
2011-04-19 Thread Ctmidway57
I will beg to differ on the countdown to Mayberry Days not starting  yet
Countdown to the next Mayberry Days starts the day the present one  ends!!
Haven't done much lately on the groupand now Carol is down with  
Welford TheCameraNu!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Citizens arrest on Andy

2011-04-19 Thread Holland Shoaf

No, not the episode with Gomer running around yelling citizens arrest , but 
the episode with Barneys Uniform.
Andy is warning Fred Plummer about Barneys Judo experience.
While he's doing this Andy is nonchantly eating grapes sitting out in front of 
the grocery store.
I say  Stop Thief, Citzens arrest  !
I know, I shoudnt have mentioned it.
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Curious Building In Mayberry

2011-04-19 Thread Richard Rehm
Has anyone else noticed that ,light colored, building behind the Taylor 
appears at the beginning of Andys English Valet as Andy takes Aunt Bee to the 
bus station.Watch over their left shoulder.It shows up again at the end of Aunt 
Bees Brief Encounter as Bee talks to the fix it man about having her bread 
sharpened and her umbrella repaired.At first I thought it might be the 
factory where Otis worked as a glue dipper,but there are no windows to vent 
those noxious glue fumes. Well, maybe Otis wasnt just high on 3.2.  

Lots Of Luck To 
You And Yours   Joe 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Song

2011-04-19 Thread Ken Anderson
A pastor friend send me the lyrics to this song.  I am not familiar with it at 
all, but it is great.
She said it is recorded by the Rascal Flatts.  Is anyone familiar with it?

Mayberry lyrics
Songwriters: Smith, Arlos Darrell;

Sometimes it feels like this world's spinning faster
Than it did in the old days
So naturally, we have more natural disasters
From the strain of a fast pace
Sunday was a day of rest
Now, it's one more day for progress
And we can't slow down
(And we can't slow down)
'Cause more is less
('Cause more is less)
It's all an endless process

I miss Mayberry
Sittin' on the porch drinkin' ice cold cherry coke
Where everything is black and white
(Nana nana nananananana)
Pickin' on the six string
People pass by and you call them by their first name
Watchin' the clouds roll by
Bye, bye

Sometimes I can hear this old earth shoutin'
Through the trees as the wind blows
That's when I climb up here on this mountain
To look through God's window
Now I can't fly
But I got two feet that get me high up here
Above the noise and city streets
My worries disappear

I miss Mayberry
Sittin' on the porch drinkin' ice cold cherry coke
Where everything is black and white
(Nana nana nananananana)
Pickin' on the six string
People pass by and you call them by their first name
Watchin' the clouds roll by
Bye, bye

Sometimes I dream I'm drivin' down an old dirt road
(Down an old dirt road)
Not even listed on a map
(Ooo, yea)
I pass a dad an' son carryin' a fishin' pole
But I always wake up every time I try to turn back
(Always wake up)

Now I miss Mayberry
Sittin' on the porch drinkin' ice cold cherry coke
Where everything is black and white
(Nana nana nananananana)
Pickin' on the six string
People pass by
And you call them by their first name
Watchin' the clouds roll by
Bye, bye
Bye, bye
(Bye, bye)
Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-04-19 Thread Paul Mulik
Paul, I see you've been into that 10 cent Learn-a-Month magazine again.

Don (not no count) Good

WBMUTBB mailing list

The Manicurist--her story

2011-04-19 Thread jgrit1
There is a new (not sure how new) biography out by Barbara Eden

Since Barney has the copy checked out of the Mayberry Library I skimmed it last 
night at a bookstore.  Sadly I did not see any reference to her stint as the 
Mayberry manicurist.  She does mention working on I Love Lucy, and what a 
womanizer Desi Arnaz was..and what a true genuine friend Lucille Ball was (who 
appreciated her resiting Desi's advances).  She also talked about how stressful 
it was on the set of I dream of Jeanie due to Larry Hagman's addictions and 
issues.   It make me appreciate how calm and united the TAGS gang was (as we 
hear it).  If your biggest issue is Francis being a bit of a loner at 
times..then alll is going pretty well.

I think we've heard enough abou that Count Istvan Telecky tomato  (I'm 
kidding).  it reminds me of the Mr Mark Harney (Marconi) and Miss Ellie Mae  
(Miss Ellie may I say) discussions we have had in the past.Now if we could 
just solve the Ray Follister mystery

 The Untraind Voice
Don't believe what you hear until you read it

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's Near Death Experiences

2011-04-19 Thread Ken Anderson
I think Andy came very close to having a near death experience on several 
occasions.  One was when Helen caught him with the Fun Girls in the courthouse 
and the other was when Helen was sitting behind Andy and Mavis Neft at the 
diner. You heard the old saying, If looks could kill. I think the vein was 
even sticking out on Helen's neck.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Rascal Flatts' Mayberry

2011-04-19 Thread Susan Blank
Yes, I am VERY familiar with this song!  Rascal Flatts is a popular country
group who must have a strong connection with TAGS.  They record songs they
really believe in, and it's worth a listen!  It really hits home, talking
about the good old days, when Sunday was a day of rest, and the value of
small town living. 
Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Ken!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Hey to Goober!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-04-19 Thread Dan Goodwin
Paul, I suspect the comedienne with the strong Southern accent might be
Chonda Pierce.


WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-04-19 Thread Dan Goodwin
What?  Has Learn-A-Month gone up to quarter?  But then, I guess a good
education is worth it.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Birthday

2011-04-19 Thread Sheryl McBride

Thanks, Allan, for letting us know about Jim Clark's birthday. Happy birthday, 
Jim ! Allan is 
right. We owe you a debt of gratitude for our Mayberry Community . Hope you 
a Mayberry day. 

Sheryl in NC
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Mayberry CAME to Westminster

2011-04-19 Thread Rusk, Thomas E SFC RET
The accolades continue to come in for our huge Mayberry event this past weekend 
in Westminster, SC. Estimates by the City and the Chamber of Commerce put the 
numbers around 8-10,000 in attendance. 
Click on the web site and you can check out some more photo's. Again a BIG 
thanks to all, especially our wonderful friends the Tribute Artists.

Carolina Tom 


Mayberry CAME to Westminster and a good time was had by all!  
I Wish Life Was LIke The Andy Griffith Show -Rodney Dillard  

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 12, Issue 114

2011-04-19 Thread Harriet Browder

 Barneys bullet was in the proximety of 10 to 15 degrees off the direct path 
 to Andys position.

I'll take a rude if'n I'm wrong but I believe the scene plays out as this - 
Andy tosses the rock through a break in the wall of the barn and hits a can 
(his target). The can is directly related to the location of where the mean ole 
criminal is sneaking up on Barney. When Barney is startled at the sound, he 
stands, turns, and draws his gun. He is facing and aiming towards the sound, 
not where Andy was positioned outside the barn. This act allowed Barney to have 
his gun drawn on the mean ole criminal. If Barney had arimed towards the hole 
in the wall where Andy was, it would have allowed the mean ole criminal to 
attack Barney from the side.

Harriet, the chicken thief in Kelsey's Woods, USA
 ..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's an 
old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married...   
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-04-19 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. Happy birthday to Jim Clark. Thanks for making our 
Mayberry lives so much richer, I 'preciate it.

  Larry in Lincolnton

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: TAGS is everywhere, even in Family Ties

2011-04-19 Thread Harriet Browder

Whodda thunk that Michael J. Fox would have a direct link to TAGS  I just 
read in AARP's magazine - Yea, I'm over the hill - that he added the J. to his 
name in honor of our own cousin Virgil - Michael J. Pollard. In the immortal 
words of Johnny Carson, I have to say, I did not know that.

Harriet, the chicken thief hiding out in Kelsey's Woods USA
 ..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's an 
old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married

WBMUTBB mailing list

Odd duet

2011-04-19 Thread tubist
I heard a funny song on the radio just now, it was a duet between Johnny Cash 
and Barney Fife (sung by an impersonator). The lyrics contained several 
references from The Show, such as going to Mt. Pilot and dating Thelma Lou, and 
numerous references to old Johnny Cash songs, such as A Boy Named Sue, Walk the 
Line and Ring of Fire. Has anybody else heard this?

Paul Mulik
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone
WBMUTBB mailing list

taking a car apart

2011-04-19 Thread
Don't know if any of you get the car fixing column in the newspaper, Click and 
Clack, but they take questions on car maintenence and problems.  In Sunday's 
paper a man wrote in and asked if he could easily disassemble a car for a play 
he was in.  He said they need to have a car on the stage for each performance 
but then had to take it apart inbetween shows because of another play on the 
same stage.  
Anyway, he was advised not to do that.  Way to complicated.  
Gilly, you don't run a car fast all the time, you drive her slow ever now and 
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
Colonial Cottage
120 Arch Hill Rd.
Zanesville, OH  43701

Groupon#8482 Official Site
1 ridiculously huge coupon a day. Get 50-90% off your city#39;s best!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: happy birthday

2011-04-19 Thread daltonarick
Happy birthday jim and this for putting up with us nuts.
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

WBMUTBB mailing list

My New Poem

2011-04-19 Thread Ken Anderson

What If?

What if Sheriff Taylor

Had worn a gun upon his hip?

And what if Otis Campbell

Had never taken a nip?


What if Opie Taylor

Had hair as black as coal?

And what if Reverend Tucker

Had never saved a soul?


What if Aunt Bee Taylor

   Had made pickles that won 
first prize?

And what if Gomer Pyle

Had never worn purple and acorn ties?


What if Floyd Larson,

Had never joined a lonely hearts club?

And what if Briscoe Darling

Had never bathed in an old copper tub?


What if Barney Fife,

Had bullets in his gun?

And what if Skippy and Daphne

Had never came to Mayberry for fun?


What if Ernest T Bass

Had never thrown a rock?

And what if Otis Campbell

Had never spiked the crock?


What if Helen Crump

Had never gotten mad at Andy,

And what if Goober Pyle

Had never given Lydia candy?


What if Hubcaps Lesch,

Had never stolen a car?

And what if Johnny Paul

Had never told Opie about chewing tar?


What if all these what ifs,

Had never come to be?

Well my friends, I'll tell you,

Mayberry wouldn't be Mayberry.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list