off may have been December Bride, starring 
Spring Byington and Co-starring Harry Morgan who was her neighbor Pete 
Porter..Morgan was given the starring role in Pete and Gladys in 1960...
All In The Family leads the way with the most spin-offs, with Maude, The 
Jeffersons, Gloria, Archie's Place, In turn Maude spun off Good Times, and The 
Jeffersons spun off , Checking In. However TAGS may carry the torch as having 
two of the most successful spin-offs from a single series...Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C. 
held in the ten T.V shows along with TAGS its entire run. Although it did slip 
to #10 in the 1966-67 season but rebounded to #3 and #2 in succeeding seasons.  
Mayberry R.F.D. held in #4 place as the most watched TV show its first two 
seasons but fell to #15 in its third before being cancelled...
Hope this answers your question
vic friskey


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Re: spinoffs

2010-06-29 Thread Dixonhayes
Thanks to everyone about the spinoffs, there were a couple I had forgotten  
(The Honeymooners, The Adventures of Champion) that were mentioned.  I  
also forgot one more: if The Honeymooners counts, so does Gumby, which  
happened to be a spinoff of Howdy Doody.
And I think The Danny Thomas Show actually had one other spinoff--The  
Bill Dana Show--although TAGS came first.
On the CBS 50th Anniversary show in 1978, there was a production number  
called The Spin-Off Blues, featuring Carroll O'Connor, Mary Tyler Moore and  
Danny Thomas.  Danny's part featured clips from TAGS, Gomer and MRFD.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Emancipation Proclamation

2010-06-29 Thread Ken Anderson
I read an interesting article in this mornings paper where a rare copy of 
the Emancipation Proclamation, signed by President Lincoln, arrived in the 
Oval Office for Martin Luther King Jr. Day in January and has been hanging 
out just above a bronze bust of King ever since, will now be moving on to an 
unknown destination for viewing.

For those of you who don't know any thing about the Emancipation 
Proclamation well I can help you out as history is a hobby of mine.  The 
Emancipation Proclamation was a proclamation.  There were these folks who 
wanted to be emancipated so they wrote a proclamation and they called it the 
Emancipation Proclamation.  And I am surprised some of you didn't know that.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701

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Not a Spin-off

2010-06-29 Thread Bob Bravetti
I agree with Wikipedia.  TAGS is not a true spin-off, but a variant of a
spin-off.  Nobody from TAGS was a main or supporting character of the Danny
Thomas Show.  Not a true spin-off.  See Wikipedia for much detail on the



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kid money

2010-06-29 Thread Martha Humphreys
Also other vending machines, which
was handy because as soon as you found money you could spend it.

And checking for extra games on pinball machines.  Sometime in my twenties* I 
learned that from a twelve-year-old in Ocean City, MD.

Martha Humphreys, the forever youthful
Huntsville. AL

*So?  Some of us stay kids longer than others.
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2010-06-29 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. My mother told me that her father (born in 1877) was a 
most handsome man when he wore new overalls with a white shirt and tie. 
Overalls were very popular in that time. Also, I've been thinking about Newton 
Monroe. Here where I live I'm about halfway, more or less, between Newton, NC 
and Monroe, NC. Do you think the writers of TAGS had that in mind?

  Larry in Lincolnton
I'm ept!.Newton Monroe

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haunted house

2010-06-29 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. I just finished watching The Haunted House episode. 
When I was a teenager, driving around the country and exploring old farm houses 
and barns was a favorite pastime. It was fun and spooky, but my favorite part 
was when your current girlfriend wanted to be very close. I had to protect her 
from the boogers.

  Larry in Lincolnton

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RE: Emancipation Proclamation

2010-06-29 Thread Good, Don
...The Emancipation Proclamation was a proclamation.  There were these
folks who 
wanted to be emancipated so they wrote a proclamation and they called it
Emancipation Proclamation.  And I am surprised some of you didn't know

I guess that's true. After all, how were they going to be emancipated
unless there was a proclamation?

Don Good
(who's education was worth every penny and paid a LOT of pennies for
it. Some folks say I didn't get my money's worth.)

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Re: overalls and Andy's Health

2010-06-29 Thread daltonarick
it seemS Hudge from Loaded Goat and Don Rickles when he painted Andy's porch.  
I know there are others.
As for Andy's health this is the first I heard of any inkling, of he might be 
sick.  I wish him the best.
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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History as a Hobby

2010-06-29 Thread hyperauntjan1

 Ken, I already knew about the Emancipation Proclamation - and I'm really 
surprised that you think I didn't know about it.
However, I'm a little fuzzy on the Monroe Doctrine - didn't Calvin Coolidge 
write that?

I also struggle a little with the Preamble to the Constitution - I just can't 
get my hair to stand up the way Barn's does!


 Give me the first few words, would you Ange?

WBMUTBB mailing list

This And That

2010-06-29 Thread DAVID QUINN


 On TAGS, I think the writers used overalls as a shortcut to say to the viewers 
Hey everyone, this person is a farmer. When you only have 30 minutes, you 
have to learn to do shortcuts.   Kinda like when someone comes out on the stage 
with floppy shoes, and a big red nose, we know immediately  that person is 
supposed to be a clown or a funny person.  

On the subject of making money, down here in middle America during the 50's and 
60's, a kid could make all the money he wanted to make.  He could make as much 
as a grown man all summer long. There were great number of crops needing to be 
harvested.  With so many crops, the farmers were not picky about the age of the 
workers as long as the boy was big and strong.  I started at the age of 12 
making a man's wage ($1.00 an hour).  There was cotton to be hoed, hay to be 
hauled, broomcorn to be cut, cotton to be picked, pecans to be gathered.  Many 
times, children were taken out of school to work in the harvest.  And don't 
worry about children getting independently wealthy, because their parents took 
95% or more of their wages.  Different reasons were given for the confiscation 
(buying school clothes, saving for college, etc), but the results were the 
same, children were not allowed to have large sums of money.  Sadly, now a days 
machines do all of the harvesting and children are deprived of the joy of 
working and learning the value of a dollar.  Some of my happiest days on earth 
were spent in the harvest fields with my friends.


Orville Hendricks - The butter and egg man.  Now all I harvest is the feed for 
my chickens.
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Mayberry Days Accommodations

2010-06-29 Thread Jeff Koontz
I just got word that Dr. Flippin's Bed  Breakfast now has 3 rooms available 
during Mayberry Days if anyone is interested in very nice accommodations during 
the festival. It is located in downtown Pilot Mountain, an easy 16 minute drive 
to the Andy Griffith Playhouse.

It's BIG!


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Making Money as a Kid

2010-06-29 Thread PLV
As a girl growing up in the '50s and early '60s in a small Chicago suburb, I 
did quite a bit of babysitting after about the age of 12. At about that same 
age, my mother got me an unofficial job at the newspaper where she had 
started working part-time. It was published on Thursdays, so after school on 
Tuesdays  Wednesdays I came in to type featured stories into a machine that 
produced a sort of ticker tape. When the tape was run back, it produced a 
fully-formatted camera-ready copy. I can't remember what the machine was 
called, but it seemed very high tech at the time!

Several of you folks have mentioned growing up in the country, so I'm surprised 
I haven't heard of anyone earning money in the late summer by de-tassling 
corn (which is what it was called around here). I was never an outdoor kind of 
girl, but when my 3-years-younger sister turned 15 she jumped at the chance to 
get into the surrounding cornfields. That was a very coveted summer job, as it 
paid very well for a relatively short portion of the summer and it was a really 
sociable experience. The kids all met up very early in the mornings at the high 
school, where buses were waiting to take them out to the farms that had 
contracted for their labor. They'd work for most of the day, I think 'til 
mid-afternoon, then the buses would return them to the school. I remember my 
sister would still have time before dinner to go to the local swimming pool for 
a few hours, so she considered that summer job to be the best imaginable!



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Forwarding digests - repercussions

2010-06-29 Thread Kathryn Darden
Personally, I think it is in poor taste to post someone's private emails
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The Andy Griffith Show Program

2010-06-29 Thread Jeff Koontz
Browsing ebay, I saw the item below. There is an interesting history of the 
program in the description and each page is scanned so you can read Andy's bio 
and see the other artists on the tour. Interesting name for the 1955 event too.

WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-06-29 Thread susan dougherty

  I hate to disagree with wikipedia but in the introduction episode of tags 
Danny Thomas gets stopped by Andy in Mayberry for not stopping for a stop sign 
where there was no road. I would think that Andy could be considered a 
supporting actor in this episode which was aired as part of the Make Room For 
Daddy Show starring Danny Thomas. What do you the reader think? SUSAN WV 
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: spin offs

2010-06-29 Thread daltonarick
You know it is either December Bride or someting else where the character Riley 
retired.  The show was Life of Riley.  It was on the 50s.  Riley retired and 
every time Riley went to get in the backyard hammock, something would happen.  
Priceless.  All In the Family, as y'all have noted begat many as well as Happy 
Days which TV Land named Ron Howard Opie Cunningham.  I have loved this 
discussion very much and the sweet memories it has given.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Heckmondwike, England

2010-06-29 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. Recently I took a machining class at the local community 
college. While working on a metal lathe I looked at a tag attached by the 
manufacturer. The tag read Mfg. in Heckmondwike, England. Maybe Malcolm knew 
someone who worked there.

  Larry in Lincolnton
It's a lovely place, Heckmondwike. I say it's a lovely place.Malcolm 

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Biography Channel

2010-06-29 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. Wow! Tonight on the Biography Channel was Andy Griffith. 
Great stuff! He was a talented and complex actor. It was followed by The Andy 
Griffith Retrospective. I laughed till I cried. Not only because it was funny 
but because it was so heartwarming. The greatest reason it was a success was 
because of the love of the cast members for each other. I love it.

  Larry in Lincolnton 

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Primetime Television BCE

2010-06-29 Thread Albert

I see Keevy Hazelrock is coming on The Ed Sullistone Show tonight. Isn't he 
the same guy that was in the Bobby Flint band?

No, Fred. You're thinking of Jim Lindseyshale from the town of Mayboulder.



Wilma Flintstone, Bedrock.
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